Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), August 10, 1816, p. 2

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w miscellaneous p i retigtotu intesigcncei v ties w the semn wvki 0 r riil sifrifrtibt not viii pcr- wiih lralj interest the mlovinu letter in rclnii ui to the preisnt staf oj tli w chm aes r feff i in th limthr c iupt rs f the it d a of st john m dsht br1tmaa foreign blbtckcle art ffl liter from the reverend it ltxvsjr chplvr of the em- fyixm qfobntfaminpn relative to tke prestt slate of tha dfaxnfgptfc lint he cotfitasrisopwt jan 10 1810 a in laathrroto in you was or v p in f setting out on a short c- rriit hrto aia minor travelling irtivas 1 ttwi conrtrainjfd to do from the rircimstaneee of piy sit-iati- fr ths information t cmtul procure vi nt cc sup rsca1 aud uin- factory n- however 1 distributed the w hooks of the so fety m lirii i was jfebtataftirry with mo i think it necrs- jarytogfrc ma oftho course 1 trick the reenter itfcvrntrscfll kn- flrid with spvhuiv ill enable yon to procure as artimiliintviiince of it present state as 1 can pretend to offer front the convert hon i had with the rc bishop ami the clory its well r various well iitfcfrmt d individuals i am led tosnposp tint if the pnptla itoii of srnjje estimated at i 10000 i habitants thenare from 1 5 to 20000 guek 6009 aiwnlaii 3000 oi- thottat 110 iroustaats and 11000 jews affca smrnikfhc 6if plnro i visited has kpfessusj f feather as the site u nrjtf3itc the ain aiaatick which conirf5ofabut i j p r entires 1 f neither bat three chrwtiaiik two fithtsfc hr keo a mall shop and a pardoner ttejrnreall three drojks aad their ign iraneq is lamentable in- d in that pbee w hich was bless d en rt ii apostles labors and ihftsiftrf hi ilousashtan aittviri rnti- v in have not so ruiich h hoard oi i apoho ar srn only to rocognize the najoj of paul as oafl in fli calen dar of their saiis vo of tliem i rund 1 turcftdn httlft nmllrfr vith him new tvtamrnt inaiicicnt and rmtdrri ircck ai if h rxprcsscd n strops d iir- to rrad and promnvd me h- wmi d not in- lnd if hlncn it inil hud it to us frituis hi ih neiyhboiir- ing tflltacs my eexi object was to sc hanciccii ii ciss r ftd to this 7s guclhtsar a larsfe tovn uith oie church and tout 700 uhrbttusi in eiitrdifij wifu tlio iiests hete i fi liud thejn so ufte ac uaiitfed jfh t biblc r r y r icw tcstetnetj ia a a form thai ty had nodis- f k ledgi of tits books it contain- i vorj fh- four g rp js hr rnon- i tioin d hm indi6criminattiy niiii va- rion n- d- and utira of saints c ha cni ihltijr three eiesof tlrf imodtiifn jr tete itamcut since mj re turn abont thre nnlcs from l di- tvi dmuli nhich has been styled brt i nm inrlnvd to think ftroncousv th ucicnt colo so it is n ronsidra- blctowa with about 400 christians gfukrf and anneuiatjs fach of icborn ha a church i regret however fo sa thai here also the most cxlrcyjiranr tut a of mirachs and ftbulouaaccounts of x s and jtdir- had so u-uro- d eip place of the scripture as to r nd r it very ttfficuu to separate in thiir minds divine troths from human inventions i i frit that hcre that un- bappj tinu uasconvhcn mm should tarn avay ther ears from the troth and be tunid unto tkbles ivhad withmnsome copies of the co pi iiiaucieni greek which i dis- triucd iire a in some othor places tiijouh which 1 had pawed eki-hi- tar caose o nhich are the remain- of ancient loduva contains about lift po inhabitants in which number are but two chrirtuns vrbo live together in a small mill unhappity- noujwr of thrnuouidreadat ail he copy herc- foio of the nw testament which i iivtcndfd for this church 1 left with t at oi dcnrili tbe oltsprihg aad poor rgmaaw oflacdja and colossc the praytrs ef the moquo are the onh prnyers wliich are beaid near the ruins of ciodiceao irhicji th threat seems to iave been fully executed and its itfter n jitrtion m chorcjl- fteft it for rhilsidelpbia now alah- dvhr kwas ffratifyiug to iind at jr t some furvivin fruit of early zeal hre atjcaf khatcver may be lost of the tpfrit of cimstiaaity there is still tiienfa christian church this has hen kept twin hie hoar of tempta- tion which duoc upon ail ihe christi an world there arc licrc about 1000 chrisfianschieily greeks who for the mnsf part speak only turkish there arc twentyfive plnces of public wor- jdpfiraof which are large regular churcbcfi o these there is a resident hihepi twenty fatfen a pop of the nioden grrck tcsfa- qfeiit as reeeivrd hv hlg bishop with rrattfttinufi inraift l quitted abih- diehr deeply disappointed at hk stato- nvut 1 received there of the giinrcb of sartiis i trusted that ia its utmost ri- t it would mi have been suffered t- perish utterly atid i heftrd vritb sor- prtse tht nol a vetie ef t remained with wrlwrt satifwfin theu did i don the pn swdto a small church estabtulad the few chrisf- jrs ve dwell aroud modern sart wrj aavioes to sril titer and ye a chureb as ibey v ere lii the habit faectinatea h others houses for the exorcist of religion ffcom this design ihev vei pr bit l by karoiirau la tlie turkish tcvaivr of the dis trict and in conejuenc about fit years atliw built ft church upon ti ilnin ih i view of arcient sarni- and there thry tnaintarned a 1riet the place lus gradually risen into d litllc vittags now called tartarkennv thither the finv chrbtians of savt who amount te servnjtfnd those in i im- niedtnte vicinify resort for public wor ship and form together a congregatimi of aboat forty there appeal- there fill a remnant i a fov names even i saixlb vhieii have been preserved i cannot repert the crpresriniis ofgrati- rycte wiih v ideh tluy receivd a cop ifthe nm t lament in a lau with uhichthey were tamiiinr s rcr- al crowded about rh- lrsl to h ar i m in spot and i lefi tliem thus en aget akhearthe ancient thyatim is said to contain aboi i 3q0mq i hah- iicmits of v horn ioe arc christians a ireeks rxeepi aont 20 aimcni- ms there i however but one jreck church and one armenian the su- oerior of the fir k cuircl lo whom prce t d i lie itomaic jlesianicut es teemed it so great at reason that he enr- nctly pressed me if possibly to spare iin f her that i e might besecun d to the iliuivh and fieefrem accident while tiie other w m round among the peo- li for their private rndiu have ih iv iv re u n return hither sent hie four cpro the church of prrimo in respect to nuiiibei niajh b ad lo hourish s in lernmo the tovu 1 than a k-hhat- but the numb r ef christians me about as grat the prcportioit i vrmefiians t greeks nearl the ame and eah nation also hns one church the bisliop ef the district who oeea- iuniy r idi i there wih at thsa time absent and 1 ovporie- d wiri d nret that thi kpsidrgrttdirg werete- feitiy incapable of estimating ih gift i intended them f f v f re delivered tlso testament to the fay vuzr of the ii a hi urrtf rcquf he -av- ic raored me that ih bi hep irruld hjltlj prize so riloablft a- ncfjnisiflan i to the church and he seakd ranch pleased thai the benighted state of his natini had excited lie auuuin cf traer thus sir i have left nt least one copy ef rhmnnludffvrati word aifclicu at each of the sevefi asiatic charch f apocalype and 1 trust they are ol j uterl threivn away but- whoever ma plant it is rod oidy vrho can ghe file increase and from his goodness we may hope they will b due time bring forth frutf m some ttiirt some sixty and seme an hundred fold f believe mo sir ever ours most fcmly henry lixdsaf fenor clergy to the two feafl which cn orr jflaud and tlv neck of land between them a mounting t rcareety4 m averifc to the idea of a junftion f aa lo open a commttoicatioo ncrota th kingdom and tlitrcbycut offtlw ktag dangerous oavi- gation by the laups e the pent- land frith an object f v utility and which wa at lull pily completed on t c z8th july 1790- this great and arduous undertaking was 22 years in completing ilie cantl its courfe pafies over ten lafge an 33 fmall acqueduct bridges beftdes numberiels rocks precipices and qyickfaadi j croi fes two caultderabk rivc the liaviw and the luggiea5 wellqs many rivulets and roads in fotwe daces it mm tho i deep mofs in others it i banked 20 feci high an j there are jj jraw bridges ver t navigation this great inland navigation is fupplied with water by 7 re fervoirs covering 400 acreof giotmdi and eoocaialng 12679 loekfuiis cf wa ter and when the uicreale of trade hall require it the comjmy ofpropri etors of the forth and clyde naviga tion have it n theii power to add other two refervairs capable of containing 15 9 8 lockfulu more the affaiis of this company were orfgmatty under the dircqion of two general mectinws one htd at london the other at edinburgh each of which met querteily and the iirlt ofthefe choofe a committee of man agement annually but ir orders to 1 he committee being fomeumcfl contra didory an act was palted in 1 787 for ming a new conititution whereby the dirccaion was placed in a governor and council at london tnd a committee of management at glaow who met monthly or ofuner icth are chofen by a general meeting m london in march yearly at jauuary ift 1791 the company had expended in this n dcrtakfnr about 530000 the que du6t bridge rver the kwn alone hv- innr co stote 1777 the tonnage and wharfage dues have great- fly rnen afd but m re particularly fince the jutuftionof the two s in 1 790 as communication between iceland and tv eaft fca is the by fhorted a ve soo miles the grofs rvrn in 179 wc expected to exceet ll4coo u confequcncc ofwhii h fin original oiaics in companys lock vhli 77 wj at 90 per cent are n feling 5 prr cent above par the pxvreme lenjjlli of the navigation from lo- no- i 0 the forth to lock no jq cly u 57 mile- ditto nf t cc cur to glfgow zl an- t port dumb to the ivfonfctand bn m the lu m t of the had h 5 f medium width uf the im face 56 fenrth of the ncki between ln0 p f vffelaofi9 feet lv rpt jc f d asiddrattirtg nearly f w r cmi paft along the qaviwatiun te bank havfor bcetiniad a fe fi c 1787 te chief part of the 1 e arifea frrm grain and tiber- i bere ww 3351 44 balls ef gram care along it fror lit january 1 7y to i ft january 1792 with 614a too of flay and 17323 tont- of timber am fo philajsbkht true dnurum 1 fee in the reifgirws ififelucnccr bible societies the contributions to the british and foreign bible society from march i is j to ajairh 31 1815 arc 15s gti rtorling thr number of h scriturcs issued during that period as whist bibles 123776 vtistalllfiriftk making a total issued from the com menccrotmt of the institution to thai period of s16 7l778 testvments the following anecdotes of the cno- fmtdpeivioua my f17 beings fiib as they we thecvetung lu fore when ihc a me tern uiuy w rs here fr continued he i am rryfrli a marricdman- havefevcrai faect children nd venerate the fanities of llic conju- gal and domrllic relation- onmvobivvintogen rofsuvva a part pity thai the elegant library haj been burnt with the capudl he replied with much concern i lament molt hn- ccrely that i was not ipprted of the cir- cumrtance for hd i known it ill time the books would molt ceitainjy havebcen fiived nci her do i fuppofe genera- faid l you would have burnt the picfnieuts houf had mrs madifon remained at h me no fkt raid he i mke war nei ther agtiinfl tetters not ladies and 1 have heard fu much in praiic of mrs wadifon that 1 would rather protect thanbnn a honfe vhich fteltered fach an excellent lady in praifiig commodore barney for hu behaviour at the battle of bladens- hllljr a br-v- officer iii laid he he had only a handful of men with him nd yet he gfcvfi us a fevere hock i am forty he wa wounded bowever t immediately gsve him a parole and hope he wiil do well had half your anov cantinurd he ben compofed of fuch rren aa the commodore comman ded wih the advantage you had iu chocne your pfnion we mould never have got to your city vvhat evinced more the nvgnanimlty of this officer he ntver uttered an ex- pvefhon in my prefence agamo the pes- idvnt or any nf the officers of govern ment but often prffed the deeped rerrtctth3t wtt had taken pare between tvn nations f marly allied both in con- runtrumiryand inrered i can moreover truly fay i never faw the fun beam or one cheerful fmie on gn rofs all the ire he wao in wsdhmgtork his eotift- tenare feemexl conftantly hi ended in the clofc lhrde of a thonghtftil rohid j four diftingttfhttd iturensbf alt m- idiia waited n dmiiaj cokhurn wiih terms i if rapiiulatinn he replied urith eharftviiic brevity gcntlcinen 1 have nothing to fay nil y m in ft cell me whtuicr captrin gordon 13 in light of alexandria or ret they replied he va not well th n gentlemen j i am ready to negotiate with you md now all 1 have o fv r v wr pm d mud have them but let mc v yon for evcv article we take you ihall beal- lowed a fair price- sctrciy hu 1 thefe gentlemen left the ivom when one of the olftceri entereti and iud tltat ifir ba k could net be burnt iv i thou c injuring prkiite property wru theo iiid he jtcrnly ft pull it dttw j 11 admfrd 6td h c yui do not wi1i j to bum private properly m no fnd j he 4i d0 not blt th s 19 puluc pf j pcrty noriv continued f the uiuvd stato have no bank here now tliiy u ahogthei private propoly 41 are youcptum of that faid he yes isir i pledge vtiy hononru i sn yatc property welhhfiu feid lie toj the oflr c let it aone rtl- and reached me out pstcj cf gol fix doubloons i rxcniv i myf f from taking fo lare a fee large rn gwd sir fnid he w we arc only mor idwl to think it is fo fmal but it is i afuiac yo- all te fpecie we have with us if you wiil accept a bill from our govcrnmentiwe will make it better worth your fervices inoi the dttchkss onjiitvur njuffxty or a tom to see your sttn afo mini auvsl 1 8 1 5 twenty ono yddrrf old to day huzza having and iiarvt done mounted old dubbhuv with m jnjudny cloths on and a tea dollar bill in tiy pocket goibg to see vork uite never was out ofconnec- ficut in my life- took cou in tchahod in my route and got niy duner for nothing rcrosed tn linj fast 1 fnre night doftfc see but vork rtafr- folks are civil enough voutlrr rf thy know iiow to read saw icjiool tinnsn thowguf they had noucv hero siopj d at ttverrnnd put up- rood supptr and good idine dont ee but uv tlv folk live a c here as fhoy do in couricflcut la wonim fits and st wncp fonriy vonderhnr tlwycaii oit vork money plinr- unliamu mcuttfd and jogged on mrf rjuater and enquired the mad tf poughkrep i appeared civil aad clever enough tvouder what they iieu ro hang then for good sam tjuess the may raise great pnciphin aud onions hero turnpike gitcr gt a bottle of beer of the tfina prcttv eod boor wonder utile made it- men making biick qtecr thinj3 lo mix moiter with winder what hey call vi ot into pouikeepi nboul nomi houves fhici as sptte ivyrr aw a city before in my hw vrr to a tavjrn and pful old pob- biii up fo iiv jjatsoroc dumer aud rhm viiid nut to see the woedcrmeiu- rri te place l ucs loolied a ftav a t if ihey wero fcoiiisj to mectin- viuoiiltli have meetings here mios h di bco soad st eph trfrim ionuels fh- indies woar pull eui down nveitliir faces as though ih- ntr dieio the galtovr cr had i rvvlniv il ihe baekd ide nt li- d- u- il firk their llfuf rittl ol condis mistoojc tho bacjksidc c a larks head wiih orc of those tjv i boms ou for h rfnee thouis iook d nt mo a niotih i va a 1 c r a doctor or some groat thing- 1 tuade her vieit eoumu i hnbod cal u ijnarkr facad bdw before i found to iiimaki sijui drenk ilht vorfcvtie fashlom woii r hut the gcetletnort ejr boot 4 for this hot vi ttv ihrir torkinj arc dirty or efe luivnt ut any boot tassels j jiswd things to keep r lua fly hair tether way nil on the fop of 1 i hnii braidedaudtwktcdaud siuim d round aud ronod like as vc vj a i r vj vind vp n bed cord t ii i3 ktt tx kill tjie bays ril r vut thev call it mo i hire of wafliinglon are felewl frojlfrom him he beckoned to an enfh fi dr ewella account oftheevenr theijli r to come to hi iilit nec r iie folj dooria a gentleman ofcharft ri dier nitanriv ilenpl nvyatid rendered the the oflir let it a one j i v be a od nam s as com barney lay on k battle vakeoknfhbohvheiijijctlioin pound bat wound- and hdplds and j f foretcpgrer fhdr hu own by uij own order rm mil it a f richer tela exclamve of c jjos circulated iyotnlp- positorie abroad in all nm wiuioti tico hundred uid tftncttf nine thousand tieo hundred d etghtytvo scotland forth and clyde navigation by thefe rivers scotland almofl di vided into two parts the forth falls into the eaft fca below edinburgh and has an eafy communication with the whole eattern coall of great britain with france oftend holhmd hamb urg pruffia dantzfck rnfha stye den denmark norway ami greenland the clyde falls into the at ian tic ocean below glafgow and communicates with the weftcin coah of crcat britain with ireland the fouth of franc por tugal spain the meditcrancan ameri ca and ilic weft indies fhefetwo riv ers thus falling in oppofuedircrttiona in- reedtabilityi and hie flatement stay be relied upon extract 11 la flic mean tine rfgane up to whom i was introdnuex be had jufr come iu time to infer fom what ad- miral cockhurn had fald that my houfe had been robbed in a tone that vili forever endr him rreai perfe8 gtntkmat bfrrved that he wa very forry to hrar that my houfe bad been d and begged i wonlri tel him which u war and lie would order a fen- tinel to guafd it u thi f my heuff fir f 1 with an amiable embarraitment he re- phed w why fir thu i the houfe we had pitched on tor oftr hr 1 uartens 1 told him u i vvi glisd of it and re grctcd that he had ml tvken it earlier as my property would then have been protected jie obferved i he xould not think of trefpaifirig on the repfe of a piivate fj- mily anj that he w uld order his ha gaeoqt of my houfe imrrcdiatelv i carneflly begged he would fliiicoh- fider it as his headquin trs well fir fail fcr m fice ycu arc fo ftood as t infifl on our flaying at you houfe 1 confent bu i will endeavour to give you as little trouble r polliblc any aputmcut umlr your roof will fuf- fice mc iakcd him to actfompat me end 1 would hew a loom he ahenied aud i conduced him to rty own bed cham ber he refufed en fome time to ac cept of it and inlkkd i flmuld go and bring mia ewdlhci0 obieiing that fflil it a r reduinny to eatdi me j jf nk like aspiiu i vveitf hn k i o rfqircd fvifv h jfriry yu areanwe fellow fam the cwrnmndore e nd i am prry i have nt a pwrfe fr you hut hci my gold wjtch you are wehome to it no sir replied the kniehman u can ajist abrade man i without being paid for ii an an encan gentleman obferved to admiral gockjuin that if wafhiagton had been alfve yoo would not have irot- iten to this ctv fo eafy u no sir re- plied the admiral if gen waflnngtol hd been prdident we fli on id not have thought of coining here on the 2 jtn in the afternoon as the genera and admiral weie ftandtngon the pavement rt my door a dirry loekinp weman rained with blood came limning jby cxclaining thut a britifii feiior had killrd her cockbnrn with every mark of indij- nation inflantly give orders for the ail oki to be mattered on parole and ta the man whm he dcfiguatcd a the p- r- ipurntorof tlead fhould be hot with out delay onexamining her wound it was found they were quite fl ihy ancfighn the admiral afterwardsfcit for me and faid we were determined fir to have the failor dot wh tabbed that poor wo- j hut it gives us plcaiure lo lean that it is your opinion her wounds are not mortal abftfhaa however been wounded and more than pftnfmbfa by ue of oar own men we think it hutjtift that flic fhould be cured at our own ex- pct fe- that part of the bullncf we fli dl be obliged to confide to you and fo your trouble wcbg of ou to accept of this i ho mrern and ordered old dobhiu r qtnfrtsof oafcj esttera clever fell id rite uueboutihti customs rnd wjen- fafamiu o thn place imss till fhoy told me what made ci indies wajh so nighty strait and pun as hey wear coaselefs or c srlt or v or something ive fo 6 tjie me fc what the dace k tbn mp 3 cfl wby tis a kind otl 3fiy he tluifhfv wer weil im b- smdif that dont- a s uwei heard of such n ie i fore hoiifa love o scevm li all dw with tiieir cosfietfi oa m b sirff lwyd achfi before mf bihv j im which of the revn semes do a know thai says f shouldnt kn ff if tluy uen fifty cossefft c o tm s easy eiumfjhy says he can toltevi c r ri fossae street woihlt why fi of the ladies wr their wns so i t lueorfiihim jackbootswotmii hflrdljr reneh run heard a j buck my he didnt cure n dam how h fhev carried thu fafthloh es iid look comical if they cflrrieuh rrik h higher faith promised h u i left homo to jet ififlp molly a n monet went into a milliuers eh and told hn woman 1 wanted a bomi fir my sbtor vlnlly of the tp fashion vea sir says she 1 lia some livjit from voikof the ilnlity and foil sst fi felon here r ir that i presume wilt u it your u r 1 aefl lonkcn at her bound it like her old lasfvems one a iye maam jou neednt think to y ma olfwilh onr old dids nud truno idorft catch old birds wiih rhilf i

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