saturday august 24 1816 kin ton i volume m no ga i kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars pfr annum 7 price of advsrtifing in the gazette six lines and under 26 tint iniciuon nad 13 every fubfequcnt ten linos and under 34 firfl infer tion and fi every fubfequcnt ten lines and upward 4 per line firft infertion and zd per line every for cecuing infertion advertifemeiit6 unaccompanied w written directions are inferted till forb- and charged accordingly wanted for his majestyo service 1000 bushels pease 500 bushels oats 20 tons 11 ay the whole to be delivered into the commiflariac magazines at kingston by the earliest practicable period- tenders for the above fupply will be received at this office commissariat office f 8 kingston 2 tb june 1 8 1 6 new goods ftlhe subfcribers having received by the late arrivals offer for fale on j the lowcft terms for cafh at their stores j in kinoflon either wholefale cr retail 1 blue and while di- i cloths kcrfey meres flannels bombazetts domhaenes men sr womens hofiery iiifh linens diapers toweling sattins iuteftiings agonal saifiicts levantine bilks ribbons laces fooling ginghams lace veil silk shau is silk and leather glwes tejinwebs with a vanety of other mtule in the dry goods ltie also mufcovado and loaf sugar new goods i he subscribers have imported direct from london man- chefter birmingham and glasgow c an extenfive aftoitment of every fpecies of merchandize fintalc to the upper canada maiket the goods have been fclcdted with care and purchafed for cafh and will be fpolcd of either by wholefale or relail on the moft reifonable terms under the different heads of liquors groceries hardwares clothes flannels haberdash ery hosiery and carpeting stationary crockery glassware cord age c he they would enumerate the fullowing articles viz verybcft pert i brown o shirting auc sheet j l p madeira f w in linens laces cambricks sd fine old brown sherry veilings sattins ribbons bik l p l m teneriff i silk handkerchiefs hibberts hrfl iwvn stout by the navy blue black gray and fafhionable calk or dozen i superfine bioad clothes and cas- ir3rdy gin c c c llmercs- teas sugars loaf and mufcovado ladies and gentlemens glove and coffee sauce of evety deicription hotieiy carpamg of various pat loch fine herrings by the keg terns pearl barley muiiaid soap candles an afiortmentof schoolbooks and sta- by the box scotch oat meal triary paints and oils alerted glafr ware and crockery by the crate crawley and bliitcred steel swedes i- 1 or cafe and packed to fuit coun 101 aftited duck pigeon and try shops snie shot naikitipikes of all forts gentlemen proof beaver hat mens tin plate and shea iron i yuth and bys cancel hair and frying pans spade and shovels plated do meus willow hats hollow wait hair cloth vhttewafh 1 ladies girls beaver tricnd bonnets scrubbing horfe shoe and la- white ft yci- blue flannels bie brollies i and green bvoad baize knives and fiukesaflbrted pei knives 2 to 3 v point lia kets counter panes sdffvtt spwcma rzm shaving cfefcj bcdtitk c locks hinges saw hammers storage and whafe at the cutlom- fiies gimbtcta c c c i ary puces and couimillion luiiuds tc- boths and shes cutcd at the ulna v nankeens cudmoyft stripes cottons juhj k i r by- charcoal wanted c i aaa bushels to he de zuuuu hvercd before the clofe of the navigation of 1816 at dated peri ods or seven hundred bufhvls to be delivered weekly until the end of march 1817 any perfon wifting to undertake the delivery of the fame are requefted to fend foaled tenders to the navai storekeepers office point frederick on the 31 it inft navai yard kingston jtf 15a may 1816 mr marshall member of the college ofsur- geotisy london 3 and uctscku fy ills iilllnc till govkrsor in tjlitl- to ill my k p1jvs surgery ax mdmffaly rakevs the liberty to inform the public ihat i 1 s moved fron air patrick smyths boufc to mtffra johns a finkees where all calls i his line will be iruediauly attmded t n b families and other may be fupphed vith iraii quantiueftof genuine drugs and patent mmd1c1nms kingsivui th xiugujls i8 it por ivy the fotoicivg is ertrartedfrow a bedb- 1 utifut pem written by jlhsar kami ivuite extf 0nsgutdj3e i is not fiiat my let is low that bids tiiw sihiu tear f flow it is not grief that bids me mourn it is that i am all alonew in woods and glotip i lro o roam w ben the tird heder hies him home or bv the woodland pool to rest whru pale the larlookson ti- breasts vt whon the silent evening shsj ith luilioowed airs and ymphnicsj j spirit takes atithrr tone and sighs that is all alone the autumn loaf is car and rjadj a boats upn th waters bed i would not be a leaf to die without recording sorrows sigh the woods winds with sullen wail tll all the same unvnicd tale iv none to smile when i am free and when 1 sigh to sigh with rue vet in my dreams a fortn i view that thinks on me and loves me too 1 start and tvlien thptifcirtij4 itowc 1 i jamaica spirit cogniac brandy holland gin bcft port spanifl sherry an madeira wines pcppermcntj shrnb molaftes teas prunes ratdna almmda barley pepper allfpice and indigo shawl diraitiei japr uo bin v walter mccunrfr w c kingfton 19th july 1816 for sale by the fubferibersj 40 boxes fine yellow soap cheap for cafh thomson h detlor kingston july 1 1816 5 to be sold 800 acres of land in the townihip of loughborough 200 acres in the townfhip of hun gerfoid a saw mill and gfiitmiil with two dwelling houfes out h mfe liable 6cc with 400 acrea of land a ciown leale in the townfhip of pitt burgh also a number of valuable town lots in the village of wellington for terms apply to amosanslt kingston july c 1816 j jonas ahbol espectfully trndes his f thanks to his cultomefb foi their liberal lupport mercantile cranfaciions fincehe came to this place and infrms iliem ilwt iie has in v commented bufi nef with evif iimas 6 whit f r under the firm of j un as abbot co and are now receiving a very general aflbrtiieni of fancy sf staple well adapted tnthis maiket hich have been feucitd bv one of the partners from 4 ihe laefl arrivals ut quebec and mon treal and purchafed for ready money they flatter themfclves their pureha- fes have been fuch as will enable them io fell their goodb a low as ta fe who have imported direft from europe the strictest attei tion will be paid to customers and goods fold at a very mo derate advance kingston yl itgust ti6 p s j abliot being about to re move 10 montreal requctta thoie who have demands against him to exhibit them and thofe who are indebted to him to make payment 9 lamts i uanjsja littch hilr and jcwvuer resrpectfuilly infemi ins friends and true public in g ueral that he has jtift recwivtd a very elegant affortment of jeweley gold and silver v attune patent leav- ei and plane muiiical imliuircnts of all defcriptions fucih 3s double flatl ets clarionet- flutie c ladies work boxes plated crewt do candlehi ks do trarys do salt cellars anitoafl lid k- ivory handled knives and forks in feels whh carvers patent cork screws silvcr git and sled purfes silver and plated fifll knives do bfrtter knives tdo spoons silver riu and other srnuff 13xe razors sciftor- pen lcniv29 clocks fijhng tacle baggammoin boards cheitmen dice ssler rortoiife shjl and steel bpecktaclefi and a mumber of other ar ticles too numerous o mention which he will fell cheap forcfh n b alfo forme excellent smuff whoefait and retail watches and clocks repaired and clea ned in the belt mattqiet- and warrantee i cheap woolen goods he itibferibers have jnt received i by the late arrivau from their iwanufactorlng houfc in england a argc quanntv bf surtirflne second broad cloths laiiit peiiee cloths and cahsifius ns s jug of ota- ufa kj wauuloo bot tle lirecu brown and mixture tjioac clts brown french gray drab anj 7vd pelisse mollis b4w k bine and mixture donlve miud crtshheres which th y row offer for fale at the store nf messrs thomson 8l detlor vny lnv f jr cah jerry whitehead co notice sln charles whitlow proposes to deliver in this plaee la corfcof ledureson hot ant lhetin will coh ft ft of fifteen lec tures twelve of rnefe svili be delivered in the day time and three in the -vc- nrg the principles of the science will be illuftrated by paintings executed aceording to the direttin and under the fup iutemlmcc of the celebrated uoftor thorstos term of admittance ci j c for the cowrie and fur a tingle leciute 5- kingston augujl 6 1816 wtf i weep that i an all ah ne to these mild c inplainins of thfe sainted bard a rp chaitccterise h the ame tenderness of thought and elegance of expression ha- been famished the pen of mr- josiah coiuler of london c reading thb potm of solitudtj the qdvol oj whites remains sfut art thon thus indeed alone quite unbeiriiiidid al nnhnrn and hast hum then hifl name fnrgot vv he ininrdtlnframeuniliixdtln hit s not his voice in ptcmirrg gale reams not with him the star so pale h 1 hem a leaf ran fade tfrul die ljnnoticd by his watchful eye vieh fintternq hope each anxious frar icrtch lonely dllj mch eilmt tear to thiee almighty friend i- known viidsaystthou rhou art ai tall alone ltttl boy having been rivnch prai- d for his quickness of reply auentc man observird when einldrcn nv so keen in their youth they are generally stupid and dull as thy advance in irs what a very sensible hoy you must have been sir rhen replied ihe child serious affair rabelais tells us a story of one phii- 11 pot pi ur who being brisk and hale fell dead as lv v us p vying ni old drfyf which perhaps causes many not to nan their a fob fear of a ltkeacci- ounti kingston aug 1 1 b 16 i j i public notice i take notice 1 c t jleer i sprue w 5 of mod any quantity can be had at the cellar under the audtioi room of mr charles short john young p s all person wq are in debted to htm are reqiuoe to call with out dflay ard fettle their accounts kingston july j l8i6 5 for sale tkewesi hdf hi nu3iriraiiwteeni pp m 1 the iccrn i eoncefaun of flw towi auaftp0 the mails oifpatched from thij of freewill in future be doled at the fol lowing hours for lower canada monday at eight oclock a m thurlday at 10 oclock a m for york sandwich sec- monday at ten oclock a m pot office 1 kingston july ia 1816 j 6m2 notice the fubferibers being about to clofe their buiucis reqnell thofe to whem they aie indebted to fend in iheir accounts for payment and thofe in- ehed 10 thuu arc dcfiied to mke im i edine pay neat or their accounts will n uro ihe hands ot lu attorney for bupof eigfton prly to te printci vu mltan co u stolen or strycj c sunday the 1 ith inst a ii e young liver and white pointer do rbout five months old the property of major glegg should he be in ti pofleffion of any pcrfon in the neighborhood of kings ton th advertifer ryquests he may he immediately returned to rciidence at mrs anderlons k ingston any perfon detailing him after this notice will be profecjied kingston i l dht 1816 t i l o s t from the paii mr jethro jttckfott a cow a reddifh biindlc colour wh j on f head red white b y one buck horn part of one cur oil gj ncvt ro and three years old whoever will re turn the fame to h fobfcriber fliail re- ceive the reward of four dollar john scott kiogftonaug ij i6 xi for sale on reafonahle trms t ot no 17 h the townihip of fredericksburg vir jliy 17 in lhemitltof life we are in death died o saturday morning late mr william jones the youngest son of the late mr charles jones the maimer of his death deserves particular notice both from ihe shocking j circumstances attending it and mirynsjtgh biung a very valua ble and plcafantly tuuated fhm about 80 acres vitet good improvement the deceased kept a grocery ardwell fencei for tms appiy to j hsivinff occasion 10 leave im fublcriber on the preirdes as a solemn warning to others aaron conner marviurghj dkfpjfif ji6 xotl scr ips- a dashing yonng lady who understood thai lvttvnrhnient was the order of the dav said she had cut oif two of her lovers and should endeavour to im on with three iu future there were ro less then 700 man iwges solemnized in lmlon on the same evening with that of she princess cuauunxe and rmaerous bets are depending on ihe ysull i his shop on friday after dinner he had closed the front door carelessly flung the stomp of tf scoar i hat he hat been smoking behind him in ihe shop lm- mediatelv recollectins the im- propriety of the act he turned to see where it had fellen when melancholy to relate a keg of loose powder into which the segar had fallen exploded in an instant the house was blown to atoms and ilie wreuied au- i ho i- eft lie accident burnt and manglod iu so shocking a man ner that in li hours after dar- ins vvbicll iu suflbivd inconcei vable agonies he was a iiftie