Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), August 24, 1816, p. 4

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new goods o liroft eveiycefcriptioii jull rccc d and ijfrred for fale on term the mp acctvmfludatmtj by peter wersel yfmong which aie a very extenfveaf fort men t if dry goods together with a choice affortment of silks ribbons ladies bonnets gentmiens boys frefhteas loaf and mufovado su- jrr ping ladies twift and paper to bacco scotch rappc and maccboy snnik on jamaica spirits cogniac bran dy holland gin shrub peppermint porf and french wine cofce chocolate ginger llfpice ground pepper muflard nutmeg ctos ciuiamrin currants raifins figs poland stirch fig blue powder and shot corn and ilar tfroims winrw glas and puty axzs fcrw ogim steya sho ve fryng pans iron and stel 4- and 1 od cat nails 8d and lod wrought nails together with a general aflbrtment of hard and hollow ware al so 3 dnz coverlets i36dz wnriled h fe 12 m oildfrk hat covers 3 doz looking glares of various cvitts and of a fuperioi quality 30 bhk mefc pork 2o0 lbs hg8 lard 300 gallons raw and boild linfecd oil 200 prs mens bait of different qua- iitici 500 do d shee oo do ladles boot9 coo do do shoes 1000 do children root- shoe calf skins t leather harncfs leather and sole leather also 98 bufhels lorn 30 bbls srronz beer oats and flower kindlon march 1 5 1 8 1 6 42 1 f notice he oibfcriber refpeclfully inform i his friends and tlie public hat be is about ojcninga store in front of the new mtket houfe where he will do business on co vi mission will buy and fell store forward goods up or down the river tvip take in any orders of any defenpti- on in that line of bufinefs n b perfons dtfirous of committing corfinment to his charge may know jh rte- of ftorage and cmmiffion by cehm at the neweorrmiffi m ftore john duncan knilon dec 30 i8ij- 7 tuft received and for fale uft received and for this office at 30 re t ms wrapping paper a quantity of writing paper of quality no 2 1 1 reams writing pod no 2 9 ditto dirto uncut covert jj as juft received dired fiom lon don and offeis for fale the fol- vvipo jewelm f gold seals and keyo coloured and plain ear and finger rings luch as amethyil env rald topaz garnet and ruby red nnd white carnelian coral and imitation dimonds pcrral and imitation garnet steel purfes gilt chains seals and keyes also for ale one gold pat tent leaver watch made by haskell liver pool kingston rfugiijl 1816 9w4 groceries the fubfetibers having commenced bufinefs in the grocery line either whokfale or retail in this place where i hey will do their utmost to fupply the public on the most reafonable terms torn an ce f mieqd kingston 30th may 1816 c2 notice iphe fubferiber to the u c book j st ciety arcr informed that mi samuel merrill has taken the books and t a bilontting t- the society and thofe who wih to take their dividend of book- far the la car and fubfcribe t ward importing more books for another year are requeued to a without delay at mr ntrrrils store for that purpofe by order of the prcfuknt kingfton auguft 1 r s 16 9 i a ny pcrfon wttling to contract for ii erefting a building- intended for a school house nny fee the plan and lam the pariicu- lars by applying to juhnstqughton sccy m d s s kingston t nth august 18 1 1 adverlisemenl new goods ke fubferiber has just received and now offersfoi fale an cxttndvc and chofen aflbrtment of dry goods groceries and hardware yllso a well chefen aflbrtment of medicine the whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices torcafli or coum pro duce ewd j hendirson kingston 25 january 1 8 1 6 10 b s r public notice hhe fubferibet ha commenced run- iilog a stage waggon fen kingfton to erneft town village daily to leave b olcotts tavern at k jftodi every morning at fix oclock at 3 t the fame evening to com- me ce n monday the firft day of july evrry accommosation will be afforded to paflengcrs and bagae samuel purdt kingston 7uly 1 18 16 5 trapping paper ff i large and excellent quality jf r sacm this office ftlank bail bonds an sileriffs sales for bale at tlxib oiilu he fubferiber offers for fale the following lots of lands lots no 14 c 17 1 8 2 j and 26 in the qth conccffioii of the t w uflup f i tluriow i no 4 in the 8th conccflion of hun- tifigdon no 9 in tlie loth concrhin of row den no 31 eaft half 2d conceffion of sidney 200 acrcp in tlie 41b and coo in the 6h concefiin of the goic between er neli tnwn and frdericklbiifgh no 1 8 and 1 9 in the 8th tonccfllon of murray no 34 d 5 fn th- 4th conceffion of the townfliip or vaurrhnn also three town lots in the fwa of kingston of one fifth of an ece each- wm crawford frederyksbnrgh 26th june 1 s 16 4 35 reward 1 he re as on the morning cf the 5th inft a ran by name of rf chjri e barker ran away from prfc tt tt canada with ab out 1000 dollars the piopeity of the fubferiber any perfon 0 perfocs who wili npprfhend and fecire the laid rich ard e barker fo that he may he brot to juftice hall receive the above reward by applying to the fubferiber at prefcott upper canjda he is a man about twenty fix yea of age five fiet fix inches high frefh ci dexion light hair blue eyes round viige head a little bald at the time he made his eicape his ch tries were a black coat and pantaloon ftriped walflcoat 6v long biots it is to be hope that eve ry exertion will be made fur the fecuring of filch a cho rafter amasa wood presently i c june 8 116 e wool carding the fubferiber has erefted a card ing machine half a mile nsrth of mr mguins mill on collins creek in the to wnfhip of kingston and has it now in complete- order fur carding wool all perfons who will fav him wfh their custom may be adored of hav ing their work rone well price 6d per lb pj fitch kingston june 8m 1816 2tf notice t0 be old or rented as may bcaprerd upou that well know wlrtable farm lot no 1 1 and the weft kjf of lot no 10 in he firit conctfion of additional frcdericksburph t with a good frame houfc and barn good meadows and two orchard the e- on and about one hundred and forty acres of improved laud the ptfemifes are well fituated for n farmer mevhant or innkeeper for fuithcr patoculara apply t the fuhferiber or to d wafli- burn efq in king ft on mlchafl coyif kintrftn fccti fib twvfi for sale vr n reafonable terms lot no 32 in the th concession no 23 in the 6th concession lot no 20 in the th cona swn tne whole being in th towrfn vf arowu n thedistfis nf jolinflfmvtt- for partichir enquire at the office c al an mclesn ffy kings ton august 28 1s15 h qe penny refvjuj n away from the fubfcribev c r sunday lift an indented aptf ticc by t1i name os benjamin hid all perfons are hereby forbid barwirg or trullino him o rnv account as i wu not pay any debts that he may convert after this dnte whoever will ro faid buy to the fnbfciiber liall ri ilie above reward but no chaage ipaii simcoe wrighf kingston augujl 13 181 6 i w a mwehanis or tradesmen j j aving their book fnarrear k wifhing to get them made upvji hear of a erfon ready to complete jem by applying at this office kingston h augujl 18 1 6 i strayed l rom the the town of kingfton ab- out fix weeks ago a young cow of the following defcription small fize color dark red with a white face aid white fpoti down her back fure fret white fhort horns and is now with calf any pcrfon that will return her to the printer or give information where- fht can be found hall he handfome- ly rewarded and any ptrfun found keep- in herafur the date of this advertife- meni will be prolecuted for fo doing kingston july 5 1816 5 packet 1 he schooner perfeverence j g parker maflei will continue to run a- a packet from kingfton to sack ets harbor juft publijhcd and for fale at fy office price 13 i helifeand dyingspeeru of joseph bevir who vas executed at kingston on day the 4th day of september it r for the murder of mary bevfr ij daughter ct stolen or stiuyebj two mares one of which is aj black three years old with a fca on her left hind fetlock the other bay with a white ftrtpe in her forehd two white hind feet with afcar upoia left thigh 9 years old whoever v give information concerning them f that the owner may get them hall l ten dollars reward john n woodcock frcderidjburgh june 17th 1816 l samuel shcmu egs tfve to rifrm hi fiendb an j tta public m general that he has juft received and now offers for fale a his store an elegant aflbrtment of hardware lujery duia from the birmingham and shef field mantifaftoriesj which he will dif pofeof whourale or retail nt reduce- prices amonrj which are the following carpenters bench andmouldtng planes chilteu of sorts frying squares and t bevels handr tenon dovetail salh mili crotcutand keyhole saws clcil cupboard drawer trunk stock door mortice and pad lock ship and pocket cornpaffeu glazieta diamond- hinges of all forts brafs and iron j saddlery and harnefs trimmings of all defcriptions landum gig and riding whips do thongs and lathes belt plated and brafy candletlicks do cruete of 4sr 5 glafles brittanny metal teapots watchmakers and jewellers plyers nfppent files screw platee c fowling pieces shotbelts powder- flafkiand bullet moulds lfick f r f wling pieces pil ck tin saucepans and tea kettles handles 3c ipoutstodo do tinmans rivets wire of sorts gold fcales of various fizes grilln- and frying pans fable and dclcrt knives forks do carvers with forks w od screws aflorted bureau trimming portable dek do- bed caps screws and keys fd fid 8d tod 14 r6d t8d 2od 2rd and 301 nails white and black lead pruffian blue spanift brown red and yellow paints boiled englilh oil c c which in addition to his furmer stock will form the ggftft complete affortment ever offered foi fale in tins place kingston august 1 o t 8 1 6 1 ot f e7eafvnett un hia removal to europe offtis for fale that valuable and moli excel- ent rand the mliu nui tea u the houfchold furniture and other equipage fuirable in thai line of bufi- ef- will be fold at autin on the 24th inftant th fe vim tray hnvc demands againft him wili exhibit their accounts previous to th t date and thofe indebted to him aie rcquelkd to at range their accounts without delay kingston xth dugufl i si 6 lof for sale four f laths 30000 apiy at this office- kingfton 17th may 1816 ii a long lease on mode- j rate terms may be had of an exteniive building lot nearly an acre in the vicin ity of kingfton also feveral lots f one two or three fifths of an acre each may he had on eafy terms either on long icafes or fale apply to mr iivs april 20 46tf notice the fubferiber refpcdfully inform the merchants traders and the public in general that they have entered into co- part nerfhip and have opened an aws ion room in front of the new mar- ket ni the back part of the houfe be longing to john duncan where they will have regular ausione twice a week and being that the fenbr fubferiber hath been the only one in that line of bufinefs uikinrlonrot a number of years the expefi by their attention and ktv stork 3 tt2 ii sub crber takes this opportune ty of acquainting his friend nd the public hat he hasfct up a store th- twwnfhip of cramahe near the prefque ille bay where he propofesta keep conftpnty on hand a general af fortment of dry goods and groceries iron and steel with a general aflbriment of hard ware glass sf crockery ware all of which be will fell wholefalc and retail on the mod reafonable terms he has alfo built a wharf and a large store for receiving and forwarding goods to any part of the diftrift of newcaflle and to receive and forward any kind of produce to any part of lake ontario thofe who may pleafe to fend goods or produce to his care may depend on the greateft care and attention being paid them and on the moft reafonable terms all kinds of produce will be taken for payment eithtr for goods or storage cafh will not bcrcfufed but no credit given james richardson sen pefqur ifl 18th ju 18 16 7w6 midland distril jy virtue of a to wn j jjwrit of ex ecution iffued out of his majcfly0 court of kings bench holding civil plca in and for the midland diltifta furefiiid at the fuit of john kirby olthe town of kingllon in the faid diftrift merchant again ft thelandsand tenamenu which were 0 william ikinfon of the the time cuftody of richard cartwright john fergufofli nicholas stickeand mary stickle ex editors and executrix of the faid will- jam atkinfou deceafed to me directed i itavc leized and tnken in execution ze belonging to the faid william at- kin80n cuceafed at the time ofhia death in the hnds and cttflody of rich ard cartwright john fergufon nicho bs stickle and mary stickle ecv tors and fcxecutrix ot the iaid w atkinfon deceafed lots in ti 2s j 24 wh ssi aon of the townlhipor oidnetmit- by adircafitiemcnt 1 200 acres btthr fm eno parcels of land will be fold and adjudged to the higheff bidder at my office in the twn of kincr flou on wednesday the slf teenth dy of october e at ten of the clock in the forenoon which time and place the conditions rf fale will be nadc known charles stuart sheriff and every pcrfon or perfons faffa aims on the bove defcibed lots of land 2nd prcmifes by mortpage or other right or incumbrance are hereby adver tiled to give notice to the faid sheriff a hn office in the town of kingfton previ ous to the fale thereof sherifs ojfue may 6 1 8 1 6 i blank deeds and memo rials for fale at this office for sale a quantify of oak fuitable for staves and fquaie timber within a rea- lonrble distance of the water leading into the bay of quinty for particulars any fame place tanner deceafed at of his death the hands and ci more or fcf now do hereby i tue that the faid lots h or cl pcrfon or perfons wlquag t0 purcbaf wti plcafc to call at thfo office ovat mr joltfph vallicrs honfe co r l l ags 1 rags i cash and the highest price plj for cle an cotton and lineij rag s at this office may i 1816 so for sale 200 gaits mwmd oil johns 4 tinkle klngtkm july lo isio 5lf reftnefs that they will have the custom of the place in future to encourage the new firm john darlev john duncan auflioneers kingston oth april 1 8 16 n b the days of auctions are fixed on tuefday and friday 7 lost on thurfday evening lad fomewhere about the goal two leales running from guvcrnm stephen fairfield and rekafed fr- faid fairfield to me x alfo- a o kingfton dec 9 1815 2f for sale overnment to rom tlie ictf i hh1i recme a reward of four doll thomas p l valuable farm with boi nigs also la e improvements tlierc- on favorably fituated within 28 miles of kington perfons defirous of pur chafing to inquire of the printer fitntlon july 10 18 if j if forsale one elegant a7 mgston a 6 g 6 iars arks 46 blank summonses for the district courts for sale at this office sitocboarhl barrels butter and 0 do cider vinegar- enquire at the store formerly occu pied iy s bart let kingston augujl i 1 1 i k 1 g igj blairs sermonfl porteus evi dences the canadian vifitor bound or fingle together with a gieat variety of ufeful bonks and mrb young people for sale at this office where accefc may be had to a fmallcir- culatmjj library three timca a week w moderate terms a n nil i t8l6 9

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