Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), September 7, 1816, p. 1

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zargsrss oaiviidav si7ftkai 7 1 810 j 4ss tv f j hp jo rr volume vi no 14 i j a kkcgstov ttip ganaaa hinteu and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum t j i 5ras3ttmb 2wp gqqds he subscribers have imported riircpt from london man- ivjo q advcrllfljv- ic tit gdzelu lilyvs and up eer f5 full inre nd 13 exery fubfvejurt r 1 ten lines arjd under 34 firft iafer- lon and is ever taljfeqtiir tenths andupw t m u jto vtesw c an exunfive aftorttuent of every fpecies fcrft lufcrlfan and pr 1c every fjwj seeding infertton j advertifcnents un4ccop3nfet with frrjtteii dinious arc irtfgrtcd ti fprd fa charged accordingly r c to he sold at pah lie auction 4n wednesday the 10 dan at bemewhe in the market eguare at ecingwon five valuable ewttitf horses the pety of officers vrh have lately ft kingion aiz xi wanted jor ii is majestys service 1000 bushels pease 500 bushels oats 20 tons jjl4 f the whole to be delivered into the comroiftariar magazines at kingston py tite carpet preicable erd tenders for the iibovc fupply will be received at this office commissariat office 3 kingston tth jinr t 3 1 6 new goo r 5 pye siibfcribcrs having received by tlie late jmtutabj oiler for fale on toeloweft ttrm for cafh at their stores ft ki von either liolcfale or rfffil cloths merchandize fijtnble to the upper canada market- the i have been feleed wiili care an 4 purchafed for cafh arid will be difpofttj o either by yvhokfak or retail on the molt redfcable terms under the different heads nf liquors groceries hardwares thy wrongs to them and me mary liberati r- and utile rot the then fare thee well and reft thee j j great infatuation of your weak iroagja- fiwcj rftion to ihew fueh veneration n ivi though thou haft cheated me mary ight an occafion i fiippofe your an- fwr all thy fex id neer endure half what ive done for thee mary v v clothes flannels ilaberdash- 7 i ery lloskry and carpelmg stationary crockery glassware cord- age c sec they wou4 enumerate the following articles viz co urtmuiikdiet jor the gazxile wryfft pott l p madeira wines brown qnabun shirting and sheet i ins linen laces cambncks 5p rinc old brown 8herrj wun11c veilings btttfcfj ribbons blk i p l m teneuff sk hmerdika hihberls befl brown slbat by the navy blur black gray nui fafhionahle cafic cr doaen superfine sioad cloihesand cas- brandy gin c c c fi meres tea sugars loaf and mufcovado ladies and gsnttenefla glove and coffe sftnees of every dderijiton hofriy carpetiog of various pat loch fimjhterrhigi by the ivg tern pearl b riry milliard soap candles an afcrtmcntof swhnoibnoks and sta- by tht box scotch oat meal tinnary- paints and oils affrted gd ware and crockery by the crawley ard bliilered steel swedes i- or ciflc and packed to fuic coun- ivjterloo wellington nail lie hooof wicrioo martyrs- of gihrj roieutu rcjmif in ui ous colj grave mi no tiu with utuir nlng old krio i hoary or hatbudll avakev oicn mtrturry to ve taraivold rtaftatujlianlibufjecttf she brtfughthun itie iinvn- tuit liad lon been ufgl cird strike m on i etclaimrd icttlie heme he wmienf welliiagsou erin sbbraeh haret jiad mir r itrvakmrdiu nrnber iul timed in ovhtih o icrtds cortftoithd ini lire spirit flforifi o froani iibtl rribr hid sfiitjr4 raji urrl lwn sjippfi in hie h auihei ma- riod fv thrsip c miiiitrels inlnfieifcbcd vt dbttnm ahil- tiicc 5imin5 wi full chorus to qcaveo viiierii tvrluugjioa ehaps bragh itui besun ot llcirt tja ptar oftite ora j iy rj tiiios lriht bll h eoneraid j j k j suore a uviomf oi i jtij fr crate foti war id phbirstioft iei aitj lnv imiin hmtfv tffl rivore fsuarafhki fte-u- vc wrvuiite delt uftfic aurnu illation was the fruit of r r had ctrun frcm bfrentaiion to iifolay your education by no odd tmitfrstibfl or rather imrti tication of words of the fame terwfnnion thocf great riation in well refcectje figmfieatiofi i have a ftrong iieinatinrt think thac ydor laborious ap1icaticn to fo tedious an ffcdupatirlflj deivrves the comicnda- tiin of awtlnlt rati o aim rblnktag jtiiration a ffsienfe grafificatin i am without heltt jitn or the e til mortification fours to exs1tatiin mary modkrattok frmn the benocrtfic fvvv prognostic signs of the weathefr the intellect of man i nuvavs sar- chnjinto thefurana ofnfiture notiv ingelud- his oh nation tina ha- py condition of the human mwa i corriinnnmy iucnming thefcucify aid social ovur of alrcstlj has its saiirfffry effects been dtperwiucefcl thiritcfess the pletlsures and toe vstnts of hrman nature ar frswght virhin ourijra p and vc may anticipate the time if our virtues increase wfth our knowledge whrn nthinr vral df- lvc uslrit viiat has been ordain rd by fho enerriiaws of the saprcaie bo- jurfeymek flannel jombazetts bmsazenes jven sc womans h- fiery rih lincn8 diapers towelfngi attin tlutefirings blue and white di- arnal satinet 4 lvantlne 8iiks ribbons laces footinfi iqiiigliamsi lace vci silk shawls si- and leatlier ghiver wellington and berlin webs 7 vawety of other articles in the j0rj goods lhie also iica soirifrt miifeovado and kivrs aid forjcesaffotled penknives sciflbrs bpotme kaz shaving cafe locm rhjget saws hammers fie ginibetb c c c ports and rfhjes naiikerns cordmoyb btrfpc6 cotton9 checks loaztt3 muoins sluwlij nimiiei hpesj bobbin 2 to 3 v pvm ftwk- -v- v- n ttsd i- k e ftc storage ami vviuire at the cufto-n- ary prices and cbmffiiffinn buflnefi exe- cutcd at the ufuul rte john kirby ce uiy 25 iblfi- 8 41 is i i mi o bra azuiiii eke tiring h it to delay and wjiea to hot- n his work to the mffrfhcr it is 4 b i h-aru- ing him of tu peril by a ir rt n- ton1ie mn avoid fh rlaiir of r kingston jf- j giim ab t espectfullv tarfen his t thtinkfi to his cuaiifli for tlieir liberal ftipport in mrcnnilc tmnfaioni cocehe cnieto thifl plue and foforma tlifni thai hehsnov conaiticoed jwili- ieiv uij mr tb mas s wkitaklr under the firm cf jias abbot co andarerou receiving a very general aftortncni of siiruc meer i it etieves m much to hear the 5rf p v j b o i toinie maj avoid th dnig r of rie su o- prarhinxmonnortcurst and i ul rue v rpp to on each tuinnoi s r iviwc i 0 to mrip witn security i n r r v- i r j h dircfv the vwttto bet ft j ceafcfotlu vctobe protane del- j td to clothe him elf m p- 1 for hi- journey and lastly houh not jam nit xcntac brandy ihollandgin seft port soaulh sherry anj madeira wines tepperment shrub ifolaftcs lonf sugar teas pmns raifin aim nds barey pcoicr allfpice and indigo d 0 y uur oieun p s all persons who re in- j j i feted to ifdm are requeued io tali wlili- bow fltouidjou ih nthat condemualton ut dvlav and cujeevev aecdiiuts dread fancj sf staple tiinjstr- jjy 5 lsl6 polvrky 1 w m h wlucm o youve calld upon jou uihyhcad i arficn wifhd pi friends and foes to li t to ehaffc y- yi and row lr walrermcquyirfl co kin 19th july 1816 for sale by the fubfrribers 40 boxes fine yellow soap cheap for cafi thomson detlor kington july it 18j6 jjftf to sold 800 acies cf land ia the townfnip of loughborough 200 acres in the townfhip of iiun gerford a sawmill and grfltmill with two dwelling lioufes out hoiife tables c with 400 acres of land a cown jcaic i in the townihip of pitibugl also a number of valuult tovn lota i the village of veuinjjn for tcima apply to 4m0s mlr klston jiyjj 181 5 packe r the schooner perever en ce j o- parklr maliet will continue tu run as a packet from kiiujjftonto fcaxk eta harbor 2t weil adapted tu this maikt lcli hve htqi fclcfted by one of the rartrerc from iihelateft arrivals at qocbc and mon- rreal aid purcbrfcd for reidy motwy they flatt r therrifejvi 3 tin ir pureha- i9 have been fueh as will enable them iju fell their go di ov ai ttie who have imported direct from europe thr strictest attention illbe paid to customm and goods lold at a vciy mo del ate alvcncc a oitrp erentlcnan in ireland on tin point 1 nrarrymg r yo loy to whoai he- id ik en for fie tine uof tendty avt hatosncd t- recciro a vihf from vne fv of one of his fathers noft rrtiute fiiends the vifitsw ws rccfivtd wfjh all imagrvbic nak of j kindntfp ad in order to pay him the nigheft compltment intendd btlde was piven to biffl by her mifpeii ns liver fra paitnei at a ball that early luccreded arrival tikv danced together th vvweeveninrr anithe nest livtiui cf the laws of hos- a call an additional llanza has been addej ito the diifn nali nai song on neatly j j every tnirnnon evtnt the following j i waa acidv j oti the ratemarriaie father of meicies ble profpcr viih ha dpi ne fa r the kpa pair vicvd with admiring gare cheerd by a nation praifc crown them with length oi tldys great briuinfi r pitalky oft the one part and evry morning x kingston d august x6 p s j abbot heinpijbettore- t the other took tbeiftteta niove to montreal cquelts thofe who off f 1 io scotland where they err r lheo are the baronrtr fji r ntomclbrhvtomete and elsttf me ter my oijrt isonly to point out the n at unit means of disvovering the hanrs they cost ftbthbtg coflse- j ivnmv it if htths potter rtf fircrj inn 0 bicomc acquttintvd with this pah f natural philosophy 1 prognostics by thr lerh vvormi 1 laco a leech m aconimn illtt ounre vbl tlircc fourths b11p3 wifti ttafcr hul cover id n mio nofh hy a jin n ra tn wrtnn w-afh- r flic watr should bu cjwned cvpvy week oml in vnti l ffj fortnight this weather gge will fthf many years if trie weather continues sefnne and 0 aulifiil the lveh iie mofiohlerf at rht bottom of the glass in a spiral farm if it raids cither before or after noon t i- foud crept up to hte top of its 1 have demands against him to exhibit tnem and thole who aie indebted to him to make payment o the your- gcntuuft fh i tf i f lodging wllcre it remains till the wca- rstnei is settled uee a plant a leafa bhom but contains a roio v nme wt y readi and tad i and read ajn end ftill find fomething r notice rhe fubferibers being anoot to clofe their bufinef requeit thofe to whm they are indebted to fend in their accounts for payment and th fe in debted to thern arc hfved to make inv mediate payment or thtir accounts will ieiven iivo the hand3f an attorney for cwllcaion wmvlcancc kingsion i 18 6 1 1 lost from thepaftureof mr jethro vjckfon a cow a r ddifa rindlecouur whit qofa on iter fre- ueadted white belly one buck horn part of one ear off she is newmilk ml three year old whoever will re turn the fame to the fub hev fhau re- eive the reward 6ffou dollars john scott under the double weight uf ingratitudri and ill rp j y having vric- j nev ten the following in an hour of inelan- soretun to pleafe and r methirg to choly the r roluy of which is ahi ir iulirua unexampie he died in a deep decline tiiou aj o aivathourt gone awa phou it axva from me maty nut frietj j nor i could make thee iby thoufl cheated them and rr mary until th j 1 pc thought that ftigjn cotdd alter thee maty for thvij t migrefa of my hart think v thou wilt of mcmary t a a ii i whaiec fy nmlit prttd whq ftofg t citisac mo- 7 m lrr true love v s not his cud net fuel a as mine mary i fpoke nos fattcd rough ladno view mry for iron rtor nothurg utch io su only you maiy thoogfe p filfe yst wils 1 live r1 fl vvift well 10 tlee mary m iu forget hlj ill forgive is i miceilaneous i curious love leiit r ffadanit moft tvortby of ejuimatton after long confideration and moch mdittion c ihehigf repnutioo you poftels in the i nation i ha a fttohg feliuatiou to f ytr rehuio on your appro bation of the declaration i fhall make preparation to remove mytitutioiu to j r owe convenient ration to poffi f your aduiirfttzdu and if fiich obbtion be iwortby of obfervation and can obtain t commiffeatn it will he to sne a gr-ii- ficsjun bvyond all calculation i am yours to exaltation saks dtssimolatiei s answer 1 11 iperuwyowt omdony with iuldc resis till if hewis tj blow hard if a remarkable storai of t lender and rain is to succeed j jorsonr thaya before it lodges almost eootintnflfy mtfhout the war atd discvors creat dncasinesa iii violeot throes and coovbfsrre like mttons io frofan clear uninivr wmther if lies comtintiy at the b-r- om nd en snow a in rainy weather r phhehei its dwelling upon the nioutli of the phi t 2 ftgiiostirshy birds licasts tn sects rrotiles planls and wood it is well known thnt birds rvlain in the ujl part oi iieir leathers a qvarty of oil which when any unusual degree of mosturci in h nmosfplurr they queee ortt bj their wh nod par it over ilieir fajer in onii to preserve theni froih theefleietsoffen qppnarhiiig iiower 11 is is imnot neirmal in ong tue leathered frihp ronseriueuv it is one of th- hi uj nisl rrrer rural mans of riirtiliiiitf th- f efraja in wjt ctl- wamo hp neat t e hrtu in of hi and pfltci winc on ihch thev pvj jld m dry biiiar fn in u cijith laiih uic ajt t nueh kifcci

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