titties he foh efpevv informs i hu fritd and the public hat be is about f i n store in front o he new irarkt mile where he will dr bucvrtss on commission will bay and fc it store forward goods up or doon the river will tcke in any orders of any descripti on in that line of bufincft n b perfon defifousof committing co spmhu to sfij charge may know the rate of dotage and com million by calutfg at the w comrotmon ftove john duncan kiiicdori dec 30 1 8 i 5 7 fid 07 i v for one or more years a very valuable orist ami saw mill in good repair fixated at thiutow immcdiatclyty the town of bellevnie for partivnin and to treat for the fame apply to thomas coleman eiq the pro prietor sevrrsl town water lots upon the bank of the river moxra for fale ft good miller ard sawyer waited bclievilkaugust 23 1816 12 o tlft received and for this oliiee p at qo re ms wrapping a quantity of writing paptr of quality no 2 11 reams writing poft o 2 9 dttrv ditto urict public ndiifee fsphts fubfaiber has commenced run- groceries the fubferibers having commenced bufinffrtn the grocery line cither wholtfaleor retail in this place where they will do their utmost to fupply the public on the most rrafonable terms tornance f mleod kingston 30th may 1s16 kew goods he fttbffntwf fjjfetat received and now offer foi fak an cx and chnfen afloftmei dry gt groceries and haidware a well cbofen t of medicine the whole of whc w he fold at the lowest prices forcfh or country pro duce ewd j henderson kingston zc jsniiaiy i s i 6- 10 c3 itutff a weag tvaggon prom ivingfton fo erneft twn village pafty to leave b- olcotts tavern at kii every morniiig at fix oclock j and return the fame evening to cm- fnence cm monjny the firfl day of july tvvv accomrnoiatiun will be afforded paffcftcrs and bagjraee samuel purdt kimstmh l 1816 5 notice the fabfertbers to the u c book society are informed that mr samuel merrill has taken the books and taft belonging to the society and thofe who wifh to take tfectr dividend of books for he lad year and fubferibe to wards importing more books for another year arc rcqucflcd to tal with ut delay at mr merrils store forthat purpofe by order of the prefiicnt kingfton atiguft l8l6 wool i rt advertisement he fubferiber offers for fale the following lots of lands lots no 14 15 17- 18 25 and 26 j arcing the fubferiber tom creeled a card- intf machine hjlf a mile north of mr mgmvs mill on collins greek in the townfhip of kington and has it now in complete order for carding wool all prfons who wiil favor him wiili their custom rnay be allured of hav ing their woik fonc wrll price 6d per lb rj fitch kingston june 8 a 3 j 6 tf notice to be toid or rented as may v arrrcd apo that well known va wabh- farm bt no n and the weft half of ot no 10 in the m conccflion of a dditional f edci icfeurgh tfferher begs leave to inform his frwnds and rhe fublic in general thai he has hift feceived and now offers for faie at his store an eieant aitortment of hardware cutlery difa from the birmingham and shef field munnfftoriev which he will dlf- pofe of whiufale or retail at reduced prices among which are the following carpenters bench andmoulding plane- chiftclsf sorts tiying squares and t bevl hand tenon dovetail fiafc mil croffcut and keyhole sdws cheft cupboad drawer trunk stock dowr mortice and pad- locks ship and poket compaflea glazicra diamonds hinife of all forts bfafc nd iron sjddlery and harncfs trimmings of all deicriptiona tandum g and riding whips do thongs yrid lafliefl ba plated and brafa caudlerticks do cruets of 4 3c 5 glaffes entcanny metal teapots watcbmikers and jcwcllcra plyers nppe fpoj screwplates c pieces shotbclti powder- raflv- ittfd btuftet moulds leek fur fowling piee kl ck tin saucephud and teakf tiles handles 3c pourstodo do tinman rivets wire of sorts i g id icrch of vanotia uzes i giu 1ons and frying pans i table riid delert knivc sc forks fowling i to ms j i writ of ex 1 ecution ijtwed out of his vtajkflyj i court of kinge bench holding civil plcao in and for th fihftmd dilhft a- f rcfaid at the fuit of join kirby nfthg i town of kmgfton in the faid diftrib 1 merchant sgainft the kwdaand tenameuta which were of william vckinfon of th i fume place tanner deceased zn the tim lofhw death in the bands and cuftody of richard cartwright john fergufort nicholas stickeand mary stickle esi ecutors md exeeulrix of the faid wij fam atkinfon deceated to me direetj i havefmed and taken in execution aj belonging to the faid william at k1ns0n dtceafedat the time c death 11 the hands and cuflody uf rich ard cartwright john fergufim nicho las stickles and mary stickles kxecu- tors and executrix of the faid william atkinfon deceafed lots number 1920 21 22 23 and 24 ic the fourth conco fion of the townfhipof sidney containing by admcafurement 1 200 acre j be the fam more cr icfs now 1 do hereby gie no tice that the faid jots or parcels of land will be fold and adjudged to the bighei bijdct at my ofgre in f e town of king- kton on wednesday the six teenth day of october next at ten of the clock in the forenoon at which time and place the conditions of fule will be mrde known charles stuart sheriff and every perfon or peibns iavinj claims en the above defcribed iotsf land and premifes by mottrraje or ohcr do carvers wfih foiks by auction on velnesdaynejctthe aifl iulant t following days till- thc whole is bifpoicil of at the fubfcii tjeri stores the remainder of their sock in trad vlli be ivd wiihout referve to cofe the tbnctrt cmifililtig cf fupcrfine fine and covfc clthfl and ciffimeres white ana c w 1 finn cl zoo flannel siiirti f i it cmnzsnd calicoes a cafe if wiili licn 8onika7ettcs giham- hir scotch t brown h lnd wliite cottons rs checks and stiipesi lenos muflns and cam- hric trlili popiti ilk and cotton jshrnvjdjnenyoc t womens cotton hole ft k and cotton gltves black lace vcissj a quantity of ichfilk trimmings facrs and womens nre fhoes sc boots si f v mens and womens fur caps of a rcperbr kind tabic knivea forks trith an aflbrtmentof htihnawt hardware and crockery fyc i also jfarnatca sjitit cognfacbtandy wincj penpermint and fhr b tea raillna currants pepper allfpfce foap c p fale to commence at 4 oclock p m each day wn mlean co kinyton 1 6th augufl 1 8 1 6 ii charcoal wanted of aria fi tobede the clofe qf th- navigation of is 16 at dated peri od or seven hundied bufhcls to be delivered weekly until the end of march any perfon wuhin to undertake the delivery of flie fame are requefled to fend fcalei tenders to the naval storekeepers offi pi int frrdeiick on he 31ft mil naval 2arry kitgston atf 15th may 1816 with a good framr houfe and barn good mcow and tt orchards there- 1 wuod screw rflorted on and about one hdrcd and forty uw trmmm porta acresof impmved fanf the prrrifr j btd cau see- and km arcwenntmtedfora armtr merchant j 4 m ice 10 i8d aod rrlnnkepei forfiv pacubfs 8d and jodnailsj apply tn the fuhforihep to d waft- whiu and bluck fd pruflln blue rntfheqthconceitiouof the townfliip f burn efq mkinguoi rej and ycfow boiied cn 1 oil sc ac c n vsgnt or tncurr0ance are hereby adver- tiied ro give notice to the faid sheriff m his ofhcein tlrr- town of krngflon prev om to the lale thereof sbtrif office may 6 i8r6 4 ble deflc datlblmk deeds and memo rials for fate at this oilice thurlow no 4 in the 8th conccffioi of hun tingdon no 9 in the toth conceffion of row j den no 3ieaft half id cenceffion of sidney 2co acre in the 4th nd eco in the 6th conceifion if the goe between er- neft town ano fr deiickpourh no 1 8 and 1 9 in the 8th tonccfli n of murray no 34 ard 35 in rhe 4th conccflioa of the townfhip of vauhnn also three town lots in the town ofi kingston of oe fifth of sn acre each wm crawford fred c rick sbnrgh 26th june r8i5 4 jm reward hereas on the morning of th jth in ft a man byname of ri chard barker ran away km prefcrt upper canada with ab out 1 000 dollars the property of the fubferiber any perfon or perfong who will apprehend and feciire the faid rich ard e barker fo thai he may be brot king n 7 j hifi for sale a quantify of oak furable far staves and fdoare timber within a tea- i foiinbleiliitaree f the water leading iw for s v n renfonable tt m let no 22 in the oncetston no 2 in the 6ib concession lot no to jr the llihoencemon rie whole ww in jftr ansoown in inr qm r- ror prutiliir tnoitih at the otnco t allan mclbsn ffj kingston august 28 181 c- 12 which ii rfddittoh to hi- former stock j j t g c quinty for particulars gmf i will uie vmm complete aflortment 1 1 p or pertons wihing to pnrcbjsfi ever 1 ffrrcd fr ie in this place vt ktj rtun august 1 c 1816 iorsal icif 30000 il pleafe to call at thin office or at mr jofeph valuers honfc 27tf kingfin dec 9 181 j 1 aving their f ksin arrer snd wiihing to get hvr made up will hear of a peifon ready to complete them b applying at the office kingston 1 5a iv v 7- 1 p r 6 r 1 j10 pubufhed ffndfir fale ai this office price 1 rhelifandpvmgsei ch fojffoot laths anply at this oilice kmghon 17th hay 8i6 1 1 a longxase an made- building lot nearly rfl acre in the jity cf lyrupflon to cvcr iora of j one two cr thrci fifths f ai sere each may be had 11 cafy t rm either on for sale a valuable farm with bot ings also large improvements there- on favorably fitnated within as miw flit n rfbnsdcfirous vicm- chafing to inquire of rhe pi citing lesiies or fib lajwly to mr miles rpri 20 fciffgstm yvh io itc mtei notice lhe fubfrribtrs rcftetfiftilly iifon i the mcrd30fg tiilcr and the pttbhc in jrencrfcl that t bve entered i i 5tf p lairs sermon portcus eri o deuce the canadian vifuer 4 1 1 bound o fiye togtthcr with a grew warfety of ttfefol bonis and traasfer pang people for sale at this office where aeceft may be had to a onsdl cufetinff library three times a weekn rrfiate trrrs wi 10 0 jos phbfjir j jonjifeft was executed at kiwgston on mn hav to jufljce fhall receive the above reward j jday- the 41b dy f j by applying to the fubferibe r at prefcott upper canada he is a man about twenty fix years of age five feet fix inches high frcfti complexion light bah blue eys round vifage head a little bald at the time he made hi efcape his clothes weic a black coat and pantaloons flriped waiftcoat sc long boots it is to be hoped that eve ry exertion will be made for the fecuring of fuch a character amasa wood prescotl u c june sib 1816 5 strayed j mr marshall member qj th college of sur geons london st9 mcencld by his cellenct the goveuvor in chhf to rrarricr physic surgery vd midwifery hpakes the liberty to inform the x public that he has moved from mr patrick smyths houfe to mtflia johns finkles where all calls in hw line will be immediately attended to n b families and other may be jupplftd with finall quantities of genuine rugs and patent medicines kingston xhauguft i3i6 11 for sale r west half of lot number nineteen u rhe fecmd conceffion of the tow- jpp of khgfton apply t- the printer- kr7gsvsi jfu j0 wli 5ftj jfrom the the town of ktngfton ab- out fix v ka ago 3 young cow of the following defciiption small fize color dark red with a white face and white pott down her back fore feet white fhert horns and fo now with calf any perfon that will return her to the printer or give information where he can be found hall hi hnrulfome- ly rewarded and any perfon found keep- wig her after the date of this advertife- ment will be profecuted for fo doing kingston july j 18 16 e ost oh thurfay evenmg fa fomt where about the goal two leafes running from government to stephen fairfield and relrafed from the faid fairfield to me alfo a contra between daniel phelps and the fubferi ber concerning a saw mill whoever i wih return faid papers to the fubferiber hall receive a reward of four dollars thomas parks kingston april ig i8t 4 for the murder cf mary bevir hi- daughter stolentor s ittmt two marcs o of vhuil i a jet black three ye with a fear up on her left hind f the othci ia bay with a white fwf n lier focdiead two white hind fee wrl1 p iter left thigh 9 year owl wboeverwijl give information concerning them f that the owner may s them fliall have ten dollars rewa j n woodcock fredtrickjburgh j l v 3 1 6 5 m j into copaitncrfijip and ave opened an aidiou room in hont f the new mar lcet in 1 he bwk p3t of the bcufc be to john duncan where thev v- regular amftfonfi twice a week and being thai the feri r fofefcrfher hat been the only one in tliit line nf bufincf- kijtrllonfor a nurrh r of yearp they auzttfi 1 x8v 9 cheap woolen goods tmie fubfcibea have just recefved m rvj hy lie late arrivals from thtr txvthy thai vtiat vitlon sud ecr- 1 1 mang houfe in england i r ags rags cash and the jhghest pnee paid f clean cotton akd linen g r at thi 0 c ale blank summonses jor the district courts for sale t tthie- oflke for 200 gaff unseed o il j finkle kingston july c 1 m 8 bolai reward losionthc 3 j between the widow jol burnetts anotl 3g b fcain rom of twenty p wih a fn in dorlemcnt on tle i c a pernn that note to fatnnel rpl j 38ccwethe above reward rvrr- rr gef blake reficrli that they will have the curton of the place in future to encourage the new firm j john ducav auctioneers kiffgthtit rh april 1 8 1 6 n j3 the day of auctions are fixed j on tuefday and friday n j ames g liannx jiatrft maker and jvtzeuer respectflilly inform fcta frends and the public in general tat he has jpfl received a very elegant wftortrent of gold and silver watchea patent lcav er and planemuical inftrnments of all defcriptions fnch a double iilaffe a clarionets fites e ladies werw boxes plated o wets do catidlifticka do snufferaand ttays do salt cellars ana toaft racfa ivory handled knives and forks in fetts with carvrs patent i cork screws silver gilt and stew purfea silver and plated fih knives do butter knives do spoons silver gilt and other suff b-xe- razor- sciftoii pen knives clcks tibiir tackle baggammo boards chtffnicr dice sflver wolfe shell nd steel specluacles and a number of other befa too nurerous to mention which h will id i cheap for calh n jf oric excellent saufit whoiefalcandretifl watches and clock repaired and clen nd hj the bed manner warranted llft large cjantftv of jpihmnesecoxd broad cloths ladies iviice cloths ami cassimeres nstimg of blue sfaekj watoiioobot- iic green brown and mixju broad cmhs brovn french gray draj and eolord pelisse cloths hiiick dine and lixtufe ooubje mifi gassi meres which they now offer for fae at the store of masfs thomson detlor very bw for cafh jerry whitehead co kaiston ijj augnst i r 1 6- rl not tee 1 charles wflrtlo proposes to deliver this place l a courfe of leflures on botjnt the courfe will confift of fifteen lec tures twelve of thefe will be delivered in the dav time and three in the eve- ing the principle of the sconce will be iuurtrated bytaintngs execufed according to the direfltioi- and under the fuperintendencc of the cekbrartd doctor th or ntom terms of admittance i r c for i he courfe and for a finglfe lccturc s kingston augujl 16 1s16 wf v h blank bail- bonds ajjd sheriffs saves for sale at this uilfcc i