fc v y saturday septrmpfr s8 1816 k i n g volume vi no 17 kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per bantv ctsimoersasaa ivjer goods j he subscribers have imported direct from london man- rficftcr birmingham and glasgow flfcc an extcniivc aflortmeic of every fpctic f merchandize fuitable to the upper canada market the goods have been elected vviih care and purchased for cafh and will be flifpnfed of either by wholefale or retail ou the cqoffi reufonable terms under the different heads of liquors groceries hardwares clothes flannels haberdash ery hosier and carpeting stationary crocker glassware cord age c c- they would enumerate the fdiowiflg articles viz very left port brown q7nibig shifting and sheet l p madeira wtnf in i iaies csnnnok sp fine old hrovn sherry wmi veflfngs sattfns rimwti bk lpl mteneuff 1 ss handfeer din r hibberts brft brown stout by the navy bv black gray and famiinable call or dozen superfine broad clothe and gas brandy giflj c c c fimcrcs teas sugars loaf and mufcovado ladies and gentlemens glovei and coffee saucer of every defcrfpttoo loch ti ne hewingfl by the jiixi pearl birley milliard soap candles by the b x scotch oat meal paint and oil aflhrted crawley and ttlifterd steel swedes i- ron affirted deck pigeon and snfce shot nails spikes of al forts tin plate and sheet iron frylupans spades and shovels roficiy carpeting f various pt i ten an aff irtmcnt of schoolbooks and sta- 1 tiiiary gafa ware and oockery by the crate i or cafk and oackci lo fuit coun- try shops i gentlemen proof beaver hnn men i youths a b ys caad hrir aud plated do tien witw hat a p 13 nc- scrubbing horfe shoe aid ta ble brifiieh police rules and regulations bi order oj the magistrates in gen eral quarter sessions of the peace held at kingston 1st the street cf kingston arc to he turnpiked the statute labor of the town or a certain proportion of it to be appropriated to that purpose 2d foot paths of eight feet to be left each side of the street six gael of which is to be peved vith hat stoiics and sound post- planted at the corners and at certain equal distances along he street il necessary the cxpencc- to be defrayed out of the rates o be levied for that purpose on the inhabi tants 3d no wood timber stone or iiiei materktuj h laid in the streets j except for immediate buiidhis and hen only on the tides leaving tho cenl ere free and the surplus tob remevd as sor ii as the bu is finihd on hollow ware haiv coihwhitewalh ladies girv bcvrtrtna white rrdi yellow md blue flannel and qreeu broad baize knives and forkcsaftortd penknives 2 to point blankets ceunter toc8 seniors spoons razor- shaving ciej bed tick c lock hiicr saws hnitk5 storage a wharfage it the cullom- fhcj gimlveti c fc c ary price and comwiflioi bufineffi exe- 1 bo ts an j shes cuted atlheufnl rite nankeens cordmovs striper cttnns jotm ktrpv co chtk eomhayts mdhii kingston july ij lb0 0 shawls djmitiet tp brthrnn price of adverlyit in the fazeftg six lines ail under zc grfl infertlon and lyj every fubfequetit ten lines and under 34 firf infer lion and lb every fnbfeijucnt ten line and upward 4 per liic firfl iifriiin and 2d per ua every fuc- ceedfng infertion- advertifenent8 unaecninpatried with written diresioiis are inli icd till forbid and eharged accordingly the penally ct ivrfy nhilin 1th jfo krouood ic be pied ir l streets nor empty cfitfjtsj ca t or boxes rebbih or h of aii kind to ih left or ihrov v in the rrf ej pr to be itsmediately rvmrv d en the pciially ctlin thillins and ilikl caij nii awny in f rtyeight hours the fat thim f nvr bhiiungs 5th cans and carriages left in the treets shall be avrad alcnu die sides in a regular manner on the ptmali v if live hillitigs i 6th i pemoi shall race or run bprt in the strict on penalty of i iiillins notice a board f militia ofii erf oppomt- ed by his excellency lhe lieu tenant govcinrio examine into f d re port upon the claims for military ren- fions of the widows and cbildien whole hufhands or fathers may httvf di 1 from difafe contracted whilll on adtial levice wpi- again offemble at the court houfe in kinrftoij o the monhy nrxr pre- ceding the next general onarterfeisonff at ten oclock in ih ftoon okm fekguson timy thomson arc1l mconell to all concerned kingston j sspt 1816 tcteap stfks l lew is begs rvft rcfpefui- ly to infoim the inhabitants of kinglton and its vicinity th t he has jnfl imported dirccl from london the fid- towing articles which will be f d at lower prices than ever was offered before 1 in tni town rich twilld and figured sarfneis rich white and colonrd satins merino crapes far drcfies 5 nvh woikrd col lars and tippets real french cambiic worked caps for children alfo frock bodies j a cafcof the j molt fafluonable straw bonnels trimmed with new trinming 150 mens and it common hats a large aftortment of mecklin and val- lenciene 14 cms a few fine plain and worked muflins merino mnte cloth he vev befl col- onred fiik velvets afo fiik fringes for ttimming dreffe ribb n c c the above will be ready for infper- tion on monday nrxt september i6 at mr browns boarding houfe next door to mr patrick smyths store main street n b hoiiy of bufinefs from ten un til four oclock kingston sept 13 i 816 ijtf blank bail bonds and sheriffs sales for sale at this oilicc till every inhabitant householder hall havooneoriwo bidders to asccr to the roof of hk bouse aud th fame luimbr on tlio roof in pr portion to the size of lhe bouse en the penalty f five shillings fororeiy negjret sth f etpij l rtikro i chimney hal take lire tho occupier of the noose shall pay a fi 0 forty shil lings litn ereirj stotppipn carried fliwf partitions wr tho roof oj bouses sliallj ft86 a spa of six in jnr- in iwivn ihn ftiicl svod with dft iron or fin jonndit crm theptmojy of ten shi- ihlg foreiih iff nee lotil io per on shall b m wrd to build chwrniys cf wood and rtuy on penalty mt fort shillingg and b obsrcdto puil ittbwn 1mb kvry hog rnnning in the streets shaii be impounded and tho pc- tialty imp jod i to thfi scm- te auctioneeribr 12fll tfcs butchers are allowed uti the fuvt of vi y 1817 t6 rem re in iririmngktevhovisescat of tovn that a for that period bnirhen who t5he fnl briber re oris hi- fincftei ilp id killin- jmimhhe tun andheuity ilmt4a to m heisdvj nno of lrts hiliis for anvtli public in rncra forte nmrv i i m1 sokul favours he ha tviiei for tic w mv received fn n tnrm for li tiueclffk f the market 4m mjy auction will be foid at thec immiflarlat htntrg storr on tuesday lhe 8h october at 12 oclock 832 gallons of white wine kingston i uh sept 1 816 1 f ffhefubfcriber returns his befl thanks s to hir cuftomcrs or part favours aud would inform them that he has iken mr confulrr wiuislon as a partner in the saddling harness business ke parricularly requefte all perfonp in- debtd to him to make immediate pay- mci t and tbofe who have any demands agafnll him aredefired tw prefeni them for payment bclbre the fn il day of ocvber a metcalf kingston spt 2 1 1 3 i 6 1 6x3 thefe fixceen jtan p 8t and infoms jj itvj wfcm hoiie supt crnj them that he ha rccorcimiccd bufiods again for htmfelf atv rut ing t difpofc of any prtrprrty will be waited upon pt then- own crterp or at mi d brftwnb tavern fronting the mnktt place zni he aftures thofc jrc tlcmeo who fi it pfrafe t favor hlrti wftll their custom rha tlcy hall have no orcafion to call twice for their mon ey m 8 tuesdjtti tfursdh and sjturdsitare his rtgular auc tion days john darley aunhmer knton 4th ept i8r6 14 no tuoon anj abo ee that the spacc- nndtthe e of the mark t to b- kfpt ihn aid evcrv person refusing to remove lilth and dirt which hex may have caused shall pay a line if r i shillings nth aiv person offendmg agnin1 the ahovfl ruffes and rbgulettonsmyybe prosecuted fecfore anyone ofthe com missioners a by the act nd if convictrtt on fhe oath of one credi ble witness or on bi- otn confession f the penalty s not be immediate- paid ihcysfeil bo inieci iocetherufi h costs aiyg charges by distress and sale of ihfl orders goods and chattels by wairant under tho hand and seal of anyone ffesajd commissioners one half of tbepaty to o to the inform er the oth- half to the tretisurer of the district f use 0 the town allan maclkan cvk of the peace kingston sept 211816 1 fas4 groceries t biifinefs ir rribers having commenced n the grocery line either whoufak or retail thio p whcre lley wll do the utm0 to r th puolic on the mo5t reafonsbk terms tor gjf mlzod kingrton jchmay 1o16 j2 blank jeeds and memorials 1 1 for ie at this office 11 poetry 1 the following admirable stanzas are copied from maxwktis roems 11ks0luti0x i pay to my heart it i time to leave off thy folhiffs at last forpat is thy nourishing prime thy flourishing prime it is past and hangvlare tne ianrifnl ski- once rosy with love aad ixire you star and thee shadow hat rise they say it is time to retire love charmd me awhile trher botver as blooming n bower could be where beauty with magical power sat smiling ton lovely for me t gam en her languishing eye and felt the wild throb of her brwt uxi die iff nxe she left me to sigh and what had become of my rest next pfeasoreseflucd withhersong il r son 4 was no sweet for my car unheeding i mixd with her thnntg too merry o tllinlc or to fear f itrp and i drank of her bwl isoi iviiew wi was lurking within twasmadress twas death to my sul the chalice va poiond with sin then faotewetv her trumpet aloud and rnv hcaii beat to arms at the sound and 1 ruhd with the daring and proud till my brows with her laurels g w r erovnd iil sad was the wreath that 1 won lu i f verd my tempi c wlthpaiu i felt tiiat my heart uns undone and i mined lor sweet slumbers again m molality from the ptaftxburgh republican neflkctiors on the utdiiy 6f ohwrviag the sabbath tut neglect not to say contempt of th important dirty is a melaneunljr proof of the irreliioon mul diepratity of morals hich in tton uuenee oj it irnil become more rrralert evftry ingenious nd mfcciittg mind will hrii k with abhowbce from the prflfaratin of that so portion of time which lhe great croator hath set npnr for himself bul widen wa lutfin dd far our own comfort and wivaofagcj lxi a u resperts tiie present and fe- imc life those who are uniform in the observance of iis day consider it a a jewel o a great price infinitely to rich to adort the sooty brom of not and mtempeiance ort i bftisarrriaceaat the fhrinfi of empty pleasure cr frivo- lons anit when ihey look back on b6 cheitirrrd path thej have trod or forward to the labyrinth yet in view ac sabbih npears like jiromi- neat mound of delight- cb up and do c-mat- d bj the goardiati of tin ir wav for the n lief ad gratiucatin ofthe weary ivu here they lay d mvh the blrdeti of temporal carea that depress j thinntbroogh rhe wek pud in the mirror cf aith look beyond the doskj limits cf knc ad there behold ill pr spective all hat the heart of man ran conceive or seraphic tongues describe of happiiress in store fer them thus i iniitually refreshed from time to time vyio on rejoicing unhurt by the j vhtps and rtings witii which the tie d- irss tinyeller is trmerted who despi- siiil the tra ious light hcaven most wiu linjsly ca t in hi way wanders on in jdnridis liable every moment to turn- m- d if lind 6f error wnici yavns aj eery step to reciive him jt can hirdly admi of a donfct rjiaf tm j who r riv i gj due artendancn to diwimmbiivirson iho sabbath and thus do poll it of il horinrs will sld m through theweekhe divwed to at- rt religion nowforrd jne astray ap hiuelclaud fthttinjr willi aire sin raim me at once as i by and savl me frm erne dospair l qoi this dark ralferj of woe sift sad witii a wbtspcr of kve hi yon would rehappi below selyourlieartupoa iteavn above jjfcnd o the duties ofroligion esitresu ritxwe nw yc paions of earth l pes ihemsclves or far its advance too little too base form he ifncnt in others the imperfect mnri- velii- led me a 4ry from trx birth f u tcmofori u now to depart 1 have wasted the afrcst sod best oi tiiours mat my maker had tfwn thre oh 1 let me hnbaud th rest ilcncefortb i bfo ony to iieavn ns7i- from the pa riot and patrol let sfw and ivifrpaiiat fhe same end tfihif lioff and ail iitibe hell xjrlyyo prtmrr who- minifl wife hijt1 mmu rmd q tvli hi in foi lift ner in vhidi this da is icepl i p auq icnorantly conclude that if thev phrrw fa on- nmrnhe o stnrriy and nai truir rmifofhlvoiiar ill rope of i ir tirn iiinvonoi houey swcci molly hcj said j for a mninhhad not paied incc thcpartic n w sweet mil lollie hr ftf iiriti r poon he sftid i ua- uoll wa there i tra dona thai wpe ilnn hiintsovorhc rot paw hardtfr criej ned you dont draw hardesottgh still hacker siic drew but how hard was the case thoshcpthiliiand cnithd ilil still fcejmita plic v conq roaid to the front nov sweet mnll villi wa u draw seiltlv now love for tis coming you i so gently fllpy drew end che mpfl suon wn sprnwlinl lt now unvbave hereafter one way in out haul ing f onward while pacing thjanrney oflife oa pull pgafost med or ned pulls aaini wife the ropeof contention will a1 ways hang orr ns w tliertfvnuiiin bu dibrord and jarring before us piii let us forever as time rolls along ud tarcs veitiusuoundui may throng whatever the tide be ihe wind or thv weath er rotti eboow he same end and both pull to- g a dssjroportioned marriage an genlleman of 84 bavins taken to ihe altar a young damsel of shout 1 5 the clergyman said to him 41 the font is ft t the other end of the church what do i want with the font said theoldfftitlenan oh i beg your pardon said the clerical wit i thought yon had brought this child to be christened a fee nt d but il n t r reprehen- ible than open foeloct it fr a day of unhallowed pleasure were this hocking innrvatim of dicine rihl de- rlaredly discounfuaoced p by every friend of christianity it would soon i iron ito dicicdit for by constantly j arte ching the reprehension due to an rril it vill soon be made ahamed of itself indeed would fhe violations of rlii inportant command only fake the trouble to make ttrnst estimate of the pleasure and pain resulting from this indaleoce av every other improper one tlwy would find ihe aggregate vast- on the side of pain tiie c sill small voice of conscience will be heard amldf the loudest roar of folly and is ev r mingling trail in the cup of unlawful pleasures whocccuer vatii fmes have a tendency to render the mind obnoxious to ihe assaults of fear lrror aud remorse fhe never fai- linsj attendants of wilful disobedience not tlm- the son of virtue who lirm in his adherence to even call of duty ihids pleasure often resultingfvom pain- death hlmelfin his approaches to bin diverted ef his terrnrsasumcs the garb of friendship and is welcomed with a smile willi sweet serenity of soul he beholds the most dreadful depredations of ihe howling tempest can hear un- npnlled the lihtnins cah and vaml secure amid the wrcch of faiiiug worlds andsnall till day the preriniri hnnrf hraren llinin nil lavish of ianii m man vugrfllefiil irnnwhnrori sinehlewinfiren nor ui if- ih- worth of ujuev contracted an vho ni ih- prodigal can wafflj inrt irmerr mntl vn li yfmnioilal store flieuilebf lwinderv iinr b n i til roud h deaihiht wak- nfislc ioiuore say liiim this lai ibf pnmjnw rc iii rwi ftui rarllibon o snolme l ill iii ill dii r gil to plaoiv utii nun stuivs the criuic