Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), September 28, 1816, p. 2

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tje hiworfeerer oj the 22j cnc ai ah mg vms held in lemhm en thr a 10a the report coinprisepabrfefaecownf nf the prewtncateofflm minions in tfu following ureters otahcite cuui in vn tffttatta and foniftntftg- awly- vta ceylon benpau madras uanjain vi7apatm ueluryi tvam vxy mauritians suraf cape good hope stchnsbos iiocbanflj gatedon righkrall bethel ip theopolu caffraria bushmen grhiua trvn liethcsda klip fountain afri- eanei vall ielw nvrth america and wot indic seminary algosportj 7iuf psrt of the report which relates fn south vfrica burnuvjalh interesting fhe follow cg extract from it will dbtle be acceptable to our rend- u bcihdsdmp alwuigoo miles east of thr cape thi si ttkna nt is rightly named it ho prowl to hundreds of souls no oth- ertbaua dk the house of cl brflriv oof heaven whi vevinvth intelligejjce received frn tofe hiftlisj fanred sot ivltmn thr irr tiro year v e am constrained to i i una iuj co w rot turn v- pluc under the palranngu of ma socfef and at no period since its commencement law turh woudjroof mtv been du- p it v vid qerupy too mnch of thi tiitv of lei- mtg to present crcn an outline of the cxtwire information tritb which m read and others hav furnished the dire tors suflkimtfosft that about j 200 people belong to thi settlement since its commencement 4 l adults hate ben baptized 800 of whom wive been added to the chare dirtng the ter yer te ujttciitat btthiiigusg tf lis hi teleistiat have paid tavstouie covi rnnicat to fhe amount of nearly 8001 st in one year- the have contributed i the fuuds of fchfs society isitfst hey arc now build- in at titir own expense a school room and printing office imdertbc same roof they make collections for h poor ever lords day and send out in 11 the surrounding countries a num- b vof itinerants by whom the know- fedgnofthfgfkpplk hnppillj diffused the grateful f elingsof thrse con cert d heathen brought by the n pcl into a new world m be coueeir- of by th foiioil2tii speech ho hmv est effsfiioa of a poor h rteitof at oie ol ihtr public meetings fc c are fill llettetd we never had house we dcvdtmore conidi- r as human bein ire never were all wcd fo lookiotoa fnrrrcrs hone bat toda we sre setting here tayntlt r in a ipe while home he place of worship we noterhad a waggon snd now there are more flian fcventy vror5 belonging to us jlotentors jook at the vduei they never had decent clothes uow you see them sit- tii among os in whiii and various eoj iuoi we mvcr had tie honor of knowing any thing of god uud hn rrd but now tfe can cad and write and the greatest thing which god ha 1 irored us with is his sending to us poor fiottchtcts iiis servants v ho daily explain tq us iis holy word wag incffrual as the conntry people aceeeded in rcfcuingthe rt i and bear inguoffin tumultuous humph wc give the fafts as communicated to us by a ptrfon on the fpotj oui correfpond eri adds tiiat n wednesday the day on which he wrote the right rev dr murphey arrived in that part of the count y and preceding immediately to the parith chapel of coolduriah fpokc ut length npan the fuujeft reprobated in the tu ongell turn- the conduct of thofe en in fuch illegal and ontra- gcous piaceeouigs pointeu out tnc ou aftcrous eonfequeneea likely to follow ucli coududl and expreffed a hope that none of his fick either afluled in or en- couraged fneh a deft motive traffic ori mercantile chron juy t paris july 2s execution of fle1gmier c ycfteiday at rridday the vehicle of f the cooeiergede arrived at the bicetrc to convey thectnvis pleigniercarboo neau ad tlcvon to ihe place of jis- zz on being informed of tie- tol- leron exclaimed we are bit ca bouneai was deeply iffcted pleignje aid nothing bt appeared abforbed in tlixiflht- tolieron recncled that t petitions which he had left in his cch fbould be handed to hfm the one id- drefted to hit royal htgbnef moniieur and the tnhct to the attorney gcc u carbon neauaflced fb the three petition which he had preparedone to m jr tc ohcr v the prefs of police and the third to the alt iney genial thefe petitjom were given to ihem they then moitted tlic vehicle which was waiting for them sad wich wai t- curtvdbys gendarmes ou then way they fpokc highly jf the prefer and of the manner in which they hud been trea ted in pnfon they phced rnoeh d- pciceree on thetficctc f their petitions alluded o fome circumitancs ife and efpccially th fc which jed tiien into fa tai projedi but they believed fhsrt they were laken to the cooeiegrie paljee of juriee only m tcar thea- decifio on liich appeal in ceflation tiijcron ie tnined tits lirrnntfiand all his prcieuceof mind at one oclock they arrived at the co tranqniiuytothelaft hcveral timci ftfcot packet the pnnee chariocte tn- repeated tliat be waa hot innocent bat tended to 6tl twice every ff from thlfi that the thought he diil not dcfrve to port to earhatn ana back proceed i die beaed for a g6 of water which lie drank withmn the lcift tiemj blinr rdthough the glafs was filled to the brim 1 pardon picignier faid he with all my heart j he ir the author of my dcatli but 1 do ot wfh the fnne to him the only irotion of fenfi- bility which he qianifeftcd was at the ie ccdieion of his famil when the executioner put over his n dm for the first tinie ttpttt eajlham m minutes againtt tic wind ivrw i nxcrael from the agent to lloyds hi gibraltar dated july 10 u the loi ird stated flilp of the line vvilhington commodore chauncey arrived here on the zd infl and failed to the eaftward on die 8th with mi- pinckney ambaf- rador to naples oncof the avowed ob- nand reftittt- uhoulders a white clots tied beforehe j foesto of hts rohbon h to deujand reiticn- appare 1 to regret that hit face was cov- ti on ot american property eonfiicated by eredbecaufehe faid it could not be murat from the great quantity ot inarnagtf of the duke of berri anj tfo eclebratitin of their grand feaft called by them the feaft of god- the voluptuous and in fome refpefls indecent foreign dnce called the waltz was introduced fr the firft time at the enc court on friday laft nati- orftd morals depend on national habits and i his innovation is to be deprecated accordingly several publicans at exeter have lowered the price of their beer am penntj per quart and the brewers in edinburgh inve lowered the price of their table beer 3d per gallon fcen whether he died with qrmnds he bade adieu in a ery friendly man ner to his keeper the executioners al- 6 ft ant fopported phiguer who appear ed ready t fail atevciy ftep- pleinier far in the front of the cart carbonneau wasinthe middle tolit ronattheend this wffl the invcrfe or- d rr to that in which tley were execut ed provisions on board the wafluugcon it wuld appear t1at a fquadron is intend ed to be collected in the mediterranean i have not been able to get any inform lion rcfprciinp the tuniiian corfairs a sicilian fiigate had been at gibral tar and taken on board about 400000 dollars sfee wa expected to wait in the mediterranean for the britifh fquadron phi l adbtphtaj sept to by the arrival of the ship hunter capt reynagenj from bordeaux paris the cart fet ot frrr the court of the i pifon at quarter before eight from three and four oclock the whoe fpree frooi the gnol to the pee of execution jl papcrd to the 27li1 july have been re was covered with an iurnenfe crowd j reived at the office of the american ceu- tie coiividlx were abler convince them- tinel they contaip no intelligence of elves of the love and dt of the m paiticular inter eft the following aie french people to their iegiimite fovej the orinctpal auicles is uol this altogether the grace of god love f god merej ov ged men br ihvn liotumifou prase the l rd god almighty the roe iptsofthe last year amoint- ed to hflt 17s id sterling apvvarfla cfouelandred thousand dot- krs und the disbursements to jliy29l 7- rulsterliius rising of seventy sc- tfth flioosand dollars foreign defeicfc sljpi on tnefday nfght or laiucrou the morning- of wcdncfday the 24th july- a party of twelve drag- erim be31ed by mr richard hanmn surveyor of exceife accompanied by meltrs emerfin and karley excife ou timers proceeded to the mountain of gunane litgb ahnnt four miles to the porthwvs fif inniflc iu with the inten tion to feie on la copper ftill wlnch they ft rnd at full work upwards of i000 gamonsofpot ale were dcdioyed anfi fhe ftil was got on car forth pur- pofc of having it conveyed to the cuftim hfiule the workmen who had previ- oufly fi ught to defend the preroift 5 when firtl attacked nov rulhed upon the mili tary in jieat number the dragoons fired all their ammunition without ef fect at one time the officer were fur- rounded by the mob and it is faid they were required by the owners to declare upon oath from vhom their information concerning the flill was derived three of the dragoons wee feverely injured be- inr left by the atailarta as they thought nearly dead the remainder of the party efcaped fome with deep cnts and bruifes and more trithout their helmetftj c the ccnfrquccc m that uieftizure nciererie they were place in three feparatc apartmcib ond th head oel- er read to each a feparate letter from the attorney gruera containing the rcjee- tion of their appeal he at the lame time announce i to them that the execu tion of the feotence irul take place tint lame evening puinir bowed the deepen defpair andwpt copioufly lie rep a ted m i tliouhti had my pa don i widi tofpeak to the attorney gene ral tlu alter hw old mnnner he reqiuilcd to fpealc to the king car- bouueau idkned to his fare wish refiirna ton toller n faid lo the keeper 1 fufecled th tthis would feppen t ibis moment the three clcrgynm charg ed to adrofnifter the laft confolatlona of j religion made iheir appearance tolle- ron thinking he hw a moment of hefi ration in hiscorifefibr faid to him talc- ingoffhia cap approachj sir 1 know wijat 1 owe to a miniller of rcliguin the tlnee clergymen remained with the convidls until fix oclock preparing them for death the attorn y gene ral the piefes of police and one of the gentlemen of the courtijcame down into the prifon to receive the revelations which pjeignier prelitlcd in faying he wfdied to make after having drawn up the minutes of his anfwers the a- roroey general wared upon the chancel- lorwfrh them we undcrftand he made no difenvery whatever but fpoke mere ly of vayue and irrelevant matters picignier was pofundly deprefted carbonneau appeared tranquil and tol- leron quite refigned they then afked for foine broth and a glafs of wine which were given them at half pall feven the attorney gen- eral returred from the chancellor and ordered the fentauce to be forthwith ex ecuted th three coin lets were brought forth into the loby of the prifon pleig nier made much reiiftaure to bis being undreffed he begged with a wild air to fpeafc again but once fomctimes to trie king fomctimes to the attorney- geoeral and then to the gaoler the execttfoner having repeatedly obferved to htm that all rcfiftnnce was ufelefs the abbe mcvites hie confeftbr int reared him to be refigned and fubmit to the will of god no faid picignier v it i net fo it was my biindnefs i did nothing of myfelf i would fpeak to i ionic one when his bands were tied he complained that the rope wis too tight it was loofencd next accord ing to the rule preferibed by law they drew a cord tightly round his wrfft in order to ftop the blod it was with confiderable difficulty that thefe prepa rations were finihed corbonneau fucceeded picignier on rhe ilool he kept the moft gloomy fd- ence and rcligned himfelf to all that w38 required of him tolleron maintained his cqolncfdand ripn ihfiir rangwm fliowts of lfot k ra they waved tht hat and man- j iftfled in every manner attachment to the beft of p fnces toueran hear- faf ihefe univerfal ace1tfnation told hi leonfffo- that he arfwred them from the ottnn of hh hear be appeared j penetrated with iepeiiacc and genuine j remorfce haring reached the plce of exem- tior the convifts niour tlu feaffold while n ufltpr read with voc ej fentanee f he a kyc v n l cp of th- hotel de vilc the rxecu-fon- er tk ot from them 1- bksk crape plrignjvr nd cibonnej vvcnr down tflem remained alor i being fotfened to the fwing b feo i mem of death ha fit n hvu cm off on a mock and was inediattly be- headed crbjnnean d pieinf r fee- cffivhy nnd iwntthe fmepntiuwnt hmi with mi h les k mi smts of live k koi fiventfa mournus were evrry where beard fww l llc place de rue and f f qi their remain wen i-r- dnfy convey ed tn the cemetr y o v juty 79 tie iu general mhiinn duverne haviny h fejrcled iv ftff red itndev hi fenl a on rtur di y it fle i rhc morning weave aflwd tiat lo cwfi th nflitni of doctor i c y hr hen ajpreliendd a drux whfre be was fri yt d wih in iflmmiory ftvtr in the accrfs o whih he f eqirily pronounc ed with loud erica the name of his vic- tim garrqffine july tz irdey one of the criminals covifted hc ha excited the inured and cmnpafsofl of the public on account of lis repe tti re and hia fun iy confiding of a wife nmiie young children the f dl whig are the names of fhe men ebndemned pilaua coi- jiaof the leffbn of ti aude condemned to inrilmment j mr quel a farmer already accufed of par acide and two other aitfil iaii n gar- dey a retired ffildtc of the train fm- prtfoned for having received two ftolen hoife now feutanced to fnffer death connery formerly a foldfcr keeper of a pnhlic nnufeat tunoufc already accuf- ed of five different afrtisnatfon con demned to death brany oied ro queue already adcufedof aflffinating jthe pyai volunteers oh their return we hear from fyons that the in- oua count bajjnano who was condem ned to bard iahooi for life baa poilbncd him el f ilefcbv urcuiiatin a life of jrrea and glorious aioas by commit ting forgeries and fuieide que of the join nas announce that a mulatto a nephew ofpttion is expect ed in pari to nuke proportions to the government a great number of englifh families have placed their children in the fchools ofpnnk a mr wa condemned to two years fmprifonment yeflcrday for wearing the crfn 1 ftbwcgioo ofhoner vruhont an tioiry bread has lately rifm in pawfij on ac count of ihe iufjvnrable weather gencal licitou 18 now commanding at lille cue vrjkr has been condemned to o years h nd labour for having coined fiile money we h im firni berne rhvt the c-m- tinuence ofthe rains and tlu accumula- jtirhj iiffh waters for want of proper jdtatijage havr canfed new devaflationa in various part of the continent tins frnal town of mj dan was inunda ted i rfvial thy by he oveifl wnig of the thcillc cojnivuor lttemau d m de ivsinimw tl been fert y nvirttcient in order to in- qme i10 tl- li lifter and apply a rem- ledy it i- added hat neuvevilje and jfevcral ether daces nearthe lake of i liin c and lake mora av fimifarly i cireuinflanc d jhe courks of the livers thielle and bici between the ttree lakes are no lon ger vifibte the ijw plains are fubmerg- ed in the vieiniry of berne the aar has palled it ordinary limits and inun dated tiie plantations on the banks of th water the lords supper aa article from nuremberg of the inlt fays the celebrated sacra oatino or the holy veflel which chrift is faid to have nfed at the lords supper and which was brought to genaa in 101 ii comeback from france to genoa with other curioluies the kinp defignedta give it back to the church of st i ore nzo where it was always kept on the j 15th of june the cafe in which it was i packed was opened in the prefnce of the magiftratea and the clerry when to the grief of all pefms prefent the vcflv was found to be broken on this oecafion genoa bus tecovered feveral valuable mfs and the celebrated painting by julio j homano reprefeniing the martyrdom cj 67 stephm ext raft from a private letter dated paris july 26 18 16 sir robert wilfon and mr bruce left paiis y fterday for england it has been underftood that the departure of thefe gentlemen was not to take place til lie end of this week and that they vcqxt to travel with the ufual paflportt from our ambafradr a point which i believe had been clearly agreed on brtwen tvf de riehlicn and sir charles smart the miniflcr of police htfwc ver whether from ignorance of this ar rangement or from a wifn to give thefe gentlemen a tail proof of hugood wifi towards them direfted paffports to be feut to all three of them with a notidea- iou ro quit paris in three days thefe ftirporta were communicated to sir robert wilfon and mr bruee on tuehay night and another was meant to have been given to capt hutchinfod who however had left paris early f the morning of that day with a pnflport of the eritifli miniihr couateifincd in the ufual way by the miniacr fet foreign rfbiiraand rhc prefefl of police bir robert wilfon and mr bruce accuuta receiving thefe paffport and n turned them to m de cazes with fetters rating ihe arrangement by which thty had lluderttood they wre to travel witlt brftfft paflportt thefe gentlemen alio ivformed sir charles stuart of the circumflancc ard with a full intention of not deferring thtir departure bevmd this week awaited the rtfult of this hep previously however to receiving an anfwer ono the britifh miniilry they each of them received on tumidly morning at about to oclock a vifit fiom a commift- of police m tended in thr mountaiious diftrift the fow by a captain of gendarmerie who ha not yet melted the alp are with j informed them that they had orders to fee ob verdure and the cattle which in the month f may nfed to cover fome j mountains remain forrovfully in tjie ta bles and byres and are kept aive at great cs pence in the valleys of the alps the torrents have greatly incrcafed and done much damage theopenlnofoflhe germanic diet is poflponed tiil the middle of next month much holliliiy towards pruffn feecntof jfrom nifme and of pyfoning one of j prevail in saxony an article fom them deained f r fejiioai feeche- and nowafo condemned to fnffer death miquel is to be tried before the court of affix on the 2 th ganlcy died with coinage firmnef- refignaiion and piety ke unified to walk to rhc place of execution bare- foot ed on afeendrng the laffold he turn ed round to the people and faid i am guilty but a milled criminal m the viiti n of this wretch f pointing to the furgeon pray to god f r my foul and help my unfortdnate children then tuniimr tthe foldiers he added u comrades i ardently wim that my example may be ufcfill to yojand prevent yeu from ijqeninp to j the perfuafions of thoft wicked men who wjfli for rtothfng bin your ruin having embraced his ftm and hil con- fefpr and afked the benediion of the latter he underwent hts lenience bonnery dared death with thatauda- city wiiich can only be derived froco guilt as to beaux the furgeon hi death excited only horror the fear of death had fo deprived him of flrtngthj thnt he was obliged to be removed in a cart and did not ceafe to vocifl te all the way from the prifon to the place of execu tion frankfort 1 ites that hie cenfure on political wriiiigsand periodical journals is rendered every day more evee h the saxon dominions in order that thr prui ban government againfl which feveral of lhefe publications are directed may have no caufe of cottpiaint j sweden has adopted a fyftem of th jftncieff economy in everv pat uf her itcftcrday fcnight tbtt elegant new ajmiuifl ration the entry of rangers within the kingdom is fdbjed to the greatcfl difficulties and none are permit ted to enter without a paffjjort from the mtoifler of the interior advices fivun cadiz of the 38th of une date that a puvteer called the fnfmgent id cruizing off cadiz and has captured four or five spanffh vefrls the general late of india asdcicribed in fome of the latefl papers from that country would without any particular thrw of ho ill it y fioxo any one power jiiflify the extenfive armaments put in motion on the mahraita frontiers the walfingharn packet was detained at gibraltar until the nth nil for the purpofe of arming her aga infl the pirate that infeft the upper part of the viediterraiiean above fixty members of parliament are among the exports to france during thelaft eight day in france the court has been occu pied i4tty whb two grand everta the i them into their carriage and out of pain ly 2 oclock on that day for which purpofe poll horfes were to he lent in time and that furthermore they were not to lofe fight of them until then they hated that they had no written orders but atfed upon verba iuftndiois from the miuifler sir charles btuart vaj immediately apprifed of this unex- erited eircumftance and wrote to the due de richelieu fr an explai titien fending at the fame time his own pas- fportsfor the ufual counterfign the i duke being engaged in conference j obferved that he would fend an i anfwer it was to be feared that ths explanation could not lake place previous to the hour at which the officers tad hated that they mul peremptorily exc- cute their orders each of them having gendarmes at hand if force bjtd hen neccflary a application was therefore made to the prefect and miniiter ef police fur a fufpcnfson of the order nhiil l he explanation could be obtained this was granted until 6 oclock and the order for that purpofe arrived jult in rneto prevent the intended departure fore 6 further communications took place with the miuiitcra of police and foreign affair icconfequence of which au order was nt length obtained for ire removal of the reftraints put upon theft gentlemen and which order like the former arrived juft as the hour wis ex piring the miuifler of police declared he had not hi tended that any reft rain t mould be pur upon thofe gentemro previous to their departure although the effect of j113 orders was to hcp thet prifoncrs in their apartment until tie mvimcnt of their deoarture tikv fe nut at length with britifh piflports in the ufua form not even fpcflifyillg the route much lefs the time in vvheh tliee werccxpeftcd lo feave thr eo

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