lvv i ye ftttfufps cbuax june 1 1 sir ivl 1 owfen k ft a vs ulk f r criminal eonwrlroi w iiy o jimaslaulairioom i r tin defendant a ot of mr 1 mi apothe cary at dal had uffif ft jwdyarl i o bv default and tin juir w rp t- enquire into and ans if- dwnftjci mr serpent bt slat d bo ciron-r- tfanccs f t s tin cf m was ef fected while sb r waa nt on the likes in canada the tmbntbitl hav ing been scat by iis fahr r te athnj o lady o in quality of an apothecary soon after he return of iie aiuao commodore her lady fhip finding hwt an investigation was to take plree do ped from her husbands houso vnfft h paramour an old wvt s m by mi e had said bt he seduvr u i you fro the voftkcazeteb fort the fitatox qazltte mr pkinteai lor si had better lovc this hd will soon be here i dout cvrefrr st edward wm the ry- ii comes i have pistols and will ami jam admirals slrfi vovie keith scott sir iv vfwnftli ilsiv m 7e spoko iti deeided farm of tho nfr fciruate attachment tfw i rcnd fe subsist jctwsei sr edvrnrd id lnd 0 mr brougham on h- oh ir stated th lady rt bepn 30 and year of ao and fh c tiuirt null aj and th fries inferred thai thv sj duetion in point of fart rarst lav been committed bv th- r iri ra r i the fitry reared for co nitfflr then returned with fcttnrdk1 ofjgfluu damages for he l owlet of the tixammnticn if the srhn- the llowh district at j orlc fa augusts 1816 prologue bv tohv claus catechism john sfceldon beggars petition first english reading class srcoiid english reading casa fbiiry mhlfv mni offtoss genre sk blnn sir bilarmi third english reading class john nv barber and dean swift fymvth enisli rewiitis class 7v debjtbwliq was ik great- ert hare factor ofthepethtfge hn tjrvard l virion tfnmt mvcr- mr bqrfcff n j ifi lort lr rterto blvrt 70r wiitvrftnsbe jii2m ktenrdilj dnfc f wellington john di y i- jiit english grammar suon oiwiim t- koss jiut s slieclini iaria rudiments if- i ttewyrt my 4tn mrdoafti tin ro4 cw14 wii lai dmoininmioi c jtn iviluni v gihpt viiij on ci iiilixlcs3- ll- vv ijfl vmian a jjmu f3 i-oki-grna- j travels nave fp ccn of thefe vulgar ex hibhonft aa more common here th 1 1 jsralo tic keiw im for tktf cbnvcf klnxst6nstemuku2sl8l i wlweh when he could not fell for the i money at a price to fnit him he bartered fur neccftanes for his fanjly and tavern i in rhi wnv he amaftcd an eflate uf i z g13 i- f in your ga d4ooc osuch was his aachment to f sept paerf police rgi- p jsxs to or credit a nngle dollar to ary man xtpon the bed rnorrgagc or other fecurity tlial could be given lie would not lend a latinos foi the hwn of kingflon lately adopted by the magiftnitc and 1 hear tily reccommenl to nil my fcllow-towrs- men to ohferv thofe fnlutary regula tions and to aid the commhtioners in carrying them iofco eflvua exeeiuion sc fir certainly the tvfagiltrates have deferved wtll the tendency of thefe j their meafures will be to improve the town and to remove and prevent com- ron nuances there u however one other nnfanee tfore difgrcefnl and de- iroralizing than bad read laughter- houfea fwne nuninp at large or lim ber and flone ljiog in the ft reels- 1 mean- the fnra aid boxing matches which fo frequently aflcmble a rabble in the flreets to fee a couple of qnarreling j htarkguards orprhapa of illbred boys gjrkring and breaking the peace amidll the clamors an3 foetime the plaudits iofth fvtctrtor travelln wv hnve vifited thwtows in the courfe of their f i t tm ln vptii l on the subject of t fnetrkrl mode of education att kipid u b trodaccd into france tut wvtc 6j the 4th contains the fell niy i vi u by a letter of the 3d cf i brv the grand almoner has acqialnted the prefect of the ssiflfi flt tiftrirj raade known to the kngthe alarms t thjjj citholies on the plan of iie and ln- cater his majosty hal hd iam t ecrmnnlatetluam fn h- ivft audnt the same dmr iforn hin lull without ihii5 tv ieide on the nw method his ma jcil v ctfexiruoj that it should be inid down n n nrir itvvs sal in i kennelt dkrii ti- lvmalf rxik john knot n v j i k f i j iwltl ii- janei rji s- nn f top jlorara r1goi tv jr mcfi othei places the enquiry n 1 ren made bv m i a perthirnt one fciinld net thenrrtflmea and peee of u r r u mfeofthouandhanqep himself nee bv fp- ed xertion or teir aii cent he never inverted one dollar in any of the public furde neither would he keep the notes of any bank ion er than till he could get them changed he depofited his fpeeie in a large iron chert until it would hold no more he then provided a ftrong iron hooped bar ret which he alio filled after his death his ftrong boxes from whofe bourne no traveller had eer returned yielded 23c ceo dollars in pold and filver the caufe of his death was as remark able as the courfe of his life a gentle man from vetgiuia offered bim i 2 d dhrs per bufhel for loc bulhels of clover iced but he would njt fell it for lefs than 13 doliars and they did not ngree the feed was afterwards fent to philadelphia where it was pdd for 7 dollars per hufl el aid brought tn the while 550 dollars lelv tlian the virginian otferd for it on receivi g an account of ihe fale hr walked through his frm went to his diilillery and gave various diu6ons to i h people he then went to bs wtg- nsjamj rite m ur i and i lilppofed to be withon a 1 f in anydge or country loudon pjfar cure for corns take a wild t rnip and cut it into lice and boil it in fweetmilk and make a poultice ap- ly the ponlice for three or fuur fneceffive cveninga and it will eradicate the corn bv the roots government sale tftill be fold by public auction r at the cornmiitariat stares ac vj h 0 j william lancar j n cvi iiito i f n ptl hi ok a gilt j r prevetfiitf 31 r- chants v it 1 wlvht f th izttgua of ttwvn it f flinh th- to n- p- both for cstbimot air r f a i f tadrv and faturc one 1 tkslt uu oatholld apviie and bm tan rdi1 0 joirn hurra ay kioiudirii b taught bi th ehromj v n k janw irfcum sra- totbfi eufdualm 1 crvry ether 2 si k oe i eboou 3 trl c- rarcfuhv lhlmi- ts thft rnthliefnh pliall i d fvan tlue sc umion forhvh imiwjuhv v in conrtl wttli hu- li nn uhioi in 4 thar ho rw i an- fiiorid 1 visit the viovtt d in their parlslics and tafwa rare thtf 1 ualbolic rcttk li lv taught- 5 h tor that tor- es iifiits offhe new schaois snail in no 1 iep ct trench upon those of tnv bro- tlrr of lheehnstiai schools rttd thaj in rh phus or parishes where the bi ter vhal have ivcn alttidy 5tnbiii- cd in suivciut number new schook shall not ho dfliitt d to ecn into eom- j petition with hem u these niles were nnefivd by his mujest- niguaare atd iircon- queneo of iluir coinituueatkm thnfie cf tho clfiffiv of inris whn ere mem- bersofthe omraitto cf triiry in struction have no lour refused to act mr t 3on blrv v- lh3 sr ilnwifi fid 7 f s 1 mr mi r-im-fi- rv rw mi d v flats vaiju on- lil iiw mm i rav m jj tj ii vi- reigns prolog tir imllr mvuiucii pa ir fi0ivfofe iii llii ilv- ip ml ill i- r- l vnro initl li avu ri pi vj itre nii eocnbii iimii t in th frr vlrro rr rriii rt vrtl vleecaj tua nlh ttiicitinw 4arkiv v1 e i ntilt ci torn elathm in t wot v im iiiini nr- ltii kjik v i luipc iiirn miff rt iit lard rhm m htvi ii r 1- rh irri album v-ii- oli iiim to rheac ui soil freisi t c oi -k- flit iiijihl ir-riv- hlbtf n v iw or 1 i i in itt in pnilvray ii j i- lo rnri i tli ir rail i i 4vi t sea ilrt audj i nut itn irmi tii nii4mi kv i lvir i rlvi hamahu i m tftp vrit ma hw shrink- bh1 htvwn hael ti noroyi the iva ahw l i miil sltrsnvuasrthni ain wctrro oil iij silic rishlif ill hitiit ahid lrliii ilivina i- l04liii iiotkis alul ihhuv jilft 11 1 r glivy tjimi v- lirjun 1 3wfff toluw tittsn oii iml mr r itoiiriirfitin fl inmii 1 micur on a on m liiiii e f trr iht rjr r town t e bv h ir j thothy ha e and prevent tbef a weh e30thr nffan by doing fa ltsvj w mid eft nti six fid ferve the ivereft of the town indeed of the whdc coun- j try they bftvf povei mttjjl t effi fl tit tiv laws on the fubjeca are fusj iciest if duly enforced ad well dii- i r vt inh dutrnf will id and fjpprt f wmsjifi rv in carrying trf law j for the prefervttion f the peace into cx- iecuifti a dto of vtgilancj and pi bpfr even of rin r in i his fefpeft wo 11 be pecn feafonable at the phnt tim- wbrn effotti are made t- j nodee new icgu of police ft iheeonforf cpnet ard itnproverent 0 hi totvn whenever fneh an effrav the t kc p e lunafur let ny per- f n who invptr t he prcf n n ske a i regylai cojrjnt to futee maiillace and ct the imtisfor b iv imd over to the proper c utt m1 f ffcr fuefl punifhmciit t bt fotnd uiffictent ti fnpprefs the wicked vulvar practice gamdenj ml vouc p r fovr itmj uiiy t jfat tswiiuwultar- riv d d n pap r to i 1 r h f auuf ami i in iwml hhijpj t jawtnertfd ltel lo i r- tii l tide aj imtoucr t aivpojiteal of in n v r f rwhmr b a- tnait ivcrioi tf the r inceor x- is a rom the by on ccnihicl rurnl- an ieuturiil in peterbo- ro n h mention that he 1ih th offon raifed llxynine buihtds and i peek of baey oi one acre it is what i commonly called the bx rowd barley weighs 52 poihdsto the bojhd the tovnd wa nor urrtcularly prepared sud it civ in a lot where corn had bceu raifed the la f fu and which received but two ploughing this faring and no manure fpread lhree bufheu oi feed were foivn on rn acre in all pal ot vr country the opt of rycy barley oars c have been un ubily found heavy and v 1ndr1t in mtnj places we obierve that the appleand peartree nrc bored to p e- j vent ibe limbs breaking under ihe weight if their froii a carrot vs rrtfed this fcafon in clwu which weighs fortyfour ounces cxcluuve 11i tie top v kingston 011 ttjesdjthem oct 1s1g large quantities ot blankets clothings and field equipment j and amongst which the following are more particularly defcribed soldiers great coatsj do trowscrs blankets haversack camp kettles tents different deseriptiobg- pistols 3iii iiooks axes sho is spudcj oil cioths sheeting knapsacks canadian mpcastiuh tlie fale to begin at 1 1 ovoci each day and to continue uril the whole will be difpofed of payment to be made on the delivery of the arricles from ihe kings stores kinifon zoth szbt 1816s x6 i0 s fw rrl spewhr i yerdaya u- ciitlfh cimfo was a to tiiivc m hn door in town 10 his country feat revenue ftwi lecit up to u yigj and ordered him to hop to open th and produce a eertatu batr lhat had jufl been put pi licly into it for he j bj auction acre of land in oq vtk in the cownftup or lands down in the 6th concefiion n 6 7 to be fold at 3 oclock p m on monday nest the 30th iaft at mr d bowna inn makct place jn h n darey fuonetr mrs lambie t espectfullybegs icae to irtfjrn the ladies and gentle imfpe rt it contained fin rsrtiud fiucul j j men of khgflon and its vtin that f 1 london yoy 2 an important caution ltdies v ho are accullomed to wear theirdrefiismtretx y low in the back and hofom or ff the j ihoulders are partieuinriy reqinded to beware of a pcrfon who has for fome time pall frequented all places of public amufement and many private panics he i an cldeny gentlemrn of venerable appearance and correct manners his tonaant p when be obferves aj lady drefted in tlie manner abov defcnj bed is with an alrnoll imoerccptible m 1 1- c 1 1 i i i itminr mo jr t irrvv i apparently accidental prdkire oe j vi mltrument which he carries in his hand j rul 01kfl flttfnan1- pvmmi h rhorn y roul to imprint the following words upn her back or fhuulde- kaed but not afhamed the ftain i- like that produced by lunar cauttic wafting will not rmove it aud it becomes more vifible by ex- pofure to the air fo that nothing but a covering can conceal it it is faid thar fcveral ladies were marked lad fummer at virinu places of fafhifnable refort and that they cannot even now drip for companv without difplaying this indelible badge of difgi ace v isie smi tb 1 i imr rr xrr utirtai in 1 i- ilii- tar v i ivry ir rid ehicn nan iiir o j r tilt if a fi line urn woo t oulckaecepuutee baektl rvrv mih tiu iipp mum mm ji r fuwv k w ivl la u jiiirioi- sriii-i- nvivt iinl o thin vital hounr puhiiuih riuisir bivoiul lieeuifcvu5ceorvujgar hnne a ion kinjc ard uanlit victor- cci to rai fleseerei inirznurortueveaal praise ivrhftju iiia name nhen mttrojje lorielal sicill iiflen charm i hi- academic shade mi ion- exrlahnon rnrph onianihnr we found a vltetgy and joxes in gyre lonoofsf au 6 letters from mahon dtd june 5 ale that the dutch jiave cannonaded thr town of algiers fr feveia da ne americans have had no eoffaffeitient tiere th mh fuch a report wa- circulat ed the damage obferved t hvw been loftaiued lv an american friyate which amved difmnfted in sicily wascaufed by 8 violent gale of wind vhe tiucc be- veo the dnitcd states and the barba- j powers has expired ad nctie ha been given to marirers that it may nit rabamvfcc renewtth liente governor ojjlcei urk 1st august iftlff his rxeellencv thv lieutenant go vernor ha bevn pirated t appoint the undermentioned gentlemen to hf members of the board of kd neat ion for the midland lirit under th act parsed the last sesfion o vac le- gmature for the cstabishment of com mon schools rev george okul staai allan mac lean peter smith alexander fisher and james menabb hi onln eivy a ii d mc m a 1 1 0 v actjagswwetury va v ciiupton rxuvtxk -npp- iuli- ftii v adiuawv t- mw i yusi sora iuthr j- rspn oi thr io a crru n- jgmi i th- r v he iwiv p va- vif w- o 1 nf ivd- i ut in iij ii f a gki in th iii jane frr hali fax accordh t e infivf adrlc from mvvui thf kliti rci3tihcd duemi 1 iv hi jrnomk ijonaiwrtr has recited firn knit rrlnw th tviiiu fwar d flui stlc ol hjnlntflorf and ivipver of austria ha con- ntcd that h- i- xke thtil rr- ide in futuix at brrau i 2d imtia vr3 vi k spcmttr xru-vikk- snpt 20 vee v iwiiis by th arrival ihes m cie kciroun 1 af ir fivmit have bcn c uductid bv the odicr wi h peeu lir and un re- he hn- imported from inmhn and is now felling 1 mr barems sturc ad- redent delicacy ifny otlr iudij joining the wtme bear tavema varittjs dira had been fufeeztcd uf fmufffilinc of fancy goods fuitble for ihe f afoo which will be fold on the melt reafonr hie ternn yr teflon acth sept 1816 2 7tf fi iln i in a ir nr manner i prefume the arhrat hep would have been to have waited trpr11 hirninhi office or counting houfe tuld him of the furpiciooa enter- itancdand if circomflances demanded a iiearch to have made it before leaving the room bill here wa at oppoatuuity tcogoid t be lort a chance todetc the accredited agent of his britannic mttjeryt a diflionorablt aft attempting tucheal hc u venue and it c uid not be lco fibih it ws reioivrd therefore to detect him in the open fttteti d in picferee of uumciou vvffes the coniul obeyed openrd the laag and permitted the officer to fearch it when to his great dffappomt- ment and mortifiatio he dtfeovered neither mote nor je than a fine firloin of beef tffimvluri wc undertail caution all perfonfl are cautioned again ft fc purchahng a note of hand of j6 ddlar ajvainfl the fubferiber as the faid note h been once paid it was given toancil micchel henry brans kingston srpt 26 1816 7tvj i dittoish rjphm conn of mtivim ii- ni-rnru- t tie cb our i hm ttu ffi m sn day tiwn jii t donviao wi iiicattcitstiieiih bctt mis been lani that hsuiiiis hul rernfii tiflcfi2cd lo hottfy tll dc of vtwen ihe wi rival chiefs f ttei 1sncrs that ire nmni ackuowr 1 island vm- phc had attacked audi destroyed a town oppoite tori au riikiuul both armi vere pi i paring for a mirrl 1 nuvnnnt v vasthe onvniln opinion nt jeme that tin army olletiou woirid prove victorious t a miser account of michael bmrcl mr baird wa of german ex traction his father lefi him a valuable form of 500 acres in the vicinity of york pa with iome fanning and huufchold articles be kept a tavern for a number of years carried a wife and raifed four children he accumulated an iounenfe eftate which he preferved o tenioioufly that he afforded not a dollar fortifae education of his fjmily he was never known t i iy out one dollar in cyfh r any article he might be in want of he would do without it or find fon pcrfon who tdge lhe treaty ctr expert an immediate war i lis w fusa we are inforu d aniouui to a dedaiatton of hostilities would baattr with him for fotrething he could not fell for enfh i- farmed aryely and kept a l diftillery which he sutied entirely with his own montreal siembfr 21 the partners of the north weft company which wa nienii ned in thisj paper of the 7th irti a having been ar retted at fort william by lord selkirk arrived in town i saturday they came as priloiiers and ae now onder bail fortbrir appearance at court when eahed upon midlam torvt 3 1 general quar ter scffi nsof the ptaee for tli dwtnftj will be nolden at tlie court hoofc it the town rt kingston on tuefday th- ptu day of october at he boor often ocock m rive forenoon thcrtrfore a juftices f the pace coroners conlae and all 01 her peace oftor3 as well a th fe that have any hufinefn to tranfad at f id court are herebv required to take notice and iethtir attendance accordingly ch rtes stuart sirjfi sberifs cficc sept 20 i 8 1 6 1 6 i extra ordinary ch cumstance a yung wotan who keeps the turn ike near hnlty upon thames oxfordfiuve and who has been nfarried 4 year hay now nine children who are all living and well at her firft lyingin flie had three children at her fecond three at her third two and a her fourth and laft one the eixcurjsltaiicc strayed torom near kingflon on the 9th i infl a drk bay mare about four teen hrnds high a w ate ilripe down her forehead qiire nanow en bcnofe hdr upiei liji abnoft all white fome white fpots n her off fide jufl behw the fadde v fqnare built and well fet whoey- ei will bring he 0 mr jvf nhias bag- ly hall he wel paid for their trouble kindon sept 27 1816- 7 came into the incwttreof the lub- fcriber fometinie fince a mafc colt two year old the owner can have her by proving prorerlv aid pay- incrrhrs thomas graham kinglion flept z 1s16 rj blank summonfes subpa rts and exccuri ns foi tuc court o requciii lor i5axc 2t this oca