wanftdjbr his femajesivs service g00 bushels pease 500 bnsbela oah 20 tons hat th whoc to he delivered into trie crmitiiir maa7 his at kingston by ihe nriet nrvtuibtc period tndvr f the ahuve fupuly will he received at thi ifbce c wwusartat office kmvso z i tvffr i 6 t mi new gojxs rytl fvjsfenkcrs having receive 1 bv tii late arrival nffcr for a uw low i reran for eafh bt thch st re3 j j vtr ax fp cither whovfale oi tail rc yreres gloria k i linne uomhattett h g 7 jrifh linens diipas to luteftungs inline lue aml white jf- agoiial saifik levantine silks rjbbuiis lpc5 footrifr gighitis la vcin sjk 8hawif silk and leather wctkaet mi and erii webs wtji a vaiev of othr articles in tie jjj goods line also j naici spirit mdcovho and cftfitiiac r n ly b lnl gin brs pott sdj mi shevi v and jti ic ii a wine f- penncot shi jb momfcs of sugar teas ppin aln nds barney pm- er ailf tce and indiro kiogilgn 19th juiy 1816 1 rjunles monr 0 13 leave to inform their friend tuand the public that they havejur pcived arid now offer for fait at their tnrc fronting the market an alfortmtnt dry goods groceries crackeiy sgc c amog wrkil alie suoerfine and low priced broad cloth white yellow and red flannels green baize fancy vrfiinv lik and ivnolcn dowhte qmking bombazetta allotted colors camcoi ginghams white and black cambric dimity coton shir ting irifli linen geirlemens white cotton snd vkxek wwfted hofe ladies to do lr lies kid and morocco shoes mens lambs wool stqckinffs fihcand co btaccs bsrcoua han krrcbiefrf gk shawls endia bandannocs ladicj j kill and fills gloves gen lie mens bci- 1 d ilk do satin fill to thane rhread footing thread and cotton lace fewing flk an twill ili vclve ribbona fik shawl ba k itk floien- j due figured sarcenet- cc also hyfon and orecn tea spiuts prt an 1 tcuenffe wine mucovado and loaf sugar raifins pep er muflrd c ffe c- which tlicv ill fell cheap foi cafli ir ih rt a pvej ctelit chair shop he fibferibcm having removed to j jl their new hop wuld inionn the public that they will endeavor in rutur to keep on hand ail kitxbof c iaiks bkiikls kc in rheir sine omattvental painting gildings and vdtihteitrg done srith matftefri gaii cm t any lliae rtqur d also boiled li ifcrdoil for faltf bv rhfi iai rrl or mallet q iui pahu ready prepced t andal dticctiuns new goods pke fubferiber basjut received and now offers foi fale aa cstcufive and well ch tea affortmt 0 dry goods groceries and hardware at30 a wc cliofen alirtment of m e dic f n e th whole nf wheh will he fold a the lowest prices forcaft or country pro duce evvd j hr7dfrs0n kingbtoft 26 january 1 8 6 10 wool ardzngm the fubferiber imeivfikl a ctoj ini rrhin- if rroe iorrh of mnfcfgutva mm on ccllma cretk has it tfj tavor nun with thcii custom may lc affured of hav ing tlieii work n6nevh r 1 p fitch finston june s 1816 2tf orvf 1 8 theti ifhipof ki and ha ow iu compete irdr jt card v oolt all pcrfonj who w f favor piic 00 pc notic 4 ul ifacm ctviv c hatch co notice r fublcriber refpefully inlrrn 2 hi frisnd and hc public hat he u k out ocihtit a store in front of he new jm k- 1 houfc where he will do business on commission win buy and fell stare forward goods uf cr j own the fthier will take in any orders of aiy defcripti on in that fine f b fini fs n d perfona defirousof comrnfriimt rojfig iment ro hs charoo rnav knnv th- rte of horace and cimmflion by caiing at the new romnffii tore john duncan kinrdon dec- 30 irij 7 6 t if foi 5 for one or more year a very valuable grist and 6aw mill in good repiir fitate jt thnroi i irarnediitclyby the town 01 uelevjllc foi pltkuiari and ro treat fir r fame j apnlv to thomas coleman efq the pro- pricior several town wver l ta upon t banks of the piver maira fm fae a good vli-icra- d sawyer wa ted bdlruilkattgusi 23 1 81 6 t 2 ferrn i- t no lo no to in the firfl conctflion of iiiir fe irni khwrgh ther wtth a jjond frav hcufr n bar cood 4tdow and tivc orchad there on and a ovl one hnidrd and fi nv acre- of orpioved 1p- tie pr xus arevn41 fituatrdfrr a farmef rrenhnr t ink- rrr f r further crricd s iipv tic fi sfcnl or lo d wafn- buru esq in kiiiflttn p n 7rti t- k f r f samuel egs leac to fnfoflb hw friends and the public ui reucl s he has jrifl rcccivd and new ofifers f r fale a- iit3 store an ccjjant afli r n hardware ft f jtlery dfi9 from the birmir him and sh f- field mnnufft ies which he will cfcf- scfeof wh lefac or retail at reduces prices among vliuh are thefollwinir ca- bench andmouidtng planes chijtla f sorts trvitig satiares and t bevels hand leon dov tril safl mill croflcut and keyhole saisaj chcft cnboard drawer trunk stofc door mortice and pad- locks ship ad pocket compintes glajcrs diamonds hinjyea of all f-rts- brafs and iron stfddlervad kamfi tnmmioff9 of all dclci spttonv tandum gfr riding whips d thonjrs rd lfhe b plated and bra caodleftick do cmetof 5 glafles t britpny mtal teapots watchmakers and jeweller flyers j nippers fica screw rdates sic f- wlinfj piereft shotbelts powder- flland bullet moulds j t ock fr fowling pieces rl ck tin sdncejvn s a utcdkhlrp handles iponutodo do 1 i maira rivets wire of sorts cheap tvoohit i g o od s r he rubferiberft he j t rp 1 by the late arrivals from their mnnn houfe in eig an a tro- quantity of soterflne second broad cloths ladies vicccloiilsuntl oassimeres consistlmg of 1 biue b jack j watenuo bot- ie greeny brovvri and mixture bru cloths bronn pionch gray drab and colord pelisse cloths black biue and mixture donft8 miiid gasimeres which thy now offer for fale at the store of messrs thomson sc detlor very i v for cafll jerhv w4rtehed co flirfoslon i flh ay gust 1 8 1 6 i fo he fold hi renrtfl asny b apfrecl upor that weil k twp va 11 a the v r hrlf rfj j ou fcales of vrions fizea grid iron- and frytne iacp me and defer ki forks i i wt 1 ju rccc and fof fale at this once a quantity of itifig paper of quality no 2 i reans writing pott 2 q ditto dmn uncut public naice tie fubferiber has comnencd run- niiiya stage jvaggon fron fvintft n t erne ft twii vjllflge dattr ro leave d pjcotts tavern at ern every mornagat fix oclock 2nd return tin fame evening to com- roence on monday the firftdayof jny every accornoutinn will be affarded in paftengers and bagpge- s 1muei purdt kingston uj 13 18 16 5 52k marshall mcnucr oj tlv college of sur- geon london an ltcenckd hy mis excellency the uovtknor iv cmilf to i tt l tit physic surgery midttifeiir takes the liberty to inform the public thai he has poovod from mr patrick smyths h ufe t vuflva 1 hs k fimclks where a calls in 111 line wii be iti nediitely atr njed to n b families vmd others may he fiuplij vith imail quaritine of genuine drugs and patau medicines icinuslon th auufl 1816- ii ad notice j he iufcfefftcn the v c rck l siciey arc infiirined that mr j samuel mtrtiil ha taken the boks anl tia belonirin to the society andj ijtbofcwho wifti to tak their 4lvmend nf i j books fir the laft year and r to- ward ifpdoniicr more bok- lor lottier year are fcqeflel to rail wftltout delay at mr mrrilr store forthm purpofe j order of the preflnt kingflon auguft i 1816 9 25 reward it7here ason the morning nfthi 5th irtft a an hy ame of i cffjrd e barker ran away j from picfc tt upper canada with b- i out j 000 dollars the piorcity of the i fubferiber any perfon or perfnj who wil npprbend and feenre the laid rich ard e bwher fa that he mav le brot to juft fin rec iv- the above reward j by applying tfl the fubferiber at prclcott j upper canada- he i a man about twertv fix years ofagjivc ftet fix inches hith frcfli complexion light har blue eyes round vifoge head a utile balj at ihe tire he made m efcape his cl shea weie a bhick coai ad pantdloona iriped waiftcoat sf jotig boots it to be hoped thar eve ry exertion 31 be made for the fecuring sfuch a charadier amasa wood prescolt u c june k 18 16 for bale n j j reafonawe term lot no 22 in tft ff cntttjiix no 2 t 6th co cession i ot ht 20 h the nth r the while being in li towmilor rf anarlofwtin th-di- f fa wwi for patttcltrm no j- ofsce all in mci p v r hmstmu august r t8tf t 2 merchant 0 7- ft aving their eno miir wij wim trtjfttl t nvnn vi i hear tf a p rfon i ea t0 complete then 7 i c th at i n r r jo carvers with foi ks wiod screws aflortcd ivoreau trimmings pottable deflc do bed cays screwb and keys jd 6a i rod is i6d i8d 2cd r and od nail white nd black lead pruflhn pne h iiivyi red and i cihw jonas abbot respectfully tenderji hit thanks to his cuttomers foi their liberal fupporl in mercantile tranfaftions bncfjve came to this place and fiifornw lheri that he has now commenced bufi- nefs with mr thomas s whitakle under the firm of jonas abbot co and are now receiving a very general aflurtment of fanny h rags rafs cash and uz hast price cajd 6f clkvn cotton ad linen r g at this ofhce ipbr fale py leukfrii 4 boxes fine yellow soap chespforcal thomson detlor rnnt- boied enjrhfh op c c wimi in adjitlon to his f rmfirsto k wi 1 form the miffi complete affonmeut vtofrrvcdfrhile in this place aurcfi august lo i 8 1 6 icf jaahss g hanna fftfpi wtr midjiwufcr tj esrctfully bforms lm i l friends and the public ingncr bat he bw tjfl received a rervvleati rill m of gold rod rflwr watches patent leav si nd plojcj wniicsl lniiimerit rf al ilcferiptiqns fuel as donhte flact- f cfirionethi fiutcs o ladies woik cx s pntd rivrv do o-nlvfiirkt- doi smtficrsand trpysi do saltccilaft an tafl ravks fviiry hurdled knivo iri fork- in lem with carver paten cvvrfc srt cw sihcr gil and stee pur silver and rated fifb krvcs iiv- butter kufves do spoonfr silver j iit and other smft h -xe- rar scjtor pfp kiivc ch- k filhng tacwe baeganraon board chcfiinen die iilvti tottoife shell and sree spekiacles and a nurrber of othc ar ticles too nurf rous to menitftn which ik ill fell cheap fore h n d -mf- ie evctllent w 11 adapted to this market which have hcen fdeded by one of the partners from the latcft arrivals at quebec ard molt- treal and puvchafed for ready money they flatter themfeves their ptrclia- ea have byrt fuch as will enable them io fell their gods as low as th fe who have imported direct from europe the strictest attention will he yid to customer and geeds fold at a vey mo derate advance kingston d august 1816 p s j abbot beinpr about to r- move to mon real requefts thofe who have demaiidw against him to c i libit d fcofe who are bfcbcd to hm to make payment w sjvuff ivhovfaeand retail watches c clocks repaired and cer red in th h manner a arrant ed- kingston a i i5 i tf kinton 7vly lhir for sale the we t h ilfoflo ntinbcr nineteen the feend cotneiiin of the own- iii clip of r gfton apt ly to the prioter ingile fubfcribers inform the luhab- ji itants of ringfton and its vicinity that they will pay for good house ashes nine pence per bufhel and provide meajs to rake them from their refpcclive floufes once eve y two weeks charter short co i september 15 1s10 15 blank summonses for the district courts for to be sold 8ooacics of land in the tovnhp of loughborough 200 acres in the townlhip of hun geiford a saw mill and orit ntfil with two dwelling houfes out bafet ibblea sec with 400 acies of land a ciown icafe in the townlhip of pittsburgh also a mimber of valuable town lot in the viiljgc of wciligtoii for terms apply to amqs anslet iitngson july 5 lsi 6 lost v jet rom the pafturp n mr jalkfnn a cow a reddifll jnnde colour vlre fpota on swr fore head red v hite belly pme buck isorn part of one ear off cjiis is nvv miik j and three years old whoever wii i r tin tnr fame to ue fubferiber hall re- jcae ac sward of fobs dollars john scott it i king ton a we 1 6 1 8 1 6 for sale foir fooc la us apply at this office kiaglton 1 7tb may jhi6 i 30000 spruce seer to let rphe upper pail of that lionf fit a ua ted in front ft he market for a mall private finally alfu ftabling fo ahtio for particulars apply to the 1 iuolcrxber j duncan who has on hand from 1000 to 1500 pair of worsted stockings fit for the army which m ill be fold cheap f cadi only j p6 sep i8j f f moftany quantity ci be had at j the cellar under rie auclioi room of air charts short john young iea- in and for the midland juilhct a- frcfrid at ihc fuit of john kitby ofthc town of smgllon in the faij dilhift tjcrthant nriifl thelandand le irrre s which were o william tkinfon of e fame place tanner deoeafed nt the time o hifi desth in the haid and ciliody of li hard cartwrigilty lohfl feriton nimioias stickle and mary stiejclc ex- ccntors and executrix pftjic fn4 will- tain atlcinfon decfed to ie dirrlrd i haveftized and tken in escctition aa bdongittr to the fiid willi am at- kinsom dccaledat the tfme ofhis death h ihe hnd a coftudy rf kirh ird cartyrrrght john ferjjufyn nicho las stickles and maiy sticks eeeu- tors and executrix of he faid wiiinm atkinfon deccafed lots luunher 19 2 2 22 23 and 24 in the fomth coiire licn of the townfliipof sidney containing by admearinenwnt 1 200 acres be the fane more cr lefs now 1 do hereby jjivfi no- ti e that the fait lots or pared s of land will be fold and adjudged to the highe bidder at rry office in the town of km- on on wednesday rc six- teenth day of octoberttex nt ten of the clock in the forenoon at inch lime and place the conditions i fale will be made known charles stuart shertffi and every perfon 01 perfcus ha clatnis on the above defcttbed iota of land and premifes by mortgnge or other right or incumbrance ate hereby adver tiled ro give notice to th faid shetitf nt hia office in the town of ivngilon prevs- m to the fale thereof sheriffs of ice may 6 i s j 6 4 for sale a valuable farm with boiu ingl auo large improvements tin re- p e ati ir drably fituated within 28 miles p s ai persons who are in- 1 1 o ficop perfona defiroua of jj 1 debted to hiu arc rqyefted to call with out fifhvj and fettle their accounts kingston july 51816 5 packet7 the schooner ferfvernce j g parker mailer will continue t run as a packet from khgftcn to sack- eta flarhor may j j 1816 50 a i b hafnir to inqoire of the piinter ft iislon july 10 rftic- 5 tf lairs sermons portti evf- jp dences ie canadian viilioi bonsdo finjrle together wirji a zrm variety of nfefn eofks and tracts fm young people for sale at thfsoffite where accefs may b had to a fmil r- eulating lwary three uomm a week en moderate terms auguil 1 1s16 q