saturday october 5 1816 kingston volume vi no is gazette kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum new goods x he subscriber have imported direct from london man- cheffer birmingham and glangow c an extenfive afiortmcot of every fpecio of merchandize fuitable to the upper canada maiket the goods have been felefted with care and purchafed for cah and will be difpoftd of either by wholefale or retail on the mod reafonable terms tjwder the different heads of liquors groceries hardwares clot lies flannels haberdash- ey hosiery and caiyeting stationary crockery glassware cord age he c would enumerate the following ankles viz they very beft port l p madeira sp fine old brown sherry f brawn o shirtrg and sheet ing liner- laces cambnok- winiifa veaincrc smm libon bk silk handkrchfefi lp4l m teneriff hibberts beft brown stout by the navy blue black gray tad imauf caik or dozen superfine broad clothe and cas- brandy gin e c c teas sugars loaf and mufcovado coffee sauce of every deicriptum loch fine herrings by the keg- pearl barley muflard soap candle by the box scotch oat meal paints and oils aflorred crawley and bliiterd steel swedes i- tom affbited duck piccon and snipe shot nails spikes of all forts tin plate and sheet iron frying pang spade and shovels hollow ware hai- cjthwhitcwafh scrubbing horfe shoe and ta ble bmfhes knives and forkesaffortrd penknives sciflbtt spoons laztrts shavluh cfcfo lockv hinge saw hammers file gimhlets sec c c boots and she nankeens ctdiooy stripe cuttorw checks bowhacttsa mrioua shawh dimities tap ft bubhiti fiaieies ladirs and gentlemen gloves and hofieiy carpeting of various pat terns an aftrtmentof sclkolbooks and sta tionary police rules and regulations by order of the magistrates in gen eral quarter sessions oj the peaxe held it kingston 1st the streets of kingston are to he turnpikcd the statute labor of the ivwn or a certain proportion of it to be appropriated to thut purpose 2d foot paths of eight feel to be left each tide o the street six feet of which is u be paved with dai stones and sound poits planted at the con-r- and at certain equal distances along j he street ii necessary the expence to be defnved out of the rates to bo levied lb i that purpose on the inhabi- aiiti 3d nc wood timber stone or thei matsiials to be laid the streets feriurept ft immediate buildings and heu onlj on re sides leaving tin eon- fret aid the surplus to be removed as on xu the buiictiug is hub bed on the pcua ol iwcity shillings iu su fircuocd to be piled in lite street nor empty caks cases or boxed- niybish or filth of atsy kind to be lft ohiovn into the suets c- ccpt to b laiiaediately removed on the penalty fl we shillings and if not car- lit d ra m forfytght hmrs the fur- r tier sum vf 5hiricg 5th cirtsand carriages left in the greets- all be arranged along the poetry lafs ware n1 crockery by the crate j sl a u maniiej on the peiwltj or cafk and packed to fuit coun try shops gentlemens proof beaver flats men youths and b ys cveel hair and plated do men v how hats ladies k qithf beater trfrnt bonnets write ed yellowand blue flannels and vlaen broad biie 2 t- 3v point blankets counterpanes bdtkk r xc storage and wharftee t the coliom- ary pricf and comciiffion ftufincfa exe- eutcd a the u ru- john kir by co kingston july ig ib 1 6 8 price of advertifwg in the jatue j six hues and under 2r foil infertion and ij every fuwcqnt ten line- and udet 3 srfl infer tion md 18 every fulfequciit ten lines and upward 41 per line firil irifjrti n and 2d per line every luc- ceedifit infertion advertifeients unaccompanied with written dircittiong ire inferted till forbid and charged accordingly auctioneering tjnie fnbfcnbcr retutns his fincere ad hearty thanks to his friends and the public m general for the many favours he ha received from them for thefe iixtecn years oast and informs theti that he has recemneneed bufinefs again for himfelf any gentleman wafh- jngt- difpofc of any pmpcity will be vaited upon at their own quarters or at mr d- br wts tavern fronting the maiket place and he aflures tu fe gentlemen who hall pltafeto favor him wkh their custom tha they thai have no occalion to call twice for their mon- cy b tuesday thursday and saturday an his regular auc tion days john da rle y ausloneer kingston 4th nept 18 16- 14 by auction will be fold at the cmmiffaiiat lltiijrfitori on tuesday the 8th october at 12 oclock 3 ji gallon o white wine kingston i ith scpi 1 i 6 7 thefubferibcrreturnshibel mmnka to kin cultomers for pdl favours mrs larnhfey jy ehpectfolly ugt itaveto h lrform the l dies and geuiiel men ff kingfton nd itti viciieiy tht bh hi imoite fr n lonn and i now tiling a mr harrietts store adj jn ng the white bear tavern a vtiiriy of fwmiy glods fuitbe for the ftafon which will be fold uu the moft rcaf-na- ble terms kinpfton 26th sept 1816 ittf jh i per n hall race or run hordes in the street on penalty of five hillings 7th l ry inhabitant house holder shad fcuoneortwo laddeistoasceud to the- raif of iii- hi use and the yaoie uiiabvr4 tlo rocf in proportion to in srettjrtc hotise on the penalt i j five srdlins twenty neglect 8th h rv r me where a chimney i takf iire tiie occupier of th hottse shall pay a fiae of forty shil lings vtu ktery stovpio cawed thnv partitions or hns hoofed hou flwll have a space of si inches betweon the pipe and wod it sheet iron or tin around it on the penaly of ten lll- liiigs forraeh oti uee 10th no per on shall be allowed to bum chimneys c wor and efay on penalty of iotv shillings and be obliged to pull it i n llth lvery ijpg running in the streets shall be iinponnded and tin pe- washing day monday comes and with it brings what the damfcls all will fay as they tie their apron firings this ii the dreaded wajhing day sunday night it a woes begin lovers late then dare not ftay girls will hint it is a fin and to morrows wafhing day up at daylight then they leap soiled clothes together lay sadly view the monllroua heap- work enough for wofhing day now around the tubs they itand like the grace in array soap and dipper clofe at hand ufeful things a wafitngdajn short fleevd gowns and bofotos bare they their beauteous limbs difpiay unadornd nvre winning fair choofe a wife a wqfbwg day if by chance acquaintance knock polly crice fend al away locking thus id satan fhock not at home a wajhing day should one heedltfs through them go of the suds he jec a fpray theres no paienj here below learn the rules of wajhing day- latc at dog rh tblci a 1 eat or famifli then you tray difh of ptluck foon ii made dainties none a wajhing day when at lufl the work ii done drefsd ai evening fmart and gay with connundrurn or a pun paftes oft a wajhing day f i happy the youth who finds a bride in fprigbtly days of health and cafe whole temper to his own allied no knowledge knows but how to pleafe a thoufand fwrets their days attend a thoufand comforts rife around here buiband parent wife and friend in every dereft fenfe is found mi of her who sells her virtue m o ney uhotrades on the intercourse and exc tements of vice it is the aceom- jlishment of the courtezan saltust wrote in the days when home was disgraced by her manifold licen- tfoosness and even sallust in depict ing the character of a flagitious courts- an of the flagitious cataliue says iiat she mas skilled in dancing bet ter thau a modest woan oujrht to dance showing to us that even in his und even in thoe days it was con bidered a bad thing to diuce tx well it is had enough on the ttage it hould not be tolerated on the stage et the exhibition on the staee has ne r been so objectionable as some of the xiibifions lately introduced into the bosom of private life and myt our ic and gracefulreels and country dances eire place to these seraglio in terludes forbid it religion virtue de crncy we call on the m dost matron the virtuous wife the considerate tusband the moral clergyman to zuard our females from the taint of this adoption- jtoung ladie who excel in hisnrimay arry their singleness if riot their chastity to their graves if they become wives they will b- the wives of fools for no man of good fee- ling or good sense could intrust his honour er happiness to a female who had not delicacy enough to shrink from i familiarity so indelicate and uncere- nonious no man but a fool will include svaltzing among the motives for choo- ing a companion for life one of these waltzing ladies would prove but n middling wif in the sea n of adver- itv she riffht bloom in the snhine of p ospeiity but she would wither in the winter of his misfortune she might hare in his pleasures of be the mis mess of his revels but she could reve be the companion of his cares or the soother of his griefs natty imposed agreeably to the stat ute pith the put are allowed uniii the first of ala is 17 to r move midlmd district 1 y ffhe conn of rj utonmwe j 1 general ouar l hi sonl of touii ter rcfirm of the peace for this dnft n 17 7 p twd bau ta will be holdeii at the gouit ronfe in the j s bc oun kl within the town town 4 kington on tllcfdav the 8th slai p olty shlulugs lor day f 0koherat the hour often oclock in the forenoon therefore all juficea of tin- peace coroner coniiahle audi all other pmcc oftic ts as well as thofe j that have any huiiiieft to trantaa at faid it court are hereby required to take notice and ive their attendance accordingly char e stuart shmjf sheriffs office stpt 20 1816 16 every bicthc shu so kill u thecleik of the marktshatl have i yet think not man midft fcenes fo gsy that clouds and florms will rverrife a cloud may dim the bright ft day and ilorms ditturb the calmtft flcics the lights and hades and oods and ilia tims finely blended in their fate to fwcet fubmiflion bow their wills vche fn rrt t i t t extrad of a letter from the rev eli forbes describing thrfatutary effed cf dydroot on a lancer when the application was begun mr forbei cancer was as large as a common tea cup and the cavity would hold as much it was lined with a black morbid call the dilcharge was very copious ichorous fixtid to a very high degree she had a high fymptomatic fever exrveme pain and fnch weakneft the market i10use swept every afternoon and au see that the paces under the eves or the market to be jkept clean and every person refusing to remote tilth aj dirt which they may have caused shall pay a lino of five s id i lings- i4tii a si poi offending against the above rules aj regulations may be prosecuted bofore r one ofthecom- a r i a mlisxoucrsappoiutedbv the act and ll perious are cautioned arainlt r n s f kt n j3 convicted on tfte oath of one crcdi- purclia fiog a njt of hand of 6 jc or his collfcssion dollars aganll tnc btferibcr a fad f immelia note ha- beei once paid it was given 10 aucil mitchcl v i fca ij hm 1 hat fhc could not band alone but on the thiid diclling tere wa a maceriil alteration for the tetter aud on the fifth moniferous matter began to difapr pear and new flefh fucceeded her pains went off hei fever abated a 4l i fc n 1 her appetite retuined and her urenath anu make them hfepov in their hate 1 yy r f g recovered i he procels or the appiica tion ie the following take the nar henry brass kingston sspt 26 1816 17w3 came into the inclofure of the lub- fcriher fomelime fiuce a mare clt two year old the owner can have her by proving properly and pay- foffcharffcs- thomas graham kington sept 23 1816 17 totet tke upper part of that hotif fit- uated in front of tlie market for and would inform them that h- ha lakeo a f p family alfo ihblin mr conftder willisttn as a partner 11 the a for particulars apply tc tfor saddling harness business heparticulaily requel all perfons in debted to him to make immediate pay- bltrt and thofe who have any demands againft him are dffiird to prefenr them for payment before the ii jay of october a metcalf kngittta sep 21 i 8 1 6 1 6v3 particulars appiy to the fubferiber j duncan who has on hand from 1000 to 1500 pairs of worsted stockings fit fo the army which will be fold cheap or caoi only j d- kinsim 7 st il6 14 pakl they shall bp levied together with the costs and cha distress and sale of the offender goods and chattels by warrant undc h hand and seal of any one ofthcsaui commissioners one half of the penalty to go to the inform er the other halftone treasurer of the district for t use of the town allan maclkan vrk of the peace kingston 5 sept 2 1 1 s 1 6 1 6 a4 fa di fence of i he ladies evcrrvg drcffes when drcivd for the cveuing the girls nowadays scarce an atom of drefs on them leave nor blame then for what is an evening drrfs but a drefs that is fuited for eve adam miscellaneous groceries phe fulfcnbe having commenced bofioefi in the grocery line either whakfale or letaij p w i they will do their to fupply the public on the most rf1 terms torrax tf mleod kingston 3oh jy 1 c2 blank lieeds and t mem waltzing chaste manner as well is chaste mo rals have loilg formed part ol the char acter of the lritish female if this new mode of dancing becomes preva lent this boast will be ours no lon ger we know not we care not whether this dance be borrowed from germany or the peninsula but this we know that it is disgraceful to the country that claims it and still more to the coun try that adopts it as among children it is immaterial as among females it might he excu sable but as between the sexes he would boa sensualist of a depraved ap petite or a mistaken taste who would not exclude it from the revels of a bro thel what docs it mean dancing b a good an excellent exercise and accom plishment its objects are graced agili ty andexhiliratiou but what doe this mode of duncingmean what is it- object or tendency f it is a familiar ity which decency forbids it is an ex hibition at which modesty shuts her row curled leaved dockroot wafh it clean biil it foft in rain or fpring water walh the ulcer with this decoction as warm as the patient can bear and fill the cavity with liquor for 10 minutes then fcrape off the pulp of the root j bruife it fine fpread it on gauze and lay it on fo as to bring the poultice in contaft with every part of the ulcer then fpread a fine cloth dipped in the liquor over it and repeat this procels two or three times in 24 hours at each drefiing the patient mould drink a wine glafefullof the tea of the fameioot with one third of a glafs of port wine fweetened with honey to prevent ficknefiu n h f there is an interefting moral point in the following anecdote an extraordinary difcovery waa lately made at goodmanchertcr eng a traveller of miierable appearance top ped at a vagrant lodging houfe and feeing fomc indecent words written with chalk on the front of the chimney took ofthis hat and while iiapping the brim upon the oftenfive words with a view to obliterate them a paper dropped from it which proved to be a one hundred pound note of the bank of england it ap pears that the hiit was given him by hia brother who bol picked it up in the field f waterloo that a man wil a- timately cta reward for exerting him felf to check immorality is a corrcft axi ire from the caul wwhingiimm a clctrvaiau hi a louring eyes itu at best but the quauficatij couty oard in s clegnt bay