saturday october 1816 kin ton ga volume vi no 19 ette kivqston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum ju4 neff goods j he subscribers have imported direct from london man- jchefter birmingham and gtafgow c an exieiifive aflbrtment of every fpcciesl ft merchandize fuitabie to the upper canada market the goods have been felecle1 vtrh care and purchafed for cah and will be difpoftd of either by wholefalc or retail on the raoft reasonable terms under the different beads fof quebec sept 21 trfe harvest we have had for several days a conti nuance of fine weather as the hnfband- man c itlld have wifhed for ripening and fecuiing hs grin keeping is com menced in all parts of the diitrift and the harvefr is abundant though in many places the fanners from an apprehenfiou pohtky yj j j of hie ruft owing to the green nek of the liquors groceries hardwares it bw commenced rather r jfroft have been experienced in ihe clothes flannels ijaberdasi- ery hosiery and carpeting stationary crockery glassware cord- age c c would enumerate the following articles viz diftrut but their tffcs have been princi ally felt in places newly fettled wlere prs potatoes and plants of every ducription have offered 1 wines they very bft port l p madeira sp- fine old brown cherry lpl m totcitss hibberts beft brown stout by the cade or dozen brandy gin ice c c tea- sugars loaf and mufcovado coffee sauce of eve v defcrfotion loch fine herrings by the keg brown qzoaburg sliirii g and sheet itig i mens laces can brick police rules and regulations bfl order of the mtghtralcs in gen era qaarltt sessions of the pence held nt kingston lt thksfreels ofkingstonareto 1 beturnptked the sva yfe labor of the veflinm satiins uibou bik i or l portion f if ti silk httdkdm i be jw j th purpose navy blur black gray a d fafhionablel p gm tyte lords day morning divtn v tiy w eet the cheerful ray trial nhera i fcnmoria light and stmvs tliedawn ofenrilsday kimgng from rernal niif rb t mom in whle kmnnurl rove and iriiinijhm ovr bis mortal foes superfine broad clothes and cas- fimeies ladir md gentlemens gloves and hofcy carpi ting of various pat- left i jde 01 the street six feet f 1 wiii h i- t bt paved tjtfl liat trrc and wutul post- planted it tko corner and at certain equal di lances along thv strict if nfessar the expend tr b defn d out if rates to l bv the box scotch cat meal tmiftty glaf ware and crockery by the crate or en ik and packed to fuit coun- j try shops wtite red yellow and blue flannel and green broad baize the pobnttj rt twenty shilling 4th no iirovio f be piled hi niveand forkesanoredpcnknvcs 2 tojl pnrfiarlcets center panes rlml w i fe aftwg spoon razor 8hww chc bed i iok c be ivft or tiirnwn utto tlte stress ox- paints and oils affi rrrd crawley and bliftered steel swcdtfl i- ron affured duck lgrn and slie shot nails spikes of all lortfl tin plate an j sheet iron frying pans spades and shovels hollow wve hair cloth whitewnfli scrubbing horfe shoe and ta ble brnoica k sc locks hinkfiii 8s himmers piles gimbtafc c 3cc- c po ts and shoes ankenc cordivov strjwa cttnns chcks bonibaett moflina shaww djmimes tap romunj pratt 0 adorrtifig in the utmtle six una and under 26 brfl infevtion w 13 every lulifeqnent ten lines and under 34 firfl infer- tion and 18 every fnbfcqutnt tenliuefr andupwrd 1 per line firft inftrtioti ad d per hat every fuc- ccrtd ifftin a jvertifevcnts unaccomdanjed with writn dircflions re inferted till forbid ami charged accordingly gentle nnh proof beaver hat men youths and b pltcd do me ladies owls bearertnmm 3d- no wood tlndkt stone or ctikm mati riftu t be nid in the stress eifpt fir hnmedtat baudlngs and thto onl on thesih- i-nvioctiiecok- tre ft c and the urpl to bf r-imtv- 1 j rrotro ilas afewidhuli hniwhrd or doilllis li i t t ys c3r ei htir and j n willow hats hove tlie blirh of vernal bloom tiai p ids anew t 0niviir yar ami wtpevnwav the maimfnl gloom tiial vuiii- khdpdfmtnfpv wear iiji o vv hal radiant gpilles adorn the glorloaa resurrection morn tiiecveinmomrii d the priiionf jvaco a caphp touieuoverofdeaili tiic lrotniiv hlils ti 1irioil reh af aitd laneful serapy ivarulina itriii proclaim aioad the rujn rod a nd snout ii victories faratiroad though tons involved in g inomy njjht waioe am shades oiineisvd our way oronlj ra throirh slisdowj rites ivti cmhtinu of a iinni day reloij iheiiliatnim momiis risfr and iiaeil isoi blesouf eye storage and wharfiigd t the cnflom- ary pricen and commvfliot bufiflcfe cxe- j cutcd at the ufual rte tot in 1ursy co liwgston jmy zo 160 cv i r i t fohe fnbfcihrrefneclfnl inform- jl their friends and tle public in e- ncial tir they have receiver an addition i to their ufual fttppiy confining of a ge- rica tt rlirti of i dry goods hambwal letioaeennsr double and fiogle stovca iron barw strel and wheel boxes ladies and mifa show a eompcte affrjrtjnei t of ftew falh- sept t- o emm sdhitel n n tw pcnalt o mvshilhu and if not tr- riedawa in frtyei hcurs the fur ther md 0 u- w11v 11 5tii cvrisand carntves lefl in ti- afreets si all bo aitflvned alcrg the sidesmarfulaf imnu rrou in penajty rl live shillings 6m n person phalli race cr run horin the street on penally of fu- hillioj- j 7ii mvrv inhahltrat hrosr in d- jhnl havronnrtuo iiufl rsto ascoih to he roof ot hi luiuso and lliu keiu uu ruber 01 the roof iut prporliin 1j iniu oi iie house on ihe piiiahj of iv- slii liis for evi rj no- ct htii in every ck vvhi it a chimin sall take iir 1 1- ocep r of tlo hoi ic shall pav a one of forty fthtu tth fvery st rejpe carried hrr j tin 0 a tlii wet mom munis oma i lr thi ew ions scene vi itejiaii uiiot of death are foild aud varii iv by ic interna king wii h aeonqttcrermay 1 rise to eiidlcs day above lite skies the dove from mvwitls poxms o irli in- where tbe dove ha flown xnbnildlier ilownj nwl and i ul ive ih uoi hi itlone to iu iier o my breast i fihi iier in the rov dowt votr pi a mi iv iioid herrelgo and t fvon or toltowr jih th re 1 sought 1 11 vain sought her in ihcivwoi love fifhtu hffrtndim lieart bn r liad iown uv rnrifil dove lal fh the imuor dart upon ibi ionvcrag hill tiv wiir r maj mray i rhi iii tin f bffl vaoii still uuesoow tnn was i a milm and hca u mler ear tn r mr scntcti aronud tirfii tr i rati oll thee where tfce 1 il wht vet be round 1 ukv the fnbferiber returns his fnce and hearty thanks to his friends an x the pumic in general for the many favours he ha received from tlvrn for thefe fixteen years past and inform them that he has tecrmmenced btilincfii again for himfclf any gentleman wifh- ingto difpofe of any property will be vaitcd uoon at ther own qviarrers or at wooo vitli hot iroii or tin mnav of tea shll- v d bows iavern ftnting the maket place and he affre thic gentlemer who fhm nleafeto favor him vtth lh custom rhat they fhall have pocccafion to call twice for their mon- onejnarhes and gertlcmn- ft ca iarli j u h i and i wmmi for gre loau ha a 1 wo elegant dining sells wm a variety f otkr articlts too p 3 h ftltomd lengthy ti- enumerate whu h u ill be fij j jurftd rhimneya of wm and clar cheap for cvfh monj e 17 8c st germain kingston d ocj i s 1 5 1 8 1 t i r a nhind t on th i ntl fiootshiii 1i ot s ilri lo r llrtwnj it o h ha m m cltulrd wn awl ftiii r oiv breas fkm woorks racrbo sovgs fr havdti ti htdith the broken in tiettrt ana kttuuih ttp their oand f imui who irv ihe mciurnfr tar fut ituiij world would r ifvrad chrdai add here hi nn jj thee frtrnd uimmmoi r san liiielive hrn i rtier roiin- are n n n ft tuesd1t thursdit y and s4turdat m john darley autmeer kinjjstn 4th ept i3l6 h mr lamhie t espfectfully heps itave to 1 inform the lffdkf and genjc- dcnof ringfton and its vlcity tst ihr has import e- frfw ond n anti in ow felling at mr 8wif ve w pining the white tear tavern a variety ef fancy god fuitable for the feafon which will be fw ml the mift reafena- ble terms kingfton t sept ii6 i to lei the upoe part of ti itonfc fit- uae in front f the market for a mall private furrily alfo tabling for ahoffe for particulars apply to the fubferiber j duncan who bas on hand from 1000 to 1500 piiirs of wonted stockings fit tor the army which will be fold cheap for eafli only j d tiirutn j tit sept 1 8 6- 14 strayed rom a pasture one mile and from a pasture ore half from kinoflon r84e into the inelvioe oftllc iub- j fcriber fometioie fuce a mare vlt twoyero old thf owner can have her by provi e thhwy wa pay kinrlonfieft 23 tsls 7 e mue ana a iguon mr beachs j tavern about the jail of aoguft a blank summoiic sabpofr pas and exeuins fv r court of rcuepsj for lc at this officft bay horse four years old dark mane and tail one wlsire hind h iof and a fmall white fpot 0 his forehead whoever will return uv hoifi offtive information wheie he may be food fhall be well rewarded all ucceitvy chniges paid by silas may onpeanuyof forty sluillin and lv obliged 10 pull it down 11th iviurj io rronujng in the ft roots v bs impouiudi d and the pc- viry inpo ecl arjcaby to the stat ute i the butchers nr allowed i nittil the urst of may is 17 to remove tlvirauit rhuuss tou that alter that period hutchers wio shall be found killing within the town fibril pay a line of bvt shillings for every beast he shall so kill ith the cwk of the markctsham iave the market houv swept every afternoon and a0 ee that the spaces under the eves of the market to be kipt clean and every person refusing to remove tilth and ijirt which they may have caused shat pay a line of hiv shillings 1-lth- any person fending against h above nilnfl and regulations ma be prosrcutnl before any sw of he com- inissioutrs appointed b the act and if convicted on the oatfo of one credi ble witness or 011 hi o coufesxoii if the penal t shall not he immediately paid they shall be luviod together with the costs and charges by distress and sale of the off mleiv gertd and chattel by warrant under tht an and seal of an one ofthoaid cou rs 0ul half of the penalty to g lo i i er the other half to t tnasurer of the district for the use 0 the ton a allan mulkan njtiic peace kirsfori sept 21 y31 fi ig7 a id in jii lii -ir- rjtfive mi u iur pars alone br tlum t it iioal hat broken heart viiieh lik- tlr- pni- that throw thir uiriur ton r wulilded lart ureal jtjn tne5mi m o wheujaj nplfinroaths nrcleera ail rvn ihe limf thai iloew noipiii- ia jl iviiir1 isdimm m and vanished i oi win tvaiu i ai life ormy doom iirl not lii uin nflovc romelmihdv ivnnlegthrau hrloom on tac urancfl lioin tihuvr then sorrow loch6 by the4rowa briiit nit more than raptured ray a la kuesltios us iiorld of itrltt r nevr j bv ia miscellakkous m jfvih f bujfaloe gazette t a penny faved is two pence clear fays dr franklin and fraiklin was a wife man but with all his wifdom i believe he never told mankind how 10 prolong their lives and i wonder at it too for it is r a very eay matter why fir me and my coufiu jonathan were both born in one day and now i pofitivcly know i hae enjoyed life fome years longer thau he although be is yet living this may make fome of your readers dare but i aflure you it u true and i will convince them it i i therefore wiih them in the liril place to bear this in mind that if a perfon bj any means can lengthen hi life one horn in each day be will in one year lengthen it 15 days 5 hours in 20 year 304 days 4 hours and in 50 years 760 days 10 hours now if lean point out any method whereby 1 luve enjoyed each day one hour more of life toan jona ban hath done i think every perfon null admit that although coufm jona than and i were born the fatie day i nay no be fome years the oldefl death my good friends is a perpet ual lumber with refpeft to the affairs of this world or it is an undiliuvbed deep until the coming of mxxx lord death differs from fitrp then only in point of duration that u death is a perpetual fleep and fleep a temporary death hence it is maiiled if i deprive myfelf daily of one hour of ihat temp- rary death called fleep which jonathan indulges i thereby enjoy life one hour more each day than he doe- and 1 5 days e boars each year yea more than this for in this calculation i have allowed a nan to live 24 hours each diy whereas he lives only 16 hours by reducing 15 days 5 hours of 24 hours each 2 dap of 16 hours we have 23 days 2 hfiuft gain of the adnal enjoyment of life in one year fn 20 yars 462 dnys 3 hoars and in jo years 11 56 days or 3 venrs 3 monthi 1 day anrl 4 hours what would 1 perfon on hi death bed not give for thin length of time to make his peace with hisgud the worldly man hould confider tint in money and that a day pent in idlcnefs is a dollar thrown away there- tore the man who daily fpeods 1 hour ia deep more than is neceffary actually throws away in a year 23 dollars ya more for a man charges 1 dollar for 12 hours labourwhereas this computation is fr 16 houis by reducing 23 d iys of 1 6 bourn each to days of 12 boon we have go days 8 hauis which is equivalent to d 30 75 in calh this is fo me riting worth attending to and i wiuld therefore sdvifti every perftn who indulge themfelves in ileep t have printed over their bed- in larjxe capitals the following monitory enttnee arise for wk love fleep death and he that daily fnrnds an fiilr hour throw vay vearly d 3075 10 20 year- 615 dollarlsand in foyeari rieen ormonslum of 1000500 s 1 37 dubra and 10 cents a fum feffi et to give two fotift or four daughters a liber a edu- ationorit would leave 3 competent fopport fr thy bereaved ssndow anrj helplcfa orphans or it would rclirvethe rcaldilirelfcs of many worthy poor from a m jbeet of the 8orj antiquities tn the 17th century the greater nart f the property lyfn upon the riyci ettrick belonged ro scott of harden wh mde hirf principal refidence at oak wood tower a border honfe uf flrcngtb ii hi remaining upon t at ifver willfanj coit afterwards sir william fon of the head of this family undertook en expe dition againft the murreys 1 f elihsnk vhofe property lay at a few miles diftant he found his enemy upon their gudr1 was defeated and male pnfoner in he acl of driving off ihe cattle which he hsd collefted for that purp fe ou hero sir gidcan murray conducted his prifoner fo the caftie were hi lady received him with congratulations upon hi- victory and enquiries concerning the fate to which he deftined his piifoner w the gallows anfwerej sir gideaaj for he 16 faid already to have acquired ibe honour of knighthood s to the gallows with the marauder 4i hout na sir gidean anfwered the coniidcrate matron in her vomaccplar idiom would you hang the win fame yrnng laird of harden when ye have three ill favoured daughters to uarry ls right anfwered the baron whocatched at tli idea t he fhall eft her marry our daughter m tickle mouthed meg rr ft rap for it upon this alternative beirg prcpofed to the priloner be upon the firft view of the cafe lioetly prefened the gibbet to u rnuckle mouthed meg for inch was the nickname of the young lady whole real given name was afjae cut at length when he was literally lel forth to execution and f3w rj other chance of hcapc he retraced his utgallnt refolu- tion aod preferred the typical noofe of matrimony to the liters cord of hemp such ts the tradtion eltabhlued in both families and ofuo jculrly refcred to upon the borders- it mav be nefidry to add that mickle mouthed meg auu herbufband were as happy ad ioving pair aod had a very large finny lo f ich of whom sir william scott befucated good cllates btcdes refer yiug a large oc for theeldm 1