i in thetaiy juried of tome of the wcwengland coiome3 now united si e i f america they hnd a fct of ri gid pununical laws vulgarly known by tbt uaim blr laws from the col our of the paper on which they were wiiuen ly one of thofe laws an old giy bnstrling woman vm i liable to be hanged or drowned for a witch few tears afterward i- was believed that women of that d foiption i i not prac tice jo much wirch craft as had been im puted to them indeed it was found that there were more frequent iuftarces efmen bewitched by young hand fo me girls in the bloom uf life tiief how ever were not puuifhed with death but with narruge which it was afcertain- ed foon dilarmcd them of their mofl dauoeraoa charms and rendered them uu hewitchingi except to their hufoande j ov who n it wu lawful for them tc ex- ercite all the- powers of eucination yt length tie ufs of females who bad ar firit been liable io he put to death as witches wci2 only fubjedted to the pun- ihmect lyilictvd by lav n fcolds the iulowit report ft rafe lately tried in uneofihc states will fliew the reader that uiis cooling mode or coi rcion h lil continued in practice such alto ii the omtor law of england and therefore ef his province but there has never yet occurred i punishment or a trial of sr kn i among us thi circutnftance bring incut- ncd in a corn p 3 iy of ladicg and treiitcni n a few evcuiugs ago was vrfilufly accounted for a lady who bappenei to be jfent fold it muft be bec2ie thete were no rich beings a fcolds in this cooivttyi any move than iher arc venomous rqhtles in ireland another carried her ideas dill further ap 3 thought foddswere mere creatures of ficiion like camelinnsand fomtoiher ijral beioga of which much had been fuid and wntten but h on in fa ft ever feen hereupon a warm debate enfued uoou th queflion ef fa in the courfe of which jobs celebrated wife 6c xin- tippe the itill more celebrated confovt of socrates and a number of well atteftcd modem examples were tinted and inlift- ed on till it teemed to be generally agre- ei tiat there had in faft been a few in- ttances of real living fcolda even in t hi w country it was aik d thei wirh uo fmall exultation why there had been no profecution for fnch an offence as it iroi dectated to be loiiiaihu liy ilw law of the land and efpecially as cafe had oc- ciw and one f them very recently of 3 man dipped in co 5 water by the women not ind cd for fcohirg but for abiding his wife one gentleman in the company in reply hinted that it might fctbecaufe the men who had the fole management of ptofecutions in courts bad too much liberality to bring reproach upon the female fex by ex poling any of hn a- guilty of fo odious a crime but hi wife loon filenced him by n- focting in a fpirited tone of voice that it tfas rather to be aferlbed to a motive not quite fo liberal their dread of female dtfciplitie if they attempted to enforce that old sbfolcte hihenih law in a chrfiian land a dead itlence enfued for futne fecond until an elderiy gentle- nan who had not before taken any part in the argument ovferved tbat the omif- fion to profecute had probably proceed ed from a conviilion that the evil was without remedy as no punifhment what ever would have the effeft to produce a reformation of an inveterate fcold he had lone he did betn of that opinion from a fact which he once heard his grand nvthcr re to have happened in one of tbeweftefo c uwtics in england of a man vhofe wife provoked him fo tpuh by icoldjng and railing particu larly by railing htm u a lotlfy dog that re detetrrrinedi onrf morning to execute the law iiuferf without judge or jury he v atitborifed to do by the cudom cf the count y but not having prop er diekin florl pvepaicd he tie a roap about her utider her arms ard let her gently jown into cold water to the chin then told her if fhe would n t defift he wrud poiitive plunge her in ever head i and civ as the law direfted in defi ance of hi threat flit perfited in calling hint loufy whereupon he foufed hrr in a to the law in fuch cafe made and piovided being new depnv ed of the ufc cf her tongue the ufual organ of fcolding me with great pref- 1 core of mind and that readinefs of inven- tion wliich is peculiar to her fcx railed her hands above her head and putting iertwo thumbnails together moved them as if in the act of cracking fome- thing between them the huftjnd un- deftndg the language of her thumbs ind being convinced by thi fair trial that fie would fooner lote her breath than relinquish her privilcdge of calling nane andfisniding took her out of the eatery element and during the remain- tit hii life quietly fubmitted lo the lain of her tongue as an incorrigible cvil the report vf that experiment was pub- ir the t and was a frequent rlbjeft ococ- efatiui3 the time the hufljanda fentiment was generally adopted and from that day profecuuon of iboldi be come fo rare that ihc jaw fell into dii- ufe to oich a degree that it is now fcarceiy known to have a place in the englim c de and fuch he predicted would be rhe fira refnit in tlic united state notwithftaading the late trial already alluded to the report of which is as follows the state w lanman on saturday laft jane alias jenny lanman spinftcr was tried in the court of oyer and terminer for ealti more county upon an indictment for being communis rixatrke a com mon fcoland tuibulent brawler the attorney general opened the profecution with a brief hatement of the fafts he expected to prove againft the trnverfe and obferved that the gentle man if the jury muft be perfeiy aware tlat the public peace might be more noiiily diiluibcdand the dnity of the good people of the state of maryland nacre loudly infuited by the fhriil clamou of a womans tonngoe man by boitlerouh quarrcu of men that aftuit and batteries were quickly over and the mtfehief ufnally confined totbe parties hut the rattle of a common fcold was in cefiant and annoyed the whole neigh bouvbocd tluit although this off nee waa ft i ictv of he ft mi ine render and u the honour of our fex i lie law had no term to lix thu reproach upon naen vet inaloiueh as we were the piinciobl fuffereru the policy of the law had ver ted men wh the foie prerogative of trial and puiiiflmient that he trufted lie need not remind them on tills occaliui that the tranquility of fome mainly depend d upon a lalutary reftraiu of its rcftle3 and ungovernable members thenril whflefti called vas the clerk of the market who tealhfied that he had known the travutcr about four years during which the wit lie fi had ch trge of she market that on market days flic was particularly noify and trouble fome bellowing and fcrecnung at all the market people within the teach of hei tongue dial excepting her tongue he knew uo harm f htr he waa at times indnftriom and frjboriffive indeed he mnft confefj he had now become io ufed to her rongue it did not anoy bid a great deal though he could not tell how her balding fct upon other peoples can that he beat vco lowecr cm- wan afraid of no uau or woman upon cai ilic rcept htht m fvo coaftable were then called one of whom declared that he confidered jenny the trvcrfer one of the mou turmdenict creatures he hud cvj law in the whole courfe of hie life that he was miferably abugve to every body black and white gentle and tifcnpu that witnefs had flogged her over and over agiun with a very good cowhide to fee if he cotdd not quiet her tongue but all to no purpofe for the moie he had whipped the louder fhe had fcreaitted fo that he abfolutely defpaired of a cure here the jury begged to have the havener produced that they miyht fee her and opun this without leaving the box they found her m guilty we undeifund the puuifhment i not yet fixed tlrouii the law 1111 authorize j the court to inflict the ancient and appro priate punifhment of ducking till the offnder will k civilred europe ic now at the fame poiut si italy was uftdct the cfart the tempeft of the e of which fome i cloudi extend tin mfelves ove the whole furfaceof franco will foon cover all the habitable parts of the globe with a hor rible night and until nature ftnll have cxhauite her combuitble materials the thunder will not cedfe to rcill nor a more ferene day appear the world cannot be faved but by bedding livers of blood and nothing but a terrible ftorm can pu rify the infected atmofpfaere which ffij elopes all eur ope if we give ourfclves p to the courfe cf events then we hall have the fame fate that the romans had to endure from the inudation of th- bar barians of the north the latter would have made but vain efforts had not the romans been dcgeneiate i alone i could fave the world ad no other i ihould have given it the cup of bitteinets co empty at a tingle diaught indeaj of its being at prefent compelled to drink it drop by drop they think ihemielves delivered by haniftung me from the fceaes of the world but no man who kow the foil it who governs ihc- nations nnd the cabtoeta of europe will be of that opinion he will rather be purfuaded to the conriary among theactorb who at prevent figure oh the huge qf the world there i or one vhu can apply a remedy to thei- were not thu the cafe would attewpj be made to re- itrc on the old footing everything that ought to petifll 9 to be buried in the night of oblivioib as enthcly unfuitable to the light of iw n and ttill more to our actual pofui u what u ferment ing at prefent in sp anj kime will foon caufe a general conflagration over the whole furfaceof kuiope a e pnponfly calling up from machinery fur the eavvon oi a mint in the united stiteif america the bill waa introduced by mr vaiiktast the chancellor of the exchequer a v spectator an aft pafied the britiih parliament on thccth of june amending the ad of april i i th fr carrying into effect a convention of commerce concluded be twecn his britannic majesty and the united state of america whi h gives permiffion to american veitels to clear out from any port in the united king dom for calcutta madras bombay and prince of waless ifliid with any goods ware or merchandize which j may he legally exported from the united kingdom to the faid fettlements in biiili built veflels fubjeft to the like rules and regulations a6 are now by law impofed upon the exportation of fuch tfoodi to the faid fettlements in britifli built hips and that this aft mail con tinue in force f long as the convention to which it is an amendment ib v foreign 4 t t ft t fisit oj the duke of llcihiglon to bristol tlw lnlo of wvlutygton having ac- ccptcd an tutitation to dure with the major and common couucil of 13rilol on satonh ia the streets wro at an esiil hour filled ill it- iirhabitants niniairo from the ndjolllll countiv and great numbors f gentleman on liorioback liy two oclock lh- cavai- rade inch uitoiulecl nearly a mile ell lejifflh had proceeded to the fourth mileitoiic on tho road o chdtonham- tiw house of ulfi smith sargtrn y fnikstrcct exhibited two swords an a bayonet togrtber with a beautiful iter cuira w hich belottged to n sol- dier of bonapartr imperial guard brought from the held of battle the breafcplate has boon pierced by trn grrape shot lord apslcy pointed i oat to the dtlkc who seemed pleased to recogncean old w uterlloo aeqnauu tancc wifdom and hapf 1 forefec ih x wtwc a often hap- oeneinthc difeii of individual wol feeka remedy ft vh whatever k phyflcians rtt ln of th- the riea will be teir i ko own a- d 1 flio rilvc hnftened the rc- tl ct my ape turn i had tc f happintf tloltr w wll 1 o aft had rtf llc ik iain 14 they accufi mc now having dif pifed and enflav j ll l was their wn bafe fottu p thfrft for s for diftinaioii tff p lhcrn at in rt cuii tissma hp wtkut tvuui big on them p t in truth i had oo nccasoxi tin upg tlrm it was r lent to them the tittid i er tongue bonapartes opinions of europe cf men and things the following k an etraft from an cftay faid to have beer left by bonaparte at wha the fycophancy of his cour- tiers he defcrihes in a fhort quelhon m could i move a step without treading on thm rt ths slaves were in want of a master i was not in wirt of slaves we give entire belief to thefe faying if men were not balely inclined to be- come flaves tyrants could not compel them to paf under the yoke when hefays i know men and my age wediibclievehim why then was he the dupe of egothls and the vfftim of grofs mifcalcnlation had he known men and his ae he had never invaded j ruftu after cxhauninghimfelf in spain had he knowned men and hia age lie would not have quarrelled with the peo- ple of a whole continent by which a na- timof iflmders his deadly enemies gained over him all the advantages they jconlddclhe but whether this paper which fiir appeared in an englifl publi cation be the compofi tion of bonaparte not it exprefics much truth with ffrca ycoi b pbuofophkal thoughts of a ci devant fovc i reign the foundations of our fociety are fo defeftive that it threatens ruin its fall will be terrible and all the nations of our continent will be involved m it no human force is capable of flopping the courfe of events a- the pcar dnpt when it becomes ript lo hates become putres mt at the ecdof tim autumn all lay hates for catehi fujicient fu mc to cup of riches and rapine r of empoif oned honey and ikj wih avidity diank to fticcy the paves were in want ofa master z i wax not in want of flnes hi is faying every thing forty mil- hues of men complain bitterly of oppief- gon on my part of 3e a tingle indrvfd- ual oic of thoftt powerful and dangerub gcriufes whom force dtftroyj and ug- grendizement throws hendoig thai spotavas drawn by the exultinff populaces hi grace wa attended 3 lord apnvy tn gallaiii lieunnaur oloiil ii toy ht- iraccjs aid-rh- llamo and his mcrotai- tho duke was drcscd inn black urtout wearhtg olllj lh rr nii if the order of fhe gartr and a military hat oa wfi rmchmg tho top oi parkstreet he uas reet with bud chtwrs uliich conti- un d withont abaoniout in his passage fviru lhrioto the maaiou house which th procession did not reach till past lour oclock a xovy nnmrrnus icnurpan uf bldu had prviouly ar- iii double th following incidents which 04 ourred to the dukr of wellington on his recent visit to bristol bear honoij we tostimonyto the beuievoleuce of his dlkksitioh a mr tripj ft respectable butcher with his on a lad about nine years of age were both on ono horse the oa iu the hurry and coufusion of the mo ment was apparently in great hazard of being thrown r hen the duke star- ting cftaght tho child in his arms and took him into his o n carriage and du ring tho remainder of the proccsiou suffered him to and behind his valet a soldier had pressed through the crowd and at the door of the carriage bogged permission to shako bands with the hro a privilege he claimed from having boon his companion iu anas iw a hard day ysa and me had of it your honour this day sevim years where was feltat mlad v t at fa- iavra your honotrr ah 1 irad quite forgotten it was the sth of du- iy and lo wlm relment did you be long asked the duke to the 3d guards replied the soldier c and h arc you absent from it iiookatmy arm your honour says the soldier- he had lost it in his countrys cause tho duke immediately gave him ft pound note arxnstd or encr t the following we copy from the zefrti tori spcdalor ofan 2 written by a correfpondent of that paper from montreal 41 the car of gutnmtrce fleamboat which runs between this am quebec i found far fuperior to my mofl sanguine expectations not one of the boatu on t he north river is equal to her in point of accommodation she mcafures 172 feet deck 30 feet beun and 670 tons burthen and her engi c is of fifty hurfea power while on the fubft of lleam boats i cannot omit to mention the plmaix on lake champhiu commanded by tie wed known captain sherman tie phurnlx ii complete fa every conveni ence the route from new york to que bec by fteam boats can be performed inlets than eiht days you leave new york on rat rday evening and arrive rt albany on ihe afternoon of sunday on monday or tviday morning as fuitv your wiilies you have your choice j of two ft age the on gc the well idcofthe hudfon through stillwater and sandyhill and thc other takes the northern turnpike ip grenviile audi thence to whitehall 1y either route you arrive at this place on monday evening and on wcdnfday at 2 p m embak for st johns and ffach montreal on tuefday evening o sunday morning you take your paffage w the car oj c-jm- tnere find yoofiwfia quebec 00 the evening of the fan day thus iu eight days you compete the dillancc from new york to jebec reding one day either at albany or whitehall and two at montreal perhaps the view you have on the st lawrence u not fur- palfed by any of the dillarrce in any part of the world on our way to j quebec we paired j f sixty kpiarerigged veftcli ff of which were under full fail rftfbill has paited tu nncntf wthoriling i britius parlia coryta of 1 riv d and nvn rows cah uh of tho bauiui4 room sltvi1 they formed n niorf brihiaivaud crtdivaiiii ihth5hoti t beauty and rh the mayr was at tho uppor rud wfh tin- aitlermattj and common i couucil to thoii robes thediike was received b ihotowtclerli blvd con ducted o tho mayor ulen his wmv iiip addressed uh iraee and present ed him rue freedom of ilioeity in a irod box the duke made a most gracious reply a deputation from tho society of merchant vontnr fft then came fanvwd and air jera osborno their clerk b ariu the freidoin of tin society in a box of ivttttutbi old rvnjaincnted viti an apjropiiite desin representing thr downlnll of tvraimy and the rrst on of hehiitimni iovrreiiruof k ranee i addressed th duu reijm c urn to accept that nioik wf heir admiration and esteem to which hu graxe re- rurned the following answer r fc i thank you for joftr address and the oppressions of ioui society ronnrd- m jt is to the supper 1 received from my gallant friends the general otlcms and to rue braver nul devo- tion of the obcers and soldicrj in gen- ernl very man of wrom came from this crvthaf 1 owe any success that has i attended mv ellbrts in tic stvice of my country i roeeive the freedom of your society with pleaore and 1 thank you for tho polite manner in which it has been convmrd the duke shortly afiomiirds procee ded with tho mayor e to the mor- chants mull where a guard of honour of the 55th regiment rccetvod him with prcentod anns ecc and shortly after uc company sit down to dinner a triumphal arch wa erected at he top of park street with two smaller oit s on each side andfourautiuecan- idcleljrasor half columns ena bold ballj on irhich were placed elegant lights uas reliefs or chiaro oscurotiampawrn- eies appeared owr the eeutri of the arch representing the battle of water- 1 i loo on ow side rind tho flight of roofl parte on tho other ifc wellington iu largo roman chaneters j and tile whole sunrumiiod by a iure of the roiiusof ijiimol plneiog ti ciomh of iaurelr on e head of the rllicftain and inaring a banner on which were painted the arms of bristd and the word waterloo over tho small arches were placed the names of sever al other victories 11 the evening the hole was illuniiaatcdjiuid produced a t j from a late london paper seduction corftt or kisfin bivnclc june 5 mary gwnrson v e l charh esq the plaintiff ba widow n siding in queen street bromptrn he defendant is a person ofproprf tbc acfion nas torocutcr damages fur the seduction ofthe plainiiips daugiiter the altornrycnerul in opiuungttc plaintiffs cane stated 1 fluif tha defen dant was not unknown hi westminster ha ll his name inning formcrlv appaaft ed oa transaction not vn digital to the present he hod an ample for tune residing principally upou hub lateaf ltidfnrdi uoi ludlow and vitig filled the bnportatrt oilier of jlih sherilltor the county of wnrceslr a i liort time ao tho charge aaiimi him has of a most flagrant nature anj th rase disclosed a scene of protliac and immorality scarcely equalh din the hibtor of tlie rourts where such injuria v ere redressed tle plajntitf lot her husband only a few mouths befcie th still more afllicting calamity which bad given rise to this action shi- resided in p house at llroirpton wheroslteaod her husband had carried on trad- fcp upwards of 30 years and wa asistd in the busins and the household duties in a son n lad and three daugtlteril viary manuah ami tiinrlotte the first about twentj she second about 1 6 and the lat not more than 15 years old the jar ould scarcely beiieve hat tiro two mt luui oecome the victim of the seductive arts of fhe defendant aid his friend apt seymour f tuj ii yards these two- gmthmcr fnd a tilted th ir evorfiohs in flip most rnlj blooded deliberate and pctewing attempts to gmtifjunbridied lieittiou ugss lanaire was unequal to the baseness ofthe desigotbe cruelty ofthe execution aid the misery that had rr- sulted from it the two younger daugjm ters of theplainitlf hannah and liar lotto had been tralkingtfi hvdcfark w hen they were accosted in tlie defen dant and capt seymour who in vain endeavoured to learn where the jived tl3 gentlemen consequently folkwd them home watched very opportuuiiy of speaking to the young females jn the absence of their mother theii eldest sister or other advisers 5 writing the most passionate and pressing icttrr professing that eternity of attudtmed wktch tads only to the moment ofgtfo tijiuitioa and making those most ml- teiing promises vhkh are intended ou- iy to eluda and betray having at length succeeded in ovpr- coming the scruples of miss hannah uibbeon for ft was fo her the de- fendant paid his assiduous aldreptp kvhite enpt seymour devoted himself to charlotte he prevailed upon her- to jirll her home thatshe might uocccd with him to bath and her sister enn- sented to the bapie imprudent step with her admirer in punuauee of ihet plot of these gnllemen however they did iot fiud it convenient to leaf u linudoa on the day of tlie elopemtnt but pre mised until the next to lode thrymm indie at the house of a frieud tlk jury would not be astonished to hraft that that house wu the bagnio oahfl the key in chaudessreet wh re the guilt dewgn ofthudjendaut wasp