ch r 7 i tt if r tcilor as i have for a tooleu ine nffc cd for fale goods ji v w 1 i a the riinlira hare just received i v ihc lte an i valf from thcii minificnn houfe in england a aipe a nam it cf ittlxe second latlics peliee cloths and consistimc of blue biarkj waterloo bot- c green 0w8 and mixture hi clotui ttrnwh french gray drab id cvi pelisse cloths liiack bine and mixture diutftfe m3d casshneres which rliey now lter for fate at the sure cf mews thomson dttloe tcr iw for can jerry whitehead ik co long i j vi line nc ec tor tac a valuable kingston ocf oftek g 1816- trad rf land and no one as yet has ire forward to purchafe i will now hate it at half the real value wcich 16 as follows the soo acre in thtown1 ifcip of loughborough at 400 i oper acre j fl 00 o o fl fo n r 1 ki s gsto ff tj x 7 rr 200 acres in hungerford 200 o oj the mills and land at 4500 o 0 51cq o o j sixty f own lots in the village of wellington at 50 each lot amos ansley kingston cn 25 1r16 tothemembkilolthrkfto- vlnaalivlu anient the british constituti u which is epitomised in that of this province per mits a private subject propoue to the j j legislature any meiuno if legislation which be fhmks conducive to the pub lic eood and to offer hi reasons 111 support of hid proposition this he may do by way of petition or through i jonas abbot t f ej rfully tender li- x ih iks to his customer for their ithtfa fttpport in mercantile tranfaiors fine he came to this place and iufatmi thee tin he hs now commenced bub- neu with lr thomas s wi taklk under he firm of joxas abbot co and a row receivings very general afioft neat of fancy staple she fnhferiher begs leave to inform the public that he keeps conftantr lv for falc si his pop fign of the z- 1 shor bcuville upper leather soej lerther and boots and slices for which country produce green hides or cafil wiil be received in payment he will q commence the tanning bufinels the begmning of lviarch next when he t will tan onlliures or as the parties may agree ztnpp maccagy purdy bdhsb mrs creel 08 25 i86 samuel slim 7 i jrvjds u vli adapted to tiii harkvtwhicl have n lcucvd by one of the partners frewtt th jartft arrivals at uebc and mon- ueal avid pnrcbafed f ready money t ey fiattcr ihemfjvv their pur- ha- frtf have hec fuctl as will enable them o fell their cod a lew as tli fe who havi itoricd dircfl frjm europe th- strtlqt bttertlon will be paid to c zd oods bid at a very mo- derate athwcr kinzstoni i augusts itf v s j abbot beinrr ahout tort rr vc to montreal tcqucfti thole wto have demands against him to exhibit than and thofe who ac indebted to thn tu cnak payments 9 i iuuuf diurfl ofy virtue f a toivr i owritofex- egu1 ion iflw1 out f his t4ajetyv court of ki s betrh holding civil o f5 ecs leave to inform hi friends and the public ifl general that he has pit received and now oners for fale at lis store an elegant nff ktmeut of hardware cutler y dirict from the birmingham and shef field manufactories which he will dif- oofe of whalefalc or retail at reduced j prices among which arc thekillowing carpenter bench an tj moulding planes chiihls f sorts j ftying sciiiarca and t beveb hnd tenon dovetail safll milj croil cut and keybole saws chft cuiboaij drawer trunk stock door mortice and fad- lock 1 ship zud po ket compaftea glazers diamond hinges of all frs brafnd lion saddlery and haroeft trimmings ofalli defcriptions tridim gig aiid riding whips d tisoig zi laoiei bta plated ard brafs candleilicka do crueta of 4 sf 5 glaffes brit tan uy metal teapots watch- maker 5 and jeweller plyers nippers files screw platen e f wlfutf pieces shotbclu povvuer- firflcs and bullet moulds 1 1 the mi dinn of a public gazette 1 2 iwg 1 shall make no apology lr exerchiim j j this constitutional privilege iu tic lat ter form r laws of kngland r rpccting prn- pintynud civil rights giierally wcw adopted by an early statute of the pro- vinco but some part 01 tin knush lawsnro not and mitftot at present be executed her frraiiol the pro per organs f r thir cutinn out prcvincsal endo is thitufrc dftfeclivc n bcvi very iinpornint irspers a court 01 ohaiucn lor imtath is all cssteiuial branch of the srftotn of tin mother country but nocnanccrv it vet i ialjlislnnl in thi 5 1 tincc llcrc is a grcat hvct mortjefaliwitl- itkc jnrisclictjou 0 ckaacsrjr at law a mortgage can iniudiai lv after tie execution of the imruac sustain i ian ejeetmcnl for n- num iti premi v prevented b rotrietive clause in the deed aid upon th breach of rh chldifuu 1v t lion- payment of the rflonry ofrthc ionp t- tormance of thuact coitdtvlonfu for the estate becomes ftbsohitp iv the rooiftt gee the roitgagers rjt to redeem i- only an e ia table rwui cojeaissle in chnncioy and ihe teciosnre of this equitable rtffai of red mpton is f- fected by a dwree in chicory mi- want of a court of chamcery tlmrc- for the duo administrntitt f morn njecs is jvot provided for hi this iro- vince as there seems t- he no proba bility of the mrcdttfta si fa chaaee- r very soon anionns 1 13- ortj to recomeinl to ov e um- r- lion whether it i not idiit touc viip court of kinds iv jjiridieti u f mrlos by auihori i h sh- telna ppcciaj action nf i o mortgage and fo render jl ooihbtfon jvdgmfet tltat tho nrfv pny the utu ascortaim d hv tlwcftiirj to bo e- cfiiitalih d4fevitlutifch dv m omit limited finsr and tlxat in c fauil tsf such pajment the aiuifr mortgagee bo ntitud to his vl inri or po ion a thft niorttfaa tnaj happen f h of a fee orofa tsm f war- h virtue of v hich xf thv she riff shall put him intopovyihnif the mortgaged premises still hservui4 fn ic niortinjer a rigw t jvleem and recover both the preinhcs by h uiffthe before atingln hat capacii bo- come hounri with sufficient rarefies at he discretion of tin surmsjatos for hie faithful exreutton ofthelrrutand for accounting with their wards at tin vjri ration of their terms of gnnrdmu ship thejadgcsofthe exskling sur- wgpt courtoq having cofftuzanee a rady olthe probate of wilts and tlc adniiuitration ofintestate csuar seem to be ihe mo- j proper organs of govern mcut to ho churned witii the appoint ment of guardians their powersrand flu ties when o appnbitcdj onbt to be deliued in the statute but the bupsr- ittondance of their conduct and the settlement of heir accounts should be left to the surrogate judges these hints are respectfully submit ted to the candor of these to whom they arc addressed camden mi knitouj noticing a remark i yowr p of the l iiist under tho laliiorial head t tlie jafrniut pdli lied of their tondsj b the loyal and patrmicso- del i of upper canmla iu reply i bog hvve to rouct that the subjoined ab stract af my nceeurt 8ud for the more ncrl et elucidation of the sam- the id and 5th ssoiutlon agreed upon it the first formation of this laudable soeiity i- also b laid before the puiiic for the satbfactitn of all eon ceucd i am c vmmitchku tremurw hi the mtihand district kingston 33d oct llti diilurfinent9 in books to he kept fo that purpofe in order tht the fame he occfionally pubiflied and fufritted to the infpeftion of the subfcribcre and to facilitate the objefts of the society the faid board fhall appoint corrn-it- tees of their own members rcfiding in the different diftns who may apply to the relief of cafes of diftrd arifing therein the whole amount of 8b- fcriptiens obtained ztf txtch diibids except three per cent on the laid amount to he appropriated by the dhefton towards effefting the third objeft of the society and that the faid committee hall fr time to time tianfmit to th secretary of the general board at york an account of their proceedings and ex- prnditores that unity may be preferred in the society throughout the province and a full ftatement of its tratsclin9 may be prepared for the fat frion of all the subfcriberb and the public at 1 urge m tlte jjny1l 5f pjtfilottc s- r ty or i v peii cj v a d4 in account zcilh viw mrr- mrli treasurer in the mid land district ot 33d s l amount rf penions and joitafionjpaida- on sfoitdaj last majoenrtai vir jon minntelv inspected tho oth rert gom ma tided bv lieut coloivi evuns on the common near the fonn from tlic lon residence ofihih corps in kingston and the friendly intimacy which iris subsisted betwipen the civf jlaus an officers belcnginijiait added to the orderly and rasphabln d porf mrnt cf the noncorrmissiened oiticeia and pritotos- occasioned us to foe hie highest gratification on rbi u the strong imprefsion which their soldier like appearance and ma trly rrcve ments made on the numron sperfu- tors and uhich we hare tto doubt iih been evpnssed in si manner noroiati fying to thorn as soldiers by the upcr or officer of th ir own protctou t ereeablc tothc ortl t and dittiq aforefaid yeoman to iuc direied i have feized and taken i xeciiin a belonging to the faid philip switzlir the south- westerly half of lot number 1 on the southeasterly fide of southwest or jvicc edwards bay in the faid town- fbi o mivfliurgh which faid lot of un- is butttrd and bounded or may he nthcrwifr icunon a follows that ia to fay commencing in front on the faid bay iu the ii rit between lots number i and 2 2n nf the westerly argleof the mil hut then south 46 dgiec3 east oj chains 27 hoka more or lcfs to iik lands granted to cpt john allan then nor h 44 dgrres east 9 cwrw 50 l rnsre or lefs to thv centre tht faid ot then north at degree wcbt ibjchwrtp 27 links more 01 lefs to s i wt dr prince edwards cay tlen sotnbcriy along the waters edge of th fold 2 t the pbee of beginning feeing pari ly cultivated with al the bui- dhi thereon erefted cntafniag by admr fnement igo he the lam rriorr or lefs now i do hereby give notv thar the aforefaid lot and prtme will be fold and adjudge to the higheit stddccf at my office in tie town of k- r ton on wedne3dav the rth ly of december next at 10 c he coek in the forenoon at which time and pace the conditions of fale will be i c k jovii ch a r les stuart jfi anc every perfon or pcrfons having claims on the above delcrijed iot of 3dand 7 retifes by mortgage r other right ye raewmbranne ire hereby adver- tifed to tfive noliec to the usa sheriff at hi cih in the town of kingston p ivi the fale threof sheriff s office q8anr 1 2 1 8 6 19 table and defert knives forks do carvers with forks wood screws allotted bureau trimming- portable dek do bed caps screws and keys 4d 6d 8d iod i4d i6d isd sod 28d and apd nails vvhiteand black lead prnfllan blue spauifil brown red and yellow pint boiled englith oil sec ft c which in addition to his f rmer stock wiil form the mwft complete affcrtment ever offered for fale in this puce kingston augtist io i 8l 0 iotf a hags i f jaajkj g banna jvach maker mid jeweller respectfully informs his friends and the public in general that he has jilft received a very elegant ifibrtment nf mwelkt gold and silver vv arched patent leav er and plane mufical inftruments of all defcriptiont fueh as double flagel- et- clarionets fhitcs sec ladies woik boxes p crewets do candlclhcks do snuffers and trays do salt jeliars and toaft racks ivory handled knives and forks in felts with carvers pdteni cork screws silver gilt and steel j purfes silver and plated fifh knives do butter knives do spoons silver gilt nd other snuff boxe0j razors schtors pen knives clocks filhing tackle baggammon boards cheltinei diet silver tortoife shell and steel speektacles and a number f ether ar ticles too numerous to mention which he will fell cheap forcalh n b ftlfo feme excellent snufw wholesale and retail- watches and clocks repaired and clea- war 1 r 2sh and the highest price paid ined ir the bei manner and warranted for cjean cotton and linen k a g at tilis oitice kingston ftw 17 18 1 6 lit blank bail bonds arui sheriffs sales for s4e t tlaa otiicc br v iriiin one two or til n aai oilier suitable torm of hnftatiou and enacting that the actual posse i- n of the mortgaged prmies for tiut trnn i if her under a judgmtftf of the cottrtj orhj valuntarj surrewderof fhr nvortjagfir shall pprratt as n bu to lit right of redemption and i safisar- liou of the dbt if deemed mnrv c- qnitablcj the court might be authori sed at the requost otiither pnrtv tol order that the rnortagrd prikrs be sold at pub ik auction and that if the proceeds rf the sale hmil i failshoitof the debt they should be a sfi faction for so much only a their amoutii and if they should exceed the debt the sur plus should be mid over to the rowf- gttge it is submitted tojyour candid consideration tvhether this or same similar provwvn might not b a sa and sinipdc substitute for ihe jurisdic tion of a court of chancery 0 far a relates to the sabjqqt of mortgages th of minors is in some measure under the direction of the court ot chancery while a uihvv lives he is the uatttral guardian of hi children by a british statute in j force in this province be may in his will appoint agaardiao for them after his death during iheir minority but a person under the age of twenty one years without either father or testa mentary guardian in this country is destitute of such ivgpi protection a ui age and state seem to require in capable ol forming contracts except fur necessaries he is disqualified byj law for tlte management of his own es tate and concerns and he i not pro vided with any certain r npansihlc guardian to act in his behalf as a reined for this evil to which a valua- blportionofthe inhabitants cif tho pro- viiko arc subject uhy mihl not the judges of the surroe cur in till ir respective districts b- authori- acd tyappoiutjjuardiausfor i fonts uu- der the age of fourteen year and to allow guardians elected by miners of fourteen years giving tliom whn thus lppointed or elected and allowed the ue of tin prisons contract and es- ates of their h2rds refjuirirthem of tiic members of th conunlho since ihe tojh may h i j to th sr i hand at the dnpo a and nib- jc to tlte ord r of tie bivctr agreea ble u the 5th r eli- lion anl to fulfil and carry iitlo eflfpct the ohjt 1 of ihe soci- 1 i j per cent on r 1 o 7 to m-vu- n hand at fjr v n of hef i iivirel tiiii-md- land dhri 136 7 u 10 10 7 i s the paragraph published in our last woek gazette under fha head of j massacre in iretdvdy u contradict- ed in a late newyork paper and thre is every reason to suppose that no such masncree ever took place his- bxcoiionc lieutcnat covcrno prakrra goke arrived in town thii lay at half past one oclock from ml tour to the lov or province is 4 10 literary no 1 tcai j s1 may 10th bv ainoftnt of stibscripl tioes and dnnafionsi rtc iutl prir to thil flat- j lhsamountofdisbnri nieots ihrelrom as per accennts omim- ed and approved u dttv by tlie ntr lion k onimnhf tlte kevgo smart and a mvlan kij uf j ivhich a cpy wa theraflertiatsuiittd to che dilcctois at sforkj 7 13 ii i5y cash a donation through the hands of j kirby ks from the kington dili as sociation being into- 10o 0 rest that had accrued on small bills rmed li them fertile puc accominodalioii rsie get 23d by amount of subscrip tions collected yinee the date of last acct 0 i j 66 15 0 174 s m vm rirrcjiell rearer in the midland district extract from the refdutlons 3d to reward merit excite emulation and commemorate glorious exploits by bellowing medals or other hmorary marks of public approbation and diitinc- tion for extraordinary inltances of per fonal courage or iijclity w defence of the province by individuals either of his majcllys regular or militia force s or seamen 5th the general board of directors hall by the secretary and treafurer nakc regular entries of their erocedin nd ftatement f tfceit ktcts aud websteks and skinners of albany are about iffuiftg propolis for printing by fubferfption a mw woikg entitled tile ei ekes of upper canada with a map of the province and a topographical aid hisftorical de fcriptiun of the butties foupjiu during th late war within and near in ijmits this work wiil contain about 300 pages oe- tavo and will be handfomely printed bound and lettered price to fubtcri- bct5 two dollars and fifty cents theft sketches were prepared for the prcfi in isif j but the publication being delayed until the commencement of hos- tiliiici between great britain and the united stated was fufpended during the war since the r- turn of peace thry have been reviled and brought down to theprcfent nme- ths following extract of a letter from a genthman of learnintr and refpec- lability who han perufedthe wnrlc will give 1 he reader a very correct cut line of its contents f i have attentively tftrufed the maa- ufcript ftconfifis of 33 flcctches or chapters the firft contain- a biftory of the province which is neith 1 fo poiiit i zs to be tedious nor fo compendious a to i be obfcilre but takes a comprchenfivc view of the mot important revolutiftna and public occurrences from the fettle- meit of canada down to the adminifb-a- tion of the prefect lieut governor the- battles and military operations of the late war are concifely and impart idly rela ted not in the order of thcr time but in connection with the vauon plates witfc in and near the limits of the province where thfyrefpeively occurred this fopographtcal manner of repefenfrtinn has fme advantages aver a chronologi cal rat ration efpecially in a work cr prizlng other objects than mere hiftory the thud poiutaont he natural divifioala the fourth defer ibes the lakes river ca taracts bays and harbora the dekit tion of the river and falls of niagara ad the bat tics of lake eric fut erie chip pewa lundys lane qiieeniton fort george niagara c is hiedy fntereft in the fifrh ketch contaun the civfl divffions of the province into dillrich counties towns and towndiios coerefii- onsnndlots in the ilxth the aelild fcttlements are defcribed the fevrath contains an cfifmate of the population theeieth is on the climate winds ac the ninth fliows the kate of te water the tenth treats of the foil ione- nin- erali c the eleventh rtatc the pt duflious natural and cuitivaied the twelfth give a lift and demptifi ef ihe animal- of the foretl the itluof the domcilfc animals the 4h hird- thc xt the fift oftkzhkti deferi-