Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), October 26, 1816, p. 3

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b will fee pnrmcularty the jg trr ampin hni auiway rtt- c the 17th thes th cinrtiiutfon oi gnir- crninent the 18th exvamc more in deuilthc legifhtuethe different bran ches of the provincial parliament their yclative powers the members their qea- iilicatiunc eteetiins proceeding stc the 19th deferihss th ecfve the 20rh the judiciary and the importance of reports of the court of lingfl bench the ift mentions the lawful mney of the province compared with llevliiir and dollarsj and the ftandard rate wf gold and livercoin i he teveihie and tixe arc thefabjede of the 22 the 23d de fences the organia an of tllfi mritia the 24th treats of commerce the 05th of the hate f religion and ecejeli- aiieal eltablifhnent and inirit utiuntf in the 26th the prcfefi n and plachce of law are detailed in the 27th phyj fie and fergery the 28th rtfoothj nades and a pp civile lhip the fob jefts of the 29th are invpriionmett fafi debts infolwnt laws and liability of tan 1 1 for debt the 30 h recites the law for the gradual abuittin of tl very che i 311 gives information relorrtiig the price of land and f to f t- tkrs the 2d the itate of learning the 33d flcetche the charaer man- rers and cuftoms of the inhabitants s me changes which haw taken place- fine the body of the worfe win written art idded in the appendix the nvapl ftivws the lunation of the fever il town- fhip- with their name and a general vew of the province and the adjacent 1 partly lower canada and the united ton at philadelphia the following infor mation 41 the republican army of the pro vince of vera cruz under the command of gen victoria laid fcige on the 1 8th july lafl to the cities of cordova and ori7bj which weie then on the eve of furrendering the commander in chtci of the republican troops ol the province if puebla tel an was cidcav ring by forced marches to occupy the potts of guanacualcos which was without means of defence gin- ba daman te had ben victorious over the royal ills a often as he had met them and was purfuieg them with all hatte gen am dnda commander in chit f of the interior provinces tor the royahlls had filicn back with the few foices under his older n mouterry vbe capital of the new king jon ot leon in conference of the republicans haying occupied the port ut matagorda where thy had fortified thcmfclves and where ihcy were daily augmenting their rrengrh subfecjueivt to the poilelhon ot that port ha been the evacuation of st ant nia de b xar apitiil of th province f ixas which wos ganifoned by the regiirenrt of lillrcnuidura i0 cc the nvdt famous cop ol the royal party 44 the republican ar y r ne north they orders taffy would toon give b good j account of the done what feriations this outrage may xcitc at wafhington city we know not but are confident that the public voice will loudly demand atonement for 1 past and security for the future 1 or ivarr neworleans sept 12 1 the spaniard have at laft committed an outrage upon the united slates which leaves no alternative between immediate d ample redrefs and difgrace tin- united states fchoorrer firebrand of 6 un commanded by lieut cunningham has been fired upon without provocation by 3 spanilh corvettes wherebv an american fearoan was killed we heav not been able to learn in what pattofthe gulph of mexico the dons found an opportunity of thu- fignalizing their va- i lor but it is certain that though the firebrand had the american colors flying he efcaped total ddlrudlion only by fuperior 1 ailing efficacy of cotton applied to burns y c accident the fruitful fource of many valuable difcwerie in medicine tirli gave rife to the ulc of cotton as an application i to icalds and burn and in fuel in many fcafca of locai inflarnmatian attended i fo- tiie preivnt tinder the command of jj avll g preternatural heat it ha coi peirc during the absence of gen 1 u m tticfecafej etnpiicaily for i tojedo who i now in tlu i jntu i stutcd co time to the nauitclt relief o as a stares the ketches are written- with gt candour and apparent tetrad to eorrett nefc and truth they cont in a nafs of information vltable in itfclf and in- terdtin to oiericafl a weh as canada an readers the wrtfk is cakuhred t j correct popular errors a i on bulinefsof moment and whfe j re jj t offerings o the patient but no at- fence with the army u impatiently j eni as fat s i can learn to explain io deiireo nwdvs operandi has yet been made 44 the rcpreferrtaiies who are to the showing cs- i from the new- compofc the next coagrefa arc named by y l mcdica reoltory vol i p i j the people ana by the prut tineviw 3767 throw lome light on thi fubjetl mt ikvc p their feiuon it afforded uc e t it contains evince an great plcafure to fee the joy and en attraction puffefled lyy the cotton ot thufiafca which pervaded the mexicans j ca v the matter of heat the fud- weie various ukectftes of wafhmctonj correct sopular errors and preindiccs r a- r r r- t and frank in which the people carried tefpeftinc an extenfive province renue 1 ai a r r v l a t niocehions accompanied with red memorable by the tote war ana be- f r maj mnfc and foniia allegorical ot the conung even day morr important to jie b 6 g every aay iitt ihj britiih natin and to the itmtej states hut whofe rca fttc is very irprrfccvy j known and n many refjircg nifrc rs fcntedand mifilbdtf 0thofe who are difpofed to ferine for thl- work are ifurmed that there is a subfcripti paoerat the pnj tinp office in kipgsn where t he books will be delivered t- fubicribra at the a- bai y price of two dollars and a hdf with he addition cf iha inp ft duty only v aw happv to inform she puoiic tha since tucvrn dpv mntorgoncractvdulstumv fiflirt tho foltofc vm cmm hwol fcvn wtewbhnl iu lovmtud rjpwr n we mtfron t- rctns ot tae lot masters as fer s wo vsc riiorm- iiuorver- jh- n io mwuk wr paui caijra township nf nimavl be ifwen brockvtlloanii era bckcflrw- piia fay 1 tvrrl vpo- tw m t n-rnj- tlntilmv bav ooeiii mr v w niinsia jwivu hail u o jaishj wait crouii kq lifug ptlntijii i iri mr thren pom 0iri- ar esubliiod below dnebceandivi mw ful iij tn cottiemplatiott to v couri on the day of election a perfon who den a of which from the af- waa witiiefd to this interefling fcene fays j fljeted part is no don the caufe erf the thit in the province of valadolid there i j great relief experience u application 1 m r ttt n m tr a 1 r vir van marum inpenntendent or the iylcrian inftitutu at haerletr hae difcovcred that a pite of phofphorus j j wrapped in a little cton aud placed under the receive 0 an air pump inflames fpontaneoifly w the air is ex- haufted co a certain degree and conti nues to bum till il i ex ha ufted it is lingular that this com fliuld com mence and continue n to a degree that would immediately cxtinguifh any other burning matciidi m marum explains this phenomc by fuppoiing that the cotton f the phofphoros frapi p placed fimiltr eircm but n t occanon between walhington aud franklin fome carried the rcfemblance of the gen cur saiga the lirit who had the glory j and coutagc to raise the landard of liberty who w is afterwards made prlluoer and hot by the ciuel 6pauiard3 at the age of 70 never has the mexican caufe i pre fen ted lofdvonrable en afpr thei next cougrefj formedof men of influence will remove all tlnfc difficulties which uiuil uie pieteut m tut iii c p jivj j that rapid prog re fs which wa looked tor tn a revolution created by the unanimous i end expref- will ot the people j 4 the immeufe ivcntirccn which our beautiful country contains will hence- 1 forth be adminileed by a government which unriung the public coulidcncc w 1 t give a new impulfe and will cauls iact t- be iei by the phylicul aid moral cuatitie of the icpnbuo w jlie next campaign will be an ohj 5v of liviy irtterert to ait m n who are really lovers o the lacred tights f ru canity i wili couiph tc tin eiumjpvion of th it line country from the opprive uand 1 dilpouln the inhabitants wf mexico wlil hcxtsatci be cindilcd to vtoy and auicipute eq ally the prec us gilt- ved in khifl city yofcrday fion cot jeftnj the commanding officer at new- oi leans announcing th capture of the united states fchooner firebrand licit cunningham by a spanilh fipiadion off the coait of mexico lieut cunning ham was put on board a merchant vclfeb and had arrived at neworleans col jitups letter does not communicate any reii is for thl hodiv l alleged by the nor any other particulars the next mail will probably furiiiih them charleston oft 3 dreadful hurricane in the hnl indies captain reid arrived ycilcrday from dundee inform- that on the zoth of september inlat 3 1 z 101163 he fpoke a danifli brig 14 days fim ct croix fur copenhagen the captain of which give him information that about t tie 2d of september a fcofl tremendous hur ricane was expeiienccd t st croix and nher weft india lfjands thai about cofiofvrsxrls were intt that he was on jhore a ii- commtneemtnt and hu brig was blown out to ca where flic rcuipinrd for three rjayfi that a vcftel was difpat hed in faich ot her which fortunately fell in with and brought her in captuia r could obtain no further particulars philadelphia or 10 suphofd hombavdjpetil of liters- captain evans of tn- ihip ftunmana arrived at this poit lift evening in 65 daysfiom leghorn informs tluit on the 15th and 16th rf aujuft he heard a heavy cannoading in the direction of algiers and fupfrd it to he 1 oid ex- mouths fleet bombarding that city jscx-vork- oct 7 on monday bt the honourable chartes bag t m lady general sir frederick and lady hobinson mr baker the uritih come gem rai and a number ol respc able citiens were rntert ained by the british consul ar a dinurr where ail the deli cacies of the treason and the ehczcest wines wore amply provided a citl jdetw to tho worthy rfgteeos of tlita cft- pital by means of tn- prrserrt bietn which shall bo published in the rm t solemn maimer end copies of it p- vi j in all the most public places of the ri- ty and suburbs and as this da a bitter one for tyrants lik in nome d- rep unto that on which corf l bir t his shrpijwimi the magnanimous tr iution to learn to his companions no nu rernative but victory will excite de monstrations of tiie purest joy on the part of te cirimfi exalted ui lart tn the glorr of belonging to a free state the latenrss o the present rooiterit nt admtitiug of an immediate display of all the p tnp due to tho a lebratlou f the majesty of so memorable an event ui government make known that a tcr to niivht there will he for tn cays coueculivi j- an lluniinatioi oi tnc palace of it rcmdencoand ol thrtown hous leaving it at the option of the in- habiutntfi of this eminent city tn escr- rie their own pleasure asto ejual de monstrations by some tokens that may announce their real satisfaction and in the mean time fetes ere preparing suit able to the happy occasion not forget- tins the tribute to prtrvktence ol the tnost heartfelt thanks in the fortress f buerioc ayres the 19th day oi july bio mlxgltx de irttsoytv fit weico antonio defcalaca- manuil okucato secretary to tjju c mro of govfrw epitjph the following curious iufcripuon was obferved on a grave done recently plced in doncaflcr church yard the fc two yonths were by misfortune furounded 1 one died ofhi wouid sad the other was drowned another of a fiilar chararhr fu inferibed on a tomb ttonl at marthas vineyard tohn and lvr1a that lvelv pair a wbrie ksld ifr and sh lie here o 1 zen who was prefout nbtrvd with pleasure that his evlbncy mr ba- ot begged luave to ill a bttmpi r toosl to the united states and prp v- ii fnihem which vu drank by nj party that might with oua or two ex- ceptionsbc called bngl5h with marks of evident plra tire ind apptobationj tnis isas it hootd be ve are now af euvelopea wijth lotion does not mliamcj j peace wl thn fhoiflll ntn praiim- accumutatei he calo iciu its iinnediatej neighbor houd while at the fame time the exhaia i vvhicli pholporus in icoiillantly giving out when expoled to j the air can hio longer rile on account of itsraiity u t the temperatuic is elevated to t he degree at which phofpho- ruh combine with izygen of the atiuas- jphere aid u mvjation take place from tl bdston ctntinelofott 9 from france latest tliebrig gov carver cap d ttii arrive hercyedr diy tiun liivre wc are aiu iaccd ht niul friendly folinr bo wore i -m- vatcd why slionld not our riticn meet thce mtimcnts with correspond- k1 custom amatkur the a tr e on monday evening the 2sj oat will be tprrfentel the comedy of t o mifikesrifaniirlit iitg warmth twice a week to saut n during v lit- tcr these eslibutrioiits cannot r o- j promoting the ptospjiity of the rouuj try aud nothing inukid lvt ood read- to have thea mukpiiej 01 tho uo floviiices j 3lcd herald to the poll is of a tiierd pi tralntetl for fht ttkuare patriot uufaos avuts july llo tndkpendexce the most excellent the commission of government ofth sttfttc whereas under d7e cf ti- 9th in- tant the mo- 1 excellent tiie director has communicated the very importau resolution to wit the sovereign cotiigrwof the uni- wih which uatine ha favoured ihem a eei of war tuitl he dorrs liv a gentle frt iron lire i3aizc we learn that the united cuaca fcir fhre- brand mounting p guns and ci-mmand- ej by lieut gumrraghn while off the baizcafcw oay uiee was iied on by a or llt armed force were duly spanwifloapcf wrauoth veftcl of taking pbee hbuktf extracts j row ike a or k ilruld october 12 1816 to which wilt be added the farce of ves on no doibtobc opened at ix perform ance io commence at sevhn tickets to be procured at mr macaulays no money to be taken at the dotjr or children admitted caution 9 thavtnff been reprefimted to the mz- i 1 rnvinj rren rej il jor general com day ot lowfj igih feaft of st louis was celcbrau t 25th rluguli with rcat fphndu- aa tvlfiviry- n all tae nations of europe reduc- l wai in tuffipauy and one of hc evi w of the riieoraud kit ltd lieut cunningham iiimediateiy returned ihe tii- and the spini made off it was announced fnie time finoe tht a fnull fqna r n was fittir out at the havana to go aaintt the carthagenian onvatcecr ifingoffthat port rnd in from new qrhum cptain fowler of the brig wavrn from few orleatu informs that the day before he faied the uniud states fehooner firebrand thcotdf thecaptainencral of cuba lieut cuninuhamcymmpndc arrived in dirrfa having been attacked 5 days before by two spa nil uft the coaft of maxico had one of her men killed the rtwtrftiofrifiu had taken j j 0 y lollji i pierced for 22 guns oflrvffion of and cfrabhflied a court of lftc jg reindeer of 38 paris aurr- 74- the trinls 0 the naitors included in the decree of july 1815 aud wri are in mmanding that varv ions pefori4 have lately cut tiiiber 01 the kiuftn land on point henry and arc rill in the habit of doing fo public n tice 15 hereby i that y ptf on or perfons fo ciffending fo the future will he profecuted to the on 6fi the august tribunal of the nation has this day sanctioned bj the unani mous acclamation of ull 1 1n representa tives of the united provinces in con gross assembled a the independence of thfl country from the tloniiuation of th kins of spain audit metropolis this important news is enrnrounicated to vour exceufiwey for vr ir information and catbfactton and to be published in noft rtgowf of the law hd j3r kingston rrth oa 1816 3 2tmt i bting furcifted with the means by the merciauts of mavna had purchafed for that object three former american privateers via the hip young wafp adtflhalty at the n pari of matagorda j in the gulph of maxico a prize fchooncr arrived at the fotize the dy of our failing several rich pfeftadl bem wade and regularly ondemrcd at matagorda oue wotth 5ooooodidlar- i i jlfjxhothe edit ty of the mercantik adveaifer wee veuerdrry favored with t ran flat ion ofthstmwtng tsttercking hii irtilcnce from mexico ihe fact he e hated of the reoluuonlft having taken pafffitnn of matagorda is con- firmed by the report of capt fowkr fton mew orltaiifi hm fxcellcncy dn j to manuel de berrera minifter plenipotentiary tmm the republican government of mexico to the unite 1 statea his communicated uiiderdstrrtf 24th awgutl iar worn th- port cf mataijxda tp a rafpcftable per- tons and pierced foi zq guns and tiie ichr chafleur 275 tms and 18 ports all remarkably fi faii failing vcoels thcic wcie t be joiicd by an old falhioned spanilh floop of war and a brig then in thut port and probably failed about th middle of auguft li is iikeiy one of this fquadron that has j groifly otraged the nation by ftring n ha flag a hedding cb blood i of out gallant eamen in theii own waters this wc trull will be the ialt on the jong hit of our grievances from the rrifaabc big ts who govern spain cltcir ihumchil conduct at valparaiso at fayal at the two cathgeuas at cadiz and in many oiher place and on nu xcoua ccalion will ere long receive tiie chaltiknknt it lo juftly meiits foai out brave tailors and luliers gtaat a- is lie united states fquadron j nowontuislluou we think that had fnft at menj between two parlies of auftrians aii ruffians in camion there j they fned uj l and fewra j were killed an woui before the hcer3 ctulu f the riot paris aug 26 ydlerday eing the featt of st louis rfis majetty f a t authorities ftaffofiicera t hall of the throne wewmarkeq w plcafure that hi majely ap perfect health in iheafern y majelly walked into the heart cf c to ribub the ieftvity enjhycdbv all ciaftes of his fubjts paris aug 5 all accout a tint in the memory of no man lr ha there been a ivafon fo cold the 0 has been no summer 4 u however is the fertility ofoor todth w be to guciil hice arc not rcc 10 oe lent- fsj of the bankruptcies which have u p j england and america hav rcac here i from the vpfad fnifttigmcttt 03 8 spanjfl bjjfitj i ictior was rccei- president dice ffiurmno ttoedo vnc president jose mariano serrano 0 secretary juan jose pasyo deouiv stcv 1 communlcotc it to your excellency rhrtyou may cause th happy event to be solemnly puhllshvd and ceubratod md that you mi tntnmit your orders to that eh t to all the towns and au- thoririe- of that province god pre serve yout excllencj fbrraany years tucvtnan july 91816 jttan martik dy pityrkmov slvltkr 1 1 z vii l tothe mrt excellent ike director ad interim bueitos ajjn tf jnlmv then fore and hi the effeslra of the most perfect joy at an cvn louged rorhyctcry amenran bvvt since the provinces wearied with wenr- ing lor three centuries the chiins cf ie- liiuular oppression resoived to brak them obliterating by the most heroic actions the remembrancer their pas sed humiliation the government joins vrith a common accord in c a ataiica- tiag the forgoing withoul a uoments notice strwed from the fubferiber si the village of kingftcn the lall of auguftt of the fhfl of september afl- two cows of the following dlfcripti- on viz the one of a large fize red and white fpeckled mohmy red wiib a while tripe ifi the zee the other a middling fized icd cow wh a dr face they were about eight years old bih pave milk when they went away whoever will return frid cow to the owner or give information fn that they may be found fliall be generoufly reward- a w brown kingfton oft 20 18 1 6 21 5 stolen oi stuamvvx 6 ut of the pa dure of samuel pur w dvi about two months ago a dark uy horse fifteen hands high even or eight years old black mane and tad with a large while har in his rcrchr-ad- lf fttayed the fubferfttr wili pay a a- fonable charges to any peribo who will return him or if ftolen any peilon that will difcovcr the thief ot thieves and wdl give foch information as fhail h ul ro cr efr convtcsonhrll receive a re ward of for rr dollars ames robinson kingflonoa 26 1816 2 for sale the we t half of lot number nintcn in ihe fccond concefltoaofthe towa- bip of kjogftoi p ly t lltt printer kingston ji 19 ibij 5 f

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