lsatuuluy november fc lsl ton l- ga c volume vi nov2 tt kingston upper canada printed and published by stfpiien milks price four dollars per annum wk new goods i he subscribers have imported direct from london man cheftcr birminghanj and glasgow c an extcuiiveaftorcmewt of every fpciit of nferchandixe uiitabe to the upper canada make the goods hs 1 he oood have bvcrt ideaefl mm care m pwchafvd for cafc and will be qifpnfcd of cijier hy whomau r retail on the moft reliable e- m under the different heads of liquors groceries hardwares clolkes flannels llaoeraash- erj hosiery and carpeting stationary crockery k glassware cord age kc kc they would enumerate the vllowing articles viz caution it having been represented to the ma general commnndii that vai oaioesfofta have lately cut timber on tat king la d on point henry and ai rill in the habit of doin fo fnbtic n tie u hereby given that a y jc1 n kir perlons f nfleuding for r- jufiie will be profecuteu to the ut- mo 1 1 rigour or the tuv lid rs kingjtr 1 ij 08 ixi6 j 2 nr i l i yithiig hze d t loa wen a dsi crown o nuti g ana sheet c l r ysd tvom iiie fbfcnber t e village o lsinriiott the satl if itift r the iiiit c j7 the oni ol n jre fie aid vhitc i ke ity rrd wkh a wj ue llnuc i the kite i ht oilier i 03 oejcer bci lai ovv6 i ti iooain- tiiicnii linen iatc5 can buck i r rt j e lit j li ii vc mifc when hey went aw- citmgs battiob kitboiw btt j p i lj h vvftio vcr viil retain id low to tie k ttandkcrchitta r ini a- lti l or iivt nif rtation fothat the vervbcfi port l p madeira f nrtxno sp fin old brown sherry wlwfcfc y l p l m- teneif t u iu s- hibben heft brown stout by the navy fisnt bkck gm md fcafatauri ivi a gaflc or doeiu i suieniuc ikoad clothu and g jj n bt rt fureie jl llvadie and gentlemens glows and q hofey carprtitrg f vaw pat giion ouo 1816 zi 3 brandy gin c c c teas- puiara loaf ani mufcvado gsee sancw nfrvery defeription loch line herrings by the kvg pearl biirlcy mulard soap cmdles by the hx scotch gat meal paint and oils affined ciawlcy mi iiliiier stfit smidtsb i- ton altwrted duet pigeon and snioc s1 nmu x jkvs u all fots tin plat tad slvet iron l pans spades ami shoveui hollow wae hai scrbbrhrj horle shoe aid ta ble ernfhes knlm and forkes afforted peofenfve- bcirrs sp- iiiiir raz rs shvnr caici i ock liir saw- hammers fir g ubiets c- sec c boats and sh- t vv od srvies cottnp chnks boibaeta muilins shawl dimiti- vap bohtiiri a w brown iamtles sllort co joeg leave to inform their friends jfiji and the public that they have jut 1 reived and now offer for laic at their store fronting the market an atfortrutnt dry gooids jrocerii i rorlanj c r avion which re superfine and bw priced broad cloths vvmte yellow and red flumel green 5izp fancy vnliogs filk ad wooten d white quilting boiniazetta aflbred tiiors calicoes ginhao white and black carrbtick ditni y colton shir ting iiiili linen geutiemen white cotton and blck worited hofe ladies o do lndiea kid aud morocco shcca wens lamlti wol stockings lilk and otor diaies bare- ona handkerchiefs j iilsc shwl india 3aiubn e- lidies kid and ilk gove gemlerneiis baa ver a id iilk do satin filk twbana rkrwd fc itingi thread and cotton e fe iur filfc nd twill filk vrvet iviibona filk shawl bak filk flojcn- llmj figured sarcenvu see c c also rlyf n and oren ii spirits port and rpenife wine mucovdo and loaf sugar raifins eepper maltard coffc 5c- sec which they will fell cheap fr caflv or part approved credit- kingston stpt 13 186 15 i point bi3 kctfi counter panes and green broad baize 2 to 3 bdti k xc c storage aad whatfcije the cilomj arj prices and conimiffioti buiukih eat- j cutrd ar the hial rite john kir by co iiitor july 26 ltf6- 1 fuel- information as hall lead to their cotvitn eeivcaiev avd f froli- tv dollslxs j mis robinson kingfton oft 26 1816 2 1 for sale pra of advert in th gaztlfa six lines anwder 20 lirll insertion and lj every fuoieqnent ten lines and spider 34 fift infer- tion md 18 every fubfequcnt ten lines and upwards 4 firft iurlii and 2j pex line every 1uc- ceedin rnfertion advertiie unaccompanied with writ on divefliona are inferted till fotid and charged accordingly i j he wet hulfnfloit imrnbei nineteen in she lecond concieltin of liie ovmi ps ihe fubfcihwtfl efoeclfuliv inform j j ilup of lifi gaw ap jy f the printis 1 their friend id pie in e- 1 nera that they ha reeei e 1 an additum to the ttfual fuppy cwififting of a ge- i net a aftrtmrnt of kingston jh i 1s15 5t- dry goods hardware wanted 1 a wee m auctioneering flhe fuwcriber fbtuins bli tteevc and hearty thanks to his friends t d uhie and fingle stove lou par strcl and wheel boxes ladis and mms slioes comrafl f r ih ronveyance rf hfemajcfty mjil8fxfan from kiagfton to york comrncn clog in janoary next pcrfun d firoiis f obtutnin it irs requcftcl to fend j hi propvfalfl without delay to lhi of- fce addrefled to the v maitci gene ral at montreal ftiuisijg hlvhrwell tern chair shop 2he fubferifaen having removed to jl their new frop wuuld inloun uc jnblic that thev will endeavor in future l keep on hand ail kinds of chairs setfee3 ii 1 hen hue oniamental panting gilding and vrniihjr done with ncatuefs glau out to any fliipe required also boiled linfad oil for fale by rhe barrel or fmallei qironthy paint for ufing them gratis c hatch co sept 6 141f fof or utile in lei i nj the ficitriiy wliivu c w givci for 1 ihc- due pcifivmnikc his eiighgemcnij- an the public in gefterrl tor the mny fevours he ha received from them for thfe fixteen yean past and informs them that he ha recommenced brfirefs again for hifelf any tntlenan vviflt- ing t difpofe of any property wtm be uie me pctiiiiiiaiie u chgdg a complete allortti or dsw tiiin- pqstqfjpfcb 1 toned lwftei and tgc9ieu fur ca ioa5fl f omd trimming tor gcat coats j qtt new stage two elegant dining setts t linnhefuaicnbw vioyafs to run a with 1 variety of other arncks toeij x srgs beti kueftoi ancj lengthy t- enomerere which will be fold i yi k tic enfni g win t cmuuieoec waited upon at their nwo qiariers or at j c f cafll h fi v diy after ibe iliolrn viu mr d brw s tavern fronting the monjeau st germain ofiiwv to la icionvy mai ket place and he afw chafe i ffingtim 3d g i8i 18 mondv raomlag nnu vuikvery rhivf- gentlemeo who hill pit ale to favor lum with their custom that they fliall have to let and sitvrdjt an b regular auc- a fli foy for one r mori- year- a very valuable grist aad saw mill in gcod repair fit tinted at thurlow v imnuuiatejyby the town of belleville paiiiciii pn and co treat fo the fame apply to thomas coleman ecj the pro prietor several town water ltfl pon the tktnfeofthe ricr moira for fav a jro i miller ard sawyer ivanted- j 25 he ward nooccafion to cail twice for thtir mon- dav morniir fh eintued cxviti 1 ftibferiber h -pr- i clun tor ih- ic- fton days john d arley aubtonecr kinosin 4th fept 8 i 6 14 mrs lam hie respectfully hea leave to inform the ladies and gentle men of kingfton nd its vicivty thit ehc has imported from londtn and is now felling at mr barrctta store ad- icining the wliite bear tavern a variety of fancy goods fuluhle for the ftafon vhvh will be fold on the moft rtalona- ble verms kbgtlon z6th sept 1816 itf ahie for particulars apply to the fubieribw jduncan who has or hand from 1000 to 1 300 pairs of worsted stockings fit foi the army which will be fold cheap for calh only j d- kmgsten 7th stpt 1816 i4 a ror sale valuable farm with build- injr ata large irnprovcmcnithere- on favorably filiated within 28 miies of kingston perfens dvfirous of pur- chafiny t inqntre of the punter kingston j 1 c 1815 strayed a to rom a pasture one mile nd 1 hatfftem kinoaon mr be avern about ive latl cf auguft a ijv if is nn cemffiodii n of ravli the iut- i ftf then hagi u ri- t a t of the pubiic sjmuft purdt tgngstoth 05 9 t fc 6 b uerea3 on tli rf the 5th inft a rp11 hy name of rl cliaru barkmr ran away rom preicftt upper canada with ab- oit iccc dolrs the pjpperty of the ibfctibtr at y perfon o- pcrfons who will apprehend and fccure the faid rich- wd ii barker i that he may le biot to jtiltfee hall receive the above reward vjll i by applying to tlie fnbfcrjhrr at prcfcott toitudncb y mleod kingston 30th mc t 6 52 norive l bay horse blank deeds and mcmtirials for tele a tfowi ofittie i foyr yeers old dark trac ind tail one j tf j white hind in of and a fmall white fpot in bh frebvad vvhotfvct will return faid hoifr or give information wbere h may be fund sicll be wel rewarded al nccetfary charges paid by oil as may kir cw 4 3sftk ls j phefubfcribeik lhe tj c book jl society are i that mi bemud merrlh a tnk xut vi iact beimging to the c d tbofc mho wifli to tafc lne dividend of books for be lao yea f tt ward impoiinji mow t- ok for aaotbci year are reiteflcdto w at mr m nils store f bw kinglloti augit 9 oat and intaoons ft t ij tc waitcat sc iorg boots it is to be hofied that eve- iy exertion will be made for the lecuring t lucli a character am asa wood pracott u c jane ra lsi 6 5 i blank summo subpce as aad xecuu fo t court ol ruett g a this oiiit jfliiil iublcrihers inform iuc lnhb- jl itanta of kingfton and its vicinity at they will pay for gorid hquk a0he8 pence per buihtl rttd provide seans to lake them from their refpvive follies once every two weeks chat u short co scptitihcr 13 18 16 5 lank summons cr the district courts k bale it tiiiii oikce remedy for lhe tooth ache a fheet cf writing paper burnsd in a clean white plate will produce a yellow- ilkoit which oil is to be locked up by a fmab piece of clear cotton and placed itt oruuthe loth a for 0i rmnatet in the moft diftreffidp cafe tlis remedy has been known to g im mediate relief chinese method 0 mending china take a piece of fluw gj beat it a fine pwdcr and grio it well with the vhte of an egg and it jom- china ivnhout nwcting fo that 10 an r brek it 0 the lame pi e you are to obftrve that the compofition is to be ground extremely line on a psintera itone new goods i ke fabferibcr hajist ecc ed anrf i now offer fc laic ac sxtcniiveaud- wel cnofen aflort neut uf dry goods groceries and hardware also a weu chofen airortmeat of medicine thf whole of which will be fold s the lowest prices forcath or country prr duce r ewd j hennrrson kingtorcjannarv 1816 to for safe 15v fie iubicrii era 40 boxes fine yellow soap thomson detlor kittghon jjy h6 5t nou ce lhe board for examining into th jl claims of p rions eutirjed o mi litia penfionf will altemhlc at the court houfe in kiigfton an tfa fecond monday in novcmbci neiat ten ocjock in the foienn and continue to aft-m- wtf at 1 lie fame piece on the fccoird mo aiy i every month whilll ncccflary of vrhchall perfona concerned arc rcaudtoj to trikc pottce- john ferguson col if tf senior mijiiia officer in tht mutnul dutria kingston gdoler io 1816 m lairs sermon poneus evi- yj dence the canadian vifuor bojfcdoi fiugle together with n gteat avicty of ufeful bfh ka and traft for young people for s ilc at this office ivhere accefs may be had to a fmall cir uiatin library three timttt a week on moderate terms auguft 1 1 8 1 6 x b lost rrom the pattureoi mr jcthro l jackftm a cow a reddhh iindlc colour white ipot on ei frc icid red 3c white belly one bock born part fif one ear ft she is new mifc nd three years old whoeve will rc- turn the fame to tlie lubferiber fliail rc eive tht reward of four dlar john scf it- kfngfton aug 16 1816 ri spruce beer i molt any quntitj at p the cellar uorfer the auaion oflft uf jftf chtirlcs short john yotng p s all person f whosrem- ti to hirn are requtfte tua i with- 1 by ard fettle their accounts i j it5 5 packet llsh oner pcrfi- e j ikkr mallei wil ontm to- u ibanrtou to a to 1 bof s