omtli u la added thattv battle of the 7th lafted from 2 oclock in thf jftcrnaon to after midnight abd the der dilfatisfied with the metfurc taken by his minister of marine had cut off b bead naples aug t8 the american fquadton remains in our road it is aid they arc defirou to enlirt km co lonifts who are here by a regulation of the fquadron the indifenmiuate viiic ofallperfons thereunto is prohibited kingston novemti vr 1816 1 ylax omu fc 0- j ilayspasi m it u twt j tie nndsi of 1 secured him at jlcndor- life wc are in death m i three grmcd v vrrtoofc nnt v son whiie hie djtnters wetfe conduct ing their prisoner back to kingston a number of ship carpenters and otlior citizens of sflcetv harbor interfered and effected his escape sow sir the facts to which the 3- bove has allusion are as follows two otiiccrs belonging to the 70th ilegimeut stationed at kingston were entovei by mc to jackets liaibor uo armed nor with the view of seiz ing a deserter but as private gentle men in pursuit of a villain ho had committed the most daring robbery 011 his master and in whose detention and punishment every upright citizen of ev ery nation otitic to hare itit alike m- t rented the said two gent 3 uru j pliiid ina regular manner to the civi riagi-trnte- paying the required few in order to th- culprits being commit ted to prison in the full confidence tht the american laws would deal umi by the offender but with rcfrctd i publish to the world that the civil ma- 4 jrrate of that section of the l s af- i r receiving the prisoner into his cs- toilv and being paid for his troubi- fob thi kingston fiazn 1 to the member of the provin cial parliament in former communications i hara attempted to shew the importance f an earlier publication of hie khhuj s of the province enacted irons year 10 year and the want of some rfttbslitute for a court of chaneerjr particnjjj li respect to the administratis of oj t- 1 casts and some provision for he up- 1 pintveet of guardian- cf nuvw i now beg uttcto en yottr fttcittn to another dcfcct in our irwin tvsinu 01 jtt whih a ila- offr unkiniat his es hve remedy seems to bs nqnutd following up his duplicity bv u ii one of tvvo partners crjoat en- n dl acknowlrdmont that fh ft7n orisonerv rescues as elected bv tm alone but if instead of ihm birfor bond the jurisdiction of rie court his partner who remain within itn juj rkdiction cannot be sued at ail a t- veral action will not lie again him because it is a joint contract td p joint action is tvd snvtainall bmv service cannot be made on the al v j one the tinglish taw a gnhvlrtnte for sash service allows hc psnff to proceed against the absent debtr fro 4utlavry ftffer which he is permitted to prosecute his suit and obtain judg ment against him who is present ft uie process of outlawry is in-prcctiva- fk here for want of coaut couvu 1 which are the judicial organs of seeh a proceeding it has been atf mpied to pass a provincial outlaw rv hiix but i was opposed and rejectti a fou oin- plirateduud detiakbeiiu wirh a ficvftr forfeitures and diabilttii s i eubblitutehas yet been adopted the conseuerice is that when a joint cot- j or removes cut of or into the i iftcc living hi partner behind botli oftheinare exempted from five payment oftheiv debt let it be 1 ver su bonct ml4 meritorious although the cause action i- not discharged tlv means of enforcing it are suspended atul itmip the debtor may latiguat his creditor and set him at deiianee lieutenant governors office yarkjfth srnt ld6 civil appointmknts his excellency the lieutenant go vernor has bas been pleased to make tiie following appointments- viz illfllunnllatt esq to be judge f the district court and surrogate of the district of gore simov mcxabb esq to be collec tor of the cumoms at the mouth of thr- itiver moira in the midland district mr vvilliaw cooimh to be gov ernment auctioneer and mr vil- iam knott senior to be doorkeep er to the iloiise of assembly by his excellencys command edward mumallov acting secretary t up were dead or that 1 joint action mnv be maintained and judiment rrndwred acatbofh uponproof by riudavit that notice of the sait has been riven personally to him on whom tiere cooid be no regular service oi process a second clause in the fame statute might remedy another evil eutiug at common law upon chedeatll of one during violence of alawles stothv it is mr editor by sinilar artftu nistatements as the one inserted in the ancri an advocate are rancorous feelings excited and jealous suspfcio s bcgat in the minds ef the subjects two nations who have the troue t possible incentives to reciprocal gottl olfiecs and durable friendbip yur obdr servt thomas evans li col co nd 7uih itctf mr mites sir by your inserting the following ob servations in our useful paper you will timhaps saw- the parties concerned a pablif moriiicaii on monday evening last i attendee- th theatre when i could not but eb- erve tlic impertinence ofafewgenhe- ren who seemed to take a peculiai pleasure in maring th ladies out ef countenance it would nut be ami- that the manager of this edifice shoule adopt oine plan or throw out such hints as would preserve order and d coram within its wails the indeco- iiiip fii fimii nf atari of thond heeluck- ed by branding the oflender or otfin- li wuli the words public wusntce en the forehead for the lirst oilenc- and for the second thev should bt- forthwith transported for life to pre vent a third transgression gentlemen wearingspectacles should not be allowed to enter the theatre without giving security for their good behaviour ours c sestimkntalibus kingston 31 t 181g- a daring attempt w as mnde on mon- j daj morning about 1 o clock tbreak open the store of john lily eq in he occupation of mr william new ton the villains had forced the pas sage door from the street and had as- 1 cended the stair case where in wren ching the iron door of the rfore the lieutenant governors qe yotmth sept 1s10 his excellency the ieutenaut go vernor has been pleaded to appoint the undermentioned justices of the peac or the district of niagara to be ad ditional commissioners for admiuister- the oaths to militia pensioners iobekt xklles forty mile creek ohn svrtincirov niagara 1 vmks macklem chippy w a v03kut grant quemsteii eohgk aoams twtlvemilecreek jom clvrk near de by uh eelencsrommand edward si umahon acting secretary s debtor the cause of action sur- ching the iron door oi he tore the iives against the somror but not ag- aruly iu the dwellnig tami ainst the executor or adniinistvator of lamed b the noicand bark ig ofthe deceased whose estate may mm s the yard whch the robbers per- een the principle sour e relied on for ecuring the debt in that eas the reditor loses bis security the right the deceased whose esra ma hve b sec cret- of action which was originally joint being severed by the d cease of one of them it is not proposed to enable the creditor to join the survivor and the re presentatives of the deceased in the same action at thev would be avswera- hie in din different veral remc against eit this could be no hardship upoi tate of the deceased debtor who himself equally bounding aiidwltosel estate is still equapy holdcn in justice and equity for the payment of the debt it is readily admitted that a spirit of innovation ought not to be encouraged but the amendments here proposed appear to be simple and safe in their nature and recommended b strong considerations of reason and ivecessity camdsn log in the yard which the robbers pcr- jeeiving they abandoned their projects and made a precipitate retreat we are informed that there appeared to be turee persons in the gang montreal gazette from the montr eat ufraid the following account of the most atrocious attempt ever made in this or wfl extract from the cutaceas gttzctus of he ilk and i august venezula on thn 27th the com- janynfgrenadiesofthe union a de achiu- 50 men f vngers of cos- liilft rd picket v 25 of tie lly- r cxi under t orders o on barcaome martinet the whole under those ofthe cqinrnaudant of th ain- apt men flumas garcia hadanlvedintlietowijofchaynaramas iv botij 01 regitive w discovered owaids evening in t vicinity of th- ttn were immediately and rapid- i v attacked with the l in spite the heavy lire the uj it w nipossible for them y w thi harge which obligeq thcm to dupersc j the woods near at band the night wa- dr onarm t e immaudart garcijn deirous of amu- ing them as long a possible to kivc time for thfl mrp which were follow ing him to come ufl retired iito tlie town and posted hiimself iu a fortified house there his project succeeded to his wish at daybreak of ih fitb the enemy had surrounded the house and at s oclock a tla of trruce delivered the commandant garciaa a summons sign d by sir gregor m calling himwtf gtmeral iti oikiefoi that crps nothing could be miore laughable tliftii this summons it gme even a step bi- yond thnt of his eroullencu general l5o- after bedumbing his itinerant band witii the title of invincible sir gregor concludes u the life the ho nor the properties of facers and sol- diers shall b- repceted and preserved i merely requre yomr rrms and amnlu- nhion my word its sacred and shall be imdotablo tine anwfir given half in hour afterwardts was couched ill terms of energy eqjuai to ihe foil of the summons during the day the insurgents at tempted to draw rteaar the hou e but 80 bodies stretched om the plain shew ed the ret the excels of their temer- ity i the nighf ofthe isth al wa quiet and on the morning 0 the 29th with- out fhinking a tilting more of the suuimoie- hd vitfuvtt beat f drum they resinned their ilghtou the roildof the valley olla jawmc on the 30 lb the columns destined to follow thetn op luftdt ike commauil of major quc70 entered the town and after a few hours ref followed their route innnmbei abovj jqo infantry and upwnrdsof 500 caai tilts morning of fife 31st were burnt tiie 0 bodies found yluse to the house and near 70 dead and dying were col lected in the tow n ad on the tad a- inougt ihe former fuc oliicers end the one who acted as ihe majorgeneral fee rify onevej this order- bllis blfflsflgw the enemy from his pbiticn affr hourii smart firing whilst thesquadmi of el sombrero penetrated iuto the sa vannah the inundation cf the surrounding country at that time prevented ou troops from pursuing the encmv and hey returned to tie held of battle our losr amounts to 29 wounded arid is kil led that of the enemy to upwards of 130 killed according to the uniform testimony of many prisoner amori whom i- a captain of carabineers na med montero who accompanied the rebel bolivar araongftthe killed was found the adventurer mcgregor wh acted as commander in chief and whose coat clothes and money are in the possession of the soldier of the squa- dron of kl sombrero who killed him j the whole of his guard were also de stroyed from south america a letter ha been received in this town from a gen tleman in south ameriaa of which the itfllowirh are extracts buenos jtjres juhj 10 18iq u the political state of the country such that from he first politician to mie last an opinion crumot be given b hm liberty and independence mi- upported by viriue patriotism and energy are nothing the pretension to the former are now to the iast spark v viinguislu d and the magistrates have veti been do titure of tie latter 6fc at present heavy armies are rapid- approaching from the westward vhlch will ik dillicult to check ifpo- ibh- the 101 uguee are coming to a itaintv w if la a very strong force b ta iild ad as well as gen artigas d all the towns in this province on ide other side ofthe river against the tpital which has 0 depend eillhvi pon its militia of inferior numht rs e hall have great changes here bj october if w t do not entirely fa un- drthe old yoke the distresses of he country will be unlimited i notwithstanding all this there are des crate people here w ho may be in clined still to holdout by driving off the supplies to annoy the enemi in which can a century must elapse at tended w ith all the st dondioo hor- rors before the country will be good to any one tn tonk a5 rrttfrt m certainly have endav rcd to spprofft hih dtah bed with the news of ialtk ahifl i cannot hlp it the fou ugic i fent word to hrr fou that i 0 tlhed in peak with their rooirurr cut thtf refufed my entrance into their houfe and dciired mc if i wifhed to fptak iv hhcr to go to the place of burning which vtaa on the high road a little diltancc from the town i watched the opportunity and about 4 oclock in the afternoon i waa informed that the mfferable worran had been led ont from her houfe the corpfe of her hufband having been carried a little before to the place under the hade of a large tree hearing this i went thither finding her ii the hit of a large cowd and funounded with a great joifc and a band of mulic i knew not how to get to her but forne of the crowd immediately helped me i joined my hands aiid implbud the nnficians to let rre pais to her for five minuets that i might fprak to her t faij i am very forry for her upon thi- the crowd near icoo men gavd me room toapproaih and all the mutic ians hopped their atnfic a fnon aa i got before her i fav about 20 women furrounded her and the in a noil famiilicdefs altnoft her whole bdy was covered with arartis she had a large cap ot floweu and her fun head a covcied with red paint she had a cocoa not in her hand but remained fdent lilleniiig to what the other were laying to her asfoon a i approached her 1 opened the o iffa tftmtut arid from the 1 6th chapur f v6ts aed he 281b verfe 1 cricj out do thy uvifoot harm j this is a fir againfl god ad u unpardonable i am a fcivant of god and i love your foul 1 am come to tell thee from the mouth of gd do ihvfelf no harm she only fhoofc her btadbui teemed not to believe me af tcrwaidjhe faid no no when i was diltoading her from going to the fire extract of a letter u buenos dures july m we have pretty correct information that thelor- fun esc expedition of 10000 troops uas arrived iu this river 3buenos ayres gazettes received with the above contains an official ad- dress declaring tfc the country to be in danger and calling on tin- people to the crowd did not like me to near rise in arms and once more save it fan the kiscsrox gsette mr editor on taking up the eyork spec tator ofthe 16th inst 1 observed a pa ragraph avowedly copied tttto that pa per irora the nvatertown aerirufi advocate to the following effect a british deserter- it v- stated hat about the 1st inst a british deser ter from kingston passed thr sack- ets harbor aud was 900d pursued by pectaoiluy a mi uiuiuesiomjiie uuu- ty the mind is petrified with horror at the recital of such a diabolical deed and startles at the thought of the de pravity of human naturv when divert ed of mora and religious principles euzace-nrrown- upper can voa october 3 img a i cannot but mention an instance j of depravity as singular as it is cruc and malicious the well of a mr iardner of the adjoining town ol vonse was poisoned by start person on sunday night by tlrowm lil a unantity of arsenic ihe mllf l in number were in the most distressing pain their boweleves and lipsswel- lidtn the most atoiushing manner bemdes the twelve in the family tltree thcrs were taken ill b drinking a lit- i am sorry to say jour civalry trorn ttcvg then gave orders for l lasco to force the passage wiilfc the infantry of iltom m jw cf a j aragua and a detach ol flie lighl has not been expected to use for i i 31 1 infantry of uilla ftaco t did the deed i tie of the water that the wretch who vet undiscovered none as yet nav f ae on the 10th int rapid march pla ced the column and- major quero in the halo cattle pen 0 the socorro where tin- enemy kt posted as soon as observed the msjv ordend them to j be attacked b some curbioefer6 and ri- liemen the euem retreated recip- itately for2 leagues iu i reached la quebxadita where h mu a stand favoured by the tu so 0 t ood and by a livulj v1 hindered tlbj major w front the nmburyporl tier aid of oc tober i the report respecting the seizure of american property as published in our iatsprobably arse horn the cir- tumstaticc of a new collector being ap- poiutedatst andrews in which dis trict n comprehended eastport who deemed the indnlgancte of the former collector incorrect 3 and accordingly i had seized on all tiie merchandize which wa judged to have been imported con tra to law the merchants having 1 ben so long jndfllged in a free trade and not dreaming of such a change wcrc ver v uaturalh surnrized and of course had spread alarms calculated to awaken hie public sensibility from th mffionary rcster another woman burnt alive- the following narrative is given by mr john peter an arrnenian who a as milfionary at balafore in connection with the baptiit society it is extract ed from a lttur of his dated balafoe sept 6 1s14 a horrible thing was done in this town a ft w days aoo ochob neighbor oi mine died aged 60 or 70 years bav ng 4 or 5 married fons fevctal dauglters and alio grand children he uicd to work for ne and 1 had many time- been at his ihop and fpoke there the words of eternal life to ida fom nd eihers as well as to him often at his houfe and my own his anfwer was always ftvoable he acknowledged rre to be a true preacher ofthe way of god and wan very religious in his own hrathenifm about 8 months ago he came to me and aflccd for one of our books wilhing to read it at his own houle 1 waa very glad to give him an oriita newteftamcnt which he continued reading or hearing about a month ago he fell tick and on sunday lad as 1 waa returning from preaching to a laige congkgation at mootiguuj one of his fons returned the oitfta teftament j and yeftcrday morning 1 heard the man was dead and that hie wife aged 45 or 50 years was going to die with her beloved hutbands body in the burning flame- i was vciy forry had i known ofws fickocfo before herany longer however i treated her to fpeak co me which die did but it wa through her nofe fo that i was not aueto underftand her she gave m i two rlowers 1 told her i did nor want flowers but her life she book her head then i again faid do thyielf no harm t if you do it i am free from your blood she and the crowd then proceeded to the place of death i am forry i war not abc ro do her any good 1 followed warning her and ihc crowd againft the horrible crime wih the new tenement in my hand she bathed in a tank and then burff almoft vinametowak fevcral perfonn hjd her fliouldcrs and anal and took her to the fpot the flames were rrarty to receive her th cowdwasnow about 4 men thrtrc pentlemrn were on elphanis very ear the am sh went rooud the fire and threw fome mik ovf rhe burning corpfe three or four mc were at her back to foovc her int the foe but lie fell oh the foe and waa feofl burnt toalhes the crowd teilinvd their approbation during the pocllioa bom her houfe t the burning flamr by crying out huribul huribui never taw before fuch a horrible death wanted for his majestys service 1000 barels of fl0tvei 500 busheu- of oats 20 tons of hay 3000 brooms to be delivered whiltl the navigation is open also 7000 bundles of straw 1000 bushel of pease in the carley part of the winter tenders for the cbove will be received at this office until the 15 november commissariat offtce kingston ifi novnnlrr 6 21 wi c 1 curriers oil 5 barrels 57 brrrrls curriers oil ju ft received and tor fale by jonas abbot iff co kingston 08 311816 iiw 5 to be sole at the auction room of j dar lt y on tnesoay t i oclock a brigbt boy h0rs cv- ccllent coditiuot and fit for cither sad dle or draught kingftonnov 1 nv all perfons having claims sgamft the lllate of jhn farrier ltc of kingflon decratvd are rqucfted lo prefent thcm to the fubicriber duly au thenticated for payment and all wh- ate indebted to laid ettate are if t tired tc make pay cut immediately p j fitch siding tremor kinjjhnos 2oicio zwy