i t v 3k baiuiibay novemurn 1bi6 rsnp t jl 45 s n ml volume vi no 23 in kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles prici four dollars per annum jwp v criasi5afc3r iv mw oa i4 bf goods j he subscribers have imported direct from london man- chefter birmingham and g1a c an ntenfive aftoitmert of every fpecics of viercnandize iuitabie to the upper canada bfarfeet the goods have beea elected with care and purchafed for cafe and will be difpofed of either by whoklale or retail on the molt reasonable teims under the different heads of liquors groceries hardwares clothes flannels ilaherdash- crj hosier and carpeting stationary crockery k glassware cord age e c they would enumerate tle follow nor articles viz very bfift port i p madeira 1 wines i brown qznaburg shivri g and sheet ing linen lace cambruk sn fin- ow brown sherry f veiling satttn ribbons bk lpftl v tencnff silk haudkerchhrfi humberts fcrfl bown stout by the navy t5inv black g and fafbigtiahhr cnfl or doz- i suwcnhie broad clothes and css- brardy gin c c c fimeres tes sugars loaf ad mufcoaflo ladies ind gcrtlemens gloves an- caution it having been reprcfenied to the ma jor general commanding that vari ous pefons have lately cat timber on the kings land on point henry and are till in the habit of doing fo public notice is hereby given that any peifon or perfon fu offending for the future will be prefecuted to the ut- molt rgour of the law hd ss kingston zuh os i8i6 j 2imi s coffee sauces nfeve tefrptitttj loeh fiue hfftnngr by the rrei jpcarl btriey muflard soap candles by the box scotch oat meal paint- and oib aft rtd crawley and sintered steel swfa i- ran aflbrted drcv pin ad smne shot nafcft bailee of 41 forts tin ple w sheet i on frying pans spades jnd shovel hollow wart hkirjghwhewfh scrohhlnjr hovfe shoe and far be brumes knoeeaiid forces altortd penknives sditcrs spoons rrz nr shaving crfe- -lock- hinge- saw hmtner3 hofiey carpeting f various pat- tenifl an afp rtnentof seholb oka and sta tionary g af ware crtkerv bv the cnte or crllc and packed to lull coun notice traydfrooa the fubferiber at he village of eingiton the lafl of augullf or the iirlt of september lalt two cows of thr following difcripti- on viz the one u a large fize red ad white fpeckled rnoftly red with a while flripe in the ce thv other a middling fized red cow wuh a dark fifce 1 hry wcie outeiht yrar olo i q th gave mik wtw ihey went awy whoever will return fcid c ws to tfrc avner or give iuhr jaiion i that ihey may be found b ill u geneioufly reward ed a w brown kmgfton oct 20 1816 21 sto l i 0 sthaytijd fxotrfik pa jure of samuel pur- v jy abuut tw months ao a dark bay hoksf fi it cq hands lugh icvn ol r r tlttiit vcars oi iavik mane and tail tv ohos r 1- r r r t v 0 i with a large white vr ins toreheaj oentlemc iv prmf denver nar- un r n o- u jip- ittnyul tne ttibvber will piy alt re vutithh aitl b vs la- el hr d l u k t m 7i m loriahu- charges to a erloa w 10 will kc fiii gfnbctbj c cic bo t and shoes jjankecns cordioy stupes ctitton checks b01nba7cn mutliiui shawb pitmti s tafirs plate do men willow iiats radieb qnh beaver trim j bouneuj w red yellow nd rm ranncls i and ontrn broad bize 2 to 3-i- point blanket counterpanes bdtitk fee fire i storage and wharf rt the cuftom- ary prurfr and comnnltiom buiiikis exe- cutvd ai the utual oc john kirby sc co kingston july 26 ih6 s able- charges to ay jerfon who wi return him or if hvn atiy perfou to will jifcover thehifo hieves and wli eiv fuch h formation ns fliail lead 10 their ecd nlhii revive arc aard ai ai rr dollars james robinson kineikw oct 6 1816 21 p sixines afldunder 2bfirll iuienion and 13 every fobfeqnent tci hnes and under 3 firfl infer- cion and f6 every fubfequtnt ten lines and upw ids 4 per line firfl inferlioii and zd per line every fuc- tcdiij iiifertion atlvetifenentfi onaccompaeicj wuh written direftions are infertedtill forbid and charged accordingly auciioueerhi the fnhforibcr revtms hi- liccre and hearty thuo to hi fiends and the public in general for the many favours he ha received from them for thtte fixfeen yar part and infoins thc that he has recornnienceo buiinefa again f r hintfelf any 3eiuca1an wh injj t difpofe of any property wil be waited uuop it heir owi quatc o at mr d brovvs tavern fyntng the market place and nftres th- r gentlemen ivholhall tlafet favor bin rirh tbif cutom that they fliall have nooceaoon to call twice for their mon ey a tufsnft thursday mnd saturday are his regular auc tion v- john darkey auctioneer kinfgatmt4th pt ifytft if y j he fnbfcrtbera efpefutty inform 3 their friends and the pub iv in ge neral that they hav received an aduitim to their ir fupply coflufttng of a ge nera ft rim nr of dry goods hardware for sale- chatilus shout co eg 1 cave to infoun ileir friend and the public that they have jail received and now offer for ale at their store fronting the market an alfortment ibmy goods jrocerits crockery c c among which are superfine and low pried broad cloths white yellow and red flannels green baize fancy veilings ilk aid woolen do white quilting biubazetr aftntcd colors calicoes ginqhams white and black cambtick dirrit y cotton shir- tinj infh linen gentlemens white cotton and black worfted hole ladies do do ljies kid and morocco shoe3 mens lambs wool stockings filfc and cot con btacesbarcefona handkerchiefs ilk shawli india bandannoea ladies kid and fik govti getrlemens bea ver and filk do satin fiik turbans thread footing thread and cotton irelewirig lk and tvifi fik vive ribbon glk shawls b kic filk floicn- tine tigurej sarcei ets 5cc sec c also ejyfon and ore- n tea sjiiir prt and ttnerfffe wine mulcovado and loaf sugar ratlins pep er muilard coffcff c c which t 1 y wiil fell theap for ch or fhort p vcd credit kingston ct 15 1816 15 chair shop the cubfcribers having removed o i their new hp wnw i lonn the public that they will endeavor in future o keep on hand all kinds of cm airs betvkes c in their line or amenta painting gilding atid varnifhh g done with neatne- gals cur to any hape required- also boiled lfnfeed ojl for fale by new goods nphe fubferiber hajust received ani jl now offers for falc au exteoiivc and veil chofen aflbrtmeut of drv gdodsj groceries 7 and hardwar a iso a well cofen affortmentof medicine the whole of which will be fold 36 ic iowot prices forcarti or cocntry pro- nee ewd j fend rsdn kingston 26 january i86 10 for sale by the uburihers 4 boxes fine 7k ti jllc veil vv soapj cheap for cajb thomson detlor kingston july 1 116 wis a tt rhewci half of lot number nineteen in the tee nd concciti n of the ow f of ki gfton ap to the printer kingston uh t h 15 5 t wanted contract fr the conveyance 0 hi nij fty mails twice a tctk from kingfton to york c-mtnen- sng in january next any perfon je- ir ub nf obtaining it is n quelled tc fend r mrs lanime espectfullv be fes to inform the ladies and gctle- ffcn of kirgflon and its that she has imported from loud n zt3 i now filing at mr 15ariefs stre zd d ubu and angle stoves iron bars st- el and wheel boxes ladies and mrn shnci a complete affottrtsent of new fafli- ioned ladies ind ol tlemrn fur caps and tiimmiug fji great coatfl two elegant dinii setts willi 3 variety f otri arti too lengthy to enumerate vt ich will be fold che- fo cafti rveonje vd st- germain kingston d oil 1 6 1 8 j to let fglhe upper partvf that hoofe st- b oared in front f the maiket foi a email ptfcate family alf ii liiot for ahorf for particuiari apply to the fubferiber j duncan who has on hand from io00 to ilm fairs of worsted stockings fit for the armv which will be fold piopofos without delwy 10 this of- l addreltedto the m maile gene- r at montreal fisting hirtloweft teim nd the lcuvity vch an be given for he due orf r ma nee if ui engagement ostoffjcr otbos 1s16 j kingston i new stage toinincr the white bear txrn vany f v in ct r j r r c cheap or cam ivv j 1 of iancv uroods luhioli ttr trw tr n r j 0 0 winch will be fold on the molt real ma- rt s1he fubferiber proofc to run s stage between kingttn and fork the enfuiug winter to commence l ti r it monday after lte flvjghtng will llib admit o leave kingllon every vlonday nsrmnp and yik tvery rhtut- 4ay marniig the fubferiber hipes mv his wirewiwed cxeu for the mxod rim of travellers and the lafety tleh baggage t- merit the patronage 4 the public samuel pur dt kingston od 9- j8i6 i9f groceries pkt filbfcribersj having commenced bnllnelir the grocery line either htildal or retail in this place wher hey wdl do iheir utmost to fupply the tblicon the most reafonnble terms kingstorj 30th may 18 16 52 iia rr- a p- aki qirmtuy piit teady prepared fui ufc and ail direction for eng them gratis c hatch co sept 6 i4if for sale or u l for one r more years a very valuable grist and saw mill in rood rep vir glutted at thinlow st inunediateyby he town of pe evi le foi irticur and to treat for the iame iwly to thomas cojcnau lilq- the pro prietor several town water lat upon the banks of tiic river moira for fale a good miller and snvyer wanted btticvilk august 2 3 s i 6 12 p25 reward is 0 1 ice t he board for examining into the j clahna of perftma c titled o -u- mia panlinui wiil aflimble at ihe court houfc in kirift n 4n chctecnvd monday in november ntxat ten oclock in iht mten n and conti ue t eff-m- at ihe fame ce op the ccui 1onv day in cvery month whiil itetcffarjf f tv h ich all ptrfons couceraed arc reqnofte t rak nctice john feguom co ff if senior miiia officer in the muhand dtiri3 qlaiits sermons ported cvl- lj d nre tiie canadian vilitor bod qi file together with a treat varietj of ufeful bo ks ai 3 t ft- for yrpig pcnoe- for riir at tliuofitcc vnere sccef n be had to fril cit- ultinq lfbrary three time a week on moderate terw- augus i i 16 q lost xt hek eas on the morning f t eth inlt l mn by name of r rrom thepaftureof mr jthro 1 j jion a cuyv a ktddih hrindlt eoloor white tu in h r fvrje- head red 6c white belly nc buck rrv part of one ear ff she is n w oiiifc ttul three years oid whoever will re turn the fame to the fnbfcrilej had te eciwe the r ward of fuuk dollars john scott kingdon aug 16 ll ti chard e r ble term tingflon 26th sept 1816 for v l3 a vyluadle farm with build- ings also iane imprnvments there on favorably fitnated within 8 qtiles of king ton perfons defuous of nr chagng to iriqnirc of the printer kingston 1 july to i8tc 5 tf strayed roi i pasture one mile nri a i blank deeds and memorials for hc at ths oilke jl half from kielon mr brchs tavern ilioul he lalt uf awguli a bay horse four yearp ld dark mane and nil one white hind hrofand 1 final white foot in hi forehead whoever will return fai hurt 01 jiivi information where ik miry be f un fh 1 be we 1 e warded 8 ail c elf y ch ji i by no fie v rhe fubferibers to the u c book society are informed that mr tamuel ma rill has taken the books and r belonging to the society and lofe who ftifh to take their dividend of isk f r the lull year and fubferibe to rdb import in 5 more hoks for another lar are rcqnciled to cal without delay 4 mr merrilb store forthat purpofe by order oftk prefidenl kingftoo auuft 1 1s16 5 i blank sammonfes subpoe l and executions for the the rl barker ran away x pieictt oppei canada wish ab- ont oco 10 lirs the piopetty of the i fubferiber any perfon or petfong who i will iorehrnd anj fecure the laid rich ard barter to that he may be bo t to juftieci had receive the above reward by applying to the fabferibtr zt prefcott upper can da he i a man ahoul twenty fix years of aye five let ii inches high frelh corplexijn bght hair blue eyes round vifage head a little bald at rhe ticu lie made his clcapc his clthc3 weic a black coat and paulauons fttipfcd aiilc a long boot it is to be hoped that eve ry exertion will bts made for the fecuring of inch a character a mas a wood prescott u c juht th 1816 inruce seer i f molt any qu intity can be huj a y f the cellar uiler the auction ileum of mr charles short john young p s all persons who arc io- iibted to him are requeued to call with out may md fertlr their accounts kingston july 51816 5 kingston oct 4 1 8 uf v staay ourt ot rqusttsfor ialc a is oflicc rflfihk fubferibers iulonn the lhb- jl itanta of kinjflon and iis vicinity hat they v ill pay fur god mouse ashes mine pence per buqiel and provide means to take them from their rcipective houlcs once every two weeks charles short co september 13 18 1 6 15 blank summonses for ilic district courts for bale at this oflio packet he schooner ferfeverence j jg parker mallei wdl continue vo run a- a packet from kinafton to sack- ets barbor- may 15 18 i 6 50 aft received and for fale at this office a quantity of writing paoer of quality no 2 1 i reams writing poll no z 9 ditto dirto uucul a ll perons having claims gamft jl the ellate f jhu wrier latt of lviiu decafed e reqnelll 10 iprefent ih m to th- fatlcilvr duly au thenticated for pav ment and all woo frtdebted t laid euve trc jcfircd tc ike payment imincdiitlv p j fitch kinvilvti os 2 i c i 0 2 23 tri n