milttia pension ageng office- ym istk september ifltfc us required h latc up to the 3ut of dec mbcr isig name of pensioner rank roiriniont or des cription of service to which belonged action or place where wounded sec tintp vrbco wounded rioil for which pen tlbis ft simons jame kirov v ivm jarvie j tltll wdoihii thoma fraier john nfcgrgo fhuin lniney jtioma smith lie 1 ian gcage ri erojb jitfnc hvn datie n l br moa miid jll rn mi j ftleharoo r n ue tii ti slraiitne t 0 i siviliorfl 1t u larj a idnui kcuiiedy tiasnws jul boflucit jov vviraml j s lye mahirdoxc jojr cowell ji vrjn ll prh ttlfifir satltuh w rs l pnilhch jim v wo j i r cfw if kwnon f ot ir ieban a ilhoi tlim roj mclvnie n1 hrm j leblfn mcfroigal ji s cramfurd a lacs rarhajrt wb huv rllit bayl e vic rail svain l curta ma irn ja oraham ji ivray ci powell ehrnr rf i phet ju v rorluftd j u8 vitillit rei i hall im v ork now 1st gore 2d lin aad in militia incorporated do do kent volunteers li siormont late second v ork hnortjoraicd i s norfolk kffit volunteers incorporated second lincoln 1st glcacary provincial marine do second norfolk ld leeds second esses h norfolk 5j norfolk 3d yoriate 1st stonaoat d norfolk incorporated do do do 3d york late 5i lincoln second do lit do 1 d do incorporated 2d ghiiirary 1st ilcnary second lincoln i t glngarv kent volunteers do do d lcds ht essex do 2 norfolk m ttineoln do do 3d oklati 1st vprfolk do ji frd 2i ltncnln sil foric ial incorporated dn lundya lane port erie lun- dys lane j york lundya lane do long wood ocdeushurffh lundvv iine do fort laie river thames lundyv lane gbippawa ogdensliurgh ofiiworo river itaiin srony crek l e ocdensbuvgd rivr raiiiu fori erie do qnrenrtcn odensbaib fort erie niagara inmiicr luttdyb lane do do york foeenston ch fori georee si da ids lniulys lane near cornwall ogdensbucgb chippawa accident n dnty loiis wooos do river thame ultiiauoque mongv aga river ramn malcolm mills black rock do do qurerrion matd mills for uric accidea or duty do toa co roads tort erie do 1813 1814 112 i8u 2d dn iii 5 e la2and v d iljj 27 arll 1813 23 jnlj 1814 do 4 aureh 22 iv i 25 jh fjo 28 nov 9 ldv juic mn 5 jul isi4 smev 1813 g uayltfm 22lawai- 1818 12 ih13 loli do jai ia y irfl vi sun ial2 2ld n 1812 30ctwer isi2 22 feb 1813 2snoxlsp y octoi 1814 25 jul iyii do do 2 apr 131- rsoct wi2 6 jith rni4 2auf uia 22 jul- 1i4 v jlim ml 10 o 1813 2 fell ini 5 jvlv i i i 23 0cttsl3 4larei 181 j do do 9july do 21 sipt lbl 9 ing d 22 jais ils i no k4 dim- ij do do loi- i2 6 vov ml j 2s nov5 9jait3v l8l1 5 si fiq 57 april do s oct o t3autit is 4 l f of widow ami orphan chudcn admitted us militia ptsionert previous to the ad passed in imn ho- li z r thlifubfcrmerhapkn 1f lateft arrivals fc general affort grocei and iquob i runuary dee 1 january i january v5 july i january do is nov i january do 9 inly 26 do 5 do 22 february ij 6 way u s2 janoary i 28 leby a may 22jniy jamtary do do do do do 1 july 1 january j jnlv ik fepy i janaaiy o may 22 july i january do 22 feby 5 jnlv coufiftfng of the following artieivj tea and sugar tobacco and snuff pepper and alfpice covc9 and cinnam n almonds and rallirs starch and fig blue scotch barley jamaica spirits cogniac brandy holland gin shrub and peppermint wines c sec bell london pickles in boxes atortcj or by the bottle ketchup and sauces of all kinds do crockery glass ware and london muftard in pint nd half pint bodies also a quaiuity ex reach made tiiest and as the prefent time will not ad mit of any credit heis drervncd to di- pole of the whole for sterling colt john duncan kingfton rgh od i8i6- owl new goods nnhe sibfciibcrs having received br the late an ivals offer for faleoo the loweft terms for cafh at thnr sfim in king ton either wholcfale or retail bine and wliiiedi agonal 5aifncl of december lslfi m ftttmth v nturntti advance to the juf name of vjo c nsmr f ttt ha band or failiitnf orphan ciiiiiivmi haiikinmiliia lanreiie hondy id ward walker kt a irjnr bynd booth j jodbua booh kaitc f coll john corroll at lrney oiir tarnry a oi aicdontjl j christopher aledoncll jcroba dr lr i john dhot re- badtrhnu i psorf halichon tepmieiil io nbich be hloiv action hi wocii kii -dtim- of dcca- c cci keavuie f- nr murray iv a torudl mi- t iiit earn tvnior wararel instido rjn adm lvda vt may pjiprhru- liitnmi foryh nai wilkerxiu nine clidenuen mvraunc smith xta ha no volfrum nitinof chili of childof chrldin o cbi9drcnof climro of cfc 1 i wnf i faecal flrainue daotel mnivay georg cogflell charle wrighl rolvr taylor jo rph basiido samuel alnm stjdirn 0 lvms blaneamte j amen fornytb jacoj wilkron a cam clendrbuen chanej smith pbihp wohvrm ma ha- saunders jn mcorarh william cameron martin mrclellao ttmntbv skinnt tiojnasmih join mi rr iol k npraifl do do do lieutenant lnsigo private i v captain r ir- i kx iirnrporaied addirgton oxford itoid liinco do tii i rd voik second llacx frrl eaacat third yorjt firi lincoln do second lincoln do do do do do do first norfolk firsi oxford incorporated first vok iniorporaiod first lincoln do second do third york tif i inrolij nws fort murs foi t eric i- aiul v i cjilppatva do york river ra in do xoi k ltuidyfl lane fort nrnrjre cinjipawa do lvviodn neh fcilmili lro cwy cloths kerfeymeres flannels pomtazetts bomhazencs men womens hfiry irifli linens diapeir toveing sattir luteimngs levantine silks ribbons laces footing ginghams lace veils silk shawls silk and lcati gloves weinptcin and berlin webs rl idoks awrl 0 do do do do for erie accident do ai kingston york fort frio fort george do chinpawn ooeen tea queenton heisn ma dutudmil iuf hrmdat statute passed into yew name of widow c iin- v itanivoj uecraed mh atui- ve wth a vawety of other article in the drj goods lint also j3mrca spirit mufrovado anfl copninc bnndy hmiiiuui giiii brft fort nanifh sherry and madeha win pe percent shrub molacfefl loaf sugar tbi prunes rarfirh abr nd barley pepper ahfnice and indigo midland di strict r to wl t m i st an beiiej catharine jiainer iorolhy may liab dennis 5araatal iathrmieteal sabnrihc rodi ftjar coon miiv hark slarj vanderhancck warv ovar flv wolfe f it bo ir ifaana- clendinrea sophia hainrr litrir llancr eliabcth weaver phh warot aharine nvkirk ma johnson ftwliaiiuc xa abirntr piiebe adair xey balm cnildreoof htidrq of children of cdldrenof children of children of children of clldn n of cnslrfrcn of childr n of ctldrenof cliihi of lucretia stewart aia habbce nanej uunde barbara kiig elabrtb hull s5part vanpickle clnhdof ame joiinson hurler georg haiaer john may o cph dennis launutcc tea zacharfak teal i ig brow n j- in roek john coon joofl clark cons vaudiibaneiic mtdhul graw conrod waife maiiiu boyer abaer clendinneo zaclianasi ifuiner david hainer frnni weaver miejiacl warner kcnjauiin newkirk john johnston alexander fimhornr john adair jacob lalm capjr shufer john sliaklton jonialipot riiihain corisct illiam ij nnis john sniih jonathan griffin cbarlee stviison laa- vnalkr lrwis boughner abraham acre samuel niiii kroeh siuarf john u rahhrc john louridge george kiig kiah mil davidvaotiklc jnrn si man soiomoir mills be l llhrl rank name ot wuardjao of orphan children 8 1 i as i or a l ol lieut lieutenant private rtigtmn to which tiniof i deceased ooagi decease ed l n wte fc o v r rttcd wjiai bnmlfi roi m eh pcmon dtie kifto prf ciiiv serjeant private i serjeant private john banner senr john warren pertnnnbl lawrence jcnninga sarah oorkicder george adams smith grihiii anna yonng william walker hejenor chambers robert nemrs chailotte acre vidov mills lfarmia hebrf vilow or c irenof pierre cabaicr 2112 captain lieo tenant private srjeanl pi utc sarah banrfiart fourth lioroin fir do do third lincoln to second 1 ork third uncoin second do do do first do do do do do do do do do fourth do do do second lincoln third do do serond do do do flrt do fourth do do do do do do militia trtlller artillery drxvei pi fiii lincoln second ork incorporated mil fifth lino do second york fifih lincoln iinorporafed 1 licc m v nov ri fc rv 2 jan i ja is do do jfi ow i2 i do do t jan ij i 4 i2 i i march ti i 1 ot 12 j i do ito 20 api ril 3 i 85 oct ri tf ij ool do r nov rl r do do tf do r- t dec lo vi airg il rt dec i2 v do do j in 3 il dec i2 u do do 1 do do i do da ga an ri fjj oil is nov do 4 do do il do do 3ti do do 1 ore do maid u3 y do do sp nov 3j lec d 9i jiuic 3 sf e j sy nov lo 3 jwly jl 90 ov 2 feb pi the u jdow srcj rw from j 1 i s lire iniv i si 7ii x l i- i x i 13 ii do rtti 1 3 i2 niarra district i i nn 2 i l district of gore v n i in or orafe i m auw wmapthig war iiv lhl rilill tdward macmioxv general agent ji r 2xov il 8o r i jan ran ii do iii 0e 1 do 2 jan 4 lee i mclii3 i lt c y l do do 540 irll i 25 oct i 2 fr e ia nov i do 13 nov 1 oer 13 u i 18 dee 2 2 do to jan l 1 1 ivc 0 do do 3 do do 1 s do do ne il so oct 1 2 ft nev do 4 do 14 do 30 lo 1 deo do 1- march 13 20 do 2jov 13 81 ut soluufi 31 dee 30 nov ft inly sqvftv 28 it i do di do d do d do du h ii nil do do do do do do do o do do do io do do o do do do do do do do io do do do do do do do do do io do o o do h do ii do 82 do n j no do hi do i 2it5 fiz pensioners waztr mccu co k fog hon 19th july 1816 9 y virtue of ecutiom hhivd out of hs majesty court of kings bench boljing civj pea in and for the midland iitncl a- f irgfaid at the iuit of alexndek lilojo of the tfcwnfiup fmaryft- bunrjl in the fam distrid yeoman hafnt the lands and tvnemtiu d phjlip switzer of he town- fhp and distrrs afonfiid yeo nan t me dfrered i liave ftized and tak in execution ss belonging ro the hli phiijp switzkr the south westerly hafof lot number t on tx southearieily fij of southwest o prlicfi kd wards bay in the zd toivn hip oi maiyfborght which lid lot of land t batted and bounded cr may be wherwift kttooo as follows that k iy commencing in front on the faid bav in tlie lii it between lots number 1 ait 2 and at the westerly angle of the itwj lt then south 4g degrees east icj ihsiine 27 ittiksi more or lef to m anda granted to capt jolii iuan then north 44 degrees ea 9 chains o 1 1 oka more or leis to the centre oftlu fiid lot s then north 46 degrees wot i oj chain 27 links more ot irf trf souih west or piincc edwaicis bijr then southerly along the wateraedgeof ihc faid bay to tiic place rf bcgidwoct being partly cultivated with all the ixnii- dings thereon erected containing by- adineafurenient ico acres be the lanid wore or left now i do hereby gidff notice that the aforefaid lot and- premifes will be ibid and adjudge to ther highest bidder at my ofiice in tiie to ten of kfognton on wednesday the tstfi day of december ext a to of rhc clock in thtf forenoon at which time and prce the coudiiionsof fale tm je made known chakles stuart t and every pcrforv or pctlbns havti claims on the above defcried lot of land and premifes by mortgage or ol right or incumbrance are heichy advei j tiled to give notice o rhc hjdwbcrirj at life olaetf in the twj of ivintnj urivious to the fne tlv reof skrif office othher x 79 i 8 1 6 10