cheap woolen goods the fubfewber b just received bv the late arrivals from their manufacturing houfe in england a large quantity of superfine second broad cloths ladies pence cj ti is and cass1mkkks cox81stimg of rlne black watnioo bot- itc greet braftu and mixtmv broad cloths brown preach gray drab and color d pelisse cloths black line and mixture db c milld cassi meres wliicli tiny now offer fo le at the swre of messrs thomson detlor vitv lw for caul jerry whitehead co kjngsuni xiih elttguttt 1816 i samuel shaw egs leave to inform ins friend and 5 th public in general that he has fpj received arid now offers for fale at u si ore an elegant aftartmerit of i hardware dmcl frot the dirjriinrham and sluf fitld mauufiriev which he will dit- pof- of yvhrjeftle or retail at reduced price among which are the following 6apemer jjcik h andmoulding planes chiffda f sorts trying squares and t bevels kafld tenon dovetail safh mill croftcntand keybole saws dull clipboard drawer trunk stock door mortice and pad- locks ship and po ket compaftcii glaziers dhrsond hinjja of all forrs brafs and iron d ilery mid harntfs trimmings of all dfiiptiork tnd gig and riding whips j thong and iridic- bji fied aadbnb candiefticfa do cruets of 4 5 glalfes tltmny 4etal teapot watchmaker and jeweller piyers lppe files screw places c fwb ikvv shoth u pwtier flafksand bullet mould iork f r fowling piece im ck tin saucepans and teakettles handles fpouts to do do tsntntlb rivets wircofsoits gold fcac of rations fize g from nd frying pans table and defefl knives forks do carvers with forks w- d sc a luted bureau trimming portable deilc do bed caps strews and keys 4d 6d 8d lod 146 i6d i8d 2od 28d and od nails white and black lead pruffiin blue spanifli brown red and yellow paints zoied enghfli oil c c c w w addition to his former stock will fcrrrv the mifl complete affortment ever offered for fale in this place kingston august 10 1816 iotf fa discharged soldier in conference of the great inconve nience as well as attempted impoli tic n arifirtg from 5oldiers daily claim ing grants of land at thettlements in uepr and lower canada although thev have in manv rnftances been dis charged from the fervice upwards of a year his excellency the governor in chief nnd cummander of the forces is plea fed to give this public notice to allj concerned that no difchaiged soldier hill be received as a selter who does thkbtous a fcoffing infidel once accofied a poor but pious woman by faying u so 1 find you are one of thole fools who believe the bible yes faid lie and with good rea fon while fo many irudcls exiil to prove the truth of its tellimory that in every fee theft ivill be a generation of fools t like you to blafpheme it proposals ran privmnc r suicimption br ivkwbks 6 skinxmms albany n f sketches of i tpper canada with map ornir tniovincf and a topograph lea and hislorfcu descrip tiouoftbe batilis fought irinc the late war wifhtn and nrar i- liinil conditions 1 this work will comprised in p oxfavo volume of about 300 pages printed oi a r type and liue paper t thr price to subtrlhft will b one dollar and screutyj cens in boardhortwo dollar and kiftyceii neatly bow id aiulltercd the books will be delivered in kingston at thi albany price of two dollars and fif- t ccsttfe wti the addition of the im- past dutv fnly j to those who pubscrhjc for tan copies oi ptocurt- ths- b eribts ni flvenh copy will be giwe gratis ot delivrrv and p8mcilt of the copi subscribed for t the tuv wo icill be received td this omce ijioghaiikau v i io 111 ti t r ejiror a i have for a ivjl time offered for fale a valuable traci of land antl to one as yet ha come firwarj to purcbafe i will now te it at half the re vabie weicb is as foli the 800 ncrch fn thetown- fliip if louhb iqper arte 200 acres in ttungerford the mills and land at the town- 1 trough at d t o o from a london piper sketch of mr sheridans life that brilliant gent uk that fplenchd orator that firm hearted patriot richard erinfley shenman i9 no moie death hasclofed his mortal career bc it has only given new ft fhuef and bloom j to his fame the calamiiy of mortality has overtaken him but only to make his mind beam with new fiftre he will bc the heme of all pratfe the objcclof alii adoratior be appaiife af all perfons and parties aad the n3te and iffotfe of sheridan will be fpoken of and read when princefs fliall be mouldering into duft but he is no nore death has stolen rivay the ftgllcd pod and h heavy heart we lliall trace for the information of our reader a r tch of bis life whole hillory belongs to that of all nations i mr sherijan pofvd an heredftary claim to dihndtion in the repitmc of letters higranifolherthe rev dr rhomas sleitu acquited as much celebrity ffl ireland by his fliill in tlie j infirudion of youth a dr buly fid in england and he was for many year the intimate friend an freqent com panion of dr swift thomae sherin the only fon of dr 8lwidro and the idtw of the fbjea of w ketch was fclit overt wcllrt inller schoo wlrte ihewan mere ftrtnger b- fnch was his merit that he procured himklf to he ek3ed kings kch4ri hi fnhers poverty obltrnfled hi carter bur he afterwards became emi rt a an aor and a teacher of eloctuii- his wife vyi alfo a lady of grea gesius ad tie authored of nfoutjahnd an oriental mpuhiifijea the wwwr pijeatj matthews it fcems di 1 not expefl and on feeing it he in uh turn wt m pnrfuit of sheridan for bltfgn- they net and agin fonght llteir fecond conteft wa alfj condiilted vl fwovdp after one dilcharge of phpi- and ir w4 fought with the utmoft c peratiom after both parties were wounded and had clofed and fallen ttorj continued to fght util they wer- feparated by their fecondf shenito received feveral wounds and a bu of l j antogonifh fword was left ifl his ear j thefs chivaltous efforts formed m irreliftable clairt to mifs liiileys heart and t eicipe parental controul flc confenred to accompany fo ardent a lover to the coutinent on tftir return they were te married according to tilt rites c our church but with the denrcll ahfcct of bli wifhes he was dtllitnte of every worldly comfort the vocal talent of mrs vs wrfnhl have procured fplcnbd fupplies but llung perhaps by the wo hlefi f ireafms which he hl eticoun- t red as the ftn of a player he th ir would be a degradation to allow his wfet g- cn the liage for twelve nights equal to 2000 wa- offered t- vfre s on the opening of the pantheon but although hi want shendan refilled the trnpt inon under tliefe circurr fiances and under the age of 25 he began to write foi the t2ge a d produced the rivals after that camedy aopeared st patricks day a farce it is fiid ahich cod him only 48 h tors laboir ahd which he gave to mr i clinch for hi- exctllent prformince of i sir luciv otrfgger in the fdlow- iin winter he produced the duenna which even exceeded the beggars ope ra in fn reefs the latnrrnd nm 65 nights bin the duenna run 75 nights in the full lesfon he mr iinley and j mi fod then pnrchafed garricks woumdto the cmeiri u ui already too long for o in limit a on the prince of walrt l uniinited regent mr sltenderi rtt from parliament becanfe he could rwt comproinife liis unhitc and political clia rafler by fupuorting his royal rj ntus minified and he did not feel di lftfd to oppofe the prince of wafe but thw fenerof ty nnd former zeal it i faid ill cau for it fecms trnumc and alarm for his pcifoual fecurity f tated his death we omitted to mention tint tliref vcan aftr the death of his firft wife mr slieridan married mifs ogle the dfaj of wicheocr daughter a lady of ami able and excellent qualities by whom had a im charles who with bii a ted mother wan with his worthy father at the time of bis death he had hvhij fir ii vi mr thomaa sheridan who ii now at the cape of good hope for the benefit of his health which lias fuffcrpd much from a pulmonary complaint pnd who was deprived of the office of miiflcr malieroeneral of ireland orelfert ed a hi f i v dd not fupport the ad- minirtrattr r mr perceval roreign taleoftbeecomecith d and in a niort time af j and l tv zco o 450c o o g i 5100 o the vil lot age sixty town lots in f wellington at 50 each amos ansley kingrton ctj 2 c 8 6 2 1 tt3 tie dnpe and the trip co b eth bme novel me of which was sidney ridulps which ftiil crntwiiie popular such are the fblendid n oom ting hat actors of thf pcftnt of richard brinfley sherfcan who wa b m in dublin in october 7s- a might hi expetled from parent pluffr g ful rare endowments- lluv anxiou e qnnrftr majttr generals office 1 fhihec 3 jl moher 1 8 i 6 j 23 net come forward on or before the flrfl t or r day of january 1817 and bring wirti j fi of a hen him htiffaftory reafon fupportcd by proofs why he did not at an earlier peri- j od avail himfclf of the bounty of gov ernment in claiming his grant off and in due time under the exifting regu lar n3 jhj jlh krrcllenctfs cotttniand 3ined c myers col d 9 mr gen tf wan ted a contract for the conveyance of his majeftys mails twice a vrxec from kingllon to york ommen- fig i january next any perfon de finmi of obtaining it is requeued to fend fih propfaln without delay to this of fice ajdreflcd to the pft mallei gene ral a montreal hating hislowcfi teims and the ecprity which can be given for the due perf rmance of hi engagements post office 1 tnrrtttn 10th 08 1 8 1 6 j notice the fublribers to the u c rook society are informed that mr trtrl merrill hs taken the books and tract belonging to the society and tiofe who vi iib to tak- their dividend of books for the all year 31 d fubferib to wards rmporting more hhiks for andhei year are requefled to ec witliont delay at mr menips store for that purpofe by order of the fnfiarnt kingdon augult 1 irttrt f wanted mmed1a pel ya an apprentice fo the watch making dufinefs a fmrt active lad from 13 to ifi years of age applv to the fubtcriber j covert kingfton oft 18 iir jotf strayed7 irom the pa flu re ajoimng mnj beach near kingmonja bright bsy fiorfe marked as follows a white fpot in the forehead one hind fot white about five inches above the foot- lock and 2 few marks of a faddie any perfon or perfons who will give frform- atim where faid horfe may be found hall be amply rewarded and all charges paid by c merrill kingston nov 9 18 16 24wi los r from the common near kingfton about three months fince a large red cow with a white flrioe on her back ten or eleven years old has on the right fide of her bag a lump about the s egg and i a lofty well looking cow whoever will return her or gfee information fo that lie may be found fhall be well rewarded p l de la motte kingston nov 13 1816 24 laboure pmticularly hi mother during bio infwiit yea t inlpiiut upon bis mind the rnrhmttk f learning ni fo laitieutably backward nd idle were t ie two brothers kih- i and charlen l hat 011 transfrrinyriiemo iy win tts aradery ma i ctcr to thcrechei frr- f cingy afftrird hi i tjtht vat lire was the mod retpiirne cjtlhiifficntf ni fffl his employment- t trftte lona of rnipc fiitj flc will he v j tutor in lb t virtne j vr hithctw leen ikir mdv inft utor 3nd they bfltve uflicieiitly -x- i ere fed mi e for fvicli in penetrable dunces i never met vsikh till bw eleventh err richad brinfley continued the n e impenetra ble dunce ke wnw then placed hi harrwaifi thde ft w as dfrov red that the extreme tardlnefe of his prugreb refulted rather fiom ir science ffwn want ot pover ths ii will he fecn drat both f ther and fom tevcl their talents in the proyiv f 1 i liili educati on the fn when he faw himfef j amid ft a crowd of ritfils when he prrj j terwarda mr laceys during the firil f afon of the management he poduccd the school for scandal which was foi- inwed hy the cr c all thefr prrdnrtton hill continue moll popular fivouiite- and his monody on the death of oaniek it an rxqnifite poem hi next tort wan to et elected u 170 for stafford the pailivnent pre- ifeuiiugthe mll flat tcrinrr prof pefl for a dilplay of hi- talents he foon became i popular ai afpeaker and a writer pit jticnaly in the enifhnan again ft lord north in 17sz the a rii cracy tri- umnhed the marquis of rocki lnm came in fox got the foreign depart- mrntand sliendan w under secretary their aflivhiiivs in office met withnopar- rfeinr applaufe may be ccdecied from theiimous pafquindc faid to have ibvn dftxed to the door of mr boxs office n letters received here on monday tucfd iy wcdncfdny thurf- day friday 01 saturday and none an- fwred o ay ray the marqus of ijuckinohamb death fon deftroyod ih adirinittton th- tal of shelbarn turned them out rtnd they in an evil hotf coaltfccd wrb their oid enemy lord north ton coalition proved too pow erful r the conn w members came jito power in 1 7 f r but theii india bill which eflablflied the fame of sheridan as an orator proved their ruin and th y 1 the london gttzellb fjsmordina sit mlitu srpte ni for la admth1 ftv orrur sp 15 captain ijribinc of ins majestys shlpttwwncharlctt arilvid at tlib iucc lat night vttli hi fotlowingdw patches from admiral lord exmotilk gcib nddrossied to john wilson grokcr ivq quvn chariot alzrs bay atg s sin in all thovicissuudesofno lifo ol public smvc no cireurlanre kfiscvr prrducmon my miml mich to- pressions oratlfudft nid joy as the rairf ofjcvteiday to ujiyo besnw of ms- htmhlo iiistruraeirts tnthehai of divino jnvidouce for brinptnil m raon a p trrvtiu f- rover the ittwjfcrame w horrid system of christian slavery f iicvr ci 10 be n sourc ol delim fllld bcortflt cilort to im mv imliih ial happy enough to bo employed to i may i hopo j permitted uiidcri impressions to offer my incerc co- krilfulnhoms to rhmr lordiup r comnlcti kikcts which attended p allaw chorfs of his vhfttf w rhir nlarkupnn aluicrofvcey and the happy reatttt pwaacejl 0 thus has a profoked dayv existence been coljjplff ethed that b and mmfam t d v 1 from w frown his frrelsrl exertions l ef vhile h iclecfs and icroince would he punilhed wih drifin and contempt it wa- found ihai he culd oufe himfelf to ftrenuooa fudultry and radiy bear away the palm from hs compel itora when hie left harrow itch wa the reputation he had earned he wa con- fidered capable of any attainnentif he could endure the labor oi frcquifition he a afttrwad- rntereda ftudent in the middle temple where nnd r the j appearance of preparing himfelf for a lucrative profeffion h privately exeterl sheridan became a leadihsf opposition ist hh hony and ineiiiliidc humour which never failed to turn the laugh 3 igainft his opponent were particularly gamng to the irreiilliblc temper of pitt i who t oud not endure tht derifion which he perpetually excited again rt olheis on ore occnfi n the wit fslieridau was i fo pointe and happy that he prcmiei lofing all paiiencc cudd not in his reply refrain from fume alulion to hi oppo nents condition of life obferviog that jhiv attempt at humour mighf verv well in to let from the ill of december next that large stone houfe belong ing to henry caflady lfq of kfngllon ituated near the marketplace and well calculated for a houfe of entertainment for further particulars enquire of wal ter mccunikfe who occupies part o the above mentioned piemiics kingston 1 6th not i 8 1 6 blank summonses for the district courts for bale at this oibcc inif blank bail bods anci sheriffs sales for aale at this oiiice existence by writing anponyrryoufly tie peiiodical pubiicarfons of that period from fiich obfeure and irregular ef forts where illdulgi nc hardly yielded to the imperious voice of ricceffi y sheridan was at length aioufed ly a pltion which filled his wh de bread namely a violent affcion for mils lmey the nol falcnatmg vocal perfrmcr f the age and the hope rftnumr hingovera crowd of adltllrvrs and rival but fuch xvas his povetty that mff linley father irennoufly oppofed his addreften a fortunate incident however enabled the lover to ovucome il oppofitioo a mr matihrws of 5ath a moth of fafliion caufed to be i nferted in a public paper a paragraph rtffreamg on mif iinley having difcovcrcd the author sheridan proceeded frm bath to lou- dan and found mr matthews at a cof fee houfe in covent garden and a duel on tie fpot was tfttt refult of their meetingi they fought with fwords having difjrnud bl fttdverfary he com- h literary talents to u1 rippliw f r his k fta whick he vvs rnol jcuftomed but that ilry were very ill a- jdnpted to the dignity of the britifh se- hatp sljcridan with great nrefence of mmd and jood humour expofed the man retuleuce of this attack and con- eluded by affuring the youthful premier that if he ever wrote another comedy he would not fail to introduce the char aer of 1 he angy boy in future con tcfts with sheridan pitt decmrd it pru dent to refrain fiom illiberal attacr as it wa only prejudicial to himfelf but there was none of his opponent with whom he h d more frequent or more an- grydifcufli us sheridan feemeel t en tertain a peculiar antipathy t the arro gance of pitt and pitt could bear to be confuted butnottobehdduptolaitghter the fuhfequcnt labours of shendan on the trial of warren haftmgf tile ill efsofthe king in 17h2 when he was warmly patronized at carbon houfe rhc french revolution the mutiny at the no re which hn loyal and patriotic efforts contributed to quell hr fuccecd- wxwre of peac d uar of hrt afiendrd bv a ncfory and clorrd bj fl 7 for knglawd nnd uer k he mngof the ifpftcrlaifd en con mhm dictnted by fhe firmness a ihlomofhis majestys v d commandrd bi the hgor of thj in asuros my flwiiksarrjusflyduo ftr thelm not and nmfidrace bis majnsvfya niin itrrs uvr h plnflted to rrpn j mvral on fhis n important ocm kimi the mpfini were by them mnil hdpqnntft tnmyfnrn wishes and tt rnpfltyo tir meaoiw vpak for mrrnwlrc xoi mom than one limu fired dayi since i left algiers ttftlftfa british ilee nntptcionjnd ignorart ff the atricif5is which had been ro mittrdn bona that fhefi on its arri val in fuilnnd u us necesarily dk baiuledend another with proportion ate resources created and equipped- and although impeded in its proi iy vaims and avers winds iasponr- i the veiiiieanceofaninkultednafio in clmtfihlg the cruelties of a ferori ous government with r prmptifr hivoud example nnd highly honqn- hie to the national character eager to rer nt oppression or cruelty xvrvnen practi ed itprjni hose under their pre- tectioii would to frod fhnt in the attain- went of this object i had not deeply i a men i rhi severe loss of so manv n lant ofitci rsaud men they have pro fusely bled in a contest which lias bern pcculinrly marked by proofs of nch drvoird heroism as would rouse eiw noblo feeling did i dare indulge ia r lulingfhonl their lord hip will already liar boon informed by his majestys sloop jasjn r of my proceedings uu to the i imi ut ou which day 1 broke grini frorociihraltaafttta vexatious dcj hon im a foul wind of 1 days the ilect complete in all its points uitli the addition of five gun boats ft- ied itt gibraltar departed in the lifeh- est spirits and with tjie inot favoraijc prospect of reaching the port of their destination in three days but an rf- verso wind destroyed the expedatirr of an early arrival which wahthenwi atniouslj looked for by myself iuc srtqueur of hrnrimj the day i sail from ubralfar th a large army ta been assembled nnd tliftt rery ronsil ruble orfditioual wcrks were lhnittg up not only on both llnnks of tltr o ty but ulo jiuniediutely about thri eu