Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), November 30, 1816, p. 1

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m saturday fftwumsbr 30 isis g a volume vi no 36 j hi t71 kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per ann um jfciyiabttk new goods y he subscribers hive imported direct from london man- cheller birmingham and glasgow c an extentive affortment of every fpecies of merchandize fuitable to the upper canada market the goods have been felccted with care and purchatcd for cafh and will be difpofed of either by wholefele or retail on the ffioft reifaoable terms under the different heads of r groceries hardwares liquoi clothes flannels ilaherdash- try hosiery and carpeting stationary croekety glassware cord- age he they would enumerate the fottotfiflg articles viz ladies superfine broad clothes and cas- fi meres and gentlemens gloves and fofieiy carpeting of various pat- tems an aftortmcnt of sch vb ooks and sta- tionary glafs ware and crockery by the crate or enfk and packed to fait coun- tw shops gentlcmtnhpioof beaver hats mens youths and 13 ys canel hair and ladies very heft port brown qznaburg shirug and sheet j l p madeira wtmttq nf linens lac cainbrick 8p fine old brown sherry 1n veiling sattins ribbons bik- lp l iff teneiis silk handkerchief s hibberts beft brrwn stout by the navy b1w black gray and falhionabh caflc or dozen brandy gin e c c tea sugars loaf and mufcovado coftee sauces of every defeription loch fine herrings by the keg pear parley mallard soai sc cnndlrs by the box scotch oat meal paint and oils aft r ted crawley and bliftcrvd steel swedes i- ton aflbvted dock pigeon and 5mne shot naiu spikes of all forts tin plate and sheet iron gying pan spades and shovels hollow ware haircthwhitewfh scrubbing horfe shoe and ta ble br u rftea plated do mens willow h w st guls beaver trimd bon hats 3c guls beaver trjmd bonnets i white red yellow and blue flannels and green broad baize knives and forkcs afforted pimfknive 2 to 3 point btafett counter panes sci fipmtt jtamani staving cnfes locks hinges saw hammer 3 ft file gimblets c ft-e- sec- and shoes checks bombaettp mrohn shawl dimiticp taps rolmu price of advert tfv in we uaztie six vines and under 26 full iufcrtion and 13 every fubfequent ten lines and under fy firft infer- ttoii jnd 18 eveiy fuhfquent ten linen and upward p per line fir insertion and zd per line every fu- ccdiip infertton advertifements urinccorepcrricd with written directions are infer ted till forbid id charged accordingly w auctioneering bdtirk c c storage and wharfiae at the culomj ary prices and commilfion bufincfa exc- cutcd at the nfual rate john kirby co i htagstofii juty 20 io fi fklhf fubferihera efuefi fully inform j jl their friends and the public in pe- ntial that thev have rec ivcd an addition j to ihjr fu 1 fuupy confuting of a ge- neia aft rfment of new wholesale stoke the fuhfcribtr ha commenced commiffin bufiuels in the store formeily occupied by m- patrick smyth front street informs his friends and the pfhlfc that he has received a num ber of confignments tfonfifting of su- pei fine and ciimmnn oths caffimereftj coatings flannels pcjiec clothsi bom- batette of all colors 3 g variety of cs t- n gods a very oepant affortment of siiks sattins ribrons and cotton laces filk hrt cafes biuces cotton and worcefled holierv ntfls sheet iron window glafs iron steel shot and a very good akrtnent j hard ware a few ljquors and griceues and jvsr on the way fr t monfal and quebec which vv he here ia a verv few days so packages or gobs eonfiftingof trunks f london rnide fnperfine copts pantafcun fine shoes tdated harnfs a vatidy of cotton and woollen goods fwrj and a few tiate ad hcgfiieads sffortcd crockrv nd ghf wire ail srbfch will be u ovat wholcfalc only also for fale a farm containing rooarres within tw tie 0 king ft on and a town i 1 ihratcihs f r acre in a good fitnation libera advances mzic on any kind of property depofired ri mc having coiverient ilone siotes on thr duck he will he happy to receive and forward property up tiie lake or down the river or to any part of the states boat ro forward any quartiiyof pro duce will be furnifhcd on fliort notice and all oidcrs flisly attended to smith birtlet kingfton n iv 9 1 8 1 6- 23if t 11arle si ton t 0 eg 1 eave to inform their friend and the public that they have jult received and now offer for fale at their store fronting the maiket an aftoruncnt buy goobs groceries crockery c c among which are superfine and low pricm broad cloths white yellow and red flannels green baize fancy veilings filk and woolen do white quihine b ombazetts afiblted colors calicoes ginghama white and hlack cambtick dimity cotton shir ting irifn linertj gentlemens while cotton and hlack worlud hofe ladies lo do ladies kid and morocco olioes mens lambs wool stocking- ink and cotton biaces birclona handkerchief filk sliiwb indi eaiiiiamioes ladies kid i gsk gioveaj gentlemens uea- er and fitk do satin filk turbans thread footing thread and cotton feivin filk an1 twill ulk velvet kiytufil shawls black filk plate tine figured sarcenet sec c c also iyfon and oreen tea sitit port nd teneriife wine muicovado and i oaf sugar raffo ppc mufbrd coflee xc 5cc wrh they fell eheap for cafh or fh r approved credit itokteis for brtnttffo m subscrlptiojf albany n in sketches of upper canada with a map opthe provincf and a topographical and llifonraj descri donofthf bittlc foiit dtrint- tiujiitc war wiitnri anil near its luuits comtions 1 this work will be comprised ia octavo volume of about go paor printed on a good type and fine papef 2- the price to svibseribor will b one dollar and evutyitve cents iu boauls ortwo dollar- and kfr cuts neatly bound and lettered- the oooks will he delivered iu kingston at ths albany price of two dollars and klfn ty cents with the addition of the un- oit doty only s to those who subscribe for ttmi copies or procure ten subscriber an kleveuth copy will bo given gratis oti delivery aid payment of the copies subscribed for ft subscriptions fir the nlwve work c ill be received at this office mr edior as i have for a long nme offered for fale a valuable tracl of land and no one as vcu has come forward to purchafc l wil now flarttf it at half the real value weic is 25 reward a sfthereas on the morning of the jth iilft a man by name chard 1 1 d ry s t he fubferiber returns hi- fincerc and hearty thinks to hw fiiendrf nn the public in general for tie many fevours he ha received from thc for thefe fifteen zrs past and inocrs them that he has rccoratnenced bntincfs again for hinfeif any gentleman wifl- tngto difpof of any property wil te mmited upon t their own quarters or a mr d prownb tavern fronting the market place snd he affures thfe gentleiren who fhsil pttafctn favor him vrhh their custom that they hall hove nooccafion to call twice for their mon ty nb rumnjr rnzmsdtr an siturdayre his regular auc tion days john da rley aufliovtcr kingston 4th c 1h16 14 good hardware double and nrgc stoves iron bar- steel and wiicel bxf9 ladies and mcn shoes a complete alfortmcot of new fafh- ioned jlidte and gentlemen fur caps and trimming for great cats two elegant dining sells with a variety rf other articles too ienethrto enumerate which will be fold for caiti monjeao st germain kingston 3d q8- 18 ts lands for safe bt longing to rttc jisiate of thv luc honorable mr clhief jujlicc sillcuglc lot no 8 it the id conceifiin town- ftlio of yolk and home dnilrict con taining ico acres i iv no 1 fj t the 1 fl conccaflsontown- fivipofyork and hurce dilliii contain ing loo acrei lot n- 3 lad fide y mng ftrcet townihip of y- rk home dillmti contaiti i ie i oc acred iot no 1 6 2d concern 00 townfliip oiynk hoic diilrict cnty a acreo lot no 24 3 conctiii towulhip wf yprkj home diitrict coutg 200 acre lotno fwiif ln 35f pckci if rf- barker ran away from prefcott ppper canada with b- out loooilollarsj the piopcity of the i jbferibcr any pcrln or perfons who will apprehend and fecurc the bid rich- ird e bareff fo that he may be brot ojullice fhall receive the above reward by ailyin to the fnfdvri rat prrfovt upper canada at is a man about twenty fix years of age five let fix iuclu hrh fiefli complexion light hair blue eyes round vilge head a little bald at the time he made hi fctcape his clothes wete a black j coat aid pautaoons ftriped watftcoat long bot l i to be hoped thai eve ry exertion will be made for the fecuring of lujh a charadlcr am as a wood prcstoii u- c jmt frit iiilft full wa ii the 800 acre in the town- 1 ijfhip of loughborough ai 1 iqier acre j 200 acre in hungerford ihc milig ail land at im co o o 200 o o 4500 o o 5100 o o sixty town lots in the villa of wetlngton a ach lot amos vns1 ey kingston get 2 r 1 8 1 6 1 tt6 i 5 cheap lb for sale a valuable farm vith build- ings alo large improvements there on favorably fitnated within 28 miles of kington pevfons defirous of yiix- chagng to inquire of the pt inter kingston july to irie 5 tf blank deeds and memorials for fale at this office to let t nke upper part of that houfe fit a uatcd in front of the market for a fmall pite family alf tabling for 1 alunfe for particulars apply to the fubferiber j- duncan who has on hand from 1000 to 1500 ivur oi worsted fitfol the army wltich will be fold clcop for cafh only j- d kingslfib 1th sepl ri 4 strajed rom a pasture one mile for sale thewect half of lot number nineteen in the fecond conceffion of the tov-n- ftip of kingron apply to the printer- kingston juli l o 1 8 1 blank suimnonfcs subpoe nas and executions for tre court of requefts for sale at ttiis ohice fhalffrom kiopfton mr be3chs avern about the laft of auguft a bay horse t fonr year old dark mane and l or i his forehead whoever wdl return jailholorgiveintomtonvvhee he maybcfodflallbewc- rewrrded neceffif kingston ai ls no no 1- iy 7 do y j lots no 12 3h6 17 18 and the eaflri ml part ni lo ko i liiwnthin of scott and home 4iltra ro- 1 tainin 2co acres lots no o a 12 3 fide of shncoace and no 18 ft jg fonth btkef kuifel fjnare in the twn f york containing j acre earh f aci lots no 2 in the 2d c ncsof no t in the 3 eonedsbn n 6 the 4th coi iflion toahfhip of binbrok diftrifi of niagara containing eco acres lot or block no 1 in the 2 eouci fiotoftbe twnfliip of bnht dill- lift of niagara containing 10 0 zc broken lots no 24 s 25 in the 3d concefiion of north crolby dilttia of johnftown conuining 300 ci lots no 18 19 in the hth concef- fi n broken lots no 18 t sh cow- celtio- south crofby dikridt n johnroui containing 6 o acres broken lots no 25 26 2 4th no 2 25 and broken uu no 26 2- eih conceilion nonh c dif- trict cf johniiown conomij 00 ac f01 which eod and uiii titles are now ready to be given b x f fcribtr a h s o i ots no 1617 s in t 4th con- cefhon of pet bam containing acrtre mujmt aluin york nov 2ib6 i 2 mo npite fubferibers inform t i it itunts of kingfton and i v dai they will pay f- g mum ashb nine pence per bulhel an p means to take them from then houfes ooce every two week charles suoft t a meeting of the inhabitants the town of billviilc on iburt- day the fihilay of october tsifi fr ts jjurpolc oi el t cllflg tiuilels ni a secietjiy to he publu fchiiol of the iai i i own toe fodoving perfone were nom ift rcfolvedthat mr hn muh- nrd he appointed secretary to the laid cbthil 2d rt that sirrson mnabb csq mr john key old mr john taylor he appointed truitees ftd refoivrd tim mi henv h angcy bt teacher to the raid school mo hubbaiti aff hiry tr t bilvidc sthooh btlhilkf is ov 4 1 rt 1 6 2jw6 fj lairs sermoiw portend evi- t3 dnces the canadian vifitor oou-do- fincrle together with a great variety of ufeul books and tr i for fmmg pttplti for salat this office vhere rccef- may be had to a fmil cn- culatbo library three tim a week on modevate terms augull k v8i6- 9 nollce all perfons having any demands agunft the ellate of tle late bliptialbt 4tdms marys- burgh dtceafed are heprhy rtqnefled 10 produce their claims duly authentiea ted alfaall pcrfons indebted to the faid eitate are hereby requefted to make immediate payment to simeon washburn acting lytcdor hallowell tat nov 1s16 24 l stags rag ash and the highest price paid lor cle ft n cotton and ijnkn n r at this ovf1ce g notice thzvx 1 ci 1 c ook society arc informed t mr samuel merrill lias t3kttn the bowlcc id t ck belodin t the society wd thofe who wflh to tab heir dividentj of bbnkfi for the lair year and fubferi- ton ward itpoiiirr more books tor another yar arc requeflrd to ca without delay at x mtrils store fo that pnrpofe by order of the prejidcnt kinirton auguft i ht6 9 strayed sfrom the pa lure adjoining mr el reach t ear kiuffuon a bright biy horfe marked as follows a white fpp in tlu forehead one hind foot white about rive uchea above the foot- lock and a few marks of 3 fa idle ally ticrf n r pef n who will give lftfono- ti n whre faid hole may be found hall he amply rewarded and all charges p lid by c- merrill kings nov 9 si6 yi3 to let 171 rom th i ft of decener rett lt that larrje stone houfr belong ing to hrnry caffady ffq of kir ikunted near the marketplace avd well ftlcuhftcd for a houfe of entertainment tor further particulars entjiyre of wal- rfa mccuniffe who occupies part of lhc above mentioned prenifcrs kingston 16th nov ist6 for sale by the lubfrrihers 40 boxes fine yellow soap che jp for cajh thomson detior kingston july i 1815 tf notice he board for examining in- the claims of prls entitled to mi- penlions will affunbte at the ourt houfe in etngfton iui the fecond ndayiu november next at ten o clock the tbiennon and cojuiouc t- jiflfcm- at the fame place on the fecond mon day in every month whijfl neceffary of which all perfuna concerned are requeued rake notice john ierguson col h m senior mxtia ojro- in the million i distr kingston qffokr i o 1 8 i 6 19 i 1 uia

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