Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), November 30, 1816, p. 2

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vlteap wattle goods he ftsbfcribers 1 c art received by the ltc arrivals from their england maraifaauriug houfe in forge q in of mibim second broad cloths ladcs- pelieeclotj is and cassimehe8 consisting of vmxc black waterloo bot- tfo green urnwu and mixture broad cloths brmvn french gray drab and coiord pelisse cloths black blue and mixture donlve milld cassimcros whivhtjwv now offer for fale at the sturrofne r thomson sc detlor vfiv w for esffu jerry whitehead co klnisloa il indus lsi5 i samuel shauu fti eos leave to inform hi- friends and jll xh- public in general that he has juft received and now offers for fale at hs store an elegant affortment of hardware 5c cutlery dhn from the birmingham and slvf field manufactories which he will dif- pofr of whotefale or retail at reduced prices amo which are the following carpenters bench andmoulding planes chiffrlsf sorts trying squrs and t bevels hand tenon dovetail sato mill croftcut and keyhole sftwsj clieft cupboard drawer trunk stock door mortice and pad- locks ship and po kct compnftes glaziers diarortdi ftingc of all frts brafs and iron sauljlcry and harutfj trhurnings of all dt lotions tndum gig and riding whips 0o thonffs and lathes j t plated andbrafs cardieticks do cruet of 4 guffes bittanny metal teapots witchmakers and jewellers plyers nipper file screvlates c fowling pf i shotb t powder flaflcond bullet moulds jfuus f r fowlingpiece block tin saucepmh and teakettles handles 2z fpoutstoda do tinmans rivets 6c wite of sorts gold fcale of various lizcfi oil ron and frying pans tabic and delert knivec forks do carvers with fois wnod screws aftoitcd bureau trimmings portable defk do bed caps screws and keys 41 6d 8j iod tjd i6d i8d 2od m and 3od nails white and black lead prnffan blue soanfh brown red and yellow pant- bolted enqlirti oil sec c c which in addition to his farmer stock will form the moll complete aflortmcnt ever otfered for fale in this place iotf poetry kinsju august to 1816 notice to discharged soldiers itn conference of the great inconve- js nience as well a3 atempted imeoii- tion arifinv from soldiers daily claim ing grants of land at the fcttlements in upper and lower canada although thev have in many inflinees bfen dis charged from the fcrvice upwards of a year kis excellency the governor in chiffnnd commander uf the forces is pleated to pive this puhlir notice to all concerned that no discharged soldier will be record as a settler who dies not come forward on or before the firjl day of january i f 1 7 and bring with him latiffacwy reafoni fupportd by proofs why he did not at an arhvr peri od avail himfclf of the bounty of gov ernment in claiming hu grant ofland in due time under the exiting regu lations jji his ercellencifs gntumanil signed c myfrs co a 9 ftm flitsoss city of the plhu ft forfogn t tic second act shwes frairkfor zcho hail just returned from sci thnitvrtkc ircvaimcc of the plague af the door f hfs midhers house looking in agony upon its black zoindaxs ioc gleaming in the silent moon afraid to enter and thatching far the least sign of life or motion in that betored duelling a pious priest al list comesoitt and tells him that his mother and in tie brother lutu both died that vera morning 4f some bursts of eloquent sorrozv th poor youth inquires how they died and the priest answers l ai- i isit with fier u uilkeil of thee two tranquil hours w tallii of thee ind noir bfide while li tit william sit in hi- it- ami tnnied lent way ijonlru stool hesicufeuifthtlir knees lld enr tim looking invard to her fac- senum tinriiflg of ki hwlierfur u h i iisvviur irv j louitm luupotl thfin linot by ehatvco thrre liulowuhau3 lay wdii hi- hiiiiit iiirandrn eovntanc lral though at nnh i thought in- u topi k you think h mother ail williaw slrcps but ikcudsail heckrum during the nlghl uii-hil- i pray k he tlrcw z ion deep dgli w hitaiiud ho viot i i touad tirt hoi aid tiyon hiv bri many ofuioolhhfjinsnr- ttin jou hrot hr krnnvo vovaiflotlh kuik sinli n ih a ti lvre lnahionc i ihe whwerico of ihir iim- funeral shtorajaad goroft ilirr- wrh ftiiii tow hnrs before her aiid wa ilavii and itping all thevmlehisbrptherstidra onuda ad rornhl with htff iaj tace lvioe uli iniieuiii lumttburii irair two kettrivrhill arc in her rltl ha id a id will be hurled with lir one va ivritten y your captain after ttegrea viinory over ie tluyterand with lofui praise 0it nv nv mm mote kill and gallantry tim- inlu i now ainl il id wiili l ar a rroiu miurif the la- he had tvoui jon aid juai ofyonr return c8od liliaw thee m i ittn tpo old weep but aicb rptuni n ri- nut the t irmi my old wither 1 heart fluntufni- o li- ih- euro of absence ilia onr lovr uviiiv too ad trmt tender too profound rati ixhonr ltroiltiirrd- ilofne we ivunii nd if nil tlumii diad ftr nlioto wo oil have vi co i fdtrsl wj when thev were in tluir joy then pn the liroken hearted iahier rack to ttiemu timt wiitees rtreorily rinid the lioinri- arth from london ptfo to the 2d oct london sept 24 the eftpoit vlooj ot va captain norwich duff arrived on thursday a portsmouth fron halifax in three weeks our squj i very actively employed during the summer in warning amtmii from rur fishery grounds aceoulirig to the prescribed limit in the late t of peace in most instances in americans shewed great reluctance oic the orders it is stated that the court of peters- burgh has formally announced to the courts of vienna ii london that the russian army is timv reducing to the peace lvtrblihm- n captain rvibanof the queen char- lette was on munday presented b lord melville to fltc priucfi kegnt who couferred on him the honour ot knighthood for ms services at al- jiers r chapel rm h rnhasttnttt of kmgdon are il defired to receive the thanks of the britifh wctuodtft socie ty for the refpea wtiu h they hnve man- iicilcd in fubfcrtbmg their name for the purpofe of building a chard in this town for the folema worfluucif gn tliey arc moieovci iiifiatated tliat a pn ce of ground is now puichacd of mr r ricbardfm fituate near the nvrth gate and that the chapel will be ctcied on the fame as foon as the weather will permit the society would alio obj ftive that dotwuhflanding the libera luyj which has been manifeiled yet thf io- nations now fnbfcrihed will fall confide raby hort of paying for the fame hence fbould any gtnlleman in or riot of town who have not been waited on in behalf of it feel difpofel to aflilt their dona tions will be thankfittly received by vfr neil mcleod kingfton or mr wm denr pointfrederick who are ap pointed trufrcea n b propofala will be reeeived thomas catteuck at meilrs torrance m leod merchants of this place for puttiig up and finilhing the outfide finding all materials size 46 by 36 two story high 2w i chair shop london sept 30 there is in fiie paris moniteur a lonnote signed by sjr sidney smith pon the subject of the antipiratua i nstitution the institution is to have in eye upon the prisoners of war which ihe pirates man sihl make to consid er mhit steps are 10 be taken to reee- rer shives carrud oil by force or be yond the territory of th dtj of al- cums and what rneaarosare necessa- rv to fir j out thr reudeztous of the piraie for the purpose ot preventing the eetiinu of iuir kuovn plan al ready ifduccd to practice of not mft- kin siavesj by tutssacrtin the crews and paengerofthe snail vessels na- vjgattr the eoasta of the meditterra- nean and ihe adriatic liverpool oct i two of lord fmoutltfl lieel have arrived rtt ports- month tin glafw and th- leauxlcr the latter will be fitted out far sir ha- vid milues flag on the north ameri can station the algoritten wore rssirted by j00u0 arabs m lieince the battle ha v absconded with their arms nd becam a gfrctt annoynnc to the city th deys prime minuter was behead d the mornini aft 1 tli- actii 11 hreau h was considered as the principle of the french a t whose iniiuence liud prevailed with the i v to n fuse th avcrtures of the prince liehr the french kriat which our meet found i the bay it ui supectcd had land ej a nimb r rf lvri oiheers al alfeiew front lp london oct 2 fiieo of np this ht per runts cons 6j uh ido for jaccf 61 58 sj the moruu chronicle savs that y by he lite arrival from st helena it appears thaii n considerable degree of high spirits vsf ohscned to hae been manifcft i by iwiajiartc land his hou3r- c hert funpb- ore this ilin ua- pirti- ularl observable anmn his domestic it is ruitinured th por inteliiotire had readied the f rrr from hi ami- ableccn r louisa whethrj tiii rf pt rt be tr or not if is ecrtaio that mar harl he valet of buona parte had v mvd a letter from a fe male dome ti in the service of th young kapoh on in austria with a lock of ihe bys hair inch d the the servants in the receipt of this highly prized token had a gtkday at longwood exhifilted on ail sirfes- the fcmval of lord exmonth in england was mo mently expected rearadmiral milnes hag ship the leaudorj had arrived at torbay under juryirasts and hrr hull battered in the retuniof lord e from the mediterranean wifliouf hatiiig proceeded to tunis and tripoli excited some speculation on the on hand itwasargued that ihe sanuina- rv con 11 ict at algiers had incapacitated the tleets from proceeding at present to those places and on the other that it was because tunis and tripoli have bound themselves by treaties which they have kept to the ven terms which desolation alone has bceu abl to extort from algiers 1 add a few miscellaneous items from the london papets lord kvmouth has been raised to a iscouut capt brisbane has been knighted by the prince regent for his signal services at algiers capts flkins aylmef wirly maitlaid patterson and wade appointed to the order of the bath the common london council ha to vo ted a sword cf 200 guineas value to lord kxmouth one worth 100 guin eas to admiral milne and votes of thanks ficc to the lleets 3 comman- der have been raised to postcaptains 5 i j lieutenants to be commanders and 40 midhipmen to be lieutrnents amon the captives released at al giers were 1c2 spaniards the ruolc and fortifications- at algiers were near ly demoli shed the lighthouse knock ed 10 pieces the impregnable tired 10000 ball in the late action the lev in a small open boat went du ring the battle to every part of the bat teries encouraging the cannoneers vho fought tttth a fury and rage inex pressible his soldiers gave loud shouts at hi approach and kissed his rebe- with respect the reason given by the dev to his officers c for his submis- ion was liow could i help it- fcrmer when heaving nut parted eareining tackles came up and ki all the people tfho were at work otihcr bottom the british sloop of war spey mas supposed to be bound to tristan ii cuna as the knglish were about set tling the island and it was said was bit nth d for the future residence of napoleon great reductions of the army had been made at the cape the 8sd regt had been ordered to ceylon and others to kurope hailed in eorrw pauy with the british frigate thais having 6n bound the fcrrner comman der in chief the raccoon was to sail immediately for ascension to look out and op st helena should bona run off with it on thessththe beterly passed with in four or rive leagues of st helena and saw no cruizers capt k was informed at the cape by a british of- licer recently from st helena that bo daparteaud bertrand had qoarrelled and the cause uas imputed tbmadaae bertrantis not having treated the em pcror with the respect she forinerlydtdj it is addd that the karl of moira governor mineral of inula and ladr stopped at st helena and called on the likuiperor but he was not to be seen excusing himself by pleading indisposition it is stated in private letters from park that the dey of algiers has had several of his superior officers behead- led among them were two french offi cers of engineers ho enemy had his foot upon my neck ihe huti it olcial account of the bat tle was received in kugland dated august 30 t narrates the particular onuiict of the dutch squadron in their eoop ration with lord lxmouth the s ol the dutch wa- small the grea test cordiality subsisted between the two squadrons prom the linston centinel of nov 9 iyou tue pacific ocean we have bcftii favored with th fol- imving information broturlii b capt hides in the beverly from the i acilic nil v i rftui irj c on th- th dec i8i5 his kxelrncv dim le marco del pont plulrtrt f d p mr caj hinrtr mojler generals ojfice 1 h ice 3 ifl odolcr 1816 j 2 3 1 f wanted a contract fr the conveyance of his mgcftys mails twice a week from kingirofi to york commen cing in january next any perfon de- fir oils of obtaining it is requeued to fend h propofals without delay to this of fice addreffed to the poft mafler gene- ral at montreal dating his lowed tetms and the fcurity which can be given for th- du performance of his engagements post office 1 kimtion 1 oti 03 1 3 1 6 j i pif con- f jlhe fnbfcribers keep on hand jl flanily for fale chairs of all descriptions which will be warranted good c hatch co khigston 21 nov 1s16 ajff thesubscuibe oppfitrmr picords livery stables ha received from montreal an excel lent aflbrtment of cloths cass1meres which he offers to make up fo- the ptib- llc on the fhorteil notice and neweft fafli- iiw for cafn only hewillalfo make up peoples own cloth if requefted alexa ashar kingston 2d nov 1816 5 tv an fed j immedlatelyasan apprentice to the watch making buiinefa a fmart active lad from 13 to 16 years of age apply to the fubfeuber covert kingfton0 l8 16 20t amsterdam sept 2 l we learn f ii majesty has given to admiral vmu caphlan the grand cross of the ordrofwaiiamtmd has conferred the drtrnit of kuiuhts of that order on tihecprnmanderof the no- therland ship- v ho were in the glorious buttle at alters his majesty hfctftu o piten the grand cros to li rd m- mouth and tine rank ofknightb to se veral british fficers genoa sept 3 by iiiteiiincpfrom rvliiers w e learti thai the dey kasith hisovvrj hand taken off the heads of several of his subjects whom he accused of treason some of the l ni fs took bight towards the sea but nwt being a0e to get on board the kulih vessels thry gained the mounfaintf two corps of infidels are rnentioned who did not do their du ty althouth he has experienced a great check tihe dy has lost nothing of his fierceness he manifests a most invincible hatred against the english and is still thffi idol of the people ummary of the news of algiers the late daring and desperate attack by the british and dutch squadrons upon algiers was the leading thtme of th knglrh pa pers and its successful issue elicited much joy public tevardt honors and promotion had been bestowed or were bestowuug upon the officers c engped in ifihe entcrprie the pa ers furnish many anecdotes of both general and nnuividual dating hcroibrn dciiill and suite arrived at vttlpnrai- si ami nmnnriid his government in onlerilw a public gallows to be erect ed at st joiro de chili and declaring by proclamation thfff all perons fa- vorittz a revolution should be execuled icver preparation was making to re fill lite invasion of a body of patriot ivorn buenos ayres reported to he 3bn strong and cornnanded b gtu- eral st martin tltev reached m toa on the eastern side of the puxdil- kraij on the 1 2th january 1816 but it wa believed tiie season would not admit of their advancing further tie- pivsiient of chili had 5000 regulars a part of which were talaveriaus from europe infective measures had been taken to prevent any of the chilinese from joining the patriots in meudoza in anuai v an order was issued pro- claiming that if any householder was nut on hi- own premies within eijrht days from the date thereof lii proper ty should be con uvea t d to the king and his family impnoned and fur ther should any arms or munitions of war be found seen tn in any outhou and the owner refuse to deliver then when called for he should suffer death there were in the castle as prisoners the former patriot president of chili a mr lamre former governorof val- poraio and three other distinguished patriots messrs lewis blanqun formrl viceconsul for the u s at valparaiso m kasatas and several other chiline- an patriots had been banished to the island of juan fcrnande which isl and was talked ofas the residence of many more as soon as he government had an opportunity to send thcrn there the beverly left mwm china the 19th 1 june where lord amherst the british ambassador was moment ex pected it was saidsiroeorge staun ton would join the embassy and that its objct was to obtain permision to risil ihe manufaetories in the interior of china but which it was the opinion ot the moo respectable ijongmtrchaats in canton would not be allowed the ueverlv arrived in tabic bay cape of good hope the 5th and hfi wb the isttll sept the hl ju blittah frigate revolutionaire 01 8 guns and a sloop of war went m shore tn a heary gale in simons iay and receded mac damage 1 the from the london traveller sept 18 the claims of the american govern ment upon tiie court of naples for compensation in lieu of the american property confiscated by murat are no longer doubtful with respect to their nature and extent a sum of money adequate to cover the alienated pro perty or the cession of a port in the vleditterranean would satisfy the pre sident of the united states but would u satisfy kurope the neapolitan government has been reinstated in present possession by the cooperation and convention of the great powers of purnpo they guarantee tenure n no part of them can be ceded or yield ed in sovereignty to any other poorer vithout the consent of those by wl act they are held there is sonu thing inconceivably despicable in the conduct of america in w present instance with respect to naples she could offered her by bonaparleor murat to heir will or caprice she was ever ready tosacruccheruronsandrtmcnk bt t nor the araient gotenu went is iwktnmkw ite tumo arrogance avd lof uldch red not to shew- to the usurpers he dtu m n wvoom sept ifl ihe german pppis contain 11 following letter dated cairo j 1 a bo babylon formetly so famous c t to actpiire a now cckbrity days that city audits environs as far as libanus are now the theatre cf jm portanf eret a jew of the tribe of ian has assembled a prodigious num irerofducontentcd jcwsand is now asvvesroassurodat thebeadof j0 000 israelites whose process ftotmagcwi arrest lie call himself the kingnf the jem and the people call him ho iannahmastas his success i n decisive that the people in general be lieve the almighty combatsn his side the massnlmen desert the standard of mahomet and gitt under the banner of the lion of juda an account of this event has been transmitted to the porte but so rapid is the progress made by fh conqueror that it is fear ed he cannot b ktopoed l the following is an extract of a let- ter from an officer of his majestys ship newcastle st helena to hi friend in london dated jul v 29 1816 the letter 1 took from miss a to miss balcome introduced me to the father of the latter lady who is herr not unusual stj led jurveyor to the pxunperor ve all like admiral malcolm exceedingly and e under- statuu both he and lady malcolm arc already great favorites with napoleon you perhaps suppose that bonaparte ran be seen at fuy time and by anj body quite the reverse he has ta ken great offence with sir hudson lowe and will only bo seen when it kes him in the humour having procured admiral malcolms pennb- moo togo to rongwqodwithjlr bal- enmc wesetoiv it is about 5 mil from wliere the newcastle lies mar shal bertrand nides with his lady and four children about four miles on tb same road in a small hou of two rooms on onr way we called on ti ar ial and took u second bpeakm withhini the youngest of his chll- dren as we were leaving them ttw out t witli the pleurdetit

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