saitikday december 7 1816 kingston volume vi no 27 gazette kingston upper canada printed ad published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum new goods j he subscribers hive imported direct from london man- cfcefter birmingham and glasgow c an cicnfive aflbrtmcnt of every fpecies of merchandize fuitable to the upper canada market the good have been fcletd with care and purchafed for calh and will be difpofcd of either by wholefalc of retail on the mod reasonable terms under the different heads of liquors groceries hardwares clothes flannels haberdash ery hosier and carpeting stationary crockery glassware cord age sec flee they would enumerate the following articles viz very beft port brown qznaburg shirting and sheet l p madeira f wtmvq 5s linens laces catnbncks p fne old hrown sherry f w1 veiling sattins ribbons blk l p l m tenenrt silk handkerchief hibberts beft brown stout by the navy blue black gray and fashionable calk or dozen i superfine broad clothes and cas- braidy gin c c c i fimercs teas sugars loaf and mufcovado i ladies and gentlemens gloves and hofiery carpeting of various pat terns an aflortmentof schoolbooks and sta- coflvc sauces of every defcriptinn loch fine herrings by the jeg pearl barley milliard soap can5ks by the box scotch oat- meal pnints and oils aflmted crawley and bliftered steel swedes i- ron afforted duck pigeon and snioe shot tin plate and frying pans spades and shovels hollow ware hair cloth whitewafh tionarv glafs ware arfd crockery by the crate or calk and packed to fuit coun- try shops m k spikes of all forts gentlemens p oof beaver hats h s youths and boys catel hair and v lr plted do mens willow hats ladies girls beaver trimd bonnets ens scrubbing horfe shoe and tv i white red yell- and blue flanneu k r n and greet broad aize fosaftortedpenknives i to 3 j point blanketscounter panes arrives an bcsffuft stxmttls razors shaving cafes locks hinges saws hammers fles gimblets c c c nankeens corduroys stripes cottons checks bombaetts mufliru shawls dimities tapes bobbin j bed tick c c storage and wharfage at the cultom- ary prices and commifiiou buiiuefs exe- cuted at the ufual rate john kirby scco kingston july 26 i b 1 6 8 price of advert ifing in the gazette six lines and under 26 in ft inienion and 13 every fubfeqnent ten linen and under 34 firft infa lion and 18 every fubfequcnt ten lines and upward- 4 per line firfl infertion and zd per lint every jc- j crcding infertion j advertifements unaccompanied with written dircsioqg are infertcd till icrbid a id charged accordingly auctioneering the fubferiber returns his fmcerc and hearty thanks o his friends and the public in general for the many favours he ba received from them for thrfe fix teen yearn past and informs them that he has recommenced bnfmefs again for himfeif any grcntfeman wifh- ing t difpofe of any property v id be waited upon at their own charters 01 at mr d browns tavern fronting the market place and he allures thfc gentlemen who hall pleafc to favor him with their custom that they hall have do occafion to call twice for their mon ey m b tuesday thursday tod saturday are his regular auc tion days- john darley audioneer kingston 4th sept 1816 14 for sale a valuable farm with build ings also large improvements there on favorably fit ua ted within 28 miles of kingston pcrfons dc firons of pur chafing to inquire of the piinter kingston july 10 i si c 5 tf j blank deeds and memorials for fale at this office i fthe ftibfcribers efpeftfully inform 1 their friends and the public in ge net al that they have received an addition to their ufual fupply confiding of a ge ne al aflortment of dry goods and hard ware double and fingle stoves iron 3ar steel and wheel boxes ladies and mens shoes a complete aflbitment of new fnuv ioncd ladies and gentlemens fur caps and trimming for great coats two elegant dining setts with a variety of other articles too lengthy to enumerate which will be fold cheat for cafh monjeau st germain kingston yt 03 1816 1 8 new wholesale stork the fubferiber having commenced commiflron bufinefs in the store fornerly occupied by mr patrick smyth froit street informs his friends and the public that he has received a num ber of confignments confiding of su per ine and common cloths cafiimeres coitings flannels pelice cloths bom- baartte of all colors a great variety of cotton goods a very elegant affortment of klks sattin ribbons and cotton late filk hat oalee braces cotton and wovjcfled holicry nails sheet iron window glafs iron steel shot and a vry good aftortment of hard ware ffew liquors and groceries and his on he way from montreal and quebec ljri h will be here in a very few day 80 packages of goods ct 1 lifting of trunks of london made foferfine coats pantalons fine shoes phted harnefs a variety of cotton an wioljen goods furrs and a few cntes and hog heads aftorted ciockeiy ani glafs ware all which will be fold lovat wholefale only- also for fale a farm containing ico acres within two miles of kingfton anl a town lot three tenths of an acre in a gcod fituation liberal advances made on any kind of ptiperty depofiied for fale having convenient done stores on the iock he will be happy to receive and forward property up the lake or down the river or to any part of the states boats to forward any quantity of pro duce will be furniflied on hori notice aftj ah orders itiftly attended to smith bartlet kivgfton nov- 9 tpi6 23j lands jbr sale btlongimg to the estate of the late hnowalle mr chief juflks jtllgqgk lot no 8 iiu tue lit concefi n town fnip of yo k and home diftrica con taining xco alcres lot no 19 iin the ifl concelfionjtown- fnip of york anid borne diltricl contain ing 100 acres ifioo 1 to let the upper part of that honfc fit- uated in front of the market for a mail private tamily afo tabling for a horfe for particulars apply to the fubferiber j duncan who has on hand from 1000 to 1500 pairs of nvorsteri stockings fit for the army which will be fold cheap for cafh only j- d kingsten lb sept 1816 1 4 strayed lot no 3 end fide young ftreet towuftiip ofywk home dilliil contain ing 190 acres lot no 16 2d conceffion townfhip of york home didvift conrg 200 acres lot no 24 3d conceflv towillhip of yv rk home dlflrift cootg 200 acres lot no35 i hi con 1 rw r xt- 1 home dis lots no 14 3 14 6 17 18 and the eadrrn mod art o lot no 19 in the townfliip of scott and home didi qt ran tailing 1200 acrcs lots no 1 1 1 12 13 north fide of simc e place and no 18 19 fontli fide of rufiel fqnare in the twn of york containing acre each is 3 acics lots no 2 in the 2d conceflion no i in the 3d conceffion no 6 5c 7 in the 4th concefiiort townfliip of bmbrook didrift of niagara containing 200 acres lt or block no 1 in the 2d coucef- fionofthe townfhip of binbrook did- rift of niagara containing i coo acres broken lot n 24 25 in the 3d cunceffion of north crofby didiicl of john down containing 300 acres lots mo is 19 in the 9th concef- fion broken lt no 18 198th cou- ctfiion south grofby did rift of johndon containing 6o acres broken lof no 25 26 5c 27 4th no 24 25 anr broken lots no 26 27 5th concuffion north crofby dif- trift of johnii containing 900 acres for which g and fufficient titles are now ready be given by the fub feriber charles short co meg 1 eave to inform their friends and the public that they havejud received and now offer for fale at their store fronting the market an aflbrtment dry goods groceries crockery sc c among which are superfine and low pried broad cloths white yellow and red flannels green baie fancy vtdinjjs filk and woolen d white quilting bombaetts afibited colors calicoes ginghams white and black cambiick dimity cotton shir ting iridi linen gentlemens white cotton and black worded hofe ladies da do ladies ivid and morocco shoes mens larnba wool stockings filk and cotton braces barcelona handkerchiefs filk shawls india bandauices ladies kid and filk gioves gentlemens bea- vtr and filk do satin filk tmbans thread footing thread and cotton lrtce fewing filk and twih filk velvet ribbon filk shawls black lilk floren tine figured sarcenets c c c also hyfon and green tea spiiits port and tencriffe wine mufcovado and loaf sugar raifins pepper muftard coffee c c which they will fell cheap for cafh or fhort approved creu kingston sift 131816- 15 j25 reward fllhereas on the morning of the 5th inft a man byname of ri chard e barker ran away from prcicott upper canada with ab out loco dollars the piopeity of the tubfciiber any perfon or perfons who will apprehend and fecurc che laid rich- ttrd e darker fii that he may be brot co juftice fliall receive the above reward by applying to the fubferiber at prtfcott upper canada he is a man about twenty fix years of age five feet fix inches huh fich complexion light hair blue eyes round vifiige head a little bau at the time he made his elcape his clothes weie a black coat and pancaloons dnped waidcoat long boots it is to be hoped that eve ry exertion will be aude for the fecutiug of fuch a clnrafler a mas a wood prwtoitt u c june xih 1816 5 t a meeting of the inhabitants of t the town of bebville on thurf- day the 17th day of oftober 1816 fat the pin pole of circling pwtlew and a jiecretaty the public fchool of tlte fail town the following perfons were nom inated viz lit rcfolved that mr john hub bard be appointed secretary to the faid fchool 2d refolvid that simon mnbb esq mr john reynolds mr john tavor be appointed truftces 3j relolvjthat mr henry h aniley be teacher to the faid school jno etubbardftov- tiy to the bjlvihe schyjl behvuk nov 4 1 8 x 6 2 jwfi proposals for printing by subscription bi tlllbsters s shlnseitej albany n y sketches of upper canada with a map of the province vinl a topographical and hivcriral desrrip tiou of the battles frnlif dimnp th late war wtthin and twar its limits conditions 1 thw work will bt comprised in an octavo volume of about u00 paes printed on a good type and fine paper 2 the price to subscribers will be one dollar and seventyfive cents hi boards ortwo dollars and fifty cents neatly bound and lettered the books will be delivered in kingston at the albany price of two dollars and fif ty outs with the addition of the im post duty only 3 to those who subscribe for tta copies or piocure tensubciibcrs ant rleveuth cop will be given gratis ou delivery and payment of the copies subscribed for 5 subscriptions for the above work will he received tit tuts office notice rhe ftibfcribers to the u c book society are informed that mr samuel merrill has taken the books and t a belonging u i society and thofe who wiih to take theii dividend of books for the lad year and fubferibe to wards importing more books for another year are tcquefled to call without delay at mr tfemis store for that purpofe by order of the prejuleut kingfton auguft 1 1816 rj to let 171 rom the id of december next that large stone houfc belong ing to henry caffady efq of kingdon fituated near the marketplace and well calculated for a houfc of enteitainment for further patticulars enquire of wai ter mccun fe who occupied aff of the above nicntioned prerniles kingston qtb nov 1816 t 1 fc mm for sale by the fubferibcrs 40 boxes fink yellow soap cheap for cafh thomson si detlor kingston july i 1816 5 if t ilc from a pasture one mne aim a half from kingfton mr beachs tavern about the lad of auguft a bay horse foar years old dark mane and tail one and a fmall white ipot for sale the west half of lot number nineteen in the fecond concern of the town- hip of kingfton a pply to the prmter whfe hjnd hoof km in his forehead whoever wll return faw hofc or give intormation where he ruy be found boll be well rewarded allnc kingsttm oct 4 iol6 i8 1 i blank sunwnonfes subpoe nas and executions for the court of requcas tor sale at 1 also lota no r 17 is n the 4th con- celtiou ofpelliam containing 34 acres 1iliiam allan york nov 29 g6 2 3 31t10 the fiblber inform the inhab- iianis of kingfton and its vicinity that they will j for good hoi se ashes nine pnce p bulhtl and provide means to take jhem from their refpedtive houfea ouce lwo weeks ciiarua short co blairs sermons toneus ev- dincca the canadian vifitor bound 01 fingle together with a great variety of ufeful bonks and trafta for young people tor sale at thittffice where accefs mftv he hd to a fmall cii- cilaiiiig library three times j week on moderate terms augud 1 1816 9 notice all perfons having any demands agaiud the edare of the late eliphalet adams ot marys- burgh deceafed are hereby rtqucded lo produce their claims duiy authentica ted alio all pcrfons indebted to the faid eftate are hereby requefted to make immediate payment to simeon washburn jtsing executor hallowell 12th nov 1s16 24tf rags i rags cash and the highest price paid for cle an cotton and linen rags at this office notice he bord for examining into the claims of pcrfons entitled to mi litia pen ft oris will afitrnblc at the court houfe in kingfton 00 the fecond monday in november next at ten oclock in the forenoon and continue to aflenv be at the fame place on the fecond mon day in eveiy month whild neceflary of which all perfons concerned arc requefted to take notice john ferguson col h senior mmkia officer in ths midland dislrid kingston osober io 1 8 i6- 19 chair shop the fubferibers keep on hand coo- ftantly for fale chairs of all descriptions which will be warranted good c hatch 6l co kingston d nov 1 8 1 6 2 5 ff t1iu subscriber oppofiu mr p lords livery staues has received from montreal an excel lent ai of cloths cassimeres which he offers to make up for the pub- lie on the fhorteft notice a d newed fah- ioji for cah only hewillalfo make up peopled own cloth if requcded alex ashar kings ton 2d nov- 1816 2 summonses for the district courts fa bale at this 0e