p ftflanted for rhe uf ta hi 7 mjci shipi and vefltla at part a fcppv of vegetable for ow r from th li january next in fuch iifitry of the following kinds a5 may i ivn r 10 lirue dcstkadcgj vfa lhii per lb grecri or cabbage jf lb per lb any perfon or ptrfons willing to enter a s- cuntrad for fupplybg the above vwtsbksj are requeued to deliver fad- s tcdcts for the fame into this office n r before the 24th irifl after wfifcb a no tender will berecvcd jjprctjcs will be required for the due firmaoct vfthc contras signed j- marks agent vitlualler vfibtdliqr office kingllonj u c yih ptcember 1816 2 7 r his mupsflfk ssbyk 1 000 cords of pi r1c wood of a d merchantable quality to ie delivered to the barrack department a kjkgstony du the wkw feh full tenders will br received at tins offic uuiil he 2cvh december cfl n m l fo t ofj- khxbsn 6th dec 18 16 27 stojr rh e fubfoiber hai juft received and oftcrra for fale at his store in the market plape laiciy occupied by mr duncan aquneejq a fc-efljon- of grogbbuss which will he fold very rci alexander macleod ktogtum 3 dee i s 1 6 2 7 sv n- b a consignment of sad dlery shoes c for fale low i miss lewis most refpttully informs the la- dies of riogftoo and the public in general thai foe has taken the upper p of the boufe above mcfllrs mdon- aid jones store in the main street where lie has now ready for infpettion a moil elegant affortment of cloth pelisses millinery dresses which will be fold cheap also childrens caps and froclcs kingston zir 1816 z8if scraps from london- papers f 4 t 9 for s notice jffvherrby given that sealed tenders l vii bereccived a he naval store keepers ofiic n the 3 ill january next i r the tranfpon ot stores from la chine to kirgflon during the naviga ton of 1817- to mention the rate per ton navt tar j kingfon 4 a december i 8 1 6 27 mie at the store of mr john duncan oppofite the market place 800 pairs glove cn for the prefent fcafn l trunk beft engttfh made boot juft arrived to be fold very cheap 4 elegant pttfo lamps a do wvfofe dcikr a hrgeebfictan o beautiful engravings the whole will be fold vey hp the enjrtving3 w be ex poled in hc auction room every dy 37 kingston kti du 1 8 1 6 samuel a hospital kingston u c 4 december 1 8 1 6 htgtice whereby given that tn- drrs v ill be received at the agents office from ory perion or pcrfotn who ipy be willing to coutras to fuply the nvai hofpilal at kiufion with the tijiinettioej aiticlee ufed as dit for ihe pat tenia iffduailed thcitin soft bread oryctttj unions cabbaee salt sugar tea iirk eggs particulars rasj he known by applica tion at the above office at point frede rick where feared tenders val be re- ccived for furniihing fuch quantities of the abors rrtiie a fhll be required dai ly for one year viz from ift january tojjifl dc 1817 the tenders imift he fealed and mar ked 4 tcders for victualling the naval i holpital no tenders will be received after the 24 h bftarit 2 j marks agtnu cheap fvoolen goods the fubferiber have jut received hy the late arrivals from their manufacturing houfe in england a large quantity of superfine second broad cloths ladies pelicecjlothsaad cas3imee conistimg of i fiiue blackj wateiloo bot tle green brawn and mixture broad cloths brotvn frcnc grny drab and colored pelisse clotlis ij blue and mixture ditho vfilivl casimere whch lhy now offer for fale at the store of messrs thomson 3c detlor very lw for caih jerry whitehead co kingston ifib august 1816 if shaw lgs lerve v inform hi friends and the public in general that he ha juft received and now offers for fa at his store an elefant aflbrtncnt of hardware cuvletir diril from the birmingham and shef field mannfactoiiv- which he will dif- pofe of whclefc nv retail at reduced prices aiong which are the following carpenters bench andmoulding planes chiflels j sorts trying squares and t beveu hand tenon dovetail safe mil croftcut ami keliole saw chefr cupboard drawer trunk stirk door mortice and pad- lock 4 ship and pocket compaffcs glaziers diamonds hinrrcs of all forts bra fi and iron saddlery and harnefs trimmings of zf deicilptfons tandum gig and riding whips j do thongs and lafhes i bed plated and brafs candleiueks do cruets of 4 5 glaffes rrittanny metal teapots watchmakers and jeweller pyeis ntppera files screw plates c fowling pieces shot belts powdcr- fhfks and bullet moulds lcks for fowling pieces block tin saucepans and teakettles handles tpouts to do do tinmans rivets wire of sorts j gold fcalcs of varioub fizes g i irons nd frying pans table and defert knives forks do carvers with foks wood screws afforted bureau trimmings portable deflc 2o bed caps screws and keys 4d 6d 8d lod 14h i6d i8d 2cd 28d and jod nails white and black lead pruflian blue spanifli brown red and yellow paints boiled englift oil c c c which in addition to his former stotck will form the moil complete aftortme nt ever offered for ialc in this place kingston august 10 1 1 6 ioif abound on the more of long lll- and on snday the 8th inft fix barrels of flour- the owner can have it on applicttion and by paying the neccltary chafges wm hadley lewis hosier- long ffltmj pee 10 l8l6 svvj rsnhis is togj notice to all people j concerned chat ny wife polly laml has been t r feme timepalt fquan- deringmy prpety away this is to give notice that ny perlon or perlons who hall puichaienny property or trufl her on my accouit nhall be profecuted to the utmoft rigtf of the law daniel lamb liijton dec 8i6 28w3 wanted imiiiedialelv rf10 purchnfe or rent a pew or ji seat ir the church at this place apply t lieut col foster af3t adjutant general 29 8i6 z6wi kingston nov l leicis 7 tostrcfpefuuy informs tle la vi divesting narrative among the london extmfl fent u n proof shift ytllorlav by our phium hia cormpotvkth u ifa foilwmp ludicrous naitiuic it w3 oniials publifhcd in the london evening siav the 271i1 fagaft j and was ddtft4i as will he pficeived to ridicule the lak- ftory of a french peafint who was intro- duced to the king under the prrtence that he wi charged hy sn apparition with advice to his msjclly of highimpor tance to he royal family and kingdom of france an apparition narrative of the appearance of an appar ition to james sympscrr broad cloth weaver near huddersfeld torkfjire the encouragement given by the king of france toprcternrtuai monition- has produced its expefled effefl a ghoft has appeared in yorkfhifre to an elderly broad cloth vcaver and every european country will it is to be hoped enjny a fimiiar vifitation for finse thefi ruers will not be moved by what the living and the fuffang urge upon them they may parhaps be i4iduehced by the fervire of the ded jame sympfon uvm at the diftanre of fonr miles and three quarters from hud- dertfield he is rather of a melancholy temperament fond of fmoking about five feet eight inches high with a call in his left eye was twice married but has no children by his latt wife halts a little with the right leg and loll one of his eye brows when a boy by the explofion ot a fix penny brafs cannen on the 2d of aujrufi 1816 as he wan flrpping out of bed at about halt part five in tbt mor- ing he felt fomething pulling hitrj back j ft this if rdrencbricnl thofe uho will avoid them by emigrating a this be attttripted to beprnhftjiicd hr import 1 he peron inteietvcd will 2n hack to be fore but then it w t the purpofef felling their propenj tking away their capital and qufojj their count iy for ever and this syipfon will not mend the matter sivecuie places and unmerited pefioh ire roi abomination a canker that fa gradually flipping the viial principle 0 honour and independence apicmium to corrupt ton the guilty fee in msny c ocftt iloanccs of their cmintys tigltja bait for rats a cordial for borough mon tiers get upon the omfije g the coach jemmy sympson i will waratb driver in a dream to fecure an outfide place for you and nevei hop excrpt m on neceftaiy and urgent occafiens tj you get to london there is a lar boufe in pall mall on the right or the left hand as you happen to go un 0 down the urctt knock at the door me knock a middling j nock neither too ftrog rror too veak i will ram the poitcr in a dream to admit yon for with cut fuch a precaution you would never pafs the gate jemy sympfon pro ccc into the dwelling you will behold ft range fight but be not difmsyed you will fee green red and blue dn gons but they will not bite you yofl will alfo fee mandarins hakingtheirbfadi at you but do not take their nodding to yniiifelf you are neither a foreign am- baftador nor a page of the back iuirw turn to the right and then to the left and then again tot he light and you will come to a door which you will open and in theclolct you will find a man putting on a wig and fay to that man what i have now faid to you and wiitc on a fheet of paper the word rftrfmch- mcht in large cbaradern and get four montreal air furnace notice the buii no f joseph lough co eg leave to announce to the rum- lie that they have comrnene founders on their property foot of the qnclhc suburbs immediattlv adjoiaing the sl yard of mefivs hart lotran where they will fomifll miircaftinge ol all delcription8 agreeable to fuch ordf athey may receive albblackfnitlh work of even kind executed with ne- nefd and difpatch montreal nov 1 1 1 8 1 6 n b caih given for old metal del ered at the works fay at the rate 5 per ton and for old brafs 4d i copper 6d per lb zy l c4ame into the enclofure of ph- j da the fubferiber having engaged to fttpply the garrifm at this port with peafe and straw forthia fcafon he ihertfora informs the public that he will commence receiveing the above articles j dalyj obout the tirit f septc- from thw dote at hifl store lijoioingj berlalrbay horse the ov the white bear tavern jican hav him y provino doucrtv a edward barnett j m etaij i eihgftou 6ih dec 1s16 17 1 ernest town daembcr 2 1816 2 iv 1 dies of kirtgflon and the public in general chat hi has received by the late arrivals at qj bee and are now rea dy for inflection t the store hte occn- pied by mtfts m donald jonc- main street thef having articles which will be fold cheap l cafh only elegant swanflown mufti and tip pets waterloo sl fltrn fur caps for ladies and gnffcmen with gold band ard regency tdi- alfu sal kin for geutlrnietih grat coat cellar and culf and a vai ie ri fu real merino p- tifle cloths silk vel vets in every coo a large aflortrtuiit ti satins and snnett and ribbons infh lumens patent loom shininc all kind ofmuflins and lenos iqnan- tity tf thread locea gold trimmings and taftels wadding 6r lfningn of pe- life and many other articles too tedi oui to mention n b hour of bufuufs from ten a m- uti 4 r m fngtfn dee 5 i 1 6 27 drawing school will be opened at the school hufe in kiugfton on wedncfdnythe itthinft where will be taught by the fubferiber ornamental natnual history human figure aratritscttrfi landscape plotting and perspective drawing on weducfjay and saturday afternoons at half a dollar per lcflbn and half a dollar entrance private tuition ar one dollar per lelfon and one doiiar en trance by d a adkins kingston t dec 6 1816 2 goodprbbh beep ljhe fubferiber informs his friends -j- and rhe piblic that he keeps con- ftantlyon hand at his cellar under the office of d wafhburn efq good beef at a very low price at any hour in the day by the hundied weight or fmaller quantity also vegetables of altvoft every defcrfption together with egg fowls and better all of which will be fold for cafh only john young kw december 5 1 8 1 6 2 yif for sale nahle terms a likely bay good for the saddle or harnefs for which good wood will be received in payment to be delivered any time between rhib and next june en quire at this office dec 5136 by xac hirt he thought it was his wife m wafers and palle it on the wall of the j who fume time does fo but upon turning clofet and vvl on reafor horfe er 1 for sale at double slah steel bod 91l and harness in goud rdcr enquire at thin olhcc ecc l 1816 jy about he found that flic wn fft afleep this he ha finre acknowledged lumewhat furprifed him when he attempted to put on his breeches they were fuddenly fnatched from hi hand and carried with a cracking noiie np the chimikry and in this tate he was ac he late irrefiftamy compelled to go into his kiuhen where he dis covered a tiil thin man ax he then fup pofed him drtffed in ah olive coloured jrrcit coat and nankeen fmwfcrs lilting ml a bee hive chair by the fire who uttered tw the belt of in reeoecuonthe following words 4i jamra symplon 1 i am oing to y f vii vc oj h oill fc- ijan a fpirii am commiffioted r iu- fomayouof fcveial points which your own natural icafon ii utterly inenmpet- j ent to dfeover lilr lit oh lift i fee james sympfon that you ntrftvkc rne you conceive that 1 am exhorting you to go into the army but our army i more than fuffieiently numerous and i j nm come not to ineuafebut to reduce it here the ghoft took a pinch of fntiff and perceiving tht sympio between cold and terror whs extremely uncom fortable hedefited him to flcp for his wlfel flannel peticoat and to put it on him during the reft of their conferncc upon his return in the peucoat the apparition ihtia continued obferve what 1 fay to you james and regiler it upon yoin memory for you muft repeat it iu jiigf places there are feventeen fle- bitfi between yonrwrfil ad your elbovr nd there are an equel number of fpots on the ucc of the fun arh the bite ard the foots have an equal effect on the mate of the we ith r but when the cold p iflea away we hall have warm weather and when the rain ceafefl the weather will be come dry 1 appeared to mr cobbett on my way here ad told kirn jocularly that the orn would not ripen but i fee he has takn it ferioufly and let down in his journal a long paragraph on the ftatc of the harveft but what i fay to you james is in earned for you muft 0 on the oui fide ot the coachand repeat it to thofe high in authority and as prrhap jame- for ghofts have a privilege of fpeaking inintelligibly in the courfe of this converfation i may make ufe of words not perfectly level to your underllanding i conjure you to write them or have them written down on a piece of paper and apply for an explanation of them to the rev dr duuderdofy theredor of the panfh heisnowat cheltenham getting rid of ihe bile and will tht nee go tj rath to fix rhe gout in his feet and will proceed to tunbridce to eftablifh an appetite and will finally return here to get in his tythes i call upon him with a lill of the hard words i will in the interim warn him in a drearn to purchafe a fecond hand copy of johnfons dictionary and thus will he be enabled to expound to you the obienre terms in my dilcourfe james sympfon the taxation is enormous it u gradually obliterating the middling clais fo that if it continues we fhall have a fociety compufed of jnccurc place holders and paupers f mi in carriages and men in rags of idlers and of bcirrars of paulhcs ana flaves the only remedy hen you have performed all this retire and retttrn by the coach to your wife and work if yon cart get any thing to do and if not apply to the oer fcers and if they cannot provide foryooi you will do your utmoft to fbnve with as much propriety as the mod refpecla ble among your neihbora after having uttered thefe myfteriaol words the apparition wnked out of tw room mounted its ho fe and became to tally invifibe at the end of a quarter of a mile there being at that diflaner atufl in the road mr synvfon afref reco vering a little from hi tronfftment n to his wife who had jufl tbm wakfia iftiirbhimfelfor her with fuch pery trum l0n0ox on 21 saturday mma the inmn vitstte conmoaok sir james l yen arnvcl from the roat of africa wh during hrr rruie of several months she captured live tcspis p eu ese colour- itii 80 slaves on board mmv aflsrn cr- fallen in with raged ir the inliuninii tiaflle but thev wen under the spaussh and ameriran colour and much of he treaties fc twseti t- government upon the sub ject of this trade is so easily capable of double meaning that fo prevent jj nation and unpltant disputes thpy were not detahud these vessel were j crowded with nnfortanate raptircs thf inconstant lrft africa in the bight of benin eight ivwky since and bar- bailors on frhr 1 th oltimn the ships on thr latter ation had heen rafter sickly they were proceedieg togcth cr to check it prevalence the sea- mander captain w r hot had captu red tve ameriran voxels which heift covered trading with our island in ri olation of treaty she was about to proceed from ivirhndoes to jamaica with specie sir james yeo fired a salute and struck his broad pendant upon anchoring n pithead which was returned b the hagship in the bar- hour the king the blowing anrf- dotcs of our belnecl sovircign may he relied en as a u mien tic in the sura merof 181 4 th- king had lucid inter nrla the queen demivd lobp inform ed when that we thecal shevasso andj on entering the room she found him singing a hymn and accompaay i ing it on the harpcord when he had finished it ho knelt down and prayed aloud for her majesty then for his fa mily and the option concluding wihv a prayer for himself that it miifht pleanc god to avert his heavy calami ty from him but if not to give him re- signation to submit to it he thea bunt into tears and his reason aain led onr morning when the pacing hell was tolling at windsor hifliwflj y iirjeirod who was dead his atten dants at iirt did not answer him blt i his repeating the ij cation tbej said 1 please your vyestr m