Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 21, 1816, p. 1

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satukday etakmbwi 21 isifi kin on volume vi no q klngstom xfimta canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum gazet a new goods i he subscribers have imported direct from london man- thefter birmingham and glasgow c an extcnfive aflbrtment of every fpecied of merchandize fuitable to the upper canada maket tli 5oods have been felccted with care and pnrchalcd for cafh and will be difpilld of cither by wholelale or retail on the mod reafonable terms under rhe different heads if liquors groceries hardwares clothes flannels haberdash ery iloiiery and carpeting stationary crockery h glxssware cord- age c c they would enumerate the following articles viz cry be ft port brown qxnaburg shirting and sheet- j l p madeira v wiw1tq in linens i aces cambncksj sd fine old brown sherry x vetting sattins ribbons blk l p lm teneiiff i sik handkerchiefs hibberts bed brown stout by the j navy blue black gav and fafliionablej cafk or dozen brandy ciin c c c tm sugars loaf end vfufcovado coffee sauces of every defcription lkh fine herrings by the keg feari brky milliard soao candles by the bsx scotch oat meal fttut td 03a affortcd crawl y and blttercd steel swedes i- ioi frted duck pigeon and rlie suot nails spikes of all forts ti piitc- an i sheet iron frying oans spades and sijoveltj hoi low ware hair cthwhitewafh scrubbing betfe shoe aftdta- white red ytllowand blue flannels and green broad baize 2 to i point blankets counter panes super6ne broad clothes and cas- 1 fimetes ladies and gentlemens gloves and ho fiery carpeting of various put- teins an affortmentof schoolb oks aud sta- ticaary glafa ware and crockery by the crate or cafl and packed to fuit cottn- try shops gentlemens proof beaver hat menb youths and by care hair and plated do mens vfllo hats ladies girl beaver trimm bonnets bit brofhca knives and forkesaffovted penknives scuturs so von razees sb ving cafes lock hfiek saws hammers filet gibiets c sec bots and siue ibntarim ctdwoys stripes cottons checks bombazetrs muflhu shawls dimitirs papis bobbin bed tick src c t storage and wharfvre at the cuftom- ary prices anj commiffion bufiuefs ex cutedai the ofual rte john ktrby co kingston july 26 i6 8 goo now price of iidiurtifing in the ilatie si lines awl under 5 firft ilerti and 13 every fubfeqnent ten liner and under 3 hr it infer- tion and 18 every fublvquent ten linen and upwards tl per hue fir mfcriion and id per line every fuc- ccding infertion advertifcnent unaccompanied with writ en direions are inferted till forbid nd charged accordingly f fhe fnbfcribers efpeftfully inform 1 t auctioneering he fubfenber returns his fincere and heauy lhaoks to his friends and the public in general for the many favours he ha received from them for thefe fixecen years past and informs thetv that he has recommenced biinefs again for bimfrifi any gentleman yifli- fegto difpofc of any property will be waited upon at their own quarters or at mi- ix brww tavern fronting the maiket place and he aifiires thvfe gentlemen who hall pteafeio favor hrn wih riii cutom that they hall have no ocauon to call twice for their mon- b- tuesday thursday awl saturday arc us ngnla auc tion davs john darlev auctioneer their friends and the public in ce ntral that they have received an addition to their nfunl fupply coofilltdg of a ge nera aftovtmcnt of dry goods amd hardware double and ingle stoves iron bar steel and wheel boxes ladies and mcfla shoes a complete affortmeut of new fah- ioned ladies an3 gentlemens fur caps and trimmings for great coats two elegant dining setts with a variety f other article ton lengthy t enumerate which will be loid j cheap for cafft monjeau st germain kingston id 03 18 1 6 new wholesale store the fubfenber having commenced cbmmiffion buiinefs in the store formerly occupied by mr patrick stnyih front street inform his friends and the public that he ha received a num ber ot coufisnments confifiing of su- prifine and common cloths cafhuieres coatitigs flannels pclice cloths bom- bazctte of all colors a great variety of cotton goods a very elegant aflortment of silks sattin riiibons and cotton t aces filk htcaies braces cotton and worjelled botiery nafls sbcet iron window gia- ron steel shot and a very good aftirtmeni of hard ware a few liquors and orocenes and has ok he way from montreal and quebec vlfch will be here in 9 very few days 80 packages of goods confiding of tvuiks of london made fuperfirre coats pantaloons fine shoe- plated hannfs avaifety ofcotton and woollen goods vrrs and a few erase and kogflieads aftortcd cnvkeiy and glafa ware ill w will dc fold lovai wholelale only also fir mc a firm containing 100 acres within two m of kingflon and 3 to vn lot three li 0 an acre in a d fituatlon libera advances m j m aa t 0 property depofiied fai having convenient stores on the dock he will be bappy to receive and forward property up t lake or down the river- or to any i 0 t state boats o forward aq quantity of pr duccwill be ftirmflieq q ftort notice and all orders ftuftly iiftcnded to smir bartler king hon nov 9 ig 2 landsjisaje to the tslate 01 i ute honorable mr chief jujlice ajljxock lot njc 8 in the id conccjtin town- hip of yoik and home diitrica con- cainiog ic acres lot nj ly in thetfl concefsonrown- hip of york and home diluict contain ing 100 acrefc lt jsjo j fide ynnng preet townfliip home diihict contain fog 19- acres lot sj i6 ad cnnceition townfliip tyoriv haw ditritcoito- 200 acres charles hiiort co eg leave to infoim their friends and the public that thvy havejult received and now offer for ale at their store fronting the market an aflbrtment dry goods groceries crockery e c among mich arb superfine and low pried broad cloths white yellow and red fianneb green baize fancy veftinafs iilk aud woolen do white iltino kombazetts allotted colors calicoes gingbam whise and black cambrick dimity cotton shir- tng irifli linen gentlemens white cotton and black worded hofe ladies do do ladies km aud morocco shoes metis lambs wool stockings ink and cotton btaces barcelona handkerchiefs ftlk shawls india bandannoea ladies kid and iilk gloves gentlemens bea ver and 61fc do satin filk tuibare thread footing thread and cotton lace awing filk and twiil filk velvet liihborib filk shawls back liik floren tine figured sarcenets sec c sec also kyfon and green tea spirit port and teueriffe wine mufcovadd and loaf rngar euuftna pepper milliard coffee slc sec which they will fell cheap for cafh or fhort approved credit kingston sep 13 1 si 6 15 25 reward r hereas on the morning of the v 51b initaman byname of ri chard r barker ran away from prefcott l canada with ab out 1 000 dollars the propeity of the fubferibcr any perion or per fans who will apprehend and fecurc thc aid rich ard m- barker to that he may be brot to jullice flmll receive the above reward by applying to the fubferibcr at prefcott upper canada he is a man about twenty fix years five fct iix indies hijjh freilt complexion light hair blue eyes round vifage head a little bald at the time he made his efcapc his clothes weic a black c081 ad pantaloons ftvlped waiftcoat long boots it is to be hoped that eve ry exertion will be made for the fecuring of facb a cliaracr r a mas a wood prescoti u c june sa 18 16 5 of age 18 1 1 i just received and for we at thl of- j fict price r8 poems on his do- j mestic circumstances by lod lyron j with the5- the legion of honour and other poems to which ifi prefixed the lift of the noble author nov 28 26 lot no- z d coricelfiou tow whip ofywvk home dlrid eonig 200 acres n kp k ttado lou no 12 1 3 f 4 16 1718 and the eaftem m pt lot no 19 in thc tvwffqu j s and home diilrid con taining 1200 acr loty no 10 11 12 13 north fide of simce place and no 18 19 fouth fide of iuflcl fquare in the twn of ok cotwning acre each is 3 acres lots jv 2 2c conceflion no i in the 4ji eooehi diftrid wf niagara containing 2400 acres m d goncesiun no 6 7 in thc n towuiliip of uiubrook kington epf 18 to 4 for sale a valuable farm vith build- ings albo larie improvements there- on favorably fitoated within 28 milex of kingston pcrfotw dfnoos of fur- cliafing to inquire of the piinter h inston july 10 18 1 5 tf blank deeds and memorials for fale at this office for sale the west half of lot number nineteen in the ferond concefiion of the town- hip of kingflon apply to the punter kingston july 10 1b15 5- blank sumrnonfcs subpa nas a i executions for the courr of rcquefts tor sale a this ofice fergusons improved table of che value of grains of gld coin over or wider weight for saieat this office blank summonses for the district courts for sale at this office strayed irom a pasture one mile and a half from kinpdon mr beachs tavern about the lall of auquit a bay horse k mane and half one u jar ftnr years p white hind hof and a fmall white fpoi in hi forehead whoever will vrt ra faid boift op give information where li nay be f und ball be well rewarded all 1 ccelfuiy charges paid by 3 silas may kingston orf 4 i8l4 lc block no 1 in the 2d coucef- fion ofti trwnhip af binbrook dilt- richor niagara containing icco acies bokri lots no 24 25 in thc 3d conceffi n 0 north crofty diftrift of johnftc con 300 acres lota no is 19 in the 9th concef- gon bihken lots no 18 19 sth con- ccffion ojthcrofby dillriftof johiulon cootaing g acre5- brok lots no 25 2627 4th no s 25 and broken lots no 26 27 5 conceflion north crofby dif- tricl of ohftliowfl containing 900 acres fot hich good and fufscient titles are now rc2 to be given by thc fub- lcriber miss lewis qst re fpeft folly informs the la dies of iviugftonj and the public in geoeinl that ile has taken the upper part of the houle aboe mcre mdcra- aid lones store in the main street where he ha9 now reaiy for inlpection a moll elegant a3ortrmitof cloth pelisses millinery dresses fc to which will be fold cheap also children caps and frocks rmgstartj dec 13 18 id 8tf found on thefhore of long il- and on sunday tiie 8th ni lis barrels of flo li r the owner can have it on application and by paying j the ncceifary charges wm hadley lewis mosier long ifanel dec 10 x 16 28w3 also no 16 7 sc 18 in the 4th con- celson v pejbam containing 334 acres william allan york ov 2 isf6 2 jmo hair shop t fubicribers keep on hand con- ll for fale chairs wlflcjj w1 be warranted good c hatch 6c co vw tjnw i8i6 tf blairs sermons porceus evi dences the canadian vititot bouid o tingle together with a great variety of ufeful books and trails for young people for sale at this cvfiie where accefs may be had to a fmall cir culating library three times a week on moderate iernis auguft i 18 1 6 9 rags rags cash and the highest price paid for clevn cotton and linen r a g at this office uit received and for fale at this office 1 1 reams writing poft no 2 a ditto w uncut proposals for pfmntinf by subscription by heuhjihs stclnjjebs albany n y sketches of upper canada with a map ofthk prov1vcf kni a toykraphliaj and historical nrip uouoflhe hctilrs toughl daring turlate war irifhip and mar su tmiis conditions 1 this woik will bi cinnrisod in in octavo volume of abut 00 pages printed on a good type ami lioe papefi 2 the price to subi nbr- will be one dollar and serenryflvb cents in boards wtvfo dollars aud kifty ceuts neatly bound and i ttmvd the books will be delivered iu kingston at ths albany price of two dollars ainrl fif ty cents with the addition of tde im post duly only 3 to those wbo subscribe for tn copies or procure tensuunvribers an eteyerith copy will be given grafts o h livery and payment of the copies afrscribed for subscriptions for the above work vvv iu recvedat this tyffke notice the fubferibers to me u c bfoofc society are informed lhat mr samuel merrill has taken the boeks ami bflonfcring to thc stjcety and thofe who wih to take their dividend of books for the lall year and fubferihr- to wards importing more book for another year arc req tiled to car wither delay at mr menipa store for that purpofe by order of the prefimnt kingflon autift 1 1816 9 tlet jitlrom the 1 ft of december next p that large stuse houfc beheig bg to heiiry caflady efq of kiiigl6n lituated near the market place and well cuuutci for a hfllfc f itin itiiintncnt for further particulars enquire f wal ter mccunifft who occupies part of ihe above mentioned prernifve kingston 16th nov ii6 24 notice rhe board for examining into the ciaims of perfons entitled lo mi litia peilions will artcmlle pt tjie c iiit trio life in ivinllon on the fecofml monday in november ncxiat ten oclock en the lotenoon and continue to atrn- bie nt the fame place m the lecon vlcn- day in every month wiill ueceflary of which ail perfoiib concerned arc rcujiciled to take notice john ferguson mot ii m henior militia officer hi midland dhtrssu kingston osober 1 o 1 8 1 6 19 volice to disemrged soldiers in confequeoce of the great inconve nience a well a attempted imroll- tion arififtg from soldiers daily claim ing graiits of land at che fettlcnmutd in upper ami lower canada although hev hsve in many inrtances been dis charged from the fervice upwards of a year hi excellency the governor in chief mid commander of the force is pleafcd to gie this public notice 10 all concerned that no difchaiged sid will be received as a settler who dees not come forward on or before the firfl day of january 1817 and bring wirli him fatiffaftory rcafon funported by proofs why he did not at an earlier peri od avail bimfclf of the bounty of oov- ernmcnti in claiming his grant ofland in due time under the exifting regu lations lit hi excellences commund signed c myers cvl y d air genl quarter staffer generals office dec october li6 j 2tf taken up on thurfhiy the 2ifi nov about feven milcj bclov kingfton near long iflanj a bat team nd 00 rhurday the 28th a skiff drivei afhoie on long ldoid the owners are rcquefted to prove property pa charges and tke them awav oliver th130d0 king ii r du 3 1816 7 blank bail bonds and sheriffs sales for sjie at tins ofiicc

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