Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 21, 1816, p. 2

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ftj h f fttg i ibt has jull received and 1 offcri f t cite at hi store in th- mafcet placcl8tcly ncupierl by mr ncan auftiunevi fe eion of v crocfbi1ss which wip be fid very reafonnble alexander macleod kingfton d dec 1816 7 n b a cmfigamettf of sd- blerti shoes ft for fale low for sale a tihe tore of mr john duncan jf rppofitc the market place 00 pairs glomes fit for the prefent fcafn 1 trak bed bnfiklh rnade boots 143 anived 10 fa fol- etcry cheap 4 feant plfutgr- 1 amps 4 do wriine defks a aroc c ietu n oi beautiful engravings ocr hi fpjetyfi fcrvfee to be de ft liverh into the ccmmiflariat ma- fc zines at kington 250 barrels of flour on or before 10th jairiktryj 500 d do do 20th feby yoo bufhcls oat- do do tendefi will he received at this office for cither if th above mentioned quan tities until the 2th pt when the molt advantageous offei will be accepted comnfforiat ce kingston rth oec 1816 18 contract wan ved 200cods of echatame fire wood for the trie nfthe naval hofpital to he delivered at p hit fideiick n or be- fe the 25th day of march next av perfon o prrfoufl wiuing t con tradlfir the whle orpt thereof it llrfc than 50 cores an nqeitcl 0 de liver fraled tender at the agents of- j fit e on oy brfore the 2ath inft nava hfifpitau ytk dc 1 8 1 c poejuy t 99 from the htmovtr amsxivm the poets uourof peace t khou- ye the poetvfioar of peace know ye an hour nvre calm then evn when all hi- cares furrows ceafe and he can raife his thoughts to heavn 9 tfc not when oer he dewdeckd fields he reams at eve aid early morn to tad the fweeta tftc fiowret yields or view the yellow waving corn tis not when at tic cheerful ire he lip- ihe tide uf bacchus vine and hid hi finger- kifn luc lyre till all us trauti feeni quite divine united states i nil 28w2 the tiholewill befld very cheap th- engravings will he cnoofed in the auction room evrry day n kingston h dec i8t samuel iau 5 eg leave to inform hi fiiendfl and the public w general thai he has hjfl receiid and now often for fale at j iis sfrc an elegant ailrntfneot of hardware dffics horn the birmingham and shef- fi id matmifdtorics which he will dif- poff of wh jefale r retail it reduced prices atong which arc the following c bench and moulding planes cktitdaii- sorts trying squares and t bevels hind tenon dovetail sfli mill nted for the ufi of his tf majefiys shipa and vefteu at this port a fuppiy of vegetable s tr o year from the 1 jaitttry next in inch qiantiicn of the filhvriiv kinds as may be nom time to time demanded vis i oiuoiss per lb greens m cobbage per lb potatoes pev b any perfon percons willing tt enter into a con t raft tor fopplyttig the above vegetable aic ivqnellcdt- deliver feal- td renders for the fatne into t ii office on of before the 24th inft alter which dr no tender will be received su will be required for the doc performance of the contract signed j m rks agent fulunlhr vitulhnjr office kmvrton u c 51i1 december 1 8 1 6 27 9 tis not when in fwrrt nmnrelfy he fiiij to fome enchanting fair and breathes nnhtar the trlltale figh or lonely huns alruitlefa prayr 9 tis not when deedt of martial fame rnlh on hi fool and hid him fing til noi when flattry gilds his name and fiyle him a peetic king tn not whm love hiabofom warms or when that love is well repaid 9 tis not when pcafurc fpreads her charos and hue him to a wantons bad nor is it when foft i iy claim hisfwceteft no h meed of praifc or chanty his fottl rflamca her heavnly doest in verfe to biazc mo reader no the poet hour hi hour of rmiwect repofc uriot in faiicyn bliful bow r or where elypai- flwrcl grws but o r in his garret hith when loft in re iitin ecp he hears no bailiff fontftcus niflj his creditors arc fall asleep notfchr hintrei offi frs brafsand iron v1vey airt pfamtfi frimmig oraff tffcriptiom tuidmti oigand riding whips thong and ladies pkscdandbrafs chnclfcilick do cruetof4 5 glaffcs brftr ny metal teapot watchmaker nnd jewellers plyers ninperi i ie- screw platfc sec v vvi02 pieces shotbvts powder- l3iiksand bnlirt moulds lork f r fnvhn piece bl ck tin saucepana aid teakettles hanjea si fpouts to d do tinmans rivet wire of sorts j g id fcales of various hze- gui iron and frying pans table and dcfert knivrfi forks do carvers with fok w od screws affortcd pnreaii tvimwiragt portable deuc do b- cap screws and key 4 6d b i lod 14 i61 i3d zed 2 and jed nails white and black lead prnlfiafl bue spaniol brown red and yellow fint j boiled englifli oil c c wlich in addition to his f rmir stch will form the mll complete affortment trer offered fr fale in thw place kiaxslqitm luqust o 1816 iotf ton ktw 2 kin f on 4 dettmbcr r8 1 8 7 naval hospital kingston u c th december 1 s 1 6 vtotics ishcrb sfiventhat ttn- 1 ders il he received at ihe agettn ofnce from any perfjn or pcrfons who may c riliiri to contract to fupply the j 1 arxirie whra win b i hi h v for cftft ay pets wacctjoo seal fki l f ap from the newfork gommvtvial ad vertiser extra december 6 iss presidents message national intelligencer erfm tuesday dee 3 1816 thi cay at 12 oclock the 1klm- dent of tt united status transmit ted toboh honses of congress the fwu loig message by ivr todd his se cretary fellow citizens of the senate mid of the house of representatives in reviewing the present stkte of or country our attention cflfinof be with hold from the effect produced by pecu liar bwguj which hrrc very generally impaired fi annual jrifts of the earth and threatened scarcity m particular district such however is the varie ty of soils of climates and of product within our extensive limits that the ag- gregafe resources for subislcnce arc more than sufficient for th aggregate j wants and as far as au economy of consumption more than usual may be necessary our thankfulness is due to providence for what is far more than a conioeuation in the remarkable health w inch has distinguished the pre sent year amid t the advantages vhich have succeeded the peace of europe and that of tiie united states with great britain in a general invigoration of in- dnrrv among u and in the extension of our commerce he value of which i more and more chsctohti iolf to com mercial nation- it i to be regretted that a iepreion is experienced by particular b inches of our manufac ture and by a portion of oor naviga tion as tiie first proceed in an s- sftn hal degree from an excess of im- prtrd meuhnndie which carries a cheek in its own tenduev the cause in it prent xtent cannot be of very 1 n- duration tl jovh will not how v i be vlwed h centres without a recollection that manufacturing s tnlir-hnrut- if micred to sink too lew or languish too long niay not re vive aft rtlie causes ffaall have ceased und thftt in hii vhi -itude- of human aliiir kituafions mav recur in winch a dependence on foreign ources iu- dispenabto supplies my be among th- mot srrien einhnrrami ills th deprsed itato et our naviga tion i- to be ascribed in a material d- zrce to its exclusion from th eolonuni parts 0 the nation mot evtoiimvely ontipcien with u in eommtree a from the indirect opiation of that ex- ciusioti had gin ie fiu lritih ratiatton a m w vets in every colour a large aflbrtnt aval iiofpita at kmcrilon with rh- 1 oaltin auh r nett- and rtfabao 1 1 mm la tl 1 j r j ta d 1 mi m t material nurantage ovr the aratican undermentioned articles nfed a dt for i raten loom sbmrni ai h air furnace joseph lough 1 3 to leave to announce to the pnb- 22 lici tht they have commenced the buuneb v founders ofc their property foot f the qnehec suuibs imrcdiatrly adjoining the ship yard of mffflh hart lo fan co where they will furrifh mill cafting9 of all defcripttonsj agnreable to fuch orders a they may rcive alfo btaiklmiths work uf every kindexecuted vuh ucac- ncfi and dif natch montreal nov ii 116 n b cash uiven for- id metal deliv- j ercd at the works fay a the rare of c per ion and for old braf d nnd coppor cj per lb c 26 1ame into the cnclufure of ph dalv obout tiie iii u of scptcm tic patients victualled therein soft bread beef mutton or veal on ions j cttbbagej potatoes suit sugar tea milk fo is frticulars may he known by aporioa- tion at the above office at point freie rick where ivaed tender w41l h- e ctived forfumifliing fuch aimntftie of the abve articles a fliall be reqnirej lai- i ly for one year viz from ift january to j rt dec 187 the tenders mufl be fealed atd mar ked tenders for victualing the naval hofpital no tenders vfl bt received after the 24th inflant 27w4 j warks sfysnt drawing school will be opened at th school moufc in icingron on wcdnefdaythe iithiuft where will be taught by the fubferiber ornamental natnual history human figure arch1tecttrb landscape plotting and perspective drawing on wedncfday and saturday afternoons at half a d av per lciton and half a dollar entrance private tuition at one kd f miflirs jnr qs a qnan- thvf bread laees gold rriniininga and tafl l wadding for linings of pe- iiileftj and many other article too tedi on to menron icau ports and brilili vrfc in europe tiie con wiii ion ot loid equalized hc lav 5 of the two countries- relating to thoe pit leaving the itstftrconrvr i hefirfn our ports nnd the port of th cheap pfooizd bcrlaftabay horse f he owner dollar pe iclfnand ne dollar en- cun hate him by proving property and trance by iy h cirjc 1 d dkins rat ycyn dumber i3i6 27 j alston dec 6 fci6 a7 goods rhe fubferibers have juxt received by the late arrivals from tluir j manu fail u ring honk in england a 5 arge quantity of supehlnea second broad cloths udks pelice cloths ab casseieres cox1st1mg of blue bfcrk waterloo sot- tie crccn brown and mixture broad cioin- brown french gray ofau nu cojord pelisse cloths biacfc i3ue am mixture double milid cassimeres whivli thi y now offer foi fale at l store of messrs thomson dbt- very low for cafh jerky whitehead co kingston i th august i s 1 6 aooi krlsh beef i npihe fubferiber informs his fiends jjl and the public that he keeps llantly on hand at his cellar under office of d waoiburn efq good 1 at a very low pi ice at any hour in w day by the hundred weight or fm quantity also vegetables of ahnott ever defcnpt togcfher with fowls and bi all of which will be told fat cafli qxjvy john vouncr kwjlon decmbtr 51816 z 1 f n li eurof bufin f- fen a jj jj h cnlcnics subject as before to m until 4 p m fftbo rckpcti7ftrulafi6n oftlieprtie king xion dee c t 6 7 fit british florrrnmcnt enforcing i irt peculation w hi h prohibit a trad- i v ou its cojonis nd tin iuipd states in anuriran eae v hiisi they pcnnw a trade in british vcou thr american uaviaion lc according ly and the mnh augmented by the advantage which hiivn to the iiritivb j competition ncr the asocrrcan in tv vil liw tti out port and bri- t li portf in kur- po b th circiiitou- royaefesl inioved by tiie one and not r njoyed by the otiier tin reasonableness of the rule of re ciprocity applied to enfi branch of the commercial inttcursr bus been prc- red on our part a- rtjnall opplicchlc to both branches but it is ascertain ed that the british cabinet declines all negotiation upon the subject with a ilidvoual however of any disposition to view in an hn friendly light what ever countervailing regulations the l niiod states may op ose to the reguhi- lions of vhicii lliy complain the wisdom of the l i lature will decide on the course which under these cir- curimnuce i prescribed by a joint re uard to the amicable relations foftwccn the two nations am to the jul inter ests of he united states i lave the satisfaction to state gen erally that wu remain in amity with foreign powers jtn thctran firi ft frigate p mft vvsel of war feavc b- u qtfferfc that gulf for the protectio 1 tst commerce itvouidba irppr t oroit that the representative of hi ca holic majy in the united states lost no time in giving the strongest au furancoj thrt no nofttile order coul4 ve emanated from his government and that it trill bo as ready to do as to expect whatever the nature of the ase and the friendly relations of the two countries shall be found to re- 1 1 i re the posture of our affairs with an fliers at the present moment h not known the dey drawing prctexti from circum tanccs for which the uni ted states were not answerable ad dressed a letter to this government de claring the treaty last concluded with him to have been annulled by ourvio lation of it and presenting as the al ternative war or a renewal of the for mer treaty which stipulated among other things an annual tribute the answer with an explicit declaration that the u uited states preferred war to tribute required his recognitiou and observance of the treaty last ciade which abolishes tribute and the slavery of our captured citizeas the result of the answer has not been received should he renew his warfare on our commerce we rely on the protection it will lind in our naval force actually in hie mediterranean with the other uarbary states our affairs have undergone no change the indian tribe within our limits appear also disposed to remain at peace from peveralof them purchases of lands have been made particularly favorable to the wishes and security of our fron tier settlements as well as to the gen eral interests of ihe nation in some instances the titles hough not suppor ted by due proof and clashing those of one tribe with the claims of another have been exijuguxshed by double pur- chases the benevolent policy of the oiled state preferring ihe augmented expanse to the hazard of duing injus- ti- e or to the enforcement of justice against a feeble and untutond people by menu of involving cr threatening ml eifusion of blood i am happy to add that the frunqui lity which has been restored smuwgflw tribes themselves as well a 1 between idem and our own population will vor there amption of the work of civi lization which had ejdc an cufottta- 9tt 1 ffhrtiiv mip a wut 5r7bl arlft that the facility of increasing for cx- tending thai divided and indiridual ownership which cxits uov i move able property only to the i if clf j and of thus establishing in the culture and improrennnf of u the true fou- ilition for a transit from the habits of the sprnpe to lur afts fttid comforts of social life as a subject flf th highest irnpor- ii tan ce to the national weifare i must gsin earnestly eionimtiid t- ihe conm of congress r reovgani- 7ation of the militia on a plan which wim frm it into ciasaes secording to th periods of life mere andles adapt ed to military services an efiieient militia is aufhoriscd and cofttemplaitd j j by thr constitution and required by the piritand saft of free gorernmciil the present orauiation nf our mii- ii is univerrallr regarded as less effi cient than it ought to be made and no oraniatiou can be better calcula ted to gie to its w force thrn a cas- ihcaiiou which will assign the foremast place in the defence of the ccuntn to j btt portion of its cilietis vhoe acti vity and animation bevt enable r hem to rail to its standard besides the ecusu deration that a time of peace is ihe time when the change can be nad- utth most ennteuience and equi it will ovr be aided by the experience of a re- cent vrr in which the militia ucre so interesting a part congress nil call to mind thai no adequate provision haryet btn made for the uniformity of wefhts and mea- c also contemplated bv the con i tution th utility of a stand- ird fixed in its nature and foined on the ea yruleofdecimal propiirions is sufficiently obvious it led ti go- an occurrence has indeed taken place in the gulph of mexico wicjj if sauctioued l3 the spanish ioveru- uient mu make an ecption as 1 rhat power aeeofdingto the reporl of oor naval commander on that stati on one of our p lic armed vessels wa attacked by an overpowering force un der a spanish commander and the a- merican flag with the officers and crew insulted in a manner colli u for prompt reparation this has been demanded i vernment a nji early tae to prepn- nmory sirups for introducing it and a comptction of theworh will be a jut title to the public gratitude th importance which i hare attach ed to the establishment of a unirersify wifhiu this district on a scale and for objects worth of tl american natio induces nv to rciiw iy reconimendi ion of i to the favorable confident tion of coiress and i particularly mmito agaiu their attention to the ex- lcdiency of exercising their existing powers and wh ire ncveshry ofreor- tili to the precibd mode of eolurg- iiitliem in order to ellectuate a com- preheosive system of road 3nd eaunlsi such as will have the effect of drav ing hi me closely together e m i r f our cnuntrv by promotiu iio rleiuse snm imnrovcm ilt ami by iaarcttvinji lie

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