mnrm pwmtm fcemfs olmsft totk 2h march isit tltotk b hereby given hv the general agent for piying militia pension in this province pursuant to ac directions con- i- 6ftbf i mttlw acl i ft- lysixth war of his fclaj s wcig tut h has kfffed he forfern j fc 5 rwsj in am of pwl of id pwlw im d ptf ui to tto kof december tart uud im uc sane ui vm ot issue sherds sale f 1 ivfjf nf tojex militia service doting the late tvar with octroi- tc sunrurvlvtf widows and chldrcr admitted as pensioners between the j of september last rhe date of the list ihvti ii v imici this date whose kodwwtoor fsthi w haw died nnv lise cotfd while on f states of aro acs with fl i to to respectively to the sut dwws il6 name and flank oi oswamrd 3akr tmr v- xai husband or father ofehidreu nrtnr of widow c nam of guardian of children mmk tiwk regiment to which cwii- 1 bchiiiffod timo f de cease by what beard recommended period to which pension jsin proving goshse of iavuhmi- fmm to corffciwm dollar a 5s i ioul ma ret jvip v riant vr v chmpbell iiuii m of children of qtrflirtae fraser elzbth marobiiu children of children of children of coiarin furring ton samuel farrington dwtin mgrpth ilfctiiptach doirold mdoncil fmald mdougal william grant william ca pbell thomm reach rnf it mijaagmin wihifirn vmssx sites hambhn iamb van oimp rodetjiluis waller lfoepu clapp chi iana smith elizabeth slicks charlotte la lour nancy fotrag anna forbes wanna ben hannah onrts frftdore darby deborah tompkins maty voung catharine pulse jlsfn- arrallan elizabeth cole catharine drown child of children of hannnh patterson children of scannah kondrick clihd of chad of sophia carpenter children of children of children of children of children of jjjrv m couck mary vilkerson stuba linear sarah apcollum maty stickle afcry pew chidrn of susannah ieft filuai johnson liuit marfcs i i f france tope chi wren of chhdren of martha barnum children o chil and insane virion of j children of sarah roberts mary wulry ilanuai hazel khznbeth burhaniian sophia augustin clihdren of mary i clean monica gfarty widow of child of archanxe meloche benjamin scnith joseph i licks joseph jk lour henry eang adam forbes george ben henr storms dudley darby jeivmiril tinklos david puis kduard carcullan abraham cole kenry brown samuel watson simon archart tohn patterson john wrod duke wm kcndrick elijah dnrphy george marlat lames carpenter robert cook archer likens hugh puckborough john ov ihoit wiiliam cole george couck kobert wilkerson ionathan uager co- pcollum john sucltle isiinuel pew pierre de lamace l petit pruemao johnson cornelias airks t anifiter private t aihster i rivate do captain private do do do do do do nariab eastman john lamson stormont l gicngarj 1 do i do 1 do incornord2 i august i givnville7 may z do do eastern district do do lieut private do do do prince ed do do do h o mimj viiijam cope ht hutchinson vlaufon pease wheeler ijarnum solomon nichols samuel wilvri levi lieemer william roberts christopher wigley richard hazel wm buchauiiati abel auustijt johnston story allan mchaii thomas girty fames miiler joseph porrier louis meloche no do do do do teamster private do do do lieut rivate ferjeant do i rivate do do do id teamster do do private do do do serjeant 1 do do vi j it do serjeant do private do do do do do do captain private serjeant private knstgn acting sailim master scanan private 7 do esther vansteinberg jom aerhart i keziah ilavmond i pvedrick hinds rbecca kenny i mary beatty caihariii myers euniei grant john clark william scram front nae 1 rince ed- incorpd lenox addington do prince ed ii n js tddington jhstins ueuox do ddiiivton do lenox durham 3 vork ncorpd a york 5 linctdn i vork lincoln 5 do 20 marefc isi is february m l mart i c do m 7 may 8f bmrytqc jdhnstemi i aiarci im district 27 do 13j3 30 novebr 12 31 decern 1si jo april l october 2 1 do si mavc 31 deem emarefc m dec r i john warren esq 1 1 o io do do do 2 2 vi dbeep 10 io io s p 3i janv- 1 lo i ovfoid 10 ixfcef i do j i anr pminvn kihwiajers i k ifoikl5 ieceft do lo do do 3 do a norfolk 31 do i l marcfc 7 dezi ii- 18 ov- i i june 5 jan- m dean 8feb 6 april n dccei i do 7 april 1 jan 9 ie i ppt4t 20 janv 5 dci- 1 1 de 27 feb 10 jiini i 2j nov 5 julie luottov i i 15 13 13 i 12 ij i i i i m i i m i m i l 1 li i 1 ii midland dimut 77 j 77 7 15 75 67 0 7i l 77 is t 1 5 75 fl 81 13 go i rr j 75 l ao i t newcastle du home district t gore district v john backbond eq ihuabeth keanns violctte dusten l do 1 do anooi emv 12 is i h m i niagara district maic doitntar 1 liit 1 voriolk li mar 1 oxford e7 juiu- vlartba woolley mary reach 1 norfolk 2 do i essex l do 1 do i do 1 do 1 do kiit 1 essex prol mar 31 deem- 24 octoh r it do 10 do is septet 1 april 0 luiir 1 ii- 1 3 sptev- 9 october i i i id a u 13 i i3 is t m toiidnti district j sgxmarch 1813s1 dec 18167 1 1 21 fh 13 is do 13 i ft larch 13 22 do 1 3 24 august 1 3j 17 may 13 sfcbv ti i iuarih 13 11 do 1 3 o ov 13 decern 19 30 april u 31 october 24 do 1 31 march- i 3 3i deem 12 6 via rch 1 5 3ljecm 13 31 do 13 1 i riirch i 3 27 dcem 13 isaivin 12 14 june 13 25lai 13 i decern 12 sfmv 13 6 april 13 31 lccm 18 12 do 12 7 april 131 i jauy 13j dcvin 1 ti 1 srpi 1 t j inty 13 5 dccm 12 ii do 12 u yjiy i iolun- 13 h severn 12 4 decern i2 jjuiif ji 10 october 13 l dc m 13 10 do 13 losptm 13 l jauy 13 i do m 3 10 decern 12 llauy 13 i decern 12 ti mai oil ii october t3 l fany i l is march 13 27 june ij 31 decern 12j 121 october 12 fi h i 31 111 u m io f 1 i 05 9 7 43 7ll 03 1 r i 56 9j10j i 1 4 oi i 3j i 4 loi 1 ii 94 80 1 80 1 76 4 d 5 b2s s 7ll 0 7sj 1 2 so i 77 1h ilfi so 1 si i iu u 111 o m i i 4 i h h 7 r si si fi 7 h 81 8 s- vi go 70 1 it 17 1 j 10 10 0 2 hi 84 7 74 0 m io h- i n 4 l 3 iu 7 i- 0 l 18 74 lll 12 j 0 isloj o 0 do i 1 jauv l ewex is may j western district j 1 1 do 12 10 do 12 1 septem 13 1 aprilj 13 jo jon 13 1 lby 13 is scptem 12 f octv 14 1 jnuv 15 is may 13 ho i hi hi 81 71 70 7 85 41 40 72 15 9 10 i 10 2 0 15 12 0 i 71 101 8j 04 01 0 yioi supplementary list of persons belonpino- to the militia forces disabled by wounds received on actual service or frc dents occurring whilst on duty with the sums accruing to thern rpectively to the 31st of december 1816 from acci- s3cwx9kkt f juurr- r 9 -imrttxccxxiszz- kme of pensioner rank hvsinin or sef- i v-c- r wjiich bc- james secord george adams lewi clement alexander rose aitgiin mcdougal daui m doihtld cameron ada sri john bryant frederick thompson jtnnih steward toepb long gcoige chase peter lampnian john campbell aaron teeter joph book george kisworlh george hutcliinson william mviullen j0i10 cornell animas v cushman nathan baiter joseph dvaii pierre caitliier joli actehel donald mdonau thomas loss daniel coin inlry monro john cauinljill captain lieutenant do do serjeant do do do corporal private do do do do do do do do seamen private do do do do do do do do do do do i lincoln 1 do 2 do incorporated do 4 lincoln l glewgary 1 lincoln incorporated 1 lincoln 1 do incorporated do 1 lincoln 1 do 4 do 4 do northumberland pnnincl marine hastings aud to aldington drns lenox adington drgns 1 leeds 1 essex 2 do k lt vols i 1 glnary 1 do 1 1 do 2 do lincoln action sc in nnch wouvuko queenston fort george hipoaua accident at fort wellington lundys lane lundys lane accident on duty fort george fort krie st datids queenston accident on duty do do fort george accident on duty accident while on march toi oppose the enemy wounded while standing scnt accident wfiltsoeo puoo u whiiii hvi is in course of pavmevr from to pvaiifvcv dot lar al f service on board a batteau lake erie accident on duty kingston accident on duty lrockville hivr jiitiin do do long vv oods ogdeiuurgh ilo do hooplcs creek ancaster mi 13 u m j 14 1 3uctob rlt 21 may 13 5 liy 2i do 25 do 25 do 7 june 27 may 12 august 14 16 july 11 13 octr lfsjpt 1 july 27 may 2 1 oct 12 13 13 13 12 i 5 july 2 1 do 16 april iospt u decer 10 xv i sept 7 1vby mj 11 14 14 13 12 12 12 j 27 errors excepted 22 any 13 2 2 do 14 i march 11 22 feby 13 22 do ij 22 do 13 10 xov 13 1 nov 11 13 october 12 27 may ij 5 july 14 2g do 13 25 do 14 25 do 11 7 june ml 27 may 13 12 august u 18 july 11 1 3 october 12 1 j sept 1 1 july i3 27 may 13 24 oct 12 15 july 14 24 do 14 16 april h 10 sept 13 14 deem 12 lonovm 12 1 sptin 12 7 ivby 13 22 jany 13 22 do 13 1 march 14 22 liby 11 22 do 13 22 do 13 10 xwvtn 13 1 ivii1 14 31 dec 1s1g si 7 8 71 10 0 10 17 3 is i 1 3 115 4 8t5 4 5l 7111 7110 0 47 1 5 49 si u 8 j 7 8 65 i3l i 0 0 70 71 s 4j h w is c islfi 84 0 h h midland district to wit s ecuion issued ttut qf fli m tffs court of kings bench holding fa vil vivas in ami for the midland diu met afhrcxmd at the suit 01 rich iit rob isdn of he f hifiggttwifn the said district gitk unt against lh lands tmd tenements of jon i ian alstfme the township qf richmond and district afvresitid inn keepa directed io ike sheriff if the said midland district i ftftve seized and taken in execution at hiloniig to the said jos as va jlstinej a part of the south et terln corner of lot number seventeen in the first concession of the township 0 richmond tsftich piece of land it hutted and bounded or way be other ttisefcriomiy tsfouoios that istotagx commencing in front of the said cancer sioi at the south easterly amk of said lot no seventeen thence north sixteen degrees hest fourteen hum and piji if links then soafh seventy tour degrees hest tzco chains then south sit teen degrees ewt fifteen chains fifty tilths more 01 lesstolhe icaiers side then easterly along tk icaier siih to the pi tee of beghttylgj tntfiining three acres of laiu fa fiie same more or lcs with u ktelung and out houses ihereon erected note i do hereby give notice that the aforesaid piece of lund fo- gcther ziith the buildings thereon erec- tcd tciu be sold and aditulgtd to tht highest bidder at the markets f toien of kingston on satcr jt the till rd day qfjjjujrys next ensuing at the hpttf oj elcvvn 1 a clack in the fbrenoojb ilenrytucnv depnt sheriff and every person or persons tltxbm claims on the above described piece oj ltuut and premises by mortgage or other right or incumbrance are here by advertized to ive notice tkreofjo the said deputy shyiff atkii h- in the fillage of ernest toicn ptcoir ous io the anle fhemtf nemiytiiont depot sheriff kingston 20 march 1817 43 sfffiuffs sale midland district viz by virtue of a wril of fieri mr cuts issued out of the com i of w bench a he suit at jamen liobn ihetownofkiuuv p l n puigstonj bqtuie agaim rie lands and tenaments of aimtsa lev of the township of king ten man to me directed i iwve seize and taken in execution as h onuj to the said amos anley the norr air of let number 15 in the second concesinnoithe township of khgj ton containing by ajweasurmeiii jim hundred acres be tlie sime norcor less together with a log ho and framed b ru thereon eroded 1 jj hereby give nrotire that the abow men- iioued lot of land with the building and appurtenances thereunto bloft- ingj will be sold and adjudged totfi highest bidder at mj ofllce in the towa of kntetou on tuesday the third day of march next at the hour of ten o clock in the forenoonrt at which time and place the conditions of sale nil be made known charles stuart sfcmj now this house and barn and sixty ncre of lot no 15 was not sold the sheriff eame into court as a witness a gainst jctliro jackson and declared upon oath to twelve jurors that he did not sell the house bam and six- ty acres of that lot agreeable to the original survey u henfore that house and barn and sixty acres of laud is the law fill right the labour and prop erty of amos ansley and will be re- coveredas soon as justice cau take place therefore these or to forbid all per- soils from making any waste of timber l or chtj for brick or in any maa ner injuring the heuse barn or oivh- ahard fences outheiiics and huit klgs on said lot no 1 5 in the second concession in fb township ot king5- tou now the village of wellington amos anslev march 3d 1817 t 0 ill 66jo 8019 1 0 83 1 i 77 1 78 ij 78 i 5 56 12 77 1 77 1 77 1 62 17 43 c 10 11 1 1 1 i u i 10 edward flmacmailon general a nijor paying militia pensions j sensible of the predicament in winch we stand and conscious that we have dene our duty as subjects we should be wanting to ourselves and o thoc tender cuuneetions who from aece -si- ty iiar been the unhappy coninuiiioiis of our misfortunes if we did net make our claim for justice to those who are authorised to grant it j aid therr fort we do appeal to the fundamental laws of the society of hit h we are mem bers to be protected in he origin fandmarks and boutidari s by wiujl ue have reduced a how liny aildernes5 to a popolous province 40 amos a29sl8r