j jvrvc- tfta ghftbinn os ihiuixg bin rntini si it fw wh rwrvt tint i mv in to i ar i a communication und rl t i it m d rppuli a hisifuift- i c rtdvwcntc foi duelling i a public p i f lrnipv promi tuoo ij iimo tv hwl of u- oh atd tlir- young tir tiftnouh and th vicious iir careful j ucur iauxiou lt iii children im- l n riiia ffiicssotii by reahig r7 c omnium rations the uewspa- p ixuabt to advocaf no hpct thai i wrcny iu itself or dautfwvus in it 4i- mv the l i j 1 1 ss liav jr af tiliuuit in f itniifg tn- opinion rf rnftkiuf1 th iffon cv ry oti-n- mi e- l lor ftill l canfl ilia 110 itvrtt ral jc slid r ont in liu pup t t iu pai t would nithrr lii- c it r rtvooull i vff tx world tiimii run ihi rtik oi poison ing th ir prinp s b bsid pncopr j i ho will ad 01 ate tlit murd t- cfi c irccl dntffl igy hi motiwav cimupt i- ioar i not riht ijcioiv- m j th wilt of lui iruker l iu at man hju with rnalice prepeusu be vs phij iii f hi ivifod datlliiu origin ttsd iitjifhthudarlv- np aid ii hat boeii pmvautmi b ipjsjgty iv the ilt f the gnp1 has t jt the liaviiil virtue of fwivr- iv-v- ifgood man joes not lasjcilt fi prevalence af duel ii up of alt the litjt pinion thai miate in theboom of depraved man noni is so bao so v t rl a vlrr and uuitduelliir is murder in it- most agraa for- 9 lrputitbs the durili i is w pjwwctv xtlish ha who can tak th d lioly name in vain and rartiple oi all laws 0n a j imman cannot rti imrfti frm hi- cwuil w frl- re hi rintd lie uhr will not ar- lirnvl di- iirtr to a holy god ii ut s demands of his fellow an gtjfhwfo or i- ami i t hi tnio of blird roajhitn- p o inirrai i n t po virfnou o ho- r me no so lvseaiv his artiotj- fhat rather than hav trtry j p fll 3rinr th fl pc and any farmer in the country known tht the operation ny be dipatched in leu minuics tlic ab ve named gentemtn n w toibdently aflrn thai ihy cafl oanufaiture a coat ot suttanof tartay ckriibaa convert i tv how ofa rm jtnporter of wite alfmif the p ticy preac lo and spirits in- hie v i tity of smary the jcwe in the c hcy pafi t at fh iss ti ni pxponil to the world he wi i i i id thi life r take that of hi- fil s u vx fnpnli says that d i- c ii ojipoed uujy b drtmkard b i a inliir iv jocli k and horsf ra- r thn i- tl stinv tlwi j have ti tn hitr siuh an atmtilti tin r mi vit js w ii an tliputfvocuti i ditli ii hf av k u in 1 limv itftuds against thir tcllow ii tbegt ino an adfuru lor dyellin ai i il shew ni an iuiull x- d iit by wav of eminence is w ti trtau of jtorturr ihe an ajiau vijtirur tjiiv i f honour tin 2 itd polrhrtf not having the far otitbfore ins ios- bfing intiua t d by th devil and setmn up hi oun perthed nment n- th- btand- oul fright and nroti would hrow- b hit- vorld and hnt tn nimiih of etiy prrarher of rilteousnrss htv- ii n hell alitad kirdld uh own be am he feats uotliiu cvrr and fcvdy rnhcspot fl uuk boes of 1 in vaii bcieulcr and nire riian bu- huk bids qod licence a- z frm ffc -v- t ontarh mejfcngcr nimli has been fvi and ueant fuperfinc broad cloth and have itconpcted ill twewc houis a wooden legeh cow oie cf th fore legs f a cow the prowrtyo mr little of hcrisford in cmmwall wa accidentally broken loe timeagotand mr little beinj unwilling to kip it had th- le amputated jufl bow the knee jnnt an 1 the pan being nefcty healed a pad aid e were jbiaced on and the poor animal now walks about lie dwn and riles wilh much facility englifb pnpr tfeis i nothing t the ftory of the nrwenpifn cow wo vv n her fight began to fail her vac r y her benevolent matter accom ae with a piir of fpectacles ir w f d that the figrt of j the jvjor animal was to much rrfproved by this experiment that oecmild actually fee to ditch rrtfl bands- fed rip culture ef potatoes a much a ha of late year- been paid to the culture of ihit moll valo- able vegetable 5c a- the late fesfon ha ijiven extraordinary inil ulces of piodoc tivi- crop many cormnnnicafons have bed fent to our newspap rof facunditv unexampled in the aumu of agrieuhure in north meriya as another ilttance we give the followillj which may he limpiivity re id on for eoneuef on the reverend jbn bcthunev farm in auutia uper canada he had haf an acre of ground planted with enlifb whitrs manured a ufual which yielded 34 bufhels this furpaffes ay crop reported in the united states or n canada lad feaun except on clarkes format la praile but hwgpcund has yet to be aecuitev mealuied before his focnouiy can be afeertahud mcnanal hircld chklfston nv 3 7 bufafoe nov n nwgi falls bulge at c- lfl anjruftns porter elq the propria i of the american fide or ih falls of niagara iome time fince purchaicd goat ifjand lying in niagat ver dividing the fah himdind btijr fituate in the rapid hai heretofore l- deemed inacceflible or dangerous of lcc there bring on y i one point tu approach it and that by puttie into the r a mile or more j above the falls a ic t dropping down between the rapfa nit the head of the illnd 5 this va however coold not always be con gdfl red tccuie as the leaft mifmanaijement if the boat in deputing i he flandwotdd be fatal la otder th-re- j fie to approach the ifland in fafcty and to improve it to advantage the eiten prifing proprict jas conltructed a bridge 34 rods in length founded on 1 1 piers each pier when tilled wdl contain 50 tnf of done j andfom the fie of the piers and their foundation being f olid r ck it i cnri lently believed that the bridge w be oemannt it i we iludei and the inteininof judge porter to cultivate thu enchanting ifland and eieft thereon fuifihv buinlina for iru iccomno ltion of ft angers and others who defire t view one of the ff curiofities of nature u a new charter the ifland otntaiot about 80 acre 01 lind iflabnjt icrodvide but at the lower end between the falls it u only 90 rod w w hill we must confess we hnve sotnr doubts of the spanish eovonunenl be ing able to employ so large a disposa ble force liverpool oct- 24 on monday foitniht upwards m 30 whales made their appearance i hi frith of tay scotland bont w r immediately put aftertbem which su reeded in heniiiu t em into the shal low water near the new pier at dun dee when ft dreadful combat ensued which endrid in tin total discomlitur of the whales the whole of them bar ing been killed and secured some of the whales measured 30 feet in length l0n110n ort45 the following extract of a letter from copenhagen dafttd tlte 1 1 th instant communicate- further particulars res- pectiithe livel fleet s vral experienced pilots harp been enf from this place to conduct a ruian squadr- n which is expected there through h cattegat into the north s a this sqnadron conistsof five ship of the line and three frigates and i destined according to account whicharr considered as certain to a spanish port o slmv tc necessity ofa tod1 abolition oi the slave trade and jo nnui out the methods ior improving british commerce ith africa i lica pat ary p extrafl of alrtter dited at st m ith nov i fenr you hv he lalt mail a copy of the tali proclamation that had appeared at amelia ifland thinga luxe cmcc been in a ferious ftate a few days fince a gniueaman prize came in a boat from the united stntea bri sara- nac attempted t brd her nut fide tin bar but fhe lued into the boat and came in 011 piilii th- saranac that v del j fired fnro er anf t her up coati e 3- hy but the fleverthekft got fafc ito aracha she was demanded by cpi tiin elton but n t iven up the con- fcqnence has been that he has detained me of theii piivateer otitg nut drd y determined to detain vrry tiling irwn thence thi- has occafioned jjeat con- luli 11 nu the ifland and it is laid they are now endeavoring to come on term with the american commander which it is pie fumed can only he d me by fnrvea- derinjrthcuincanan to the saranae when al wil be quid between them stj i i think y n will ere long hear of a icvohuon and perhaps the downfall oi general aury london pnpt to ir htebaen received at iliilad iphia they men tion the diath oi i- lion henry kr- kine and the lit hou joan p cur- m lord amher t h cotvndlrtd flw aceomit- ol iii- rouveratnn with fin naptft and hi- brinioffi letter front him to the i rincff rejreut some 01 the opposition in enijland have probably hurt the cause by thei violence a iiuisfrrjjt has ben chosen lord mayor of london a taw majority notwithstanding the minority hiwdand hontnd him at the hniiius nnl wnold suffir no one- tu peak ufflamt idm their oratoi talked much ol apnrates pram the tr- vitytr papers a report i hlisi j vef the london papr on f 3dot 0 tnber that a htisian h f r5vel was etfwefud at portsmouth with kj 000 troops on boatt fftp courier of the mimda ex press strong douhts f h- ir b- inic tnsofis o i 1 1 f thinks if n t at all impvtitiable hat the tips on their wny to cnftfa mn touch at iorfsmouth for fresh provis ions and water the l ndon gorier thomnt min isterial print of the 22d of oct ob serves fc it i gratify iue to be able to assure our render that every fresh account from america ejiords xjs rea son to belii ve that thr ci sire to be on die most friendly footing with great- britain animates more and more fhe ctsuficll of tlv american gov rnrnnt- 1 rejudice are rapidly giving way to wher views of the tur interest an policy of both cuhries and wo flivvs eveiyrpa n to believe hat the discus- ion- a negotiation befven the two governments will terminate to the sat isfaction of boih splendid illuminatien wrr in rea- diuesai bath for the aecoqclunetit tyf the princess charlotte lor whom a wit nurse had been provided nfter a von strict examination of her person c soys of til f fnrfst on saturday evninirrivd in wa- tertowu in tl in viciniry a chif and siv warrior of the keneca nation of in- diflm from the tares of lake rrie 1 ty areaeeompanied ly messrs as ineretcr and brihnni and wi 1 qa iidtark irorri his purl for httland q j ilnir intention fo make tin- tour el kurope and line o kiiivaeiv nteti peifetly skilled in all the abori ginal en toms and manners mnf fur nish the rnrnpenns with an excellent specimen which they never yet had rtf lie eiiildnii of ami riwi forests and e are confident mil make heir for- tune and that of uieir exsiibitors litatcl many opmite piwtflied fl fbe celerity will vjieiienglifh marefadir r- if ctatti have 1 j wte through the opt ration attendant o fi aianofafturngthal anicle fromtbe je o the rarnem a few wek hnve we pttlvhhed sn at ronot tnln from an kngffli paper in which wai dared tht at one ef the mamifacluties i fnj land ihe fleece ha bren taken from the ftnep nwi manufactured into a cot in fh- fli t fnacc of i hom 20 miutes tt buck rr wrier co managers oft e ontano raufaetory a mhikius- k- k lhi cot jf on pcnfing tlirt arnvlebveairt h nfihle ftvri the perfec- ti- r ofthiir machinerj nd the deateriry 1 ofeir workmen that the fame op- pr s migbl he 1 ccoepi lied even in j a fli rteejioc immcdiatev a waerofi 5 x iar we off e n i accrpted by t- mncrs iha they w old peitovm t ame peration in 12 h ur tie wtol wa- taken from the feck in it natuai itate and in y hours and tc irrtwe rreiryil e eo r was completed sr irprt bv ne rf re tarits concerned i tht wtkij wa picked irkt carded r ed n f un the yiiu was wepecl p fato the looru anl wove the cloth v ftld col red fom iities ffliorn p- j and c r le 1 t tht tuw- and the j a m ti ll wit i tin lbs ti re above thegumetiran prfoe to patriot pnviier whirl v rarnvo into amela a olort time fince frer being brmight to by a boat from the v s bria satanac has nice been given to oaj t cltun rommaiidiiir that velfel and failed ffrm hence ior savatrah on ivlonday taft with the laves on board france continues the mob a letter from the ajnfc ro lisyf t cimi ditl on the th of o c b and published in fhe courier of tli 2 4 f f 1 eoiuniunieate- th following im- pnrtant commercial infnnnati n we enclose yon a e py of all kdict f the kfipeior bf nuauv datird jilii sd lust bv which it appears i hat all foreign cotton and woohn ma- tinfactnre- are prohibited in i af this decree will kenouly injure he trade of this place as by even es5 d ivhieh aiiivea from kuind a third part oftbe cargo h for houses in lom- oardy who deal in tin e articles gs1i and the in duns extract of a letter from an tutcliigettt gentleman 3t fort hawkins to he cditot ot the milledgcviue befleetor dated fort hakiws dec 2 t captain stalliugs arrived here tins morning in 7 day fm fort scjtt and brings letters frorti general gaiaes an nouncing a fecond fkimiilh with the in dians the detachment contifted ef 300 men under the command of col a buc kle they wtre attacked dbout 12 miles from fort scott ty a parly of fowtown and olouchee indians lop pof d to be about co and iwid one man kilied and two wounded one dagcrua- ly the indian ofy was fuppoicd to be 8 or 10 ihey copturcd louic cat- tie during the flight which were re- taken in the towns lying about h miles from fort scott the detachment then re treated 4 miles and thiew up bread works the effective force at fort scott is about 800 to 1000 men n doubt is cncrtained of the hodilc mten- tioosof the indians caut stalljigg thinks it is 220 mile- at lead f nn htrc ti fort scott alt thi through a piie barren and mo illy new roada or pchap none at all extraft of an thcr letter dated frl tori hawkins dec 8 captain s thomas from the agen cy ftate- thai a fo aging party f 10 or 1 2 men from fort sroit had been cut off and that a conftant and i 1 n enduoon fir ing wa beard during the ni ht 113 the direction of fort scott this is luppo- fed to have been an attack upon the hieaft work thrown up by col albuckle at fout mile creek boston dec 18 capt ornn a passenger in the the tis arrived yesterday hom cnli states tliat it was cfitffidcnlu ayered at that place that the alift rine cruisr r had captured a freuch h v iish vsel he also states that llffsaw a htter hom alicantijivhiauaccoun rf the inundation of that city on the i2fh of october the wttoi dcxrnnd- ed from the mountains which tfftlnf with a heavy gale destroyed much ean weredriven ahere and loat tho os was estimated at about goouqfj dollars mtitcoinir i partoffarope the ki appedl conrtamiy emo b hi cabiner eouiioks holding cveea revfcwinjf his troepg or diilibuting benefactions whenever he appeared m pnbifc he wl welcomed with theerichof phtea r hod french marftau particularly juudmot continued ff hvork t ft l arrcft fcralitimi had luhirid trp uflla nd feveral othrr kmomji f cmy cnlliictioral quduom and lylrm frcprlehtatveirovcninent were lerly diio ftrd and raill f hem adutrd the hped f monareh for people and vice verfa f pes red gaining ground duily ijr erorf ri ting hti fpciidid journey fl d we few the coat rhe one day i him the hebrew new t af the oat made the co i gnifned and fi z u he d 1 f n t aftii ru i h l r c s tne otmaiid for iv n t hi fimfl txture lut wa j wry vrri nty dr ted and fitted ihc invasion ofportugal we have received nome imjiortanl eorniriunicalioiis respn imij th state oi rhedipute befvein siiairt and port u ijal occasioned bv the brazilian go- erunieiit having seized ni ioute video- a packet arrived ypmcfday express forr lisboii with di patches for the uritisb eorermneut h set sai fro lisbon on the very ne ftw her arriral from england- though we a not learn that aiy tofermafion on the business j franspired throuiih the channel of l esririih ro- vernment yt from ntnrs we have seen put hastilt on board the packet there swnw ri- to believr that the spanish forces jive advanced into portugal we subjoin an extrfl from on let- ter on tin- subject wm a follow- i trust i ha ii tfp mislead you i when itcuyoujthal rbpatiferdshav a letter ereived in this town from i invaded us in thren di ai an m k vf rapidly advancing 17 bate with some policy waited t our 0 have be- ii reduced hi umer and from the boston recorder of turf day die cawfe of tfa jews letter ved in thi town trom j ww hannah mnrr the celebrated nulilh jiu bir jnmes lucas yea who coiiwiranded itifc british fbrcetm lake ontario darmg the lati war and wlci has since com manded rhc inconstant frigate if the cott of africa has written a long and important letiemo the british minister on wuve trade and subject o n id ted with it that vile trade he savs is m ronfinn- oil with increased cruelties six hundred slaves in one in stance were crowded on board a vessel ot iiu tons so of whom did in sailing a distance of so league one ship was cap tured the captain of which informed sir james that he had made tweutvtwo trips for slaves j without capture the trade is earned on hy the spaniard and portuguese and nothing in his opinion will be usexui but an entire abolition white it is permitted in any decree it will be carried on extensively and with increased horrors gforovtoxtv der o lord slknk a peer o the bruhh iviilm was yesterday in he gallery of lb iloue f represenfatite v iilersrjuh that an honorable member rill this day move for his admission ntijfi honrcfthe mouse the mem ber ho will bring rhi- motion has hnd uttfinlfnri of a like nature shrvn him by fhe il win of commons iti knpland and we tmh there will be an inter change of civility i kady vill the v h of hea ove fl trr t ca be tr v rr dffpj w utiv- i t buk n brrfvuer th- 1 d nci between h an tht en ccruaciit i the thec uoicd ti the abolition bv the bntu govern nieiif j at present operates poweriuh against tljeir trade 111 oilier respects for the ai- i ricafl chiets are so in favor of mte slave trade that they will favor the commerce of those nations that permit the abomi nable traflic the colony at sierra leoucis represented to be ina very uad cohliuiuil aiul aious reasons are assign j why ii ougiit to be removed o 1 more eligible situation tiie objects oi si james letter are a comfpondent has recommend to the prcutiral lociery of tbi plarc the plan laid down in the acjdrrfs of mr robert gourfay the hndevmm of uppercmnada and by tbts meani obtain a fiatiftical account of tin diftrta the refoh he f wou y ofjnniteadvartajrtoto and count v the write owemtlbn are genially j good but there is fom reru k in the j piece that arc inadrrifiirle ath him weaeglad the cftvts f mr o are likely to have ft good an effort a- it appear they will hve a k t upon this province fr whatever tends to advance the interrfl of the one muft tend to benefit the other it an mra i the inhabitant of the t p arc embracing the laudble offer of mr gnutlay by wppnfirtjflg town commit tees to col lert and forward to i t requilite llaumtuts thefe will k i kntwn in europe th iw erlor advanta held nut to thole wifblaig to emfgralc to ameuca and it will a ht bevn iaftty obfvcd mud cethiny aadt the vrioleide aumigmha to i uoak and with it agricuriiral nd otlurnlflkowlcd with their natural concomiato com- incite and wealth l canadian courant from the niagara spator dee t r new fait works i ii l be puliarlv gmfofag to the the ptib fo to learn that a ipriog til saline ifater hat bwn jifcvtcd ner flic village f sr catharfnefl which hns proved by cxnerjmcot to produce salt of a very excellent qua by an aiver- j tilcticdt in thifl paucr it will be noticed i tint lnttahlc work hnve been crrfled j and are now in actual overntinn foi be- i nannfaocc of iti t qcnctial txnulity