wesbay ftoitftitty s iki aljlj volume vll n- 36 kingston upper c an da pujntpd and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum exclusive of post age aacwtfivtmrp fjfiss r- 3sj tf jgenls for he kingston gazette irnt town james rankin esq york willi am allan fq brockvillc a siifrwoode bellvillfs mnabb esq montreal n mowl r printer cure for goitre or swelled neck scott mcgee surgeons chemists and drug- tit ave received tom london dr jol moss mans celebrated remedy fcr goitre or fwelled neck it ha- bn found very genera y fucceffo throughout england and is a moft cf kflual and expeditious remedy for thr leltrs addreftcd to scott 8c mcge burgeons c kin t ion will be punc- tolly anfwered and the medicine fo- todei patients are rcquefted to bij particular in defcrihi- the fize of the mlingandthe le trth f time they mw been afflifted with it they have alf received arrei preventive to the ueh prtatter hw much a perfon may he ex- mffl to unclean bedi or to people af apwith itch by applying a ftiudl ttity of warrens solution tin the 0n going to bed they will be iho- wmy guarded againll the ooflihiiity stfbainn the fallowing pttmt jjedicines will be fold cheap and ranted genuine viz dr moftmavs cure fof goitre or relied neck bayntons cancer ointment jlsft m qwf mnrflit hiha pedoral fcaifem steers ovodemuc lt rill hoopers fcinalfdii coites do godfreys cordial baiaya aromatic vineear bovfti 8a powder sago gram cephllic snuff scotts worm powdery ranfayfl medicated spice nate turlingtons balfam britih oil odontalgic or core for teeth ache patent paregoric eivxir batemans peoral balfam genuine court plaftei lamp oil oil of turpentine tive oil and oil of vitriol aqua fortis orders from the country careful warded and executed with difpatrh kingston jan zth 1818 3 w he in oval y i 1he fubferibers have to acquaint i heir friends and the public that they hav- taken the houfe formerlv oc- euptedby mr richard smith two doors fcelow their old brick store and next d or to michael chyles ftone building corner of store and water streets where they have this day opened and will ex- foi tale a choice and well afibited i cjuect 11 f 4 consisting of flannel chintz furnitures fringe o match fuperfine and fecond quality cloths amogl which u well of england black of a moft fnperiar qtiali rv a ie and gentlemens black 3c white fik stockings and gloves do do ftncr hoea and wo fled stocking oi all defclptiotie j india cotton c wiich with their former dock they ure determined as ufual to fell very low foi ofh the above being all felerd bv m tbnffar who is juftrerrjaned from won rreal are wrll worth the attention of thr public thormer moran auctions evry evening as ufual kngtin jan 26- 181 n b on wednjesdw even in thf 28th mat will be fold a collec tion of books engravings c c thorner molxm sv pioneers wrapping p pmly of an excellent quality for fale h above l o s t stoves the fubfoiber ha- jul received at his brick ftore yont ftcet dou ble and single stoves shut iron and has alfo on hand a9 ufual a gen eral aflartmentof dry goods liquors and groceries crockery and glafs ware in crates litifeed and curriers 01 paints ground in oil and exoeftd fa a few days an addition to hlp stock al which will be fold extremely cheap at whole fale sbartlet kingston 03 20 i 87- 3 claimants for miluh persons are drfired to take notice that the board for the midland diftria wil meet for the laft tine at the ufual place in kingiloqi on the stcoud mimday in february at ten ovock in the fore- iioon perfons having claims to be ad mit ed on the penfion uft are thete fore required to ive their attendance with their witneses 01 that day kingston 1 2th jan- 1818 34 3 for sal e 7ftwffn word warf and 9 1toi cnlf hotnca bill of the inirourt of lfo pyablf to btarcr on the fifth or fixih of rhi noh and lendorfrd on the hack in the hand wyifii 2 of the ukcribrr pok bill a ii jivaft jiven f the payment o 1 wo bou of pork- if any perfon hat fonth lait hill and wil prodttfe it ioimediatrly the fhull be rewarded by tb fibferier at ogres coffe houie i kinhou e ross kingftoo january 20 1 h 1 ft 55fp by the subfrriuers raccoon skin j wolf do fs 1 r 1 mf carriofc kottts jeunette co seal do lao e and gentlemens rut caps beaver gloves genu ne skiiuj sc mo moffjertv v germain kingston jan 16 1v18 24 a t- i vvannd groom whftcaobe wet recom r 3 liqaiil oi u r mu 4 7m s 33 i j itn r barley the fubferiber will pay tbewghi eft market price for any quantity 1 of barley delivered at his stoie in singfton during the winter on hand d3 ufual a general affort- mentof dry goods liquors and groceries salt crockery glafe ware 4c fee- all of which will be fold uncommon- lylow for cafh or any kind of produce s hawley kingston jan 21 1818 35 frenchcordials s haiulcyi has jul received a few dozen of very fine french cordials a ffiong which are crcmc de noyeau creme de moka creme de anuis limonada soprafina eau sanb parcille le nectar de phelerne ne plus ultra de l eau royale by dozen or single bottle pttlhe fuburiber be leave la w jl quaint hi friends ad the public that he has made a la- in prominent on lot n 1 in the tii c ucejiion ot th townfhip of cramahe being well liumiedim the prcfque ifle bay fur a iry kind of huiim as veffeu o 6o ron burthen car go up to a wharf now built he hopes to fee a village there in a hurt ime and ha usui out fum aeivs of land in town lots which he otters for fale n reasonable terms jaes richardson sen cvamuhe 2 2d nov 1817 263 inera for the liberal encouragement that 1 they have received buce they re con- menced the hatting bufinefo 1 hey have an evtenlive aflbrtmeit of ladies and childrens bon- i nets of various colors and fliapes gentlemens beaver fine calior h its likewife knapt and wool hath which they will fell very law for enfh ot approved crcdt produce taken in payment jan 2 3- singing school f in he school under the direfiion of x the fubferiber will recommence a fecond quarter after the completion of the brft m the 10th february nxt jfhonld fufficient encouragement offer a subfcriptiou paper is left at this office terms 15 hillings pe quarter b thomas sweeting kingston jan iz 181s 33 fro tt the cat skill recorder vvhkrk apvt thou never perhaps was the soul ol a mor tal hanowd with rnr drehdfol sounds than was that of on a fallen father when he heard this awful in terrogation from the lip of the lord gd from whose allpiercing eye he was vainly endeavoring to hide hirucj in the groves ol eden in azint upon chat momentous scene in listening to thatternbl- mice of the almihtv we are not as in pe rusing productions of the imagination tn consider ourselves unconcerned specta 1 tors a i- the root so are the lir ui- 1 cites we are progenitors of that di obedient parent crowing up in ha- hitual transgression of the divine com- iiands which require cheerful aud cou- tiilued obedience zee aie also obnox ious tv our cn ator aud the question where art thou should bo tonsid- red b ever one of us as addressed to his own heart where art thou 0 my soul in awtrld created b a being of in unite benevolence n a world which ar its loruiafioti was pronounced good n01 is that being changed heisrhc same ystrlav to da and forever nor i the world altered except tuai its only rational inhabitant is defiled bv sin iy the wise constitution of the uni- r tse nothing bt holiness can ensure final tri iph aiid joy but thou art unholy iu this atatv anguish awaits thee for infinite benevolence must a ueceasarij puursh shi a reward holi ness ihen to answer the purpose ol thy existence tiin fountain ol bitter wa is iiiut be made sweet w where ait thou 0 my soul in which of the numerous hosts ar rliou enrolled ill the ranks of the enenij ofriithteoaflcss or in the arm v uihm god ilit ioou submit- d to thi inly way whereby god sefc i e n nl iii fiscii ereattire b penitence ami faith 01 rt than stil at variance with the dei- ty and denirin like thy first father to hide fhy if i m hla presence if o 1 1 v boasti- t mness will prove iuuf- ii iit thefouiltnrsi will be found corrupt presx this inquiry with ar dor wrinieii 1i1u eveutsui which ihnu art sopinii interested lang ipou th cordial conclusion lircj scripture re marker a village patriot the footway from hamptonwiclt through bufhypark a royal demefne to kingltonupontliamei had been for many year- fhnt up from the public an hontfl fhoemaker timothy bennet of the former place unwilling it was tits favourite exorcflion to leave the world nvorfc than he found it cental ted for sale or to let on emarkable low terms and pof fcmion iriven immediately the two itorv stone hfc latly owned by mr wvi wvv dazniefituated in a vdeafant part of the jan attorney upon the pradca nlity of ton for particulars apply to the fubferibcrs b e starnes kingston dec 5 1817 28 1 subscriber eos leave te inform his friends the public generally that he has removed f his former land to the hop lately occupied by jonas abbot co near the market place where he has now m hand a general aflbrtmcut of hardware u r c 0- 70 let and poffcffion given immediately a houfe containing fix rooms soodccllcr well and garden and ood bakehoufeajjining ittheoven of which will hold 200 1 oaves of bread apply to the fubferiber near the catho- lie church philip vi as kingtton nov 7 1817 2ftf blank dee rv and memorials for fcle at t his office notice all perfons having any demands a- jrainft the eftate of the late bry an crawford efq of dolulmftown de- ceafed are hehy requefte to produce their claim- duly authenticated all perfon indebted to th laid hf ate are hereby rctjueflcd to make nnncdiate payment to fiiiliam attxandw gmnu executor kingston 19a vv- j8l atrorntes blank bills o ji costs tor sale at thif uce tlei which he will fell on the moft moderate term to let the hop lately occupied by the fubferioer and poffeffion given im mediately samuel shaw jingshn pi jan 1818 3 t fereas lucas vanluvan v bas abfeonded from my houfe beirnr an indented apprentice this is therefore t forbid any perfon 01 perfon harboring or milling him on my account ny pert on w will bring him u mc fhall rcccvc the leward of fix pence n chargw paid peter ruttan jan kougbiaroitsl 20 1818 35 hu 2ust sleigrhs 32 i iwq eljjant and hihly finifhed recovering this road for the public good atd theprobableexperfe of a legal procefa for that pur t do not mean to cobble the job faid timothy for 1 hzvefeven hundred pounds and 1 fhould be willing to give up the azvl the great folk might not keep the upper leather wrongfully the lawyer infotmed him that no fueh fum would be necelfaiy to try the light then faid thr worthy ihocrnaker as fure atfeks are fobs ill hick to them to the lost and lord halifax the then ranger of bufhypark was immediately lived with the rcnlar notice of action upon winch his lord- ihip lent for timothy t and on his enter ing the lodge his lordihip laid with fntne warmth m and who are you that have the aftrancc to meddle itn thts affair v ci my name my lord is iimothy bennet fhoemaker of i lampconwick i remem ber ant plealc youi lorcilhip to have leen when i was a young man fitting at work the people cheerfully pafa by my fhop to kingftn market but now my lord they are forced to go round about through a hot fandy road ready to faint i beneath their burthens- mv l am uwvjiu ling to leave the vforlj worfe thin i found it tois my lord 1 humbly reprelent is the reafon why 1 have taken this work in hand begone replied im lwrdlhip rt you art an impertinent fcl- 0 however upon natuit- rcttclion ord ihip convinced of the equity of w dt fin fale apply smith baktlet eft timothy died ahaoi two years afrer in the 77th year of his ac and wa- fou lowed to the grave by all the populact of hia native village from the raleigh register the importance of agriculture the want of a due eftimation of the purfuitfl of agriculture i in many coumries a grand impediment to it9 i profrefs where the cultivation of the foil is regarded with contempt c as jbeneath tke attei tion of men of flanjing and education it wil he en milled he management of perfons of narrow capitals and llill narrower mind- such prejudices operate in various places in alrouft evey part of the united sttet hey are furrunately rapidly dilbpatin and agricultural purfuits r viewed as they mould be a the baits if ottf lirength and pofperity aud theirerr worthy the artetition of the wife nd good many of our bell citizens vhj were dillingoilrud n he field and in rhe cabiner are now to be found cn their farms devoting their rime aud aeation to the occupation of husbandry as the iureft means of gaining an honorable fubliflcnce and of doing god to heir country by thus encouraging and patron izing this firll of 3rts an idea however yet too generally prevails that young men and many of thofe who have fin landed eftates mnhv if ncccllity ludy and pufue fome public profeflion the purfuits of agrlcol- rure biug to low and mean to ugigc their talents and attention agriculture when ilclfilly purfuedii calcuuwcd t call into aio- every noble andimpiocd faculty of the mind and ff capable of being aided by the moll intei- citing branches of the sciences md in the laic improvements which it ha under gone it hia been fhowu that fom of ir moll imp rtat principles are detved fr ti ad illuftruti by chem t c nines the oweftion therefore that youncr men would have no enydoynent for their talent and lining were hey to engage in the purfuiu of agriculture is entirely roundlcfs i confider the infcnfibility to the magnitude of the fubjed to be the grcateft ohftacle in the wav of advance merit whichagi iculturcha toenco 1 ier the mil preparatory llep towards its improvement in to fatify the minds not noly cf farmers but of the com munity at large thit it is an objea of primary importance and nt attai utile in perfeftton by mere farmers if this be not accomplished efforts to introduce any thing like fyftcm or principle will be arduous indeed a farmer ihonld be confidered by hmfelf as well as by all other members of the community as one placed inn finia- rion to perforin the moft beneficial fervices to the public by exercifing a calling in which all other citizens aie peculiaily intevefted he may be perfonally no better or worfe than others but the a- 1 in which he is en gaged is the moft eftential of all others to the general welfare an art which flioidd be encouraged and fupported by nil manner of citizens agriculture having been not only the firft of arts in priority of time but the firll in the eftimation of the wifeft and greater men in every age hould ever be deemed the firft objed both of public aud private attention power cfpecially that delegated by the people hould extend is arm and open its hand for its aid and pioteion wealth ihould unlock its coffers for its encouragement j fciencc and every mental acquirement fhould be liberally bellowed when inruiou is required as it always has been hy tilera of the earth whole occupation tfl a great degree fccludes them from op portunities of gratifying fcientilic k mow- lelge and a capacity for philofophip n fearck commerce ihonid yield to tie lupport of griculture a lhare of tholtf profits wheref it is the fource a d mauufaftures hould bell w a willing tribute to the art on which ther ck- illence depends thofe who dev thcmfelves ti the learned orofeffi ns hould render to it both ho ae aid contribution thrii afefjlnefs p would be fmam indeed a nong fheoh r is and hunters and th e were lor ihe moll part the employment of man befoie agriciiture wide v iiffufed t bleffings dnd mainly v wtribtuid not only to the uivilixatw uhui o tftti hap r 1 he claim and comput ng the fhume of a defeat by zjboemaken defiiled from bu nppofition ootwtililufwling the opivi n of the crown lawye- aud reopene the