11 cur- laty effect n the higher nwfc focivty lerexi iipe t have c ft ihr vices of i he day a a princefs it w dfgmfied but wtf affectionate and ex she ws kiid to the poor a ktria attendant on public iffnble as a srffe and her sunday after the uurofchoch vrere iaflcd 10 reading the best englilh femons a few hours before her death h had every ptnfpca efgivi g hirh t a future fofcmgfl thefe realmfc that hope wa m rated by ac deh of the i- famhcr constitution gave way he rcfigned herfelf to god rid expired on wdnefday the 19th her remain 8ret deoofited in the chunh at windpr it will he a dry f general nonrnine all wruly occupation will be laide afide and the 4e ration will how dwn and worfhip god i 6ncerelvhone the folrnv occafion on which they will be aftembled may lum manvtonpenttnceand caufe them to j idled that in the midst of life they ire in death ptaiaki h- v ttffarmlftfj happen r this woman wa leagued with a lnval soldier who meditated the plan of murdering the chevalier with a view of plunderiug l he house on the light the intended elopement should fake pacp in order that the unhappy niece should be judged the perpetrator or the horrid deed which was accord- ugly effected withevery species of bar- rriy the young lady and the otliccr were immediatel pursued taken and minified to prison the foimerwas giftttne w lf8 on the fame erranrt j nexc kurt jm 16 amelia rslanp a message accompanied hj sundry documents wnstccmvd from tlte px- litwofthe united states crwmmttj- citing to congre the fact of the uni ted rate foreos having taken pos session of amelia inland latrsffrow auitha island a letter dated at st marys on th 17th alt notice the arrival of general gaines at frnandioa v adds last evening a quarrel occurred hcn be- wfaq one of out officer and somr ot the patriot officers and this day at 10 tfclock martiavlaw a proclaimed bfomoneofour htfo london papers- jews in a tract lately iblihd at paris- b mr ball the fehowlw ghrnas a fair calculation of the nun- herof jes in tne different quarters of the globe 1 all parts of poland before the pariton iflth 1000mhi i russia including moldavia w waltacia in all the jates in vhirh te t german lansoa 1 bojceo in holland arl rv kwiiftrtaod in sveiin and denmark n idence of th female servaut and the latter was cashiered and condemned to the galhes for life sud6 time after the servant being is ken ill thnafcml to divulge the w hole matter before a magistrate to prevent w inch the soldier who had married her put an end to his wifes existence but at length feeling sincere remorse for these repeated murders he voluntarily surrendered himself up to justice con- fessedthe whole aflair and was public executed amidst the execrations of tv tmjraffed multitude w hat adds to the dreadful recital is that the young lady was not less re- matkablefov her beauty than her un til d piety and sweet simplicity ot at k rs a broken heart soon tenni- u d the miserable existence of the i t bed officer who died in sis weeks after the execution of the msl amiable itlcrer in tie niot excruciating tor- ures foreign papar it i not fai wnal anlwer wai returned if this be ifuci and nothing can be more propable i cal to ftc lhe rtecla of rupture bfiwceen the u- states and spain fe jifflidivf mortality it 6 flatcdin the delaware qomtttt tliat the hip capt fwttteh iaitly arrived at new caillcf fhippd at mllcrdam eleven hundred li- paftrngcrs andthaoi her ai rival in the delaware he had loft id and executed under the false ev- sm kundrt by dneale among the kingston tuesday y fuauuatl 3 isi8 j iurvivurs a m of poor orphans who have loft bl p on the voyage and wht a l mo deftitutt and mifcrable lituation ooc family of or phans is particularly mentioned coniiit 1 ingoflive children the youngell of whom id not three years old southern rumour we ftop the j prefs fax the savannah republican of th 6th piflarit m to announce that new- hajuil reached town that amelia 111 and has bc9- tfiven up wy the uiited states t ihe patriots we fc the report as we received it this ruftiouri undoubtedly inoireft the prcfiitnt ha jfl ainounced to conrefs the fm render ot that iqmd to the united states trops under the di rection of govcrnrocwt he ha given no intimation of any in- j teniioo to reftore the lfland to the pat riot- and fnrely the commanding offi cer there would uot adrpt fnch a mtrf- uf without the authority of the exec utive ahkmwm avoid the eye tiiil disoterb the bad and s slow to m he good he must be a nwui oi worth nho is not forsaken by the good when th- mean and malicious uuitc to oppre iim he who becomes every day more va- gaciooe in observing nts own faults ami the p rfectious ol another witnout e- tcn envying him or despairing f him self 13 rt ady to rnoutt the ladder on which angel- ascend and descend- number among the worst enemies the hawker of itialicious rumours and unexplored anecdotes an artful woman may be able to go vern a weak and narrow minded hu hand but sin- will never be able to procure the esteem and attachment o a man of retjse- true happiness is of a retired nature and an enemy tu pomp there is generally no creature more impudent than a coward the province of wisdom is uot h la ment ovi our wrongs it is to liud out their remedy querulous complaint is worthy only of the inucy of under standing if nofe the hbfcr er v faf rrr hid frl nd and thr iiic ist iic ua jii nceived di ect f m jebw gemra aftornnent i dtp goods confiilincr f wctl 0 knjand 0 tbs superfine and common do single and dooue mflld kerfevncrc flacneu of al cojout rofeandp rot rilanktg white c ittcwi and camricks colic 200000 50 00 i boofio 5010 ri fc- knoveaiift mnra qlcludiiigriiniaandlnua tonl 50oon 20007 0 inoi 4000000 500000 from the montreal herald communication mr editor sir that the generofity and bene volent difpdition ot all the old and yong wealthy fettles and all other well itfpvfed people in canada are well kn- wn by mny benevolent ai of charity m both povincen a number of fncictka have beet eftablifhed for the reuefof the poor the definite and the afflirhed ft ger but feldom t hope hae they ever met with loch an oljeft of charily a jamei andcrfoa d mtivt of breadalbane north bntaio he wa amonjlt the emigrants f lat year ii iarh f lot if laud he proofed to fettle 00 at the time ol the liift lall ot fiow winch happened rather thty laft yenr heieparated himielf tiom hia com pniousioit his way in the wild fore ft and troii saturday about noon until the thurfday following tic wandered in the wooj ddttutef victuuuj pnd un- new- york january 19 latest from amelia mud the arrival last etvuing of th schrvntiu capt aikius in 7 day from st marys ve learn frai coin aiiry with part of his forces had icu the fland in one of the prize vense it was reported that e was fitting out ao expedition consisting of the bris mexican congress ri publican fi r- nry the mrgiaua america free and four schooner with all his patri otic troops their destination un known suijknduoaa reward an ariic iullie nsvpapers ol the daj says the natl nal lutellrguncer k stui hat josklu donakaule has ovot tl 7io aft jwaowfor the libera- t o ol ii brother lion sj helena died on the evening of ihe 2d dee lall at cincinnati mifs elvira t oouer llp daughthcr of wm letnon efq of hat own the time and manner of thu young ladys deceafe were peculiarly awful and nffiiding it wa to have l her wedding niht he ivtd retir ed to her room to dref apparently in pefd health and in lefs than fifteen rniflutc a he w3 dilovercd to be a cot pfe by her lifter who entered the room to ffill her in dreffing by this tine thr friends had began to aftemble to witne the nuptial ceremony bit ah- how changed the tcene she was a woman f delicate frame ad it is fuppofed her fuddefl death was octafi ed by faini- ing in a cold room that her blood chil led and ftagnatcd befoie any relief could be afforded it is probable that if any perfon hid been in the room with j her fhe miht have been revived ts 1 583001 frum the phijsph gazette- the powe k iliaa mr paul fen obncrving in a that newtpapi r an article under fliehered from the cold and incur until n the cilcumo1 e d the the london traveller of the 7th date wiih deep regret that the fever hill continues to fpead it ravages iti ireland fon cork and dery the eoorrare particularly alarnrng the hufpftals are crowded and the exterior patient numeroo in all ranks the paull rcfuctable uot excepted r staliiiilhh on sunday the ibt february by tht mr pcnnaiilt mr gabriel li calicoes ftirniture sbaband handkf flk hsndkfr cotton and wnrfttd hofiey vefttng rihbois umbelias iioven mif 1 ins fur cap fui trimmi igs 1 cafe of hats with a variety of other artiea to- tedh pun to mention ail of which he oftcf for lae at the lowrll prices iur caftl- 4ls0 an evening ale at auaion of b j oks on thnrftday next arrong which at the hebrew and etiglifh lexicon englius and spjnifh ocuonary enticks hiftory 5 fol bills surget y town and country ma-ht- spanihs grammar 4 volutnesf farmers guide 2 vols popes works with a variety of jewelry rntf watches all of which will be ioj iot cafh without referve p b gekdle y of b kingston feb 3 18 1 8 35 burgeons scot l sr mcgee kingston having a number of pi0ltftl4r tiding in ad ne the of linest town and k owiio fhn ifi d- ty fomc of them havt in being ab1 to vitit their surgery in king lion h ie- teimincd foi the bcttei accommolati g them that either mireon scott t mcgee fliall vifit erneil town vi vac every friday ii each wek at mr for wards hotel whtie will be gi eve iy kind ol advice and medicine recui fite- at the ki ytlo r nces kingston ibth fan 18 i3 n b the dffecnt acids eve stuff patent medicines sec may be hid alio 36wx insolvency rywv riiriihcr n i- hnnuvf nndtt kcvr tort january y from india arrived on saturday evciing the ftip cririe humph ies in 129 days rem calcutta pafled st hellena on the mthof niv laft st wa informed by the boarding officer of h m brig leveret j that bonaparte wa at loilfwood hrttercd from the cola and mow onui at kc w york bttt to bi length he found his way to a houle 1 mind d cuinktail for iblc where he arrived without hts or lock- fihe of i an elderly fan and all his clohes torn hu innuj m accutoml nc feet rwjn ami nearly deprived of iuci had hu rarhlv csiftmce thr unfortunate f ai his rarhly cjt perfonio fober fenfible and mdo- riona habits was a mafon by trade true in principle and ex- client in hi craft and came to canada with the intention of proving to be a true ratifh lubjcct and an nfeful member vf uvicty bnt new entglnd accutom d a imrle on which fi bvue ormrly of montreal to mins r01 f tuis place- he had rode pethaw eveiy fubbath from ct in the tuning of tnc y j whn the horfe bd been labeiioufl employed in plnglbing hia owner thought he would give him a day ot rest- and walked to the meeting about one price of pltol imoss la ihe kingston ftfarw daring th t wm i ii 1 1 1 ri 771 t 1 1 5 ifland which confifted of one liwe of i battle hip aid two brigs continued to low guard about the ifland and an nfeful member of fiety but and a ha l hofe in the enjoying huufoal health the boats ot behold not l gnce w ii kg had turc- the horfes of th the briifh fquadron baiioncd at eut 0 near the knee hu porti wife an excellent woman and four young children very much deplore the beiplcffl rate of their protedjr and to add to the misfortune he ipcnthifl all in eorn- deathofthenewdcyof alters in one of our late london papers efind an article under the leghorn date of oa 6 ttating that sir robot ccmbin commander of the e corvette myrmidon who bad arrived there from mahon rradbroujxht thefollowmg new the englifti conful at mahon haa received from the conful of the fame aation at algiers official death of the dey on the isth sept i this event refuhed from the entrance of 1 hamburgh prire into the port ifcj en conful demanded that it hould btreftored but the dcy having refnfed all the conftds draw up an terrene protcft threatniner to depart ittw commotion jing to canada and ha nothing rvhtre- with to maintain hia family althoughf by tie kind excrtiona of a good dodlor he u recovering hi heah- thi poor man and his dellitutc faoiuly deferve the notice of a generous public anj who at prcient refice at william ft wn county tifgengary u- c where him- i feif the town waiden or any other pcrfon there wi receive with thank- fulnefs any thing the charitably difpoled may feud for his ufc i jan 1 ibi8 a north briton pa- neighbour with whoiai he was accusto jened to go to meetixg came by he jumped out of hia pasture came to hi port ac the meetinghoufc dooi and ihei e i stood from 10 m until 3 p m without moving a stpwhen hin owner took him and having procured bridle and iaddle rode him home perhaps were children like twis uorfe acemtomed i from their youth every fabbath to attend pubiic worflip 1 f forne kirdthey would not when old r fuffcr trivial 1 occurrences to keep them at home 0 i i iv i 8 fi i 10 0 10 ii 0 s 0 0 7 fi 0 8 5 u 0 7 0 1 t 0 0 3 i 0 i i q i 4 the painful neceflhy f advrr- tifing hu creditor- throughout the pro vince of u camda an1 ellvwhcrc with a notice of his vey einbarrafted circim- i lances after fhuggliug upward of i feven years by hard labour and ho ft eudeavois to exonerate himielf p rn fj has the mortification to find that all his efforts have bern in vain having been fuljedto lois of properly ro vety coiiiderable amount at different times and to cciu of court n feveral luits again it hiin for debt and what ia moll nnpieafantofau hisrrlliousehavac- tcr mull be calumniated in public d private by men with whom he ha mice tikcn fwtet counsel and gone wiih to hf houie of god under all liefc toi- miliaving circumllancci gertlent n y ui inlolvcnt debtor humbly reqiulb that 0 1 3 l you will meet him at mr elijah beachea 0 9 ii public inn two mile fom kingt n 0 17 fill on the lall monday in thuprcfrnt month n x account fiom england are not of a latter date than when we publilhcd las we find that the medical gentlemen j who attended the much lamented pnneeis i gave rile to a popular commotion h accouc arc much the dey retired t the palace but m 1 is al that if the life of attacked bv the people and itang r r- the had not been by the peop dey was formerly a benak j i oi the mother might he hews a pacific difpofifon and has v f the ouetn too is already offered to put the town ot liona 1 r m v r into the hands of the entjiinh the writer of this faw the horfe when he patted to the meeting and all the time he was there and lent his owner ihe addle and bridle witu which he rode home beware of mad bogs two perfons have been bitten by two different mad dosill this city the paft week sucafsful and ovel pecula tion we have it from good lauihority that a getufetsm i newyork fliipped 1 5000 bbls i 15 i 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 00s 0 0 to l e t j iwptffe bufmiok lately occupied by i jl r robifm ef as a hop fitnate next the g v- imeht houfc for particulars app mian mclean efq kingfton januaiy 23 1818 jjtf onondaga salt where he will render ajull atid accurate account of all the property that he pos- fette and ommittoners rnay beehofen and appointed to adjudge the value of lithe frae and an equal oividend be made to each creditor and although the a- mount will anavmdably be very fmall you are welcome to have it without the expenfe of lawfniw in which cafe youa debtor will expeft a lcal difmrffion from thole demands which it i impoffible ur bun t meet and with very unpleas- aut reflections fubfctibch bimlelf your humble fervant daniel pickett uivi i blamed for mt being ptefent or j ii t tg enrunelail tail j intothe hands ot the jfrttguui ww anumbr of married laclcs ot apes tu y pc wu notknown whether this offer wl be kafiou- j rf ab mou j a that they lout llvcrpotil accepted the town is quiet and lbc f explained declared j at confulsare refpefted ll rr jk- h heen i just received ad for fale at the store of s baitltfc 9 to an average pri of three affeing anecdote a wmum ladv omad dawmont was executed in tlc city of lyons for the supposed murdr ol her uncle um chevalier de la pouloue with whom vhelired in the mo t alffctiooate bar- mony from her infant years baying conceived a ptuaton for a ds iv larf r din tlie his faid that if fom of them had been i bbl there the bufineu would have been b tinilhed lefs tragcally g pofeively contradi the ru whenitw cvnnmentofthelt states bad ak poirannofamehalfladtsrepoud hatfmonetot pped there and lome oi- gencer poiiuvely mour that the biitiih minitio has remonilraed ajainh the transfer oi tail flida to the united states 1 he population qf st peters- o the an un- conroni- let ttor anv term f years not exceed- i r in fifteen on the moft veafona- hie term that well knwn valuable tlaul in the public line fitnate on the point at gananoqaa and recently occu pied by seth downs together with the houle barn stable c7 for fur ther particulars appy to the lubichbei joel stone gananoqua 7a 9 1818 j3v to be sold 4 genteel convenient houfe with a part fa town lot lituated in front itrtet near the market in a mofl elipible fitaation for any tine of pnblie sutuiel for pditiculars apply to the printer csto let1 the premffc at ptefent occupied by the fubfci ibcr conflfting f a large twoftory houfe bke houfe liable c for particular- apply to the fubfci ibcr louis tapin kingston fib 2isi 3 kingston jrr 5 lsl j just received an for tale at tui office pi ire 7 4d the montreal almanack for the wr of on ord 18 18 alfo- essays on practical hljhbandrt vld rlto1 to the c ah frmrrs byc f greci ol moiuic1 i wank 14- v