Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), March 3, 1818, p. 3

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nnhttfit i rerity afonbith i f sliop licence bill rcpnrfcm pro- jcn monday ocxt wort for leave to the ccunfcl and direftion nfift fxtxcrj k ad obtained leave to fit again j brintf in a bill to alter and amend an mr bur well moved f r leave lo bring in a bill to repeal au a paffed in the 56th year of hi9 majcftys reign en- tited f n ad for granting to his majiry a fum of money towards defray ing theexpences of the civil adminitt ra tion of 1 he government of this province which was granted and the bill read ordered t 1 be read a fecond time on monday next mi mmartin moved for leave to bring in a evll to repeal and amend the law now in force for granting penfions to pcfons di fabled in the service and i to widowa and children of pe fons who miy have been killed in the service i which was granted and tle bill read wxuvi m i ordered to be read a fecond time to- ikioiij jt appears that this great good man j n rr vf a natnni fvven mr van koughnett ttns ornament or ui naiiou jwicti b nw yning bring in company and though the voice be no jtidible nor the iiicion always pererptablc or dis- tcmableto fenfe yet it v equally a real as if a man heard the voice faying this fa the way willi in it and though this fecrct direction ofj almighty god w principal j iran in matt r relating to the good w th- foul yet it may alfo be found in the cone vm of thin life which go d man thtt fears god and begs his direion fh im very often if not at ail riffle find 1 can call my own experience to witnefc that even in the external anions of my whole life i was never difapwiuted of the belt guidance and direction when i bve in humility and fincerity implored the fejj cret direction and guidance of the di aft entitled an aft to afford relief to prfna holding or poilcffiug lands tenements and hereditaments in the j dill 1 i of niagara m clench gave notice that he will on tuefday next move for leave to bring in a bill to authorize and em power the jut ices of the peace for the difhi of niagara to loan iuch a fum orloyisof money as may be neceflary to pf and defray the expences ft ill due and vring for the building of the gao and court houfe iu the town of nia ara moved for leave j with or her i bring in a bill to alter the time ofj i r rw ir rxvhfi- o oring in a m 10 aner me lime or i vnioff bnof mi companv wituo nci p jaucsioneof the party throgh 1 hwwf the court of m ojrwr eels of wine fell down fa dead i mb- peace for the jm at their feet he was fo iffecacd m this j dil inft which was granted and the bill occalion that he immediately retited to another 100m and hutting the door fell on hit knees and prayed earned ty to god that hie tiiend might be reilored i j read ordered to be read a leto d time to morrow mr clinch moved for leave to bring no the petivion of rebecca thompfon it 1 l t u l 1 t r 1 which was granted and the petition laid to life and tml he himielt mi lit be tor- j- r iven for having given con ntenance to 1 1 on lae lo much excefs and at the fane time j made a folemn vow that he would nev- j er agam kcrp comprny i thst manner nor m jrink a health while he lived it is fair that his friend recovered and vow g m burwell moved for leae to bring in a bill on monday next a bill to re peal he laws now in force to eflahiih public schools in each and every difttict of this province m burwell moved for leave to bring up tiv petition of thomas bowloy efq whicii wa1 giantd mr howard gave notice that he will move the home to go iito committee on wednefday next to make an inquiry int the flate of the militia fines kte fiier moved for leave to bring up lite petition of ftfe merchants of the towi of kingftou which waa granted w- van koughnett gave notice that i 1 he will on tuefday next move foi leave to b i a bill to continue an aft entitled 4i an r to fupply in certain cafes the want of county courts in this i that he relmondv obferved hi- vow to bcr entitled an i ti enale robert the day of his death what a pfty it i icirigm bn of ihe late honorable that we do not more generally follow friday 13 j the caitwrigbf furrender bill waj read a hid time j mr hitt moved that the cartwright provniice and to make further prtkvifionj firrndrbill 00 now pafb and that it j for proceeding to outlawry in certain cafe thfrei mentioned mr van koughnett gave notice hi worthy example particularly the yoib of the prefent day on who n ffts our prefent hope and our dependence j illative to the next generation a friend to reltious improvement from thr up jniia gazette promotionsi on thurfd3y thr 1 2th inu the hon nd rev dr si ra ha n was fworn iu as member and the hon william oau aan houoiiry member of i he honorable exiuive council on the fiine day i ni lionhon enquire wad fworn iu z a judge of hi- majvilyo oiot f cutg bincli and john beverly robinfou efq as attor ney general y prov1n1al1 allldxminroi uppttm gjsja house of assctubly mr butt movvd for leave to lring in r bi li to enable bwbnt cartwright m fcwfton to furrender o or svoein lord the king w mentioned which was granted and the a 1 i bill re o t mr hntt moved that the 5th rule of the houfe be ditpenfed riih and that the cartwright furreoder bill be read a fecond time which was gt anted ara the bill red the houfe then went into committee j on the faid bill upon the motion of mr hatt mr van koughnett reported progrels i and obtained leave to fit again to-mor- tow the houfe went into committee on tke sanbath profanation bill- reported prrefs nnd biained leave to fit again torn n row the pirria school bill was rec a frcond time vr van koughnett moved that the- houfe do go into connttee of the whole on the diltria cschool bilu winch j was agreed to mr cotter reoorted prqjjrei and obtaied leave to fit again to morrow mr rcbinfm moved that the bonte do on friday next go iuto coronuuc on the contingent accounts f the iftft seirion which wascrdered mr van koughnett moved for leave tnvingina biu to tegulte shop li cences which wai granted and tbfl bid ttad ordered to be read a lecond lime tomorrow thurfdny fb 12 the houfe went into committee on ike cartwright furrender bill mr van koughnett reported the bill beaded ordered that the report oe j 8eiedand that the billbe engrciud and read a third time tomorrow the houfe went into committee on ac sabbath profanation bill and re ported the bill amended mr matt moved the sabbath profa- natiou bill be engroffed and read a third time tomoncv mr clench in amendment moved that heengroited and read a third time ttus day trme months which was loll and ihe original qneltion ordered the houf- wm into committee on aeschoolbul and reported the bill tended which was received and the wlordrdf tobcengroffedaud read a wire tite nmorrcw the shoo licence bth wa read a 8fcod time tt huufe went into commit on 1 richard cartwright deceafed 10 furj render lands in the town of kinglltyi to his majcfty bis heirs and sticcelfors which wai carried and the bill tiguid by the speaker mr rubin fin moved that the order lof the day as relates to the third read in of me diftiiri school bill be di- chaved which was carried the thini teadg of the sabbth profanation bill ordered to be on mon day ilrxti the houfe went into commitree on the shop licence bill reported pro grek and obtained leave to tit again on monday the pnfion bh1 wa nad a fecond lime the t t09 fr went into committee on the penfioo bill reported progrc aud obtained leave to iu ftuaitito oiow the johnlhwii qntitci svlfioo bill wa lead the fecond lime th ho nfe weui ih committee on tin- jthnllown qnttei scflion bill and reported lite bill whih was dcied t be received and to be engroflvd and read a thrj iiinc to nonow mr rohinfon movl fr lrave to bring in a bill to licence anftioncer- and to impirfe a dlltv on good waies anl merchandize old at public nction wbiih wiw granted aj the bill read ordered t be read a fecond time to- mo now mi mmartin gave notice that he will on thurfday next move for leave to bring in a bill t repeal an ftfl pais- ed in the 5r1i1 year of hi mtjcity reign etitled u an a a tor granting o lis majely a fum of money and 10 provide for the appointment of a pr vincial agent for this province mr mmartin pave notice that he will o 1 wednefiay next move for leave 1 0 bring in a bill to continue for a limited time an art pafted in the 56th ye4i- of his mijertys reign erttkd 14 an aft for granting to his majcrty duties on licences to hawkers pedlar 8 petty chapman and other prfons therein mentioned saturday 14 the j ihnsown quarter scifion bill was read a third time mr van koughnett moved that the johnitwwn quaftef stffi bill do now pals and tliat it be entitled w an a to repeal part of an aft pafled in the 56th year of his majcilys reijn entiiled an to alter ihe lime of holding the courts of general quarter seffionfl of the peace in the london and johnttown diftriflt which was ordered and the bill ligned the auction bill was read a fecond time the houfe went into committee on the aucjtion bill renoiud progrcfn and obtained leave to fet aain on monday mr burwell moved for leave to bring in a bil for the ditnbutim of landi hereditaments and ral eftates within t hi- province which was granted and thv jjill read ordered to be read a ie cond time tomorrow mr jones move to bring in a bill to amend an aft pa ted in the 24 h year of kia majeftys keign entitled an aft ty repeal and amend an aft pafted in the 35th year of hi- majcfty reigentitled u aft to dfcertaiu the eligibility of perfon to be returned to th hmte ol fle4 by which vvh- granted and u e that he will on monday next mov- that the houfe do refolvc irfelf into a comniiuee to rcconlider the diilrid befaotl bill mr jones moved that mfuift du- rad howard htt cvyflr mills and cameron be a committee to whom all petitions be reierred will leave to repo t thereon with bill or other wife mi ftaicr moved fo leave to bring up the petition of sundry perform of the towiiihip of erntlt town which was gianied hingsto juilsdii huitca j ifiis inihvsdnys layette will be found a second length addis to the i- 4h o- 44ul whioi jjuiiar canuda rj it ii j llobnh onili k q we puhlih tli- v 1u1 in- pniiiiipi ion thai all who i ul hi floruit 1 idduss will i eagr lo rccd thiv al o w in ml ikmiiiir la conoiut on tn subjvct inaiti -rcun- l allied in it licit iu it hvl to ll i oik read uud c oiuuuut lor lihn- ell i bill read ordered o he ead a fecond ime lo morr w mr clench gave notice that he will at a meet in of a commit- j tee cliicn by the annual 1own meeting of the intiabii anvs of the tbwnihip ai augutta in hejhnitown iiiit ict of up per canada to niwer certain queries propufed to ttietn in an addrefa pubiilhed byoiero- e gourlay d ited at quecn- iton oct iber 1 8 1 7 it is u- nanimoufly reibffvrd ill 1 hat it is rhe opinion of j this meeting that ivir gour- lays addrefs contains p inciples inimical to the peace and quiet which the inhabitants oft ilk i province fo happily enjoy 2d that however advanta geous the information might be to upper canada refulting from proper aafwers to theiej queries and placed in proper handy thepreient meeting can not feel themfelves juitified in giving their fupport to the ve- ry injurimsconiequenceswliich might rcfuit frojn iuch infor- jmavion placed at the difptfal of a man of mr gourlays po litical principles signed 4 true copy solomon jones j d c john bethune clerk h wikerc 1 oliver luert j d campbell j heck r c render jacob heck j s merwin john simpfon stephen colling augula bb 18 t mamfm on fridny kvotiin hy the rev r curtois cbnplai to fa forces tknjain fvhttmg lify to juno hsa- commumcjtiosr elefilai frrseikrittrn on th death nf 3t a itorum ii ihhn kk h c 1 and knight of the sn iliiin tier of irrflhutml and mitr u tote commodore of lu lakokin tht camt- da 31tt llsgt hcafre waft tbenctvb thro uritgnstftpircsprrah tlialiffr bst liojiesand uuval iiomit waiificj rre other voe- fucceedtd vr ivhnlm 1 m iimdsf crnr tht- subject of the realm cansd by tbeftitdffell ami nhnnlv fall ofihrmnefi lamented l sir robert ifod in liim a- centered lrwi oftrvts kind trial could pimm or ich til mid ilirlnm lt b h in oiinii pomp ne nin lpi brio iia fj u iemve notes bi viruii lid frtvlaritis ma no iitoar ii oilor niul let scotland iiiitlnl nop urf mournful hca anl all i unt nl sir linbdti hall in dead j t niiiiii- hi i anailadcploir nicdsflh of their btlovri tote commodore lei them bencpfbrth hilarity suprml and ijionn tbv tofe of iiirir departed frhmid nomoro fiali iirtlia dauntless crrw survey 9 who hi coiuinhiids dil cnirrtillv ohcy no more with uirtnsjiulhc inumihant ride the stormy mam nor brarc cip nogry tide o more shall iic bfimld old inlands cou5t of v inch hroivehrtd been ih pride boas la- toberiir hprcmaiunrh loi uriuni to win mi he shall w verdrar lor hi iii shall fltirt uianv a prn ivf tear ti10 t 10 them li i not lost 10 fame wmmi he- roll of rgjdtrd 1 name ala- thffcigh di i i f ii im ivllulintf bori w rr hot th iransinn iitlo- oi an oiir nor wer thowutlc- ull by itruan stnwn son- hpn ronftrrd tram tiir sicilian ilnorc- wherr lie md breufu gnlanin renown and wiiii thnr lturcjs ill be ever crowntl wneu aa id aews 15 viol clad sborej l reoed v lal matchless ncf must rein witnio each brvqt with unfitim onou tears shall dim each eye nd even 000111 heave me llirabbiitg igli in kiig lauds grief luej will participate la funeral poip uim ihm will iiiulate llieirf t ilull lie th- os fuiure thcuie krom sire 10 n to arandie bin uame uoiii countries rtiall hmp hue be clad vuleverv hear bt melaueboh ad in culoniim mi o bs coiniiinoiiuion ihe rand t trophievofeaci hnsrlte nation s all in ewrti cmintn jlndidh apjai kwci iature ages uiay hla name revere love tliai and keligiou uonjomed v itli hterature formd m 00w mind iliauntuad ctianus each beanieons iacea- drrnd hut these be ahid hastand rih he corn d ilira future hards iiali sing 111 living lav d jia itig infants li ills hdnb jid urabe 11 veeirejhehi mane- are m ui rel lisvirtmmdeetuon eanh haioade htm went rlueaivstioi no wha horrid tempests rise dreailfcl showers contract hie vaulted kics o ttaeil boteai sweep- iliedccp pioiound iid tiiake the nodling viakling vonda re- iiuid r when the fielfetfceirllawrj pomp display ticrm by ihe strenpib of pi nifrei hiic rav p01 fcim the inah l no- sileju grove ilas ceased tocarroll uieirteadei noiipa oflnve file thrush mi longer i liters from the upray t r blackbiu i oil lorgfiit luiiciul lay audaittbc feaihei d ong4trrsof 10c air like briton cem ah bd 10 deep dtspair ea the wecd oer him villi dioumn liiad lir daily inbme in dewej dio- iloili aneu lainiiail i power to enumerate iliepaiae u i iii due tu 0 10 luulllluf 11 y heart elate with gratitude shoai glove nd loftier number- would r pui-i- iiow iui hiicethetrugie melaitchou mue riirougb viorni iirrtef hcraid dom uif refuse i theretoreboptf no critic willnio bold lminntie rali am impudent or bold ror offer inuiu uocrlrlbalury la ih f y token 111 my now to pay short slatarc and infcrcsfing cotrff leaaace newyultr f 1 gftptlinc of thf brig frwkln jn s days from st martha inform as fctiat the patriot- w re carrylns uit lore them to the windward aoit the 20th december thr patriot tr ujs four to si thousand sriong wore w ta in a days march of the vr s ira fee which was prisoned h olv q royalists and uiej in a sickly cootu- tion about the same time a fleet of ten gall wiri to he commanded by admi ral lord cochran came to the month l the harbour of st martha and rluu stood to the westward forcartbageiia for the purpose as was supposed of blockading that port prfje of provisions in the kingston marktt during the pt tvcek autkli s j trr j pn0 j to ttetf miutoii val ok pomfu h k iiee oheee bottei peas potatoes oto furnip carrots cabbage iloiir lo tallow lard mav crtt lb cwt pair eir-i- ll do bili i ti i 15 l 0 0 6 0 0 7i 0 0 6 2 id 0 02 li 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 i n 2 head cwt 6w ih 0 6 g 0 9 6 6 0 6 6 ton strt bundle cord i 0 10 6 0 0 1 0 1 u 1 0 3 0 0 0 15 0 1 10 0 0 0 7 0 0 8 1 so 0o 14 0 0 9 a is 0 0 0 0 7 6 3 0 0 7 n 1 fi 0 2 0 8 0 o 0 1 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 n 1 ts 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 n n n 0 s 0 12 u 3 6 0 9 a 0 0 0 kihjston a 19ylsls important tolmfpaif officers circular no 373 iarqjjuttyh or trlf sir in rcfeicnce to my circular of 30th ultimo n 45 i annex hereto a form of affidavit winch ceiy hrdf- piy officei will he required to ufc iii drawing for hi- halfpay after the 241b 1 december next inllcad of the form now u ufc i am sir your mod obedient humble iervmt pamlerrton appeared perfonally before me and made oath that he had not during any part of the period from 25th of l8l to the 24th of 181 bah days inclufive any other place or employment of profii civil or military under hi britannic ma- jeily or in the lervice of any other go vernment befides the allowance granted to him by hi britannic majcfty as a re duced of the regi nent of sworn befort me at this day of the halfpay officers who have em barked in the caule of the patriots in j south america will be rendered una ble by this regulation to receive their half pay albany feb 3 mysterious circumstance ot tues day last a young lady residing in the compact paitat the city ofirreproaeh- able character a ud resectable councc- hons left bet fathers houe about ten in the morning lo call on a femah friend and neighbour she loft her friend about eleven oclock a m as was supposed to return to her fathers inee which no information has been had of her although diligent search and enquiry have been made to t lie present tune should ihtsartiie inet ihe eve of any one who can ive th- slightest informatiou to itniavel hi mystery motive ol ham nitv will alone bemiihcieut foan immediate communi cation tfitt re the anxiety of the distressed 1 latives the youug lade i oh if tweut three ear wldi notice ttphe partn rfhip heretofore exinii jl between the fubfcnber is this d iy diffolveil bv mutual confent ah per fon indebted to the fibfenbers are re- quelted to mke immediate payment to neil mc arthur who i- duly anthorited to receive the fame and fill thofe who have demands agaiull them ire r queftcj to pre lent them for liquidati n neil mcariur john me arthur concrrdn 7 4 dec 1817 49- notice the co patnrrfhip heietofore ex- iitiog at bell vi j lc under the fvii of john id nbbai d and company i this day diffolved by mutual confent all ptrfona having claims aaimt the faaie are rcqaetted to prefut tnir accounts to ndriw kfmmr for adjustment and thofe indebted to ihr fjih co-tiart- neifhipafe d fired to pay ihe lame to andrew kimmerly without lelay oth- erwtfe they will be out tn the hand o an i attorney fo collection john hubb 775 andrew kimmbrlt bellville 2th feb 818 pt rxo let and pofttfllon given li ll jl may next ihe shop iow occupied hy mcslst taylor 3c parker erqiii of patrick smyth march 3 40 to let and plfllflion givrrn the fiift may next the houfe now oc cupied by mr amos w brown en quire of patrick smyth march 3 0 fjtlo let and poft sion given the jl fiffl may next the new houfe fronting the min guard enqnire of patrick smyth march 3 40 came into the enclofure of the fub- icibcr fome lime lall autumn a large hog fuppoicd to be two or more years d the owner can have him bf proving popeity and paying cnarges john w1llet fgngtlirri feb 28 18 8 40 advertisement just received and offered for fde by the fubferibers a quantity of red currant jelly prefcrved rhafpber- riri goosbcrrits pumbs aed straw berries t a ylo r i pa r k e r 3d march 40 w a farm for sale the farm of the fubferiber hefnef fhefroni half of lot number 8 iu the third conceffion of the towufhip of kingfton with a new framed honltf and ime other bnildiugfl and a vonnjj orchard thereon will be wd at ven due at dawf nft auction i31h in front of the morkei in kingfton on tuefday the fothfnft at noon n drfj foorict dilp led of at private fae foe the terms apply t 15 olcott kings ton or to jacob vanarnum kingston mm xk 3 u 1 0 i 8 44

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