bknbht tfiww mansion hold mtklp riwad tctishe ti acqminr the ptibttr that he has completely fv fn- n t cganl new built two lioty h life f lv atlaefe of ewcl t wit f r the a- porrvnodation 01 gentle t ladit there being an eictjatt- urecl mom fpy tiet in length rtntlrmryi and a- f- may nocmbic with pr titty fr civil recreation 1 ravellcrs may rely on finding j o am- mo utioit for rorfc and carria bcs wh j o1 ittend siice tfe inhimta t- of the wn and it- ticmity vll always find thf l and n- pefl nil o every del ription foi prompt pay on y n pain will he fpared by mr f to pvz nniverfal ratrfadion ti all who may think propei tn call frw hoarder can be accommodated r a rfbnabte rate students at the afmdenwmh a way- h3vccrw preference hv kv payments will be eq iicd of it r mircrs whitt linery ernetf town jan 5 8i8 327 store tv millsi fh rles md0na1dhving v- taken his brother mcdon a ilto pnnerlhp vhe bufincfa in fu- ore wil be con iucied under the firm of c j mcdonud rpfr fair i general aflorft- t i general cmttifchn mevrhlttols and j gents f he fubfciiber- tate this methodof ii farming their fivndsand the pub lic- thnt they have cute d into co- part nerships under the fi n of slbbqt 9 brownf esf cdi fo the purpoic of catrying on the commlsstonaad agency notice i i a contract ny ptrfon willing to contra il with 1 subfmher tn tike the fnowin qtt city of lumber t market 10 delivered at the crnfr in the port uf montreal or at newlt crpool cove in the port of qnebec a iray be required will apply by letter p tpaid to the fubferiber town or kinarton or to meflrs mclean and fcicmullan at prefcott i rooo fct pie timber ready rafted 4000 standard laves 1 on thewa- looooicee 2 i 3 in deals j ter edge at the kingston mills apooo feet fquarp oine timber ready rafted j too standard ftaves 1 waiers 6 c ps deals 2 j se 3 in edge at oananoque 60000 fft fquare nine between wdeas tfland and prefcott ready raft ed wm hamilton kingston jan 6 i8r 32 able te m- t hat well known dry goods gro kries iijrnivjre crockery and mrr atice- enquired tor at a conn iv c e which they offer low foi td raw 1 oghsjuare timber staves i t t d moft kinda of country pioduce they iiave a good cilr ad aw hi in full jperation ran ntanufact- e f ottr uqnal to aty mill in the pi viee thev will fuvyordcif foi sawc timlier of almoft any defer tpt ion at fbort notice c j mcponald gananofua m to 1s18 33 alhh iv indebted tocharus mcdon- ad whoff accounts have become due are req netted 10 to make immedi ate payment c hatch co offer for sale elef a t broad top b mck 1 fancy windfr hamboo do shrt back re 1 cane feat wattrln rocking and childrens warranted good at their chair shop opoofiir win powc tin and grocery store 11 ore ftrt t er chairs are foperior to any they have hitherto offered roi fale country producf received n payment fjj cabinet ware tor fae as above kngfton nov to 1817 24tf ilxeeutlw council office york zzdos 187 co e business generally anil have uk n thefe fire proof and vaulted st re fruiting the ptu belonging to thcmas torranec kiq and aj iuiny the river as their inten tion u to confine thcofelvcs wholly to that branch of buliueii they hope to ob- iain a hare of the pufasc f ivor realonable advance will be made on conligntnents of proclice or good and orders executed for he purcnaie and ihipeneat of afhe orothcr produce on liberal terms jonas abbot john brownp thomas s w4itaker montreal 3a feb 181 39 2 to let a nd immediate pwftcflion given the jrx house and ircinil in stuart e uiey occupied by mr dihon tuatcd wiiitiii half a nile of thih tovn a favorable lituamon ir a gentleman and lanuly atd to lefs fo for a difhller or inn keeper fo further jjarticulars eiquiie of the fubferiber- r barniitt kingston feb 24 1818 3ytf executors for sale ov itaiid for a tavern limated in the vjlajpeirfpwtt v 9 j11 fr ittng he kngfi hiohway and a wee two lry framed ro t well fin jnsed with a large kitehci in the rear ftablinn fortwt iuy fpam f hrfcs a ihed feveny fet long and a ood boufenu the re lot fii for the acc- tion of a ctpcftable family the whoi of ihe biiilliii- fhtfon being fi ffh in a w rko inlfke ma ner and at prefect eceupjedby mr aleacandei b mcdon- fell ai a h tcef for further particjlor apply to the fnhfcibetn or to mr alexander fac- d ofl ell funi r merchant piclcotr by vh rpth- terms my be made known and inifptttable tite and immediate ph hi i will iven alex wncdonell co kingflon 3d jan 1 si 8 32tf for sale the n w m i lls on big creek iu redetickibnrgh in good re pair with the welt half of iot no 25 in the fourth cohceifiofl of fafd town- hi with a imail but convenient dwel ling moofe then on ertflcd also seven hundred and thirty acres of land ii the townfhip of lochj- fccr diiidof montreal and two hnni died acre in thetownihip of camden midland ddrid the whole will be ibid he foi particulate apply to mr j tuttie kingfton or to the fob- j fenbe on the premtfec matthias smith frtdtridfourgh dec 9 1 8 1 7 2913 j077cn n her y giw 1 l otr x 3 of his honor the dminilrator in council t the rrpi centhttveh or jtthn gait way ar 1 llvia 1 galdwll to make goo any o ailiou nt dtmber twenty in h fth co jiftun f the pawnfttp 1kinr on wi un iix months frnm litis ate or it will ie wra d q the occop a whi has becii in pollelhon fixtccn ycrs jofvm ll ctk of the ex conncil f notice rrihe ibfcribr henhy forhvl all f a- evry perf mi i r pri ns from medling o n akin or citi any tim- bfr 01 t r fn nv fii ne whatever noon lnt no zu in the 5th concrlson of the fowifhip f k nrft n 1 n pnin of being profecuted bceordfng t- 1 nw j arvi- wobden km ftmpjort 22 i 8 i t- 2 mi6 f mail stage wv fubfeuber informs the public tli he intends running a stage torn k in tun to york and from york ti kmghsm the enlning winter and will coirence as loon as the fleighnffl vil anfwer to leave kingfton and y k every k ndav t two oclock stage fare frn kingllonto bellvilie three dol lar from kingston to spnldens inn fix dou ftnrr kingston to york ten dola samuelpurdy irfion 2th nov 1 8 1 7 27 rags rags i ash paid for clean cot ton and linen ii a g s ot any col r kx xiilb uikce the subscriber ijuj have tc inform his friends 8c i a the public jrenerauy that he ha- removed fioro his foi met jtand to the hop lately occupied by jonas abbot co near the market pace where he has now on handy a general affortmeiu of hardware cutlery c which he will fell on the moft moderate 1 terms to kt the hop latelv occupied by the fubferiber and pnfleffioa given im mediately samuel shaw h ingsion th jan 1 8 1 8 32 for d at this office a ready rkckoner shewing the value of grains cf various gold coins current in the province of uppct cana da also fergusons improved tabu of ihc value of grain- of gdd coin q er or under weight hr lost on tuefday ht n in kc town of kiigftoi or on the road to loujfhbqrottgn three notes ot hand one of 3 i 8 6 agaiwli john vlonf ney one utb 8 o a the fame and one againft abial fteftou of 1 90 whucvtf w teturn laid notes t the fubjcrber or will leave them at the printing office hall be bandforoery rewardett and ail pcrfons arc hereby forbid ptirtnfiug faid motes or paying any thing lii on pain f beiiiff pofecuted bi jofifph buck kingunn february l8 3 canadian courant ctived the above papei a- of licci arc nfomed that they w b nee otwaro receive them at n oieb coffee i lonfe ad thai thty wiii be ac- e unta le to mr rione for them from the fifl dy of jnuary 1s18 who vvid receive lublcrii tion in ftitnre thfe indebted to tbv ublctiber hi rjic canadian courant wt inlonied thut it is neceffary to make immediate payment s ivillls gazette office kfrtgfion clover seed a imp quantity pf red olo- jixuirevci7dav ver 5eed for fale by the j nl nn i 4 ll perfons indebted to tle fllat- 11 of the late jomes cumming latt of hal lo well f dtceafed are reqnefted t call without delay and fettle the fame with mr jami s miguigor now ir charge of the cftabjifliment at haiow- ell bridge and thole ftrho have claims agiii- ft the fud ellate are deured t- prefect them for atljuftment thenok in trade of the deceafed confiaing of a very complete aflortment of good well hud in and very fuitabk to the country isnow felling em at pri ces fo low as will defeivediy clini the attention of the public cafh or country produce will he tak en in payment and a credit ol 6 months given to refponfible farmers or others john cum ming 1 wm mitchell sl kingston os 27 1 8 1 7 32 the fubferiber returns his moil grateful thank to bis ftirnds and culiomcr and the refpeftable inhabit ants of kingllod for the liberal en couragement lie has received fince he commenced buhnefa in this plce and would infmrm them that he ftfll carries on the tin copper sheet iron and lead i bufinefs in al is various biancles nenr the engineer yard where he hopes by hie fiidnity and attention hi to mem a haw f public favor afltifing them that nothing hall be waiuug on m j part to fiithfuly execute all orders with j w4wj he maybe honored i ft has for fale a farge aflortment of the heft engctjh double tin ware of tv- eiy defctiption ever offered lor fale in this province and a wye aftwtment ol japaud copper and hard ware lie alo kn p on band anaflortmc t ofsbcei iron stove stove pipeaud eloows j 40 boxes of the befl double tin and 60 boxes bell shrei iron f r fale cheap j oltdulc will be taken in payment jmcs meagher kingllon sept 30 18 17 1416 afl smith bu 1 tlr wor h eturn their finceie thanks to li their frii ndfl and the public in g ir ti ior the liberal cncoiirngement that key hove receive fince they re com neoccd the hattmg bujinefs tbey na- e at extenlive aflortment of ludies and childrens bon nets ot variuus colors and ihapes gefttlcttiens beaver fine caftorh ts likewife knapt and wool ilats which they will fell very law frjj caih or approved credit produce takeu in payment jan- 2 jait public notice the subfcribera execotora to the estate of harks stuart eujuire deceafed fete sheriff f the midland ditrit hereby rquets all thide indebt ed to the faj estate to make immediate payment to the laid executors and all thole who have demands against the estate aie requested to produce the fame duly attested iu order that a smement 01 the estate maybe eifixed a- fpeedilj as poitible aftrv the first day of july 1 8 1 ii george o stuart 7 exet- allan mclean j mors kingston august 1 1 1817 t ttf rbs c 0 f f e fi h o u h e by fubicrjhef i ephr 1m blnchard j kingston feb 19 1818 39 3 john jmoore o etu rns hie gun re at knowlelp xlj menbfctohi fruis and the pul ic ai larp- f tlu ii p u vov a r wilies to iicouaini ht thai hi ha rn moved to m akkshns in w lb tie hoilfe 1 ppfite to mi welfels stow 111 tore llreet where travel er and oth er tra reiy upon o d acconuioda j tims and attendance on reafonablel cms the fubfciibir havfnp rente thi large a nv nie t and elea t boi- n ha fpbted no exertions or ex pence in his p vur t hvt it fur uflud ad lt tended mi lucfa m mat ner a to merit thtj aprib ti n of is former tultumcra id oherg who nay honor him with theii company i he has a pood y2rd and liable for car- i rage aid hui tc rt tv 12 to i oclock 2tf advertisement the fubferiber offetfl for tale th j following lots of land 200 acres in 4th and 500111 the 6th o ncefllon of the gore brtwj j ernelt twn and frederick fburgh no 18 and 19 in the 81b couceffioo of miii ray no 31 eaft half 2d con ofsijny no 9 i oth cone ffion of kawden nu 4 gth poncefiinni hufitjngdpbf no 14 15 17 18 25 and 26 in the 4tt conceifion ofthurlow n 34 and 35 lx tl x 4th conciflicttt v v h han ncr yik ajso several valuable town lets in fa town of kingilnn fndcrirl jtn jo igty i i stolen kingston 08 3 1817 stoves mu sic a l inflmmeuts of mufic made and repaired by daniel oore son j to joseph mocke rlrmourer point henry flutes tipt and nw keys made ft the neateif manner point henry kingston feb 19 818 i 39 elegaut sleiffbs pinwo eieant and highly ftnlhe a double tjleijrlia for fa p to snflthbatttlet dec 16 2ytf notice j us r rceeived arr for fale at lhi- oilice prire 7d the montreal almana ck for the year of our lord 1 8 1 s alfo ess ats on pr acl cl husbandry addreffcd to the cauadia ir er by c f grece ot montrctl all perfons having any demands a- gainll the ellate of th l u au crawford elq of adoipldtown de- cealed are hereby requeftcd to produce then claims duly authenticated alfo all perfons indebted to tht faid eitate are hereby requeftcd to make immediate payment to william alexander irani executor kingmni 19th july 18 1 7 the fnbfriber ha jufi received at his biick llore front beet dou ble aid single 6 foves f sheet iron and ha alfo on hand as uiuai a gen eral alt i tment of dry goods liquors and grgk kriis crockery and glafs ware in crates ltnfeed and curriers gil paints ground i un oi and exntft- in a fev days an addition to his stock all which will bel fold extremely cheap at whole fale s bartlet kingston 08 20 18 17 32 ro let and pofilflion given immediately a hotife containing fix mome a ood ccller well and gard- n and a good bakeho2ife adjoining it t coven of which mil rold 200 loaves ot bread apply tti the fubferiber near the catho lic church philip vias kingflon nov 7 1 1 7 24tf fjlrom theyaidof the fubferfti jl on mnday evnivgl fl l t feven and ct t ovc k a bubaio jkiq r v k in laruc letter marked infioe ny perffn hat cn fi ht the hief or give irf rmation i hieves ny g brought ro jui f 1 iccuvthree pounds plwsrl by aipyfa to the jubi 1 ibet robt walker january 19 1 818 a sim it is iforkt the fubicriher moft refpeflfuiff infoinis the gemlemenof k-no- ln that he j arrived here frnj dublin and bas commenced the bui pdof bkck and white smuh in 3 its branches more particularly that d boric staring in which he will tte greseft fatfsfaai to thofe that ero ploj htm tbev may rey on their work well done cheap and e by applying at mr j meagher barrack llreet where he has commenced all order in that line will t glaiilt received and hid ariemion given hiitoniyioa 2 blank bail bo lb for ae at tfais office officers half pay aid artil lery peniion blanks for lale at tliii office church catcchifrn for bale at this t juice valuable lands for hale 32 1 1 f the tnir1 conceflion of the town i j fhip of pitfburgh being loth no 6 ih half of no 7 nnd no 18 an indifputable title will be given and the terms of payment made eaiv h c thomson knglloa july 28 1817 32 blank summonses the filhferiber bfg if ave to inform their friends and rhe public in gj nera that they parry on the tjtl0r1ng business in main street where they intend mat iitr every article in their line on more rcaibiabic terms than hab been done lor a number of yeciis back thme who iv fh o favoi them with f hir cullufn may rely on hiving their woru well mad iud on the fhoitrlr n r r pfti nor ns sc stevens kingston sept y 1817- 3 p4noplist forth year 1s16 for sale at this office omjl te j 19 for the district courts for tf4le t tins fjibix blank deeds and memorials ifec atc at i tun ojluac