hat it bcert extended in tlms btiftl jer- hps have faved thr parent inftead of ow having to fupply the wants of hia hcat broken farnpy the phyficiais vaxim vcnienti accurate morho here applies in its molt extenfive lenfe let the hand of benevolence be iorwatd o adminiller the required remedy to pour in ihe oil and wine and how much milery how much fufferiag will the poor man neceftarily be laved from this general view of the evils which refult from the united aciion of poverty and dibcafe let us turn our eyes and examine whether the very mif chief be not even at our own doors alas we contemplate no vilionary no drtlant evil we could al thi moment produce more than one cafe of the wrct- chednefawe have attempted to defenbe and no doubt there are many others which have not obtruded themielves on our circumlvribed ohfervai ns in the early part of the winter we rrcolhct an application lo have been made to the pa- rjch otncei for reheffara bck man and chailes hopkins w young man al yro in xtrv barrys evidence ftit- that be law barry runout of joness mvfr covered with blood and calling fcr affiltance he went into the houle vith her and faw mr jones on the jror bleeding very much and priloner jting over him with the knife apparent- kin joness fide faw him feize mw jlmesand pull her down mr j nes called out to take away the knife from bun the fervant and he by their unii- ed efforts fucceeded in getting the knife from him he gave the knife to holmes ftc conllable and then went to the hos pital with mr jones and the fervant holmes the conlbblc hated tnat on bearing the alarm he immediately went to the pot and faw owen handing on thedefenfive at jonev houfe with a knife in eacli hard with great difficulty kfecured him and found in hi- pocket twu other knives and a razor cafe on the pt tinner being afked if he had ty thing to fay hi forieftur edviied him to referve h role if fo his tii the reiptitve parties were over to prnfeeute and he va commit- ted far trial to kingftoo affix- theprifoier is a mn of dark com- pkjxion ful face and large si m k wbtfk- frvahout 5 feet 9 inches in height and fry ftnut h gemed iiuuij vd at the writ al of tle hornd deeds of which he iteheco the perpetrator and appeared tewtheobjei of hs revenge with a mahtjnity that it i- jijsctttt to defend i flbc fatal inlrumeut w is produced by i common il rder of the himaa tume twfacs rullcd vfh blood it wft9 aciiie ufay makes- iome addilon vhilinhe fc vmeftenger eiofihjfi hmind 1 ik4 at th 4w an the r came to requ ft a coffin might tic funiiflv d a the vvr heiij wa on moic it ap peared aftrrwau upon enquirey chot had mlivimx been looner fought and obtained mo ty i he foppbfed tb jftifottff ftij it from the dinner tabu after the carving- knife was taken frorri him thomas topper worker of the tele- jgraph at wcltiquar worn 4e was on the telegraph on rhc day of the 26th of september abou- one oclock and heard an outcry f murder he looked towards jonv houfe and faw sarah barry or mr jones handing at the door and the blond was running from her face hcan with all poflible fpeed to the houfe and found a mob collected both bact and front owen had run up lairs on the firft floor the front door wa hut and he could not get admiffion into thj houfe he climb ed up to the windoy of the firft floor and faw owen in tie paflrfge with two knives in his hand- sharpening one a- gainlt the other owen then came to wards him in a frirhtful attitude and he leaped from tj window on the ground to get a lad which he rear- ed up to thewindo w was open he called to ow ar f you had better furrendc- f we hall have you prefently lie replied u n you will not and drew ork 0 the knives accrofs his throat he the witnefs called out he going to cut his throat but found n4 he had not made weather on the 6th fnfti vre fa7 thrct frefli full blown wild flowers on ore llcm which were picked on the fame day near this village in the open held j i ill on the lythult at sidney after a short hot painfull illnefs which he bore with chriflian fortitude mr ruleph ostrom aged 80 years he was one oi the full settlen in upper canada a loyal and rcfpeftahle citrcn few men have ben blefled with a more numerous and refpc6tdhle offspring then mr oftrom children grand children and geat grand children from his linkage are g6 now living prtce of provision in the kingston market during the vunt tccek articles i per vrou to kingston djfembly the next will be on fpiday tmrteenth ivurch would ha noil probly the mans life any incifion a fi ran p the lad keen iev this u dated j der with an iron ba- u r treated from lot fur the wi of accufmg any one ifnrled but to hew ihu a better or- v- iscd fyftem of fumilhing relief in ilue tvtrme cat ir qufcot i the carviitg knife 14 inches lng ad the blade about an inch and a half wide the mapiftrate fail it waa a tvhnfrtl n horribk- an ever difgiac 1 country the priibne w 84 in a coach ptwfdft the ciabnit 20co fptitors a cujuiicu fejt off t execratks heretu- uvrrhv of the wmter prodc ihe window o the 00 when he taw owen wirh the kniw brandilhing them and threatening to ji a whocame to take him some p got into the back room and ialu ilie aoor which prveflted his efterittg t room oivrtiy after ow went ont 0 t fro we hnrn tint there is every proba- 1 boty of the unfortunate vidxims of the tttel revcroe rkf owen ultimately re- cffiug the e of his fenrninary glfcfc they are all much better and ee frtn fever the public exmifa h doiinqurnt who is hikif ecverinfrorn iheeff of the vio- welt hecim iicrfiv to ufe o lb ciare ac nee the ipedieik v f akv t- tniiwi tinrain fl owen if he lecnnc necfuy to nle ahr hia will not t ke ie tpi nve i v i he wotrndd mrties wul be luffiin iyifinfy me mrans tor ml t t negative may ic wofihwcclt when it in h of r attend kingston 1 x vehavecr jnto thiq lnvq frm the tfbfm mother lunr cotsmnnteattpn frn mr cowrlav3nd next week w intend to copy one or m wo comuicamooh from ihe fame paper or the other me of tie w cshtfidcred f avd a an e- tmhifrmtntuf ihc firft necisty uthh ucffity the fec it hiwr and oh o thsom a-ev- fornitig b an b 1 rn m i amlevcialh h- jt if unigw very rnntj tie v of rid v f tafesdi rc- duwu itarra he k n ha of chr pr land the bdi brn laken f hfn hff j 0 i liood v n ot folow u- we have dnvc helv in many oher ilb ce- the c f tiiv raivo jllii i iimple which 1 thw cat fi nianc hly f before us wotliiirq is here voofed ihu lath imt ajuady heen tri rd a4 the great ntilty r whkh b h not hue afo been etfstb ih d eonfc i vi delivered into t ull hplmes mi iter i v si ti0 ie fw in n the afttruoori of j fiiiy the 2frh o september he wa 1 called noon to attend a wmnded wo h auction on monday the ifith inflant will be fold by auftion the houfe hold furniture wines sec of the late commirioner sir robert hall comprifing the following articles the a1e will commence at 1 1 oclock in the foreneoon at the houfe lately occupied by sir robert viz bniflvb and englifh carpets sopha chairs card and oher tables wire fiefendeis window curtains of rich embroidered scarlet and blue moreen and mufliu hair matrafte feather ped bed furniture bed rom do hofe sleih and robe with an ex- celled london made d uble hamef ttvo gil liarfthtes saddles and bndles kitchen utenbls of various defcriptions nn elegant tabh service of stone chi- na incljing drfert and breakfait ser vices side dishes of metal plated wih silver edges difbcnvers dutch stove live ftock and a cov wines of the vervb i quality cdmprifing lot don port mak cbietand hock ivbich wis be fom in lon of three duzen each fo london porter irilh whilkey and uui c wth a quantity of em pty bottle sugam hams sauce and tlir ororrriea table and bed lin- j en green table cr sec dreffing table rtnpete afo a few volumes oi books c c c the kforemeniionrd articles will be fold m lots which may be viewed be ore me r nrernenr of the falc aud t isnveiraiv o he obiervo thai bhe uonuuld furniture is of the very h ft and not mure thafi twevt lierf mnt on vul pork towls turkeys geese glcee huitfr z peas potatoes oats v irnipi carrot cabbage flour dii tallow 1 11 1 i isiv straw wfiod cwf i i 12 6 i i l 0 6 0 0 7j 2 is 0 0 0 7 6 0 071 cwl pair each lb ioz rjjh head cwt bbl il 0 0 0 0 ft 2 itf 0 0 8 ft 0 5 0 u 0 i 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 i 0 t 0 3 0 u 0 ft 6 0 9 6 a 0 a 0 15 0 1 10 0 0 0 7 0 0 b ton v 0 bundle 10 0 1j cord i 0 10 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 is 0 oon 0 0 19 0 0 t 005 0 2 g 6 g 0 a 0 tv notice all perfo s in upper canada who have claims on the fubfcriber that hae not been acknowledged by him vill be pica fed to deliver them to allan mclean efq at kmfton with out delay and thofe indebted to him to make payment or arrangemnt to that effect on or before the lft of may next p grant la chine 4th march 1818 41 4 boot shoe and leather store wjlm williams be co at 6 sign of the golden last store llreet rcfpcdtully inform the inhabitants of kingfton and its vicinity that they llili continue their bout and shoe manufactory where they keu conftanty on hand a large affntrncnt of lady- ad 3eotl- mens boots anj shoes of evry defcrtptton likewise a upply o good sole and upper leather of all kind kingston march 7 1s18 tff man wtittm he fiive underllnul t be u jone isht vvis then it lur hmifej in 5briltar row he enitiined the mo frn tfje klts gatttf jcfim hr ick bnet from eoeb to oven t s old propofau will he received for a can tfieni containing an elegant table 1 r 1 i 1 urve for twenty four prfons mcluu- y 1 rcf onflility vlvc hen mu v fa e cojld judge ujjs this artlcle wiu i ndctaki canuobe a luh- bjcvcd they wcrr fl w a kr h gcnlen jea of alar n 1 h 1 a rf m i sk parch fe may vir it on the mlef tlu-fcwh- f m btpt fwln cave and u wound arc al prcn- e aril overturn rimrni 4fh iwd r wit vns 8 heir twftfo ea iral n sir form vhat hea- uf rock cimu lo prve aa- rmdd not but wept thotfh no fotnat born tv jplnuf prr tost dock tl in rhc vifion which miuon reprefentj enured to paf- brfore t the welfare of the community in i h th7 hve a d if they v induced tn tlcu forward in this deed of mecy wh that bear th name of chrirtian will t ortffics are more efnenally calwj hericd u except uieone on the iije of viel- he lead in all matter aff ev herchel john carter lqrgeon and dr her to mr chandler ffidr forgeon at s thomass hofpital fwom on friday i the 26th of september lafti two wound ed perfona were brought to the hos pital one wae m jones the other hi fervent mary bsrry he examined and drefled the w- cbey appear ed to be incifed wounds a d had every appcrara ee of being inflied by a flinrp inllrumeet and might have been do e h rr re in the year eas withhold hia afliilance s b signed e laws m spiiatt executors s christy j point frederick 1 ph march 1 8 1 8 j 41 fire on fridiv the 27th ult the ptfmici hufe in stwartville owned and oc- world n wra wth 1 cd nature h tl manifclled fymptoms ot jirder and difcafe s the iniinence of eve hath in nth brooch roilery upon men had the poet grouped povcty with himiniaers of death he had given the j finhhirfr ivoke to this gloomy picture ot wn vetcdnefv he had the pro duct a fight fo del om that of rock indeed nnin be that heart which could long dry eyd behold handing on the fame fpot confumed by ate waa c ntirely unuer hie care the office ma crowded during the examination the pn loner was filtnt as advifed by his fohcitoi duing the whole of the ti re u paid no a tention during the time lire vvitnrfles were giv ing their evidences u during the time j the clerk was reading various p of it at the clofc h bowed looked at saint patricks day- a q th i 7th of march approaches i bone ir fits he remembered as the znnh v for commemorating the oofiolc saint of ireland and that every man j j llie w very ft and left the room he was cuveyed to horfe- mongerlane gaol in a coach amid ft the hooting of hundreds london paper w can faoatt of being a native of inc shamrock decked iflc of the oej of all he ills to which hnmatvtv is feal not frt the duty he owes to met the e are none mwe extufvc- l d fo gen to the feeling and ly grievous tim thofe wiich dieafe and j heaa of tru- born lf poverty united produce the man let us dine tocher at w aiker 8 on laofeaaily fubfience is dependent on that d and although we do not at u daily exertions has ro in c mm j j fcnt n the shamroek hie at i notice a ll per ions to whom the eliateof jt the late cominlthmer isir rob ebt hall is indebted are requeued topreferit their demands fr fettlement and all thife indebted to the faid ellate to pay their refpcuve debts n or before the firll day of april next to the undifigned of either of them who are duly authoiiled to fettle and receive the fame m prftt executors christ j kingston u c the 5 march 1k18 4 p o ihofc who have any of sir ro bert halls bkf in theii poffeffion will be pleafed lo return them immeirtly daily nhh others to lnllain the pin which ma inflias but is by its influence tendered incapable of pracnmg a-oiere- toforethe common tteeeffariea of life if and which is generally the cafe oth- enalfo children hlp cfsvfans look ptohimlnrfiipport then is hwcupj ofwoe filled to the brim hefting- hi but buggies in vain with his ene- y nay in the very druggie itfclf he cceive the greater injury unable to obtain that aid which ait could lupply a ftill anxious to peifrm his wly k he exerts himfelf until neglefted rtexhanfled nature bnk pdei the ef fctt thu have multitudes fallen thus kave many in the lower flations of hfe wn fnatched away in the vigour of their ieaft let us how that we know how 10 revere the cuftoms of our native c un ry by drowning our shamrocks in a good bowl of brandy punch ms irishman further particulars and final examination of qwen on monday david owen was fully committed for trial at the next kmg- llon aflw u a charge of attempt to murder mr jones mre jones and mary barry hi brothernlaw ins lifter and their fervant two knives were produced which were hloodv one was the carvngkmte carried to mr jons houfe by owen nd the other was a tableknife which tanhondjeavm then mh and child- iddrtjfifid a3 hi own proper wietchcd lc to chanty whicbll- j yorfe february 26 the following b have paffed the lower houfe provincial agents diftria bui dis- trift school bill stath profanation j bill outlawry bill shop licence bill and auion duty bj wevpry much re bang able to procure the ptocecy fop of the houfe dining the lait weei but will endea vour to get them for t ncxt gazette mafcoiu jy y jan 3- mild winter weather in thuvioiniy for ft wce pa t weather ha been rcwkubly mi an1 pleafant we undo t a gentle man farmer has plowe an f to rye fine chriftman day hhoilt 2 acres of mount morris flats y morning e had a finafl burrjr f w was j fucccej by glear mld the fubferiber has juft received a j large qtnniity of cast iron ware con fill in or of potash ketvlfs caldron and sugar boiiers frankhn box and oven stoves together with a variety of kitchen furniture as bake pans pts teakettles dog irons c sec all of which are of an excellent qual ity and will be difpofcf of on very rea sonable terms at wh ilctale only smith b vrtlet n b the pot afh kettlci will be warranted if required kingston oth march 4 garden seeds aised at lebanon hi canaan state of new yik jil re ceived and for fale at the fubferibcrs auion room archibald mdonell i kingston march 9 i8i8 4ltf the lfafcs of iot advcrtifed for sjc on the 23d uh wil pofi- tively be lord on saturday the 14 h infl at z oclock ffj a meeting pi the pariuioriera i requdted in st george church on thurfda the 2thirhn h c thomson cbutd c silort j wardens kingston march 7 t 8 1 8 41 valxj ll lands for sale lots no 24 25 and 26 fitll con- cclfin of ihe t wnfhin of ma- ryiburgh liaft of the rock in the mid land dill rid compiffing the moll vala- able part of point pleafanu and coa- tailriug abrut joo acres no 51 firft concvffio of sophias burgh midland dilriet 200 acrs no 86 and 89 second conceffin of amehabugh bay fide midland di tncl 400 acres ncs 5 and 6 fecond conccflin arfie- liasourgh lake fide 400 acres no 3 thiid conceffion of hallowed midland diftrfft 200 acres no 12 eight cnceflion of thur lowp midland diftift 200 acres no 9 lecoad conceffion of camdert midland ditlricl 200 acres no 70 fifth con camden 200 acre no 9 third conceffion of murray in the dittria of new callle 200 acre no 5 4th con of murray 200 do no 10 fourh con hamilton in the dill lift of new caftle 200 acres not 32 fifth con of hamilton 2corj i no 19 fevciuh con of hadimaud dillriet of new caille 20c acres no tfiril con of the townlhip of clarke in the diftrid of n c- 200 do the local liuation of the above ianda particularly of the firl nine lots ii very advantageous ad he foii it exctlenc the term oifale will be found very ea fonable and a 5reat part of the pur- j chafe money will he left at interell in the hands of the puichfer appllcfttioq to be made to the fublaiber i hgerman j4dophusfown 1 forth 18 1 8- 1 4f 5i march wthfreas my wife partpeli t has sloped from my bed and board irhid ajj perfina trailing harboring her on my account f t 1 wl not pay any debts of her contracting after tfctt date nr kinaun mareb 7 1j