Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), March 24, 1818, p. 4

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nvft tojrx mansion hotel axel ppohwand jtkisfe t acquaint th public v thai he ha cuiuptctly rnuy d vlu egajit new built two ftcy tv tifs iu lhe village of ieil town for the ac- cti daiiou of gentlemen 8c lsdtcs ti re hfr t pi clrant arched form for ct i length rtntlericn and a- dt nay riffemble with propriety for civil ft rtdmao travellers may iely on finding goorl bci iimodtiou for horlea and carria ge- with good itten dance the inhabitants of the town and its irinity will avays find the kit and pu re iquors ot ever delcription for prompt ray only no oains will be fparcd by mr f to pive imperial earfsfaftioh to all who may tjbljik proper to call lew boaiders can be accommodated j fit a reafonahle ratt students at the artdemvmust always havethc preference weekly payments will be required of firutgers without furety ernest town jan 5 1818 32y notice contract a ny ptrfon witting to contract a with the subfcribe- to take the flwing qua tiiy of lumber t market to be delivntd at the crofs n the port of mo treal or at newliv cfpool covf in the port or quebec a- may he required wii anply by letter p rah to the fubferiber town of kingfton or to meftrs mclean and 4cm dim at pre icoo feel pre timber tnrv rafted 4000 standard fhves 7 onthewa- loooopices 2- 3 indealfij ters edge at te kingston mills xoooo feet fquir pine timber ready rafted ooo standard ftave 1 waters iooo ps deals z 3 in edge at gnnanoque 60000 feet fqnre nine hrtween welles t and frefcott eady raft ed wm h milton kingston fan- 6 tri8 32 pfore mills f1h rles mcdoinald having j ekeo hi brother john ale don idd into partnei flvp th bulincla in fu- iturewdl be conducted under the firm of c j mcdonald who kerp or fah a general aftort- rttmt r dry goods groceries hard ware crockkry and mofl artirc- enquired for at a coun try stue which they offer low for cnfh saw logs square timber staves potatoes and moll kinds of country piodncc they hare a goad grift and aw mil in full operation can mnnufact- te flour uqual toaiy mill in the pr evince they will fupply orders for j j md family and no lef sawed timber of almolr any defcription at hurt notice c si j mcdonald gananoqua jan fo 1818 pf allthoft indebted to charts mcdon ald whofe accounts have become due are rtquefted to to make immedi ate ament u 1 i the to partnership hert cx ifting at bellvtlle undc t fi of john hubbard and compan- j day diftoived hy mutual conf ptrfons having claims againtt t fame are requclted to prefent their accounts to andrew kimmerly for ad and thoie indebted to he fai co derfliipare dc fired 10 pay th to andrew kimmerly without olay th- erwife they will be put in the f j 0 an attorney for collection john hubs ah d andruw mm merit bellville 25th feb 1818 0 to let and immediate pofleffioagen the house and premifb stuart villc lately occupied by mi daiton lituated withio hair a mile of f town a favorable fituarion for a oentlemau fo for a diftiller or inn keeper further particulars enquiie of the fublriber e barjbettg kingston feb 24 18 8 otf canadian cou1ant notice fftate i all perfonc indebted to te of the late james camming late of hallowtil deceafed are requeued tc call without delay and fettle the fame with mr james mcgregor now in charge of the eftablimment at hallow- ell bridge and thole who have fclaims againfl the faid eilate are defired to prefent them for adulment the ftock in trade of the deceafed confiding of a vfry complete aftrtment of goods well laid in and very iuitable to the country is now felling ff at pri ces fo low as will defeivedly claim the attention of the public cafh or country produce will be tak en in payment and a credit of 6 month i i given to rcfponfible farmers or others mat smith bu tterworth 33 eturn their fincare thanks 1l their friends and the public io o nerai for the liberal encouragement that they have received fiuce they re com t wm mitchell kingston 08 27 i 8 1 7 3 stoves 1 aenced the hatting bufinefs have an extenfive aflortmentof ladies and childrens bon nets of various colors ani fliapes gentlemens beaver fi caftor h its likewife knapt and w hats which they will fell very law cafh ot approved credit produce taken in payment j 3fc public notice c hatch co offer for sale elegant broad top ball ick fancy wind for bamboo do slat back rel cane feat waterloo common rockinar and chimrens for salk obtreafonable t m- that well known fraud fax a tavern fltute in the village of pretoria loti n 9 and 1 1 frntinit the kings hqhway and lree two flory framed floufe well tin ihed with a larije kitchen in the reai frablintj foriwrny fpans of horfes a filed feveny feet long and a good houfe mu the rear lot fr ft the accommodation of a r family the whov of the building thereon beinj finifhj in y workmanlike mazier and at prefect occupied by mr alexander b mcdon- cll a a hotel for further particulars apply to the fubfcnbei or to mr alexander mac- xonr junior merchant piefcott by vluip tho terms may be made known find t- n ifutdble titie and immediate jpoft hon y be given alex macdonellco kingfton 3d jan 181 32tf rags rags f wirr anted good at their chair shop oppofire wm ponvews tin and grocery store lore ftrt their chaira arc fuperior to any they have hitherto offered fot lale cunty produce received in payment qcfr cabinet ware fr faic as above kingfton nov 10 1 s 1 7 3ztf executive council office tbrit 22 d od 1817 j 1vtotice w liercby given by oider j x of his honor ihe dminiftrator in c ouncil to the repfematfv v of jam ittllowny and william caldwell to mike good av i leiion to let mi ber twentv iie in th- fifth coeflion of the towufhipof kinjjfron whin fix months j frnntj this ditc or it will be granted to the occupn it who has been in poilelfioa i iixten yean john m all cl of the ex coundf notice trefbfciber hereby forbids all and every perfon or perfons frrttn medling or naking or cutting any tim ber or trefpafling in any fhtpe whatever upon lot no z in the th concfiion of the town hip of kingft n on pain cf being profecuted accordina to law jarvi i worden c ash paid for clean cot- 1 on and linitf r a g s of any color at this office 1 the subscriber persons who have hetoforeie- ceived the above paper this of- v t are informed that they vii hence- oward receive them at bfoorg coffee houfe and that they vill be ac- c on table to mr moore for rhem from the firft day f rmwary i38 who will receive fubfcriptions in fiturc tbofc indebted to the fubfcrrer foi he canadian courant arc informed that itis neccltary to mak immediate payment s miles gazette office kingfton 20ih fcb ary i 8 1 ci 39 rjnhe ahfcibcr has jufl rccdvrf j fw subfcrjhcrs ex j hi brick aore front ftrcet dou- j f s ble and hmgle s toves 5ff sheet iron notice 4 ll perfons having any demands a- x gainit the ellateof the late bry an crawford efq if adolphuftown de- ceafed are hereby requ to produce their claims duly authenticated llfo all perfons indebted to the faid fftateare hereby requelled to make immediate payment to ivifuam ah xanuy grant executor kingston 19m vutyy ii- and has alfo on hand as ufual a gen eral affortment f dry goods liquors and groceries crockery and glafo ware in crates ljnfeed and curriers oil paints ground ii oil ard expet in a few days an i addition to bifl stock all which will be xnecvcly cheap at whole fale s bartlet kingston ft 20 1817 z mold to let and pofteflion given immediately a houfe containing fix rooms a good cur well and garden and good bakehotife adjoining it the oven iof which will hold 200 loavefi of bread apply to the fubferiber near the catho lic church philip vias kingdom nov 7 1817 24tf blank bail 1 d for ale ar this office officers half p kth artil lery penii blanks l fale at thi office church carcchifrn or sate this nfflrp valuable lands for sale xn the third conceflior of the town- hip of pitfburgh being lots no 6 the half of no 7 and no 18 an iudifputable title will be given and the terms of javrrcnt madf sfy f c thomson klngfton july 28 1817 32 xecutors to th stuarty efquire dtceafed late sheriff of the midland diftrihereby requests all thofe indebt jed to the faid estate to make immediau i payment to the faid executors nnd aq ihofc who have demand againat thi estate are requested to produce the farm duly attested in order that a sutiemct i of the estate may he effected a fpeedily as pofliljleafter thefiitdayofjiy 1 8 1 s george ostuart i exj allan mclean j ut0 kingston august i 1817 2tf advertisement the fubferiber offers for sals tjg following lots of land 200 acrea in 4th and 500 in the 6th conceffion of the gore bctweft erneft town and frederickfburgh no 18 and 19 in the 8ih conceflks of murray no 1 eaft half 2d con of sidny no 9 10th conceffion of rawdnu no 4 8th cincefti n huntingdon no 14 15 17 18 25 and 26 in thi 9th conceffion of thurlow no 34 and 35 fa the 4th conccflioo of vaughan ner york also several valuable town lots in tw town of kimrdod wvl crawford frcderkksfargh jan io 1817 vf blank summonses for the district courts for saie at this office notice a contract f i ihe partnrfliip heretofore cstidin x bctwen the iubfcribcrs is this di ditroivei bv mutual confent all fon indebted t the gtbfcriberg are quelled to make immediate payment till be given for fhuar and i it t z 7 t wm a barley ifgs leave to inform his friends the public ffcnerally that he haji ttijstrecei rrmewed from m former rami ro thcijafl store of s bar hop t ly occudjed bv longs a bbot i uo near the market pace where hcj has now on hand general aflbrtment of j to l m t vtwb h wilding late y occupied by il f r hifon efj a a hop firuatc next the government houfe for particularr apply to allan mclean eq kingfton januaiy 23 1818 35tf onondaga halt i qmfflr the enfuine spr g m 7 m fe t f al lhofc k of ground and for ummz the fame in dcran4 w e r the fubferiber will pay themfrh- efl maket price for any quantity pf bailev delivered at his stoic in kingfton during the winter on hand as nfnal a general aftort- mentof dry goods lrqnoraand grcjceiies salt crockery glafs ware tcc c all of which will he fold uncommon ly low for cafh or any kind of produce s hawlly kingston t jan 2 1 8 1 ft n french cor dials s haiulcy ha juft received a few doren of very fi e french cordials a- tn mg which re creme de nrycaui creme de malta cremt de annis iimonada soprafina eiii sans panille le ectar dc pkeiern ne plus ultra de v eau royale by dozen or single rjottle hardware cutler- which he will fell on the moll moderate terms to kt the fhtip lately occupied by the fubferiber and poffeffion given im mediately samuel shaw kingston th jan 18 18 ved and for fale at the tlet 29 a to be sold genteel convenient houfe with part of a town lot gloated in front ftrcet n the ket i a rnof eligible lituation for any im cf pub- bufineu for paiticulars apply to tiie printer kingston sept 15 1817 1 attornie3 bhik buls costs or rale thi office ia for sa at thi office a ready reckoner sbewmg the value f crrsinp of various gold coins- current in the provinc f pppt r cari2 da also pehguhons m proved tabi of lhe value of grains i j of gwld coinq ter or under weight t 1 u st received andf or fava ri f djj fice price l8 pnemi n v uo- mesttc circumstances- l l u n with the star f thr jevhr jf honour and other ptci to hir prefixed the lift of the u utbar nov- 28 52 notice a a to let ui nd ifeflion given tdefirllof mav nxt a inh cr f toms in tlu batr ck enoiit f idlakl 3 off ll perfons to aii t the eftateof the late r iffioner sn rob crt hall h fnd d ae requerted to prefent their deman for fettltinent weved and for fale tllis and all thofe indehtrd to lhe hi office price id the etatc fo lhdr lt t dcbts montreal or b- fore che firft day f april uext to a i ims m t act tle u re1 iter thf who for iie year of a juord the fan alfo essays on s chrjsft practical husbandry f g 0 tht tth march 1818 0 l l ftrjncrft i p s thof who hate any iir o uacal mntrw bmhali b k in tb ioiftiun w atwufcr 14 25 j be pkaied to rctoru ibuj iiaracjiiicly executors 4w to grain and alf at kujjjftoti tor cut- ring ai d onwidg ab in one nie 500 jcord- f wond n each f wbi h contici by being fun ifhed with fnffi- jcient fecuritv a fal advance will be made enqiiwofb whltney kwfton jan 16 1818 j8tf vattj ble lands for sale lots no 24 25 and 26 firft con celfi n of the tifvvnhin of ma- irvfhurtrh eill of the rock in the nid- ic diflris comprifing the mod valu- aje ddteof u point puafont and con taining about 300 acres j no ci nrft conceffio of sophia- ju midland diifrift 200 acres n 86 and h9 second conceffion of i 3 ehafbuth bay fide midland di- ib 400 acre6 nob 5 and 6 fecoud conceflion ante- iarhurglu i ake fide 40oacrci no 3 third receffion of hallowell midland diilrift 200 acres no 12 eighth enceffion of thur low midan diftri 200 acres n 9 fcondconceflion of camden st id land diurfft 200 acres no 7c ifh con camden 200 acre no 9 third conceffion of l the diitridl of new caftle 200 acre no 5 4th con of murray 200 r no io fourth con hamilton in tiie diflricl of new cafllc 200 acres no 32 fifth coo of hamilton 2oodo w 19 feventh con of hamimand ditlrnft tf new caftle 200 acres no i firit con of the townfhip of oarke in the diftria of n c 200 do the local kuatiofi nf the above lauds particularly of the fnft nine lots is very advantageous and the foil is excellent to pre lent them for i tquidati n neil mearxhitr john mcarthur c once con 2 th dec 1817 v rca a 1 fhe terms f fale wi be found lnamc and a jrreat part of the pur hale money will be left at iniereh iu the i hands of tiie purcharer rpplietion to i be made to the il ciher u h germn smiths ivork the fubferiber moft refpeafull informs the gentlemen of ki tcm thai he is jul arrived here fr dublii and has commenced the bqfi nefc of black and white mith in j itr branches more particularly that d horfe shewing in which he will a the greateft fatisfaaf- n to thofe that en phy him thev may rely m ha their wok wel hw cheap and u applying at mr j meghers barracfc itreet where he ias commenced all mien in that line will be gladly received and ltn attention given kingston 13th oa it cat by rtlhe fnbfcribeii beg leave to inform -8- their friends and the public in tt- neral that they carry on the tatloring business jfdolphvstowi m march ttouil 1 i ibis j llf in main street where they intend mafc inp every article in their line on more reafonahle terms than has been done for a number of years back thofe who wifh to favor them with their cuftom may rely on having their work well mad and on the fliorteft notice for cafh nonis stevens j kingston sept 9 i 8 i 7- 32 rot pan op li st for the year 1816 for sale at this office rvompirte j t r blank deeds and memorials for ialv at ihia ui2lcc

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