Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), March 31, 1818, p. 4

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mansion hotel abel p forward k tishes u acquaint the public v that he has completely fiuifhrd an elegant new bnit tivo ftory hotife in the village of eroes town far the a commorlation of gentlemen ladies there being an elegant arched rooffii forcy feet ft length gentlemen and la dies may aftemble with propriety fur ci- il recreation travellers may rely on finding good commodation for horfe and carria ge with good attendance the inhabitants of the town and it vicinity will always find the belt and pu re ft iqiwrs of every defeviptiou for prompt pay ooiy no pains will be fpared by mr f to give unfverfal atisfaion to all who may tfnnk ptoper to call a few boarders can be accommodated t a reafonablc rate students at the ac lonymust always havetht preference wekly payments will be required of finrnrers without furety ernest town jan 5 18 18 32 contract willing contrail a ny ptrion willing to t with the subfcriber to take on- fmlrwin qnattity of lumber t market to he elivred at the crak 3n the port of montreal of at newliv ftpool cove in th- port t quebec as may be nqaired whl apply by lcrter p itpaid to the fubferiber town of kinyfton or to meffrs mclean and jmcdin at prefcott 15coo fet pine timber ready rafted 4000 standard ftaves onthewa- tpooo pices 243 in deals j tcr edge ar te ktngfttoi mills 00o feet fquarr pine timber ready rafted 5000 standard ftave 1 waters 000 ps deau z h 3 in j edge at gananoque fioooo feet fqoare pine between wclesj ifland and prefcott ready raft we hamilton kingston jan 6 1818 32 for sale ov reafonable te ma that well known ftand for a tavern fituated in the vil nee of prefc tt lots no 9 and i i fri iny rb knc hit uay nd i fryc rwo lory framed houle well fin- sflie- with a arge kitchen in the rear it- tv for twenty fpans of hoi its a bed evetity fet long and a good houle on the v i nt fit for the accommodation f rrtajle family the wnoof he l iildinjjs thereon being finifhed in a w rjtrnanltkc mannet and at prefcrt octupi 1 by mr alcxandei b mcdon- fffi a hotel for further particulars apoly to the fiibfcnbers or to mr alexander mac- 2one junior merchant prclcott by wh rr rho terms may be made known and p indifputable tite and immediate ftofieflion will be piven a i x macdonell o ki lion 3d jan 1818 3tf rag i rags ash paid for clean cot ton and linen it a g s of any color at this office ganakoqua store mills charles mcdonald having taken his brother john mcdon- into partnetftiip the buiinefs in fu ture will be conducted under the firm of c j mcdonald who keep for falc a general aflort- dry goods groceries hardware crockery and mnft article enquired for at a coun try store which they offer low for cam saw- logs square timber staves potashes and moft kinds of courtry produce they have a good grid and v mill in full operation can manufact- uie flour aqua to any mill in the hrtvir they will fu orders fot sawed timber of almoft any description it ihort notice c h j mcdonald gananoqua jan i o 1 8 8 3 tf allthoit indebted tcharls mcdon ald whofe a- counts have become due are requcfted to to make immtdi- e payment c hatch sr co offer for sale elegant broad tup bull bck 1 fancy wind for bamboo do slat back rral cane feat waterloo common rocking and childrens j warranted good at their chair shop opp iftn powells tin and grocery store ttorc itvt their chairs are pi erior t nc hev have hitherto offered foi ae s 1 country produce received in paynv n gj cabinet ware for fnle an a ov kinerfton nov io 1817 grf executive council ojfife tori 2zd jet j toice ih hereby given hy ordr 11 of his honor the admnmftrato in council to the rprcfenr it iv s o john galloway and iviiliam caldwell u make good any prtenfion to it nti her wemy one in thr fifth cqnceibon of tin iowiihipot kiftgltmt wnhin fix months from thin date or it will be granted to rhe occupant wh 1 has been in pofltflion fixtccn years john shall 67 of tfx ex council ty notice nnhefubfcnber hereby forbid all jn ad every perfon or perfonp fv w medling or making or cutting any tlm ber or tiefpafling iu any fhcpe whatever upon lot no 21 in the 5th concealc uf tlie townflnp of kiagfton em pain f being orofecuted according to lrw jfcvft wordem kmrrftnnjo z n 2m6 0 on x u not fee the copartntrftip heretofore ex- iitingat belhfue under the firm of john hubbard atjd company is this day diltolved by idfttoa confent all perfons having clainu againft the fame are requeued to prcf t accounts to andrew ktmmetly for adjuftment and tliofe indebted the faid co-part- iierfiipare d fired o pay the fame to andrew kfmmerly without delay oth- erwife they will be put in the hand of an attorney for collection john hubbjrd andrew kimmerlt bgfcjjle 2gthfetj 1818 401 tole7 and immediate pofteflion given the house anc premifes in stuart- ville lately occupied by mr dalton fituated within hnlf 1 mile of this town a favorable fituauon for a gentleman and family and no lefs fo for a dfftluer or inn keeper for further particulars enqufie cf the ftibfcriber ei barnett kingston feb 24 ri3 43tf notice vll perfons hing any demands a- gainft the etate of th late bry- crawford efq rf adolphnitown de- eafedj re hereby vquertcd to produce heir claims duly aithenticated 4lfos all perfon- iivebtedto the faid eftateare iierebv requ ued t make immediate symciit to william ah zander grant executor kingston 19 tly 1817 32 notice ma t barley the fubcribcr will pay the high eft uiarket price for any quantity of barley delivered at hh store in kingfton during the winter on hand as ufual a general aflbrt ment of dry goods liquors and gocetks salt crockery glafs ware c c all of which will be fold uncommon jy inw for cafis or any kind of produce s hawley kingston fan 2 1 i 8 1 8 35 french cordials 5 hawley has juft received a few 07i 1 f very fine french cordials a- fflonu which are cime dc noyeau creme de mobi crvre de annis i irorada sopr fina kan sans par ille lc nectar de phelernc ne plus ultra de l ean royale by dozen or single bottle the subscriber ilsegs leave to infirm his friend 3 the public geaerally thit he ha removed fiom his former hard to th hop lately occupied by jonas abbot a co near the market place where has now on hand a general aflbrt ment of hardware cutlery c which he will fell on the moft moderate terms to let the fhop lately occupied b the fnhferiber and pufleffion given im medirttely samuel shaw kingston th jan 1 8 1 8 32 for sa t at thi office a ready reckoner shewing the vauc of grains of various gold coins current in the province of uppr cana da also fergusons improved table of the value of grains of gold coin it er or under weight to let and pofteflion given the firft of may next a number of oois in the ppc barrack enquire of jejst received and for fale at this office price 7d the montreal almanack for the year of our lord 18 18 alfo essays on practical husbandry addrefled to the canadian firmers by c f gkece of montreal november 14 2 all perfons indebted ro tleeftate of the late james cumming late of hallowell deceafed are reqnelted to call without delay and fettle the fame with mr james mcgregor now in charge of the ertablifliroent at hallow- ell bridge and thofe who have claims againft the faid ettate are defied to prefent them for adj uftmen t the flock in trade of the deceafed confiding of a very complete aitortment of goods well laid in and very fuitable to the country 19 now felling off at pri ces fo low as will defer vediy claim the attention of the public cafll or country produce will be tak en in payment and a credit of 6 months given to refponfible farmers or others john gumming ececulore wml mitchell j tkeculore kingston oa 27 18 1 7 s stoves blank bal bo ids for sae at this office officers half pay and artil lery penfurn blanks 1 or fale at this offi hurch catechifm or p if this oftre the fubfcriher has jtlft recpivcrj at hi brick ftore front ftrcet dou ble and single stoves 6 sheet iron and ha alfo on hand as ufual a gen eral aflortment of drv goods liquors and groceries crockery and glafs ware in crates lin feed and curriers oil paints ground hi oil and expefts in a few gays an addition o his stock all which will be fold extremely cheap at whoefale sbartlet kingston otl 20 1 8 1 7- 2 tt fo lfflt and pofteffion given imtiediately a houfe- conianin fix rooms a good feller well and garden and a good bakehonfe adjoining it the oven i of which will hold 200 loaves of biead apply to the fublcriber near the catho lic church philip vias kingfton nov 7 1817 32tf to let fnpitie building lately occupied by sff r rifbifon efq- as a hop fitnatf rxt the gfivertrtp vvouu- ftw pat tfcnlan apply to a han mc i ean efq kingfton januaiy 2 s 1 8 f onomiaa salt just received ad f f at the store of s bartj ust received anrj f f nr t of jf fice price 18 perms on his do mestic circumstances hy lord byron with the star of the legion of honour kildothci poems k which is prefixed the life of the nobtt author j nov 28 32 not 1 ce a ll perfons towhm the eftateof jt the late coroniffioner sir rob ert hall is indexed are requeued prrfent their demands for fettlement nd al thofe indebted to the faid rtate to pay their efieive debts on or before the firll day of april next to he underfigned or ether of them who art duly authorifed to fettle and receive the fame signed e laws 1 m- spr1tt executors s cffrsrr j kingston u c the th march 181r 4 s thole who have anv of sir ro- lerthaws books in heir pofteflion wii be oleafed to return hcm immediately valuable lands for sae in the third conceflion of the town flip of pitfburgh being lots no 6 the blf of no 7 and no 18 an ittfputdble title wll be glvoh and the terms of payment made calv h c thomson kingfton july 28 1817 32 m u blank summonses for th district courts for sale at this office i culanng library miss read takes this opportunity of ac quainting her friends and the pub lie that fhc h3 given up her commiffion store in store street but intends com menefng bufinefs iramedntely on her own account she intends going to montreal in the coufe of a month to purchafe the moft faduonable spring arrice she alfo returns her most fin- cere thanks to he friends and customers for pat favours and hopes for a contin uance of them as foon as fhe can procure a store she wifties to inform the fubferibers to the library tliat he will m ke every allowance from this date until the li brary is again opened and any perfons who have books belonging to it will be fo good as to leave them ot mr thorn- erfl store mifs read alfn requests all perfons who are indebted to her to be fo good a to call at mr turpiis where fhe now refides and fettle their accounts with her kingston march l6 l8lu 42 a contract will be given for piling and buruingoft the timber at pref- quiflf the enfuing spring on 75 acres of ground and for owing the fame in to grain and alfo at kingfton for cut ting and drawing about one mile 50c cords of wuod on each of which contract by being furniflied with fuffi cient feciuity a fmall advance will be made enquire of b whitney kingston jan 6 1818 ggtf vaiu lle lands for sale t ots no 24 25 and 26 firft con jlj celfionofthe townfliip of ma- ryfburgh eaft of the rock in the mid- land did rid comprifing the moft vau aoe part of point pleafant and con taining about 30c acres i no 51 firft conceftton of sophias- jburgh midland dtftria 200 acres no r6 and s9 second conceflion of amelfafburgh bay fide midland dis trict 400 acres nos 5 and 6 fecond conceflion ame- liasburgh lake fide 400 acres no 3 third conceflion of hailovvell midland dillrldl 200 acres no 12 eighth conceflion of thur- low midland diftria 200 acres no 9 iecond conceflion of camden midland diftrift 200 acres no 70 fifth con camden 2uo acres no 9 third conceflion of murray in the diftn61 of new caftle 200 acres no 5 4th con of murray 200 do no io fourth con hamilton in the diftris of nevv caftle 200 acres no 32 fifth con of hamilton 20odo no 19 feventh con of haldtmand did id of new caftle 200 acres no i firft con of the townhip of clarke in the diftrufl of n c 200 do the local fituation of ibe above lands particularly of the firft nine lots is very advantageous and the foil excellent the terms of fale will be found very rea fonable and a great part of the pur chafe money will be left at inteielt in the handsof the urchaler application to be made to the fublcriber d hagbrmak a ihtlplust owiis th march stoiufl 1 44 tf smith bu1terw0rtk beturn their fincere thanks to their frit ids and the public in gt ueral for the liberal encouragement that they have received fince they recom menced the hatting bufmefi thfr have an extenfive aflbrt ment of ladies and childrens bopfc nets of various colors and fliapes gentlemens beaver fin caiwhats like wife knapt and waffy hats which they will fell very iwv fi cah or approved credit pfoduee taken in payment jan 2 3 public notice the subscribers executors tothfc estate of charles stuart efquirc deceafed late sheriff of the midland distridt hereby requests all thofe indebt- ed to the faid estate to make iramediats i payment to the faid executors and all thofe who have demands against thfr estate are requested to produce the famo duly attested in order that a settlement of the estate maybe efivftcd aefpecdily as poflible after the first day of july 1818 george o stuyrt7 x allan mclean j nam kingston august 11 1 8 r 7 32tf advertisement the fubferiber offers for sale tg following- lots of land 200 aces in 4th and 500m the 6th conceflion of the gore bctwddf erneft town and frederickfisurgh no 18 and 19 in the 81 h coiiceitia of murray no v eaft half 2d con ofsidnjr no 9 10th cone flion f rawdenr nt 4 rth conceflion huntingdortf no 14 15 17 i8 zj and 2 6 in tw 9th conceflion of tbiirlow mo 34 and 3j in the 4th conccflia of vaughan near fork also h 1 u l 4 town of kingfton wm crawford fredcncksburgh jan 10 l8fj tjgf smiths work the fubferiber moft rcfpeftfnl informs the gentlemen of kinrt tm that he is juft arrived here from dublin and has commenced the hufi nef3 of black and white smith in a ft b anches more particularly that ijf horfe shewing m which he will g the greateft fatisfaftiorl co thofe that em ploy him they may rey on having their work we m done cheap and pent by applying at mr j meaghers fiarracfc llreet where he ha ennunenced all orders in that line will be gladjk received and ftrid artention given kingston 13th 08 33 1 f ihe fubferibers beg leave to inform jl their friends and the public in g neral that they carry on the tjtloring business in main street where they intend mabt ing every article in their line on more realonable terms than has been done for a number of years back thofe who wifli to favor them with their cuftom may rely on having their work well marka and on the fhorteft notice for cam norris stevens kingston sept 9 1817 panoplist for the year 1 8 1 6 for sale at this office complete 2 is blank deeds and memorials for fale at this office to let 1 that well known large white store in front of the dwelling honfe of the fubferiber it j well cal culated for commercial buiinefs having a large commodious cellar capable holding 1000 barrels with the advantage of the wharf where vcrds of 40 tor may load and unloaded forwarder would do well to improve thffl opportu- ity for particulars apply to the iua- lenberon the premifei james robinson kingston 1 iih march 4

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