fcc rebound 8ww t ggtft rail- nf the atambcd mmfifefa of ihe ta- ft iw tlfc wortl hojvdh ysfcin i hire ivl rsporterted w n wn nluba aaued by r achih ww 1 his imt productions 1 ball coft- tihuv mv journey as urfnat s net heielm mam mr ttnlriy against flopping a tiavellcr if jit rfp ati ihr ol nee i rfiai assuredly wbtain a warrant lot his npor inmimon from some of th- tfis rates of the ttttpship of av- gurti aitd afftr cnvmilhtti him th- hij 11 i up- 10 able to rp y to u 3wqir by tttillg wttt mtcror lis imprisonment u rrtardsthe iripiovj meutofthe lroviikv and if his en largement u woula contribute to tin m i am c ifow ac niagara spectator a every thing i important ai th time which tan tend to nclvi undr- itftndin of che unfortunate difference subistini between he twnbmnchtwul theliijnlaturr the legnlativocoun- cil had assembly of this province ur five our readers the following ropy ol tesolotioim drawn up bv an honora ble member of the council though not adotd 4i resolved tltfrt this uotwasthe legislative council of uppr catwfc constituted under the af nf thw brit ish parliament are dniiullwed to be lieve that an assumption on their part in powers prtilesj cuytnj and au thorities of the hwse of lords would be warranted eillur b the letter or spirit of our constitution nnin con- shuctive analogies may a i bein circumscribed tvlffrn a rule of action and ccnseijiuiit dtrtfbun tfmt ticreon it is enough for thi ii jiot topreume cittu rtounou then ugpj practice of uw of parliament and can inrve no fixed rolfl of mttttitict fro peao powers th- hamburgh pj jrs mention cmlytb niece ofthesar- iniini consul as being so insulted tbns howpver from various source of inttlligince wa learn thnt a great outrage has been committed but as hufhs ol a painful nature are seldom fcfstfgned in the rcpilition we may cou- ctftdfr that the latter account is the ml ly rftc which should be fully credited of tiie insufficiency of treaties with ucil i lief- as those of moorish africa to restrain their ptiople from the bur- aiiile v hich hiv become habitual wtrh hicm this affair is another proof v iuu whi the jarring and jealous am- ibitipm of the european powers allow their to tul- th- only proper mode oi rstublishing a evilic power on the iwfttif moorish africa it t l a difficuht which havr infeepai on the authority of wbi4ri number ol liter from conrtaniiurple that tn yn and tht- secretary of the united few diys ago hu cavalry fur- prifed hcroiliits and cut to pieces a fa regiment of hua- ssan of fetdinadcl vil 500 in number boiivar was advan cing and moriilo acting on the defend ve both main armes within oite days march some thing deciiive was momently looked for the patriots are aid to have the advantage documents have been fubmittcd to tht congrcfa of the united states by the prefidcot rtfpcftlng ecgociationa v ith spain by ihefc it appears that i but lit tic oc no prxrefs has been made k oin k- je i it- f a law intelligence j tihctcrtn of the bajvetne courtj ivs of tunis and algiers hav ron- eludctl atseaty of puare under theua- ran tee of the grand sigtiior andatthi ttkjft time in eonjueelinn with the d- of tripoli hnvtf nirid into ail elvu- j ive ami dofeuive allianee uitii the kutpror of morocco if this im 1 1 jjnce be line it will in some decree aeeoantfor he arrogance of the pre d uf ajgiers the kinof s-r- dhiia b stated to havr issued onkr i eiietii tire of the abee outrage t oiif a squadron for the purpose of demanding satinfaetion tlw conrokj ol si vercigns it i- now saidj is to br held at aixij chapelle fllankfortt tan 90 under thi date is an artule irof i ituud itd the 1 of h of january eon- j laiuiu an aeeouui of t avrtvyl f tin sardinian ieennsu iren at icrs as aiivady published in tin- irenen pa- p and fn 10 thin iran lat d wto the iiiilisli tie- votonneeinvit rrui the nnie bet the eosutusioi i jurh fiiis house looks stalely to ttttj tha meter by which it exists and htj tain they sareh trein or undnut- tq frnvrnt mid fxelumw rihi io tooidinate body created by tie- sank at tl simple assent to or total rej e- twniof bills world in practice bi productive of incalculable vtl in de w and enariasiiotit destructive to tabtf iiitesets f this colon v j witting to bills whieh th v iudum tj jid raeo arn at vhlmiij ifi j j f a sieriure fdut utid principle j j ijvcti jo rtjhitt wnnld clus up at pvenues t laformntit n oiive ac- tommodation and asibiulamn s neeesmuy to uo ctiacttttc of holularyl lawit willwnitamundinthtts or enri ivreneeshituerto refused a nshtdii gre in cnigruirle inarruraej and undigested matter ftoiild appar in ibe statute hnok but as an ifrlm a cone iatn dispo jtion and a tft- rpre regard for the bevtiieiets atth protinee on the parr of tliis iiou n tiiey have ever bri satisiied with sueh snundmeuts coming in the form ol y ue bill and in all instances these amendnunts have ever had a tendenc to nlieviate instead of imposing ah fcurdens or impositions on the pe pie and as a coordinate bodyconstiiutioi- uy interpose when they in their de- 1 r is u iimov the dey received njrro k d by lbatcmud and itii ht- wiuri tn ni- hand biu be f m iuu u rugc i- tie uircatend tlw ens- l coiim to h iv- hi- oir al i iti and u h v- it jixvd up at the d ol tu hull f audience if thev rroublt iiiui anv furtikr at t tq he ti ineo tiither all ihe v ois- fl ti f r the m on nt tlf th ilii jioiun ic v ou5 1 a oidi i i i 3w ajuv is th aeeioiir thrfore dli r fron iri u1i i 1 ii- ijiei in nut ipiihionnii b ihe vicel nnmiv dauf ni llw elothin ol the biiiih consul ivvi s in a turkish dres- bin itntatt iia ihiv uvre iid in the btrei u am pvitiu the hu am 3tau lay- that his govciumrnt noi prepared to rcuoilnce any of its claims n ir to scquicfcc in any of the arguments of the spanifh kliniftcr and adc that nft t ihutecn years patient f rbearmce i wiil ntcd but little ad ditional jto i wait fe newhat i01 gtr the f ol spain fo eferio the ceroeiatio lu ihe medial in of forri european jovvr drclined the elig oi nplei ii hi negociathrn with the united states fr ipoiiktiont commuted by munna afcribes the ciutfifcatfons of itnerican property to hr drjtioe rf bonaparte ud dentr- i bib accomitabflity for ad dne whec hi power wa luiuiidvj be i ncc canadian couratit boston march 5 th bng mcfftfugrr capt setctjoe which hi edir m hu poit fume ti i linee with pnrnfotra fo thr rrief of j he fuffi rnbj fire t st j ibns mew hi ondl-ud- ret iej yvilddiv hav t- hifcy d- it- he cargo ca pete 1 ioi ia urcufhi tho ic is the oovci row fitting at albahy the grtat eafr of gnlwold vs waddineton was deter mined in favor of the latter it ww th unanimous opinion of the couit thl a hate f war between coutmies diltive all partner fhip8 prevouly fubfimg between individuals belonging respec tively to each this h a leading cafe and involves property tn the amount oj more than a bundled thoufand d liars lord cochrane it appears from letters received at philadelphia that lord coehran- had been invited to and accepted from th independent states ot south america t eommaud of their squadron in the ta iiie ocean the report howev er of 11 is arrival in south america cannot be tru though it was oxpec- td he would eventually fibgage hi- active service iu the rorolufipuan trugglfi actnowledfjment j 3 f shati he attended to vkvjuy akta httflinjl s the anew si tftan ti i ii il in 1 1 hi i tn rmort x ae requc i i ti l t life on fhidir tk of tn xt for tlic ptirpo t t a t it lag iruftcch c c for i eiuuiug year ey order of the rrefidentj r stan ro stolen on wednefday evsiujhj th innant ffii ftnlenjf j d i h mfe in fwtf tt 1 rgt orab great coat whoever wd j bi wiethe na ci9t t this oflb e stall receive a vd of five dollars and no onefth nlk d vny prriiui iu whife y fehlcn the aid girt nunr be found afterthi notice fh ill he profrruled wi b the utmolt ri 01 ol the law- kingston 18 jr irs 4 3 ivetfi price or pborisioxs in the kingston marut during he past iccck m i jn i to he letter of ttec iivnr ceo nde jwri te direcibit w vol sincfi were j made i tin t wu a lt by whom the vni a t i mi u j autflfh i urkv wan featid with imim ii tlic it iger war ith- lad v it wic cnceied st fohn thiteafoii i and wnen die wa ready eari ioc tn w employ ul fi ic jayr to cut ue ul 0 the ice kings ton bw 5 ton veal pbrk a rknii ie iraref l iter iw jiauie oat i rein i arrow 4 auiiage 1 fk m ti ii kb 1 1 o rlottr roiovv io iu m ra ivouj ef pair each lbs bush livad cm bbl il ton buiidl tol 4 0 0 7 0 0 6 m t 0 5 0 0 0 1 j 1 0 8 0 i 0 i 0 1 t 3 0 n 0 0 i o j6 r 0 i 0 1 0 7 g 0 l 9 0 0 u b 0 i g i 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 f 6 r 3 i ft 6 0 n 0 4 jfutt received did for ale by ihe vconslgnmi nt of escrlmt alk in caio nriie by p- pei tfloanj pr itt ctdkr in cailts and bottles fine yelluw 50 alsjo few grinds ks of the bed quality j ihomson derlor kingston mv 20 1 a 7 o for sale fi do 0 1a 0 1 ii 0 0 0 s i 15 0 n 0 h 0 i 8 0 00 1 i 2 000 0 0 in 8 id 0 0 3 0 1 8 r 0 to 0 v luaele lands for sale fsqwing fiplu lg d fi able and truly vu- i i flsl rfikii l s1s uabfc lamk ay be had and immediate lf olf luioi givens wall undeniable titics f thebatand ritfct hi 1 r tl veht r i madbidjaa 14- the interna mtrii l ufi ifibcila daueter of tht n a n the bucfci t the vlare ol e rue ft tow 1 ro i 1 m hv 1 lo nvr rovv wtdoeflay the ztv m 2okck a tht pteem boat fkontfnk left m tjefiiesi died bo the nin h of j k ift r r y tht ii a time ibis this irrnth at tlvidmghe shjjrfro on sundy miril uk 191 was of a very week conllita- aironr t jmfcngew wen tion the body of hn wm mc0iu vrav tiu hcao aft ml liberations believe that appropriation ol a useless lavish or inconsiderate na ture may pas into a law or when the true interests of these lroiuccs spay be sacrificed by a system of policy beneficial to a foreign government and adrersr to the com erce and uavia- tion of 0 r nvthor count rv u as a corroboratory lo these reso lutions and the true spirit cf mutual aceoirnieda tion this houo will for bear to initiate airy money bills or i posihonsj orburddus ph tins people of this province as well a- approprhitloiis but cannot plfde ihemoiveii ortfae vho may hereafter sit in tsis tioue to forbem- eotptitt tivimuy iutrpnu by auituiding or altering tie a me w hen iilheir vultinmt vch buidchsj impe- sttions or appropriations hve a tew- wnc to ditniutsh the wealth imusir and happiness of the inhabitant of tin colony in the welfare peace and good government wlereof the iiutividual members ard their poster are so iaseparabl knit and comieete d london fob 7 the details of the horrible atrojtie fteedln the french papers on the authority of i ttcrs fron genoa we are rad toiind are not conliniiod by thr a counts in the dutch and liamburgh miiis which have sihsequnty bemi received the ikmburgll mail how- ever repeats a part of uie dreadful n- tfigcnce aecerdiug to the inform lion thus derived the murder of the british vice eon ul son wa not l petrated but ttoefeued the former accounts from algiers allcgtul 1 ir- cible conmguemeiitoi the tinush vice cousttlft daughters to the briua of iuc tining despot and 5 fder ot jiis bou before his eys b the fcut b-u- karoos authority aoxl in the presence piincefs tour montlu and a half old was carted to the kfcurial thepiaceot ititernienj ot our sovereigns frankfort jj 22 the fate of count las cafes is a 1 rg h decided fince hi arrival i ou city he has been ollmty gurided by a prudun ci-m- nwffioner he is now going to be placed under the proteolion j of auftria which grants him an laium in iu dominions but his heal- h fc ssfuttck fo much that he is not only unje toj crave but even hfe hie is t thought to be in danger ail the inquires that hive beet imde have not led to the ddeov- cry of the lealt ground o reproach agiinft m las i ales lite uneahuefs which his ap pearance in ivurope has excitad i8 explained by the very name of the man vhofe friend he openly profeffes himielf to be and who like hasv ibai will not ceas ro infpire alarm tja he ceates to cxift f the nutth vv it com py my i and feveta other of that company twlio with then witneffes and thur cotrtnlel mftr- mael eati 4nd jonea hav gone to york hi we aie ntorntd to aittcod a court appointed by the gveru r gencrjl 1- beholden the ihiv wctfjk under the statute relpclling tiie tudian territo ries the earl of slkik and the gentlemen of the hudfon bay compa- uyhavcntt g ne up to pnfecute be- ivg detained it is laid in the lower province to attend the fpi caching tri- 1 which are 10 be wfwmcd monday after next 1ay 4 it montreal where tie fa e wiuicffes are resulted who are aito wirncfle for the pofccution in the eaica referred to york r which rea- ton we undei hand his lvrdflip has re quelled a polponeoetit t trials at yok until june j h com i affelx a coroner htquest xsw md on e i3h hist on lite b y ofhibelul new yore march 2325 from south america captain bell of the fdtt decatur from st thomas arrived at norfolk aad iuy nifties the toflawing intelli gence a letter received at st thomas from porto beuo da ted 19th feb fays 8ilivar is at hog r j he t 12 pieces of jartillery and 300 aicu a iff donald found dead w sntall hut tear ihe artillry nr occupied 1 1 j vnnun avdunuui flic jury verdict tens hut su culll u her tteuth ojl drinking to excess ardent spirits tit are sorry to oji in tht course of the tetdtneept diced b fr- the inquest- saventt ec 0 jamifce zcere jroid to have i j the ad hut ihi tnghl previous jreat suspi cion of ntirjer icns on j minds oj the inrncsty but unjarluly not suj- jl lent proof mold oe ob mn to con- cicl the guilt it is itf icldom even iu a cwiintry lo ex ti ufivc as canada wikic uneutvtco lands may iu gvntrai be redddy ob tamed that fitiiatkmb fo eligible and ajantagenufi in gjd nji an be lccid lot i coniprlnng 7c acre of i he vny 1 ichf l beech maple lin ami ottk lan4j in the 41b cnncelbun oi fclpc lying upon smiths creek with 15 acres cleaned and fencedj new log- jioiic well built and dove tailedi fruit lrce c with a miilfeat between 4 and 5 mile f om the b unfiling htt i own oi toronto on lakc ontario where there is an exitliciif rntrkei either foi buying or feliiig the lanil ipot 1 he very firft quali and in a god populous odghbourbo d titroing altogether a moft d lirubie rcliucnec withe a fnort mile of the great road be tween ynik aid kimil n 2d 200 acrev beiwlot no 1 19 the 5h conccfiin f hope alongfi c the great road between ii pe an i rla uuion leading toth new and flourdli tng icttlcmentb uf cavan and mouaoau on he rice liktin whieh m re lb m 500 families and pedbus have adualy located and fcarccly live miles from lite liavn of toronto where there is a good inai ket it i in an oj lett lemeni and tht uetgbbou- bood i- populous and excel ieut there are ab ut 50 jcics cleared and fenced with a fine itieam ot living water and the gretter pari of tlu- iaid oi luptrior quality the relt god meadow 30 n0 acies occoppying ncaly one entire fide of the gaunanoque lhk in the i ownlhip of south crolb dis trict of johnitown confiding wfaully f broken fronta the back parts exteuoiig to the road from the riueau seitlcine to kinglioo from which latter piacc it is fcarccly 30 miles diltant the lan ii good and well timbered and the litnatioo buuldiiy beautiful and romau tic with wooded illudfe iu front jot no 27 in then 0 conjeffi a a of the tow hip f hamibon new callle fipnft containi v 2tio 3cies biuindedon lnko outarin in frnt and the york rond in rhe rear dirt a it oe and a half riilc from the hacnic n court hfe twenty arre of whieh are cleared and a fall dwellinjr i otte therenu tirms of payieut w e made eafv apply t james g beihun hamilton or to w john strange- kingston april to 1 s s 4 fi kit sicalvvork shortly will be published h fbfcrjptloi mtulii 7- us w tfjc piano font fram themoit approved mnftci a ocealionally interfprrfe 1 ivt u orijfinnl conp dl ion pn ip a y f in rl on the moil admired melodies of mis country i he cbitfubjffl oi tiiw hit- jh r rendir m r- grucra a well a rcr-ll- inr the fludy of the hell coiipoira and likewife n perpetuate iw ronit beautiful of the canadian melodies coin u btl tins woik will appear ontvy eith number will contain bve page iu the ufual mufieul type and in other rcf- peq will be txcctited in the fame ftyle na intiiar publications it in propofed to continue thw wo k wclve m mrh at tile c id f v hie it peri od fho dd it have received fufs ieut en couraemeuti it will intlt probably be eoutiiiued uv orfl number an original cotioo- fuion will appa in the coutie of the iexi nonth and wi confill fat 1 tio- biqirn and variationa on an admn 1 canadian ati with a ftttftbc c m pfe4 aud arranged by s codm n organift of the cathedral at quebec subscriptions will he reci i at f bt kellers mr j bown micu- nihoham and mcftis nickless 6c w mcuomeltt tcims to fubferihera i o per annum nn fuferibers 4 a number subftrtjdumsfw tie above uori wit ii received at this office fdv no iee of a difcontin- uancetit the pktlraerhi jctween thonur cf moran ligned y mr thotticm an inferted iii the kbg ton ga2ette waa pnblitbed withoai ljtf confeut of the fnlfiiber wbn murder ta prevent 9 mistake think bimictf boil d to iuf rm the public that akho a diltolutiou f faid par 1 nerflii as hrdft mentioned it i not d fi i ively atran ged michl uottam king ton vpril ao 11- 47 to let a nd pdfrffi m gieii 01 he fift of a may next the lloufe rem- 1 ii in ihi uusfy on hui ifai evenirtg tat by the ruts ojicittb btuaru mr jtwii hriuso to tyfa cilih- the above lands are particuialy defer ving o notice the vtuatioua werechulen by a competent judge and they will be laid rcmarkabjy cheap tht ppipnctor wilhing lo coucentiaie bia rorces inanotln1 quarter foi further particulars appiy to r c uokmei klq vo k c foth likglirl liq to hu id hi- mlllon llq lviiigitji or prcfcott 5 orto shaw ikyiuuk 1u- muul ha 1q trca catprtfcnt occupied by dodo ged- des it beiujj a i l houfe it will be let feparatcly or together apply to the printer kingston r8f april 1818 471 for s4le a two hoh ie rl ug w iirrct v ewlik 7 a j few tnuifa i 18 in shivg 1 of uul ii apii88 4 kino ten jrii s i 1 8 8 4