Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), April 21, 1818, p. 4

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1 jvi tiilut i s 7- kohce h hereby given i jr tdcr of his honor the adtoiwfttctoi in council to tb reprcfriuatrv of john ghwi aod wibiam caldwell to ftmke g d a 17 pretention to lot number j i william gilkifnartd george moffat t twenty iti he fifth akcefiion of the jointly and fever ally appointed tow oij j ivingiioti withifl fix months fiduciary lefraees of his eftate and from this date or it will be granted 10 executors of laid will the occupant who has been in poileifioti j i hereby rcqutil all peribni having tttsrrhereas by the last wffl j v and tdbnent of the uta ffthe copartnerh herrtofofe e- richard patt1nsgn efq in 1 at beluillc lm the firm ihislifetimeofsandwichin the province of jn hubbard gompaoy is this upper canada robert gilefpie v notice 1t7 by the last w i fcxtcen years john small cll of tlx ex council m t notice the fubferiber hereby forbids all and every perlon or otrlous fr fn medling o nakiup or cutting any cl fctr oi trefpaflirsg in any fllape whnte 4pn lot nth 21 1 in the jib conctffio ot the unvnfhipof kinglln oh pain of j siting profecuted according to law jarvl worden kingftwocx zz 181 ivtis fott sale cnreafonable terms that well known y land foi a tavern filiated in the village of prefcott lots no 9 and i tnnlmg the kings highway and a fcryre two ftory framed houfe well fio- ehed with a large kitchen in the rear tabling for twenty fpans of horfes a flied seventy feet ong and a good hi uleon vhrresr lot fit fill the accommodation ifa rfpcaable family tlif whole cff the buildings thereon being finifhed in a workmanlike manner and at prefect fkruoiedby mr alexander b mcdon- 1 ss a hotel for farther paiticular6 apply to the ftfbfcubert or to mr alexander mac- ponct junior merchant prelcott by v hum the terms may be made known pnd an indifputable title and immediate xofieflion will be given alex macdonell co kirtffton 3d jan 1818 ztf flags rags ash paid for clean cot ton and linen ii a g s of nny color at mis office j claims upon fad eftate to prcfent the fame to me duly authenticated for i payment and all perfons t indebted j thereto are required to pay to me the i amount of their refpeitive accotlftts j debts due to faid eilaie in the province of upper canada or in the united states bordering thereon may bv paid to george jacob efq of sand wich john a kin and james gordon efq re rff amherftbtrg of co either of them they being duly authorized to receive the fame and grant acquittances g moffatt montreal 20th march 18 18 44y t frame for sae on reasonable terms at frame for a houfe itf by 30 gol feet two ftoriea high lnquir o f the printer kingston mar cl 30 1818 44 to let dialet and roheftifhi gtven immmeoiatty the large hnfe lately occtfpic by john size eligibly fitnated in sroic itreet cithe fo- a tavern or llbre ap ply at this office ttunh 17 1818 43tf day diflblved by mutu c all ytrfons having ciairrts hg the fame are rcqueftcd to prefeiv their accounts to andrew kimmerly f adjultment and ebofe indebted to i faid co-part- nerhipare dc fired to py ht fame to andrew kimmevly wiif delay oth erwise they will he put f the hand of an attorney fot collection john hubbard andrew kjmmerlt bcllvill 2cth feb 1818 4ot totet and immediate pteflion given the house and premifes in stuart- ville lately occupied by mr dalton fituated within half a mile of thi town a favorable foliation fnr a gentleman and family and no lefs fo for a diftiucr or inn keeper fo further particulars enqniie of the ftibfcnher j e barnett klngttwx feh 24 181 4jtf notice a ll perfona having any demand a- v gainft the eftateof the late bry in crawford efq of adolphullown de eafed are hereby requefted to produce their claims duly authenticated alfa ill pei ions indebted to the faid eftateare ereby requtfled to niake immediate ayment to william alexander grant executor kingston lh july 1817 32 gananoqua store mill i charles mcdon vid hswfag taken his brother john mcdon aid into partnct fhc bolifleffl in fu- i ture viill be conducted under the firm of c j mcdomid who kep for fale a general afiort ment t dry goods grocehies notice all perfons indebted to tfbftate of the late jmet ctihwring late of hallowell deceafed are reqcled to call without delay and fettle the fame with mr james mcgrkgor now ir- charge of the eftablifhment at hallow- ell bridge and thofc who have cairns again ii the faid eftate are dcfued to prefent them for adjnftment the hock in trade of the deceafed cemfifttng of a very complete aflbrtment of goods well laid in and verj fuitable to the country h now felling off at pri ces fo itiwj as will defetvedly claim tht attention of the public cafh or country prodocc will be tak en in payment and a credit of 6 month given to refponlible farmers or others jo hn c vmm in 6 1 r ccuto wm mitchell j eicculore kingston 08 2 7 1 8 1 7 32 stoves the fubfeuber has juft received at hi brick lore front ftrcet dou ble and single stoves sheet iron and has alfo on hand as ufual a gen eral aflbrtment of i dry goods liquors and grorjrles crockery and gsfs ware in crates linked and corriers oil paints ground in oil and expects in a few days an addition to his stock all which will be fold extremely cheap at whole fale s bartlet kingston off 20 1817 32 mat smith butterworti return their fincwe thanks to their friends and the public in gjr oeral for the liberal encouragement tffit they have received fince they recom menced the hatting buftnefa thej have an extenfive aflbrtment of ladies and childrens bofy nets of various colors ana fhapes gentlemens beaver fmfc caftorhats likewife knapt and wod hats which they will fell vay w for cafh or approved credit produce taken in payment jan 1 52 public notice the snhfcribers executors to tttf estate of charier stuart efquirv deceafed late sheriff of the miulano j ditrictihereby requests all thofe indebt ed to tht laid estate to make immediate payment to the faid executors and all thofe who have demands against thi estate are fequeted to produce the farfl duly attested in order that a settlement oi the estate may be effeded as cpeedjljr as pohible afer theiimdayofjuiy 1818 george o stuart 7 exccv allan mclean j utora kingston august ij a 8 17 32tf blank bail bonds for sale at this office rarfei the fubicribcr will pay the hifjh- eil market price for any quantity of halev delivered at his store in atugiibo tmg ine iviuter on hand as ufual a etteral affoft- ment of dry goods liquor and 0 oceiie salt crockery sc glafs ware j c c all of which will be fold uncommon ly low for cafh or any kind of product s hawliiy kingston jan 21 isi8 35 french cordials s h dinky has juft received a few ijozp of very tine french cordials a- ttpny which ire creme de noyeau creme de moka creut de annis limoiaia soprafina ehu sars paroille 1e de piieiern ne plus ultra de l eau royal by dozen or single bottle hartiwarl crockery and rnift artiee enqiired for nt a conn itxrj st re which they nffn lov fo caft sawtogssquare timbtr slaves potaftes and nioft kind of country produce thev hnve a good gtift and aw mill in full ooerrtii n can manufact- tie fl our nqtial to any mill r rht province they will fapptjr orr foi sawed timber of almoft any defenptfon at hurt notice c s j mcdonald gananoqua jan 101818 3 all ft indebted tocharlss mrdon- aid whole aceoiuts have become uc are rcqueftcd to to make immedi ate payment the subscriber officers half pay and artil lery tendon blanks for fale at this office hurch catechifm or se r thwoffirr to let njnffe btlildfttg lleiy occupied by it r robifon eftj- a a hop fituat ict the giivemiqfa houfe fni articular apply to al mclean efq kingfton jmnau i3 for hale and poftrifion given immediately a double lot tn stuartvii e on which is a brown eartlianware manu- faftory in good order a frame houfe and a stablr fo further particulars apply to the fubferiher on thepremifes marturin fournaise kingston march 18 1818 43 fal to let and pofteffion given the firft of may next a ii umber of rooms in the iu jrvk euquiie of h earl march 13 4 for sale that beautiful and very valuable farm fit- atcd upon point pleifant iv aifhurth containing 200 arrcs beiig lots no 18 and ig end of the 3r- ck there are nearly 100 acres under good improvement and 73 beatfi g apple arttj peyr trees for particulars enquire of mr walrer mcnnffe mcchant kino ton or mr wro ben fiiker of maryfljurgb having been informed thai aaron conner itas been trefpaffing by cutting tjbr throwing down my fences and puttiv cattle into my enclofure now i hereby forbid faid conner taking- away th timber he cut i afo forbid all a d evrry pcrfun or pcrfons to aid or aflill in t coiner to work or take laid timber a waynorpurchafeit of him if they do the may expect to be profecuted aa thi law ijirc61s jojin mcbean i egs leave to inform his friends j the public generally ihst he has j removed from his former itaod to the hop lately ocenpfed by jofag abbot co bear the market p2ce where h- haa now on hand a general aflbrtment of hardware cutlery c which he will fell on the molt moderate term 1 to jet the hvp lately occupied by the fubferiber and puflellion given im mediately samuel shaw kingston th 1 8 1 8 at the s onondaga ttust rereivetl a f qjf orerfs brtlcu is i received and for fale at this of j firf price is poems on his da- rissic circumstances by lord byron with the stat 0 the legion of honour nd other pocmj to which is prefixed the ufa of the noble author ov- 28 valuable lands for sale in the third conceflion of the town hip of pitiburgh being lots no 6 the hlf of no 7 and no 18 an indifpntabje title will be given and the terms of payment made eafv h c trtomsqn- kingfton july 28 1817 32 blank summonses for the district courts for sale at this ofiice 3 32 for 8a at ihii office a ready reckoner shewing the value of grains of various god coins current in the provide- of upptr cana da also fergusons trnprnved tab- of the value of grains of gold coin q er or under weight mtaiyfborgh march 2 i8i8 44tf multiplica1i0n xflblcs for theufeof schools evrfdc utjjs otfitc jits r received and for fale at this office pure 7 d the montreal almanack for the year of our lord 18 18 alfo ess ats on practical husbandry add r fled to the canadian farmers byc- f gkece of montical sovcmlcr it tj circulating library bliss read a k es this opportunity of ac- il quainting her friends and th pub lic thai flie h given up her com million tore in store street but intends com mencing bufmefs immediately on her wn account- she intenjs gi ti montreal in the cdorfe of a month to purchale the moll falhionable sprino arrkoefi she alfo returns her most fin- cere thanks to net friends and customers for past favourft aid hipes far a contfn uance of them as loon as fhe can procure a store she wilhes to inform the fubferibers to the library that fhe will make every allowance from th date until the li brary is again opened and any perfons who have books belonging to it will be fo good as to leave them ot mr thorn- ers store mifs read alfn requests all perfons who are indebted ip her to be fo good as to call at mr tin fins where fhe now refide and fettle ilieir accounts with htr kingston marri 16 1818 42 to let for any term of years not exceed- in fifteen on the mod reafona- hleterma that we known valuable land in the public fituate on the point at gananoqa- and recently occu pied hy seth do together with the houfe barn sh c for fur ther particulars atpy to tne rolferibet joel stone gtwanoqua jati- 9 181 8 3 3f efmtft assessment lists for sale at this gfi- also arith metical tahletrfor the use of schools atiornie bills o costs for mfc at this office a contract will be given for piling nnd burning off th timber at pef- qnifle the enfuiiii- spring on 75 acre jof ground and for lowing the fame in to grain and alfo at kingfton for cut- ring and drawing aoot one mile 500 cords of wood on each of which contract by being furnifhed with fuffi- cient fecurity a fmall advance will be rtwle enquire of b whitney kinstn jan 16 c 8 1 8 jgtf valuable lands for sale it ots no 24 zc and 26 firft con- jjlj ceitin of rhe townfhip of ma- ryfburgh eaft of the rock in the mid land dill rift comprifing the moft valu able part of point pleafdnt and con taining about 300 acres- no 51 firft conceflion of sophias- burgh midland dittrift 200 acres not 86 and 89 second concefii n of ameliafburgh bay fide midland dia- trio acres nos c and 6 fecond concefiim ame- liasbnrgh lake fide 400 acres no 3 thiidconctflion of hallowcll midland diftricl 200 acres no 12 eighth conceflion of thur- low midland diftrnfl 200 acres no 9 fecond conceflion of camden midland diftrift 200 acre3 no 70 fifth con camden 200 ncre no 9 third conceflion of murray in the didricl of new caltle 200 acres no 5 4th con of murray zoo do no io fourth con hamilton in the diftricl of new caftle 200 acres n032 fifthcon of hamilton 2oodo no 19 fevenrh con- of haldimand diftiicl of new caftle 200 acres no 1 firft con of the townhip of clarke m the diftria of n g 20 do the local fmiation of the above lands particularly of the firft pine lots is very advantageous and the foil is excellent the terms of fale will be found very rea fonable and a great part of the pur- chafe money will be left at imcrell in the handfl of the purchafer application to be made to the fubfciiber d h4germ4n advertisement the fubferiber offers for sale th following i lots of land too acres in 4th and 500111 the 6th conceflion of the gore betvwpl erneft town and frederickfbirgi no 18 and 19 in the 81 b coocc0w of murray no i fafl half 2dcrn ofsidny no 9 10th concrflion of rawdens no 4 pth conceflion huntingdon no 14 15 17 18 25 and 26 in tlit 9th conceflion of thiirlow no 34 and 35 in the 4th concefli of vaughan near york also several valuable town xot9 in tht town of kingfton vm crawfor fredericlsburglu jan 10 1817 1 smiths work the fubferiber moft refpefolw informs the gentlemen of kngt ton that he is juft arrived here frcm dublin and has commenced the bt nefa of black and white smu in a its branches more particularly that i horfe shewing in which he will gj the greateft fatisfadlion to thofe that r ploy him thev may rely on having their work well dot e cheao and v by applying at mr j meagher barrack ftreet where he has commenced all orders in that line will be gladf received and ftri attention given j ingsion 13th 03 o 3 rhe fnbfciibei8 beg leave m rrtforrt jl their friends and the public in gi nera that they carry on the tatlorihlg business in main street where they intend msfc ing every article fn their line on rrore reafonable terms than has been done for a number of years back thole who wtfli to favor them with their cuffootf may rely on having their work well made and on the horteft notice for cafh norris stevens kingston sept 9 1817 32 the panoplist for the year 1816 for sale at this ofiice f complete 3 28 rlan k deeds and memorials for fele at this oflice to let i adolphusto 1 kth mar bustown t 4uf rhat well known largfe white store in front of the dwellin houfe of the fubferiber lt is veil cal culated for commercial bnfwefs having a large commodious cellifr capable ot holding- 1 000 barreu with hedang of the iarf where vclfch of 4 toni may loau and unloaded for warden would do well to improve this oppoitw- nity for pdrueulara rpply to ihe fia fenberonrthe pemifes james k0bin80n- kingtton 1 nth marcy tf

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