their wirt milfl et 2d the fioviimal parliamrnr i jta constituent purl is hi fnc tout- poedjik ihftj of the pannt shllr f three branches on electta b the people- hke th llnue of cnm- nons anothr erected by the km either heirditnry or lor lifc hixplea- iflie like the ilouso or lords ami thft other counting nf the kin- him self thus formed npon th ilritmi mode their respective prerogative iur fmimirtik and tonus of nrt ivfrnor ftriroe fhe firf upgentatitp ijmon rt thj taluawo privilege that the kin with ereh instructional herein thev will t raffef the othef a 1 privileges functions an reeding would naturally be conforma ble to those of tin british pttruamaul in all respects compatible with tueir colonial jfato and not otherwise pro vided for by law onr 1rovincial rjslftture it is true is limited by oiw positive restrictions and b the impli ed subordination resulting from its col onial relation to the imperial parlia ment hut in all points not atfivt d by those limitations our constitution ipay be fairly considered to be analo gous in its principles t tiit original constitution to which it bears uch an analogy in point of form 3d it was actually understood and intended by the british parliament t- be a transcript of their own constitu tion as appears by the declarations of the leading members of both houses lio passed the constituting act lord grenville one of the ministry among ether things said tk ab olute mon archy absolute ariitocray abnoluh imocracy had been tried in the scale ef experience and had hi en found wanting our own constitution which asjofljomded of these three was i the firt in the world and the envj of ry surrounding tialion 1 1 vas for 81 reason that tkeij wtw nox about to wmmtmhtile the blessings of tha en- glish constitution to the subject oi ca- ftflrta because fhry were fully convin- cpdttnl it w as the best in the world the legislature of canada consisted j tkk part representing that of this country the rovcrnvr represented top kin the lftrwative cod net i re presented that body in this country whftiti he iwa the honor of addressing d it had been objected amrm other ll to that council that it would consist of two dirierjiit clases of iter 0ls some only to sit for life and nth- 25 inheritance ii said ih re to ftugtvm nmblyie hinlthen tin honor c uddromntf some id that house tv rive thfii tides by inheritance whilr others only sit for liieaud alhiidebi uly during onelarliamnl ii aid thellnvernmenl ofgreni britain had been anxiouh to communicate lo ana- da a participation tattiketdtssiiix oj tin english constitution an fur a tin circamsijiccs of the case isvultl ttdniii they did not m an to ive canada rjl the same constitution as for instance 558 r prrreiifuiives that was impossible in thr nature of things hot their great object had been to ad here as nearl as possible to the purity tind principles of the english const i- tutiofiyin every part of the lifttj and hving gottaciou hat the bill upon the whole was likely td answer the pur poses for which it was intended he hoped it would meet with that support and attention from their lordships which the magnitude and importance of the object required it is worthy i i th very mimuy under whoe h the act was passed opened lit session with these memorable i haationsnddrossedfoboth mouses i nay summoned y u together un der the authority of an act of the par liament of giat britain passed last year which has established the british constitution and nil the forms uhich weire and maintain it in this distant tuntri the wisdom and beni licence of our mom ruious sovereign and the brit ish parliament have been eminently proved not only in imparting tu us the ante form of government but also ill louring the benefit by the manj previsions that guard his memorable act sithat the blessings of our inval uable constitution thus protected and amplified we may hope will beexten- ed to he remotest posterity the great and momentous trust i and duties tcftich hae been committed to the ri rntsetjrtrls ofthi pro vince in a decree infinitely beyond whatever till this period have distin- gubhrd any othr colony have origin ated the british nation upon a just consideration of the energy and hutard reill inch its inhabitants haee so c npicnotslu supported and defen ded the british constitution these declarations were echoed by the council ill their answer to the speech and were received with equal satisfaction by the members of the asubly adopting as it type the common house of farlianunt the assembly exercised the exclusive privilege of nriginating wtitey bills and the coun cil f uoviaz thi- evamjde oftho rouse of lrls actiuiesccil in the exercise ol ti privilege by the house without undertaking to amend snch bills the lieut governor closed the session with this emphatic recemmen- flafion i particularly recommend to voi to explain that this province a sinmluftti blest not mth f muhdd i constitution but with a cousfifutio tsm hits stood the test of experience and v vent image and tea rip i of that of great hritain by huh ki i lias ion- established and eeuivd h lnr utjcts as much freedom a m hap- ninesn as is possible to be emjoe xu- was ptveivl the same nbjetiim fu the t m w ir ilnhioininut to d- vii 1 soeiel tie t nsruta1 accimnl wx- m he 9 lieu- laiud th cui tilutiu teiiant loverimir i- d i pd lint ne hv npb ived if a ha htf her rn hudervlod and iniilntiun- it i f b hop 1 rtiu con mouse to e any power but that of rejecting hey will not permit the least alteration or amendment to bf made by th lnrds to tlie mode of tax- hig the people by a money bill j the liidaive councillors of up per canada will not claim to be con sidcred mof respectable or worthy of confidence than tiie lords of the bri tish parliannuit and i am not dipo sed to rnnider tlnm less so if a judje blahstone asserts it would be extreme dangerous to give the lords any power f originating or modelling money bill because they are a p niannt hna created at pleasure by the king od therefore moie liable to be influenced by the crown and when once intlueliced to continue so than the house ef commons who are a tem porary body elected by the people for the same reasons operating upon the same principles of human nature here it would be equally dangerous to 3 a powerover mone bills io the legislative council if tire privi lege ie a valuable one in bug laud a blacktono esteems it and as tin- com mons have most strenuously contended lit is equally valuable in this province 0 thte most interesting point the con- tituliiu is well mettled and balanced to disturb the balance thus establish ed by w the practice of aes and maintained i this province for twenty live years would be an unnecessary an unreasonable a dangerous inn- va- f the attempt of the council h deprive the commons ef their u indisputable privilege at the hazard of stopping the wheels of government oem lifies the influence which an aris- toerufic situation and iudepeudmce o he people can produce upon the judg ment of intelligent honorable men but it iffords peculiar satisfaction to iereeve th the members of the as sembly although dirteiiug in opinion en otner snbiects stood united and u animous in dfnce of the constitu tion saving firm vatic ereveiiniy uppriil he chartered privilege ol the praple the have aright tixpect liai tiu people will hi their turn sup port them with equal firmness and jersiverawre and in all future elee- iiens this electors shoubl giv their uftrnges lo none but known supporters i tui esuiiial piiuciple of the con- titutinn a commoner ski n is pon tuilisuaw mi the dealers inlvmher nave the fatis- o mexico the trade with mcvro yw foftion to he iuforfficdi that the duty on britifh north american lumber which the miniflrygave notice that they inj tended to propofciu parliament will not be propofed until the year hzo for this change in the mtniderial pol the perfoos intereded are probably in debted to fontc fpiiitcd remonltianc from lower canada and the other province and their mercantile friends in england a continued and more general manifeftation of the fame fpirit may nrevent the miniftiy from ptopofing in lrzoa meafure fo ruinous to the lumber trade of thefe provinces one of the mod eftcntial means of remittance foi the britilh manufactures confumed in tiiis country it has been thought that the merchants and other inhabit ants of upper canada although deep ly intereded in the qneftion hive not advd with fo much dechion and firm- nefs on the fubjcdl as their brethren in the lower piovitlce open and ab6ui become b- ik a pdtri t r atcrr h e trcd a gu ea rn rvff si sg tttt 3 ll9c board london feb 25 a moining paper flairs tl tll i i tended marriage of the duke of ciaicee with the princeff of dcnwtrk w ii not take place and that his royal higluie will be married to mfft wykehacn this union wc nndcrftand ha the faudtion of the prince regent aad waa arranged before bin royal highnefs waa appnied of the death of hi- fon capt herwy fitclarcnce to wh n he wai moil tenderly attached and by whofe lef- he is deeply affeftcd ijorlunate occurrence on saturday night tin 25th ult as j ttvo men one by the name of comstock and the other lamphire tvere a- temping to cross the bridge over fh napaue lliver itbeihgvery dark the mistook the way and both were pre cipitated from the bridge into the river comstock swam shore and lamphin was uuforiunaiely drowned he wa o have been married he next dav the deceased was a native of the c lu ted states at a mcf ieof o- nun i kitsrv coarpastiiffatb s- mktt a e muse of a pltlnglk fcq on tiic mi tubt the bjioisfor ilte la mouth reper- etl uam e sum of wuhl cmivrirv hj unx pndi in rctfrviog jve peroip aad pay ing luomimitus lituiou of two children kiugscon 5ti iay lal visitors for the next month samui l shaw hc thomson s sqrs a t remarks reidrii ua- par port of kiugtofij est tin ed april 88l srh ktiton packet rid fr s marlmr uiih cattle and fruu trv 30cii com hrr pagh fr k with hafr cheese and rcg mas i tiiiunph cook fr 8 harbor ili potabhe ami leather sd t avilci vas fr f kut u nh cat- ili dot p ft in rousdeviaefr biu lle with rour and ber behai iajkiic fr hack- mimbir ii th olu arm litju scl lit tite licit uciv fr do mbh board li oil i iii tiuuv o umintain it in all ilb exteih and pupty th commons of great bitain mo unt iwnduco cb u r ortnore afhmitic ci fl 9 th of th kin iff qftmdit llfina loite the european pnnem announce the dea fhcicdhavy crown prince will of coorfe fticceed i the swe4ilh throne onleffl the drine of legitimacy adopted by i imrnny thing in the eolemal state or bca ircumstances of the country to vary this constitutional principle or render it less applicable to ids prov ince than to the mother country kv- ory roason in fav of it exists here in its full force sir william blacwone a fair ex positor of the constitution and laws of the fon of the former king of observation that lord grenville is inland in his commentaries y i it is the ancient indisputable pui- lig and riiiht of the house of com mons that all arants of submdies or perlifimentary aids do bein in their hmixe and are first bestowed by them although fir grant aw not effsctnal to all intents and purposes until they have the assent f the other two branch es of the lulaun the general rason fiven for this exclusive privi- er of the house of commons is that ter particular in potntiugotit thesttv t aualogy between the leui-lntiv- counj cil and the house of lords of w hicit lv was a member he is more geudftil but net ieb explicit in hii ideas of th- assembly in point of numbers and whatever else is u impossible iu the nature of things the provincial con stifution was not meant to be exact- mitke same with that of england but as far as the circumstances of m the case would admit u as nearly a 1 fbe supplies are raied upon the body uf the people and therefore it is proper the denth of admiral pickmore go vernor of newfoundland is mentioned in st jojhni paper and tha the ad- miniflratio of that iflmd devolved up on captain bowkcrr the fcaiur naval officer upoin that ftatiou late papers from england late that an attempt bad been made to aflaffinatc the duke of wellington in the faefcf i of paris no diicovtry bnd been made i of the defcrado who filed upon him at thelte fcftion of the provincial parliament q t lower prpviree mr tfehtvaii uo that be would d i possible it was u their greal by toadhrr to the purity and prinniplea j nmt they alone should hare tlie n of the budisb constitution- it shi n it one of the mot sottlil fill kflvivn and important principles of che rnlmij constitutioii that the house of com- dims have the ex-lusiv- privilc of migtnautlg monry bills ami iiiat the house of lords iiave uo right to inler- fcrewith siih bills ly umendments fbe enjoyment f that conslitutional priiuipleiu this province is n t im possible on the ontrarv thecir- cumfininces of the case admit it hern a folly a in england upon the au- thoritv of lord ireovtlle then it was intended intended and understood to be communicated to us among the oth er blessings of the english constitu tion similar sentiments were expressd lv mr pitt the prime minister and other leading members of the house of commons and in all the debate- upon the bill no intimation is to be foimd of any different understanding ol it 4th in this sense also the provin cial government was commenced and m iuto oneruticu lioutcuuut co- 1 pyf utxing thenjselve this reason would be unanswerable if the com- rous taxed nono but themselves but i notorious that a very large share f property is in the possession of the house of lords that this property i equally taxable and taxed as the pro perty of the commons and therefore the commons not being the bole per- sons taxed this cannot ho the reason of their having the sole right of raising and modelling the supply- the true reason arising from the spirit of our constitution seems to be this 77r lords being u permanent bodjj creu- fi d at pleasure ly the king are sup- nosed more liable to be influenced bu i he croicn and zchen once injluencect to continue sothiwfhe commons rco are a temporary elective body f recti nominated bjj the people it would therefore be extremely dangerons i give the lords any power of framing new taxes for the subject it is suf ficient that thev have i o wt of rej t i n ii if thy think m comtfioiw loo lavish or imprvid t in ih ir grants but so leasouubly jealous uxeihe com- alclicreau gave uoiiec thai he woulrl early in tha eo fefion propofe an enquiry infe t manner in which an aft refpeang t noithwdl companys trade wa- xecuted and what were its refold h order as hc jear to develope tk fyftcm which the trade ot the byi cotuiiry was carried on by certain p traders to the detriment hud mm ot un people em ployed in tij f in rhe preceding colunw iur will obfcive that the provincial mciit of upper canada was prorogued on the 2d in ft but not without a pretty harp reproof by his honor ibe ad- otinittrator rimed at the honfe of iffembly for having tnaintaiued thifi independence it appears that a li fcrcnce iifopiman exuled between the uooer anj lower houfes on tie quetlion of a money bill a bill ol 1 1 1 m defrripti n had pafud in the lower houle and wan lent to the upper hnufe which was returned with amendments thw the cvimtins conlilerrd as a breach of t h v- i r privileges they contended that the upper ifoufe had the light to rejethe bill altogether but uttt to mnidatc it by amendments they ap- pitil rj io pivflcdenta in iiic kiitii parliarrtenti afld we believe no pre cedents can be found on the iecoids in thai quarter bat will jnftify the com mons ot upper canada for irmly taking their ground the commons would only be a cypher ah a legiflative branch were it not fr their having the control of the piblia money and we fliould all have to doplore the day on which any fnch iittingement fliould be made on this all important privilege give thc- other branches a precedent oft bis kind to day dnd t morrow it would become tn arbitrary law- after a man hasfufieed himfelf to be fwindled f me part of his tights he teeu his degridaion and ceafes to be thf man of former cou- fcquence in his own eye he yields o the next demand and fo forth until nothing is left him but humblv to pros trate himfclf before the flnine of dtfootifm we fpeak of an individual as we would of a province or of a nation without however alluding to any particular con itry but to the general natuie of mankind no branch of a legidature ihould yield a particle of its privileges to another if t upper rioufc furrender any of its rights to the commons the danger would be manifeli for the people would acquire too much power where it would be as dangerous a in the hands of the crown our parent country had awful exnerience of this in the reign of the fir it charles which honld ferve as a momentous lelton to kings and lcgiflators tu the on monday the bth april ut fred- erickburgh by the evi k mie- douall mr elijah i n to mus ruth qarlow both or that place price of plivvsws la the kingston market during tin p- peek mith lks button pork fowls furitevs n o li i o o s public notice rpo be sold at alhtion bv ihe 1 subscriber outliuusoa y n t at mr agckrryfs heav in the nt f the government buildings nccupied by the maior fienvral ommaudin 11 the tables chairs ilkxcli- ls nkvsraikks stc beloagiug to the subscribers to the kiugfton ri dnu room also a lease forsixraonths i two rooms on the ground flor of the above house of a convenient siz aid well adapted for a single person sale to co n me nee at twelve o clock arch mdoniill b kingston mai 4 bee ft just received at the store of s barth t a confignmrnr of 94 bar rels of beer of a fuperior quality for falc for cafh may j 1818 49 laieil pofterity and convince them thai jessa t f it only can be by an equitable balance of if owctlol i thearn comrrefs have patted a law for cutting the ports of the uni ted states zw bitilh vefieb trading to or from pol the britilh ub- mioiutifl w j are but againil the ves- fels of the united states the bill patted the with only one 01 two dillentintf v anc t houfe of rep- rvfentaiives by a ma of 123 to 16 which iervc to i that it i not a party meafi one generally popular with both f their great political par- tics tbrou tl united stacs the wefl ladilflandtarethe mod iaime diate objea j prohibition the poiey of tli rehrwions upon the by ex pen colo trade mull be riot fail ot i nee their eing injurious to telted eflfc8 can- legiflativf pnver that a nation can be happy and protpcrous m herald the indian war the following extract of a letter dated at fort llaw- kin tlie 18th of maivhis copied from tlie sivannah republican of the 3d instant the uppor creeks have joined the army at fort scott v ith two thousand warriors all anxious to take the field againt their turbulent neighbor thj arennderthe command of mcinnsh and lovett two of their most distin guished chiefs w the army will convict of from four to liv thousand men and if the rava ges can be brought to action we shall have uo more complaints from that qiarter of our country the weft indies wn ever benefit mav be derived never dcncn jv from tuem ojhjfr plaejb thebtitifh brig wellington syro- mooctt arrived at cliarlctlon in 26 days from jamaica by the wellington kimflon paprruj arc received 10 tlie 14th march the j ii patriot had been cpfcielj fubduc d jrjfjufi annual met ling of 0 in- lancastkias school sociktv will be held on mon day ll may instead o friday is mui as formerly advert icd by ox er of the pnfklenr 4 r stanton becf take notice itjrihls ia to notify the public thnt jl abraham weft holds a note again i me which he obtained by fraud i therefore cauti n id per font agaitic purchafing faid nte as i am determin- cd never to pay it iinlefs compelled by the utmult exremitv of the zw it i for one hundred dollar and was givn for a certain piece of land fr which he can eivt me no litle the h irt being ifl scotland ml dantei x reyiow uuk ma3 1818 4jt