firr council f to zidna 1817 jiltottce i tbv given by otrvr jl v of his honor the dminiftrator n council tu the repunnialive oj tmw gfiway ind iviuianx caurvell 10 cnkh ir 45 a v rtefion to j mi ber iwiirv ftii he fifth conceffion of the ttm ll ox ingiton withitl fix months firm hi date or it will be granted to the rcupaitt who has been in poffiffion sxtetfl years john small cil of the es- council c notice the fubferiber hrchy forbids all and evry perfn or prrfona from medltng or making or cutting any tim ber 01 trefpaffiny in any ftijpe whatever upon lot no 21 in the 5th conceffion of the townfhip of kingfton on pain of being orofecuted according t- law jarvis worden kingfton 6 22 l8l7 2vt6 i notice vvtltbreas hy the last will v v and tcftament of the late rich rd pa tt1nsqn efq in his lite lime of sandwich in the province of upper canada robert ghmpfc william oikiivnatl george moffait ae joiinly and leverallv appointed fidmwy le3ees of hit filiate and exmtort of faid will i do hereby requeft all perfons having chin upon faid ellate to prefent the fame o me duly authenticated rof payment and all perions indebted 1 thereto are required to pay to me the amount of their refpeive accounts j dehth due to faid eitate in the province of upper canada or in the united states bordering thereon may be paid to george jacob efq of sand wich john afkin and james gordon efqrs of amhctllburgor tu either of iihem they being duiy aothoiized to receive the fame and grant acquittances g moffat 1 montreal 20h march i8ts 44- 1 for sale ontreafbnawe terms that well known ftand for a tavern fituated in the v9lg of prefcntt lots no 9 and m j fronting the kings highway and a irrtt two ftory framed houle well fin blank summonses sulpcena and executions for mie court t of requests hr with a large kitchen rn the rear fof sale fc qffic ftahling for twenty fpan of horses a med feventy feet long 2nd a good honfe on the rear lot fit for the accommodation jf a efr enable family the whole of the building thereon beintr fnifhed in u wrkmanlike manner and at present occupied by mr alexander b- mcdon- ell as a hotel for further particular apply to the fubferiber or to mr alexander mac- jponcll junior merchant prefcott by wbotn the term may be made known and an indifputable tite and immediate pofteffion will be given alex macdonell co kinglvon 3d jan 1818 j2tf rags rags i ash paid for clean cot ton and linen r ags of any color at this office to let and pofteffion given immmediately the large houfe lately occupied s by john size eligibly fituated in store ftreet either for a tavern or lore ap ply at this office march 17 181 8 4gtf gananoqua store mills charles mcdonald having taken his brother john mcdu all into partnership the bttiineft in fu ture will be conducted under the firm of c j mcdonald who keep fur fale a general afibrt ment of dry goods groceries hardware crockery and moft article enquired fo at a coun try store which they offer low for cafh saw logs square timber staves potatoes and moft kinds of country produce they have a good grift and saw mill in full operation can manufact ure flour tiqual to any mill in the province i they will fupply orders for musical worn iiortly vv be pnblimed by fubfeription miukal seleclions for the piano forte fi nm the moft approved maflera occasionally inlerloerfed with original compirio principally found ed on the moft aduid melodies of this country the c lef object of this work is to render tn re general a well as intereft- fog the ftudy of tin beft contpofera and hkewife to perpettie the moft beautiful of the canadian elodic8 conhltions this work will appear monthly ctch number will eontin five pages in the ufual mufical type and in other ref pes will be executed in the fame ftyle as iimiiar publicatiuna it is propofed to continue this work twclve monthn at the end of which pcrifl od fhonld it have received ftifficient en- coattgemeot it will moft probably fee continued the firft number an original compo lition will appear in the courfe f the iext month and will confift of an intro duction and variations on an admired canadian ait with a finale composed and arranged hy s codmati organift of the cathedral at quebec subfcriptions will be receiver at the bookfcllers mr j browk mr cun ningham and alcflrs nickless 8c mcdonfll terms to fubferibers 2 o per annum nnnfubfcribers 4 a number subfcriptions for he above ivori will be received at this office- valuable lands for sa1 ei n the third conceltion of the t wn fhip of pitfbursrh being lots no fi the half of no 7 and no 18 an indifputable title will he given and the terms of payment made eafv h c thomson kingfton july 2s i8n 32 to let a nd immediate poflefli n given the jr house and ptrcnifef in stuart rille lately occupfed by mr dalton fituaud within half a mile of thr town fl fnvorable fltuarion for a gentleman pud family and no lefs fo for a iiftiller im keeper for further particulars enquire f the fuhlcrfber e barnett kingston feb 24 8i 43tf j sawed limber of almoft any defcription 1 at hort voiicr c j mcdonald gananoqua jan x0 t8i8 33 authuk fndehted to char lw mcdon ald whofe accounts have become due are requefted to to make immedi ate payment notice all perfons having any demands a- gainft the eftateof the late bry n crawford efq of dolphufiown de- ceafed are hereby requefted to produce their claim duly authenticated o all perfons indebted to the faid ellateare hereby requefted to make immediate payment to ivitiiam alexander grant executor kingston jgth hay 1817 32 to let andpoffeflion given the firft of may next a number of moms in the line barracks enquire of h earl march 1 j 42 oft sale ath at beautiful and very valuable faim fituated upon point p cafant in aryfburgh containing 20c acres be g lots no 18 and 19 end of the reck there are nearly too acre uider god improvement and 73 beam g apple and pear tree for particulars enquire of mr walter mcnn ffc merchant kinjrfton or mr wm licn- niket of maryftngh having been i formed that aaron conner has bee irt falling by curting tiher throwine down my fences and putting cattle iito my enclofurt now i hereby forbid aid conner taking a ay lh timber he cut i alfo forbid al and every perfon or prrfon to aid or afllil fa conner to woik or take faid timler a way nr purchafc it of him if they do they may cxpeft to be piofccuted as the lev diiectd johnmcbean matyuwgh i march j8 1818 44 the subscriber jlji egs have to inform hi fnvrds lljj the pumic generfilly that he ha- removtd from hi former hand to the mop lately occupied by jonrs abbot co near the market pace where he has now on bandy a genera aitortment of hardware cutlery c which he will fell on the muft moderate terms to let the fhop lately occupied by the inbferiber and pofleffion given im mediately samuel shaw kingston th jan 1818 blank bail bckds for sie at this office officers half pay an artil lery penfinn blanks for fnle it this ofli e to let the huildinc atcly occupied by r robifon tiq a a thcp fittiai next the qtverument houfe for particulars ap0y to llan mclean eq kingtton januaiy 23 1818 0ti just received and for fale at this of fice price 18 poems on his do mestic circumstances by l rd byron with the star of the legion of honour ind other poem to which is prefixed the lift of th noble author nov- 28 32 notice all perfon indebted to theftate of the late jafaes camming late of hallowelk rjeceafed are requeued to call without delay and fettle the fame with mr james mcgregor now in charge of the eflablifhment at hallow- ell bridge and thofe who have claims againft the faid eftate are d clued to prcfent them for adjuftmcnu the mock in trade of the deceafed confifting of a very complete aitortment of goods well laid in and very fuitable to the country i now felling off at pri ces fo low as will defetvedly claim the attention of the public cafh or country produce will be tak en in payment and a credit of 6 months given to refponfible farmers or others john cum ming 1 e wm mitchell hxwlon kingston 08 2 7 1 8 1 7 y- the notice of a difcontin- uanceof the partnerfhtpj between t homer gf moran figned by mr thorncr and inferted in the king fton gazette was published without the confent of the fubfciiber who in order to prevent any miftake thinks himfelf bound to inform the public that aitho a diffolution of laid partnership has beer mentioned it is not definitively airan ged michl moran kingfton prtl 20 1818 47 notice the partnerfhip mentioned a few months fince between thorncr tff moran ceafed on 3d april 1818 ag nr papers have been figned to confirm the above oir rloran has received ac cording to his request a remuneration adequate to his servicres from the sub briber n b all debts notes of hand previous to the above date will be honourably settled by the subfcriber whi rlqiuib thofe who areindebred to 1 he ab ve dim to pay the fame without delay to j thorner kingfton april 6 1818 45 for sale a two hoksk w4gg0n rjerfegtly new likewife a i few thoufand 18 inch shing les inquiie of s merrill kingston tyrd 4 blank summonses for the district courts for sale at this office mats smith bu iter worth beturn their finccre thanks to their friends and the pubjic in g neral for the liberal encouragement that 1 hey have received fince they reconv meuced the hutting bvfmefu they have an extenfive aitortment of ladies and childrens bon nets of various colors and fhape5 gentlemens beaver fine caftorhats likewife knapt and woo hats which they will fell very tew cafh or approved credit produce taken in payment jan 2 32u public notice the subfcribers executore to tit estate of charles stuart efquirej deceafed late sheriff of he midland district hereby requests all thofe indebt ed to the faid estate to make immediate payment to the faid executors aod all thofe who have demands against tb estate are requested to produce the fatof duly attested in order that a settlement of the estate maybe effected a- fpcedilf as poflible after tbefirstdayofjuly 1818 george o stuart exw allan mclean j utor kingston august 1 1 1817 32tf 32 for sa at this office a ready reckoner shewing the value of grains of various gold coins current in the province of upper cana da also fergusons improved tabic of the value of grains of gold coin q er or under weight multiplication tables for the ue of school joi fide at this office just received and for hk at thia office price 7d the montreal almanack for the year of our lord 18 18 alfo essits en pr vctical husbandry yarrftrfl t the canadian farmers v or ecu of montreal pvc novembci 4 32 circulating library miss read ptjtlrikes thin opportunity of ac- j quairting her friend and the pub iic thai ihehs given up her comniffion store in store street but intends com rnencirrg buliuefs immediately on her owfl account s intends ging f- montreal in the courfe of a morth to purcbafe the molt fafhiooahle spring arrices she alfo returns her ost ct re thank to her friends end custom r tor pant favours and hopes foi a contin nance of them as loon as flic can procure a store she wifhes to inform the fubferibers to the library 1 that he will nuke evry allowance from thif date until tbe li brary u again opened and any perfonfl who have books belonging to it will he fo good as to leave them pt mr thorn- er vtore mils read alfo requests all perfon a who are indebted to her to he fo good a to call at mr turpins where he now refide and feftle their accounts with her kingston march 1 6 18 18 42 to let itlorany term of years not exceed in fifteen on the moft reaforia hie terms that well known valuable hand in the public line fitnate on the point at gani and recently occu pied by seth downs together with the houfe barn stableg for fur ther particular appy to the fobfenber joel stone gananoqua 7- 9 1 8 18 53 wank asmenl lists for sale at this qeeateo arith metical tamexjor the use of schools attorn es biank bills o costs foi faale at tt oiice a contract w be given for piling and burningoff the timber at pre f- qnifle the enfuing spring on 75 acres of ground and for owing the fame in to grain and alfo at kingfton for cut ting and drawing about one mile 500 cord of wood on each of whieh contract by being furnifhed with fuffi- cient fecurity a fmal advance will be made enquire of b whitney kingston jan 6- 18 1 8 jgtf valuable lands for sale it ots ns 24 25 and 26 firft con- jld oelfi n of the townfhip of ma- vfbi irgh ivfl of the rock in the mid- rfnd diffris comptifing the moft valu labc part of point pjtafant and cor taiuing about 300 acres n 51 firft conceffion of sophias- burgh midland dillrift 200 acres nor 86 and x9 second conceflin of a neliafburgh bay fide midland di- tna aercs nos e and6- fecond conceffinn -me- liasburgh lafeefide 400 acres no 3 third conceffion of hallowell midland didridt 200 acres no 12 eighth conceffion of thur- low midand dftua 200 acrei no g fecond conceffion of camden midland diftric 200 acres no 70 fifth con camden too acres no 9 third conceffion of vurrayin the dihria of new caftle 200 acres no 5 4th con of murray 200 do no io fourth con hamilton in the diftridl of new caftle 200 acres no 32 fifth con of hamilton 2oodo no i feventh con of haldimand diftria of new caftle 200 acres no 1 firft con of the townfhip of clarke in the diftwcl of n c 200 do the local fit natron of the above lands particularly of tht firft nine lots is very advantageous and the foil is excellent the terms of fale will he found very rea fonable and a great part of the pur- chafe money will he left at intereft in the hands of the ptnehafer application to be made to the fit bfc fiber d h gekmn aaolphusotun l thmurch iihf advertisement the fubferiber offers for sale tin following lots of land 200 ace in 4th and 500 in the 6th conceffion of the gore betwftft erneft town and frederickfburgh no 18 and 19 in the 8ih conccfliao of murray no 31 eaft half 2d con ofsidny no 9 10th conceffion of rawdcrr no 4 8th conceffion huntingdon no 14 15 17 r 8 25 and 26 in the 9th conceffion of thurlow no 34 and 35 in the 4th conceffiojf of vaughan near york also several valuable town lots in thf town of kingfton wm crawford rjm yn trvfy 34 smiths work the fubferiber moft refpeclfulte informs the gentlemen of king tn that he is juft arrived here from dublin and has commenced the bug nefs of black and white smirh in all its branches more particularly that j horfe shewing fa which be will gfa 1 he greateft fatiffaftin to thofe that em ploy him thev may rey on having their work well done cheap and neat by applying at mr j meaghers banacfc ftreet where he has commenced all orders in that line will be gladl received and drift attention given kingston 13th 08 3 t lhe fubferibers beg leave to inform a their friends and the public in ge neral that they carry on the tatloring business in main street where they intend malt inrr every article in their line on more reafonable term than has been done for a number of years back thofe who wifli to favor them with their cuftom may rely on having their work well made and on the fhoneft notice for cafti norris stevens kingston sept 9 l 8 t 7 z tht panoplisty for the year 1816 for sale at this office complete t blank deeds arid memorials for fale at this oflice tf li to let ttlhat well knowa large vautq x store in front othc dwelling houfe of the fubferiber jt is well cal culated for commercial bufinfft having a large commodioue cellar capable of holding 1000 barrels with the sd vantage of the wharf where veltcls of 40 tons may load and unloaded foi warders would do well to improve this opportu nity t for particulars apply to the fub feriber on tiic premjfes j v tes robinson a tojptm 1 jth itftrckyt 4