Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), May 19, 1818, p. 1

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tuesday may i i a 18 kingston volume vii no 51 az kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum exclusive of postage vff- agents for the kingston gazette grant town jam fs r a n k i n esq farkwilelam ailav esq fcrockvillf a sllkllwool esq brllsille s mkabb esq modinal v mow 1 r printer fo is sale fail nins mills of a fnpericr quality which will be keot constantly on hand by the i fubferibtr price 1c dollar p j fitch j kingston collins creek 50tf rjf 12 1 8 1 8 f aay commissariat salm batteaux dur ham boats will be fold at public auc tion on monday the j ft of june next at the coram iffariat i batteau yard at this poft a nu nber of i batteaux and durham boats with their ippurtenances t710r fale by the fubferiber lot no sale to commence at i oclock r n i 18 3n iy in the tenth coriceffionj jfst comy genls office and half lot no 18 in the 6th cor- kingston 8a mav 1818 5 cciilon of the towrdhip of piercy ap- 1 j ply to joh n bu rnett a second hand cable for sale by monjeau st germain kingston april io 1 3 1 f- 46t valuable lands removal kingston may gib 1818 5of i scott m ota a m e into the enclofure of the iub- lj fcber on or about the 21ft ot april a cow of a black color the surgeons chemists iff dtushftttf j owner requcfted to prove property have removed to the store lately j i pav charges and take her away and pay j occimted bv taylor parker j the primer tohnburnett occupied by taylor parker j the primer filtrate nearly oppofite meores coffee j j we between mr patrick smyths j crockery store and the cuilom hnnfejj office tlie ufual attention will be paid j fc branch f the profeffion i i they have taicnt of dye medicines tod every chemical in life kingston gtb may i 8 1 8 kingston may 9 1 8 1 3 5ow3 beer n hand a general affrt i ttust received at ihe store of s i stuffs patent baitlet aconfiunmetuor 94 bar- land oils acids ivwbmof fuperior quality for fate fur calh 4 49 71 face notice h jti saijil jrfffbts s notify tle public that j j jf hialiam welt lioldf a i tc aijiin hat brautn and very va1avlc wh hc ohtahmlb fgud va four non fom pett j tf t j n mai fbtn fih coniawntg 200 wrcj ik f marylbtirrli coniaining tptfchafng fam note a laindrtermin inr lt no 18 and l tall of the g cmnpdle nek there are hearty co rcer ondff unmft cx the 1 is by his excellency sir john cope sherbrookp kuigbt grand crop of the most herorable military order of the bafk commander oj his majesty s force in the provinces of north america a piiocjjmation whereas heretofore for thej purpose if maintaining the i means of circulation and arifweitng the exigencies of thf public service his excellency sir gevge ptrvost baronet then commanding his majcltys forces in briufh north america did make and prepare a number oi cills denominated army bills and catlfcd the fame frm time- to time t be iifued from the army bill otice eflahliflicj for tliat purpofe at the city of quebec agreeably to the piovifionsof the feveral acis of the province of lowercanada made for tlie purpofe of facilitating the circulation of army bills and whereas it is fit and proper that the accounts or the fald army bill office ftmuld be finally jclofed i have theieforc thought rit to iifue tiis proclamation heebv requiring all perions holding armv bill to preterit the fame for psment at the army bill office in the city of quebec on or before the 3 1 it ly of october next on which day the arm bill office wit be finally elofed and in default ot fuel prcfenlation for payment within that period the holders offuch army bills cannot receive or claim from the military chdt the payment thereof given tinder mv hand and seal at arms at the cafte of 8ain lewi- in the city of qiebec this firftj day of may in the year of 0r lord one- thanfand eiijht hun dred and eighteen and in the fifty i eighth yeat of hii maefty rcian siaued j sherbrooke bv kis excellem cwti l t i almtson 51 military secretary i i names and choose ofltcebearers on the choice of respectable officebearers ituch of our success must depend fhat his choice may fie as freeas po- sibte 1 would recommend that candi dates should be proposed in writing my person proposing a candidate not to name him aloud but to drop a slip 11 paper u if h the name or names writ- fen uoon it into a hat handed round and then given to the chairmau who will announce the candidates bsides a representative and clerk i dhoufd propose to have a committee of five persons including the repre- milative as cue the committ e would manage concerns within the nnvnship and it would be very de sirable if active individuals would vol lunteerto go into the respective towu- ships of the ilist 1 iot to forward the cause 1 haven ned a dollaj as the sum to be subscribed tliis however is named onlyasa minimum rind it u eo bi hoped that many individuals wdl be liberal campbell n it rogers j n 3 forbett jr dames ross john clow duncan rogers alexander corbeft jnmes durhatd james deval john ln sir jacob kifdds ooree i and 73 bean 1 g yor particulars enquire of mr waller mcurie good wiprovenwnt apv and pear trees merchant kinpfton or mr win ftca t of maryfburyh having been informea that aaron conner has been t r ipaffing by cutting ftrfbtr throwinir down my fences and wrttimj cattle into my enclofure now j hereby forbid laid conner takjitgaway l timber he cut i alio forbid all and fvry perfon or perfons ro aid or ajhll for one hundred dchlaia iind va given for a certain pkee if land for wlch he j can gtvr me no title the h- ir being in scotland- his daniel f reynolds roark mjy 1b18 49 farms foi sale ttnie ftsbfciibef offers for fale a farm t containing 33 acres in the town- conner to work or lake laid timber j fhip of ernrrt town zd conceffion ha- l way nor ptrchaiv it of kim ifthry do i vmg a ffood frame jioife a krge barn acy nv epcl to be profecuted as the law dlreas attd rhedan excellent ftand foi a tavern frum lite kiagttra hpevtttior klaoal april 16 in eonnquettce of mr iwrlay invttatinn to tht iuhflbitants of niaga- ira township to tsct oil monday lut- a vu full mttinit wns hhl lit mr james roerv cotve heu mr ci to open the bu ine- addressed tin company in substance as follows gentlemen your presence here to day is gratifying to me ina much as it u a proof that my rail for a meeting has been well received beyond the j publication of m last address to th john ml- be an maiyfburh march 28 i8i3 44 uude improvement shth bartlet april 28 1818 4 the copartncrfliip of mded1f wiltttton is this day cillolved a j mctcalfisauthaiilcdio clofe the c3a- cern icy- j apollas mftcaif sgned villiston j kiugfton 8th march s8lt the subfcriber intends ontimin the of june ocx enfuitig the dale sadlng business j iwreof their refoeaive account will he if sherd in the hands of an attorney for 611 about the m of june at vvbcn ture george douglass kingston march 231818 4 tf awn neoi au rjtcnicui uinu i a iv i j r i u c r ivexdcnt land ow ners of upper uftli and ftort- and one nf tne ber fituattoits ada i took no siip wlitever to gain support it is contrary to my princi- r tr a iii elicit privately asiauce in towntho of ktngftnn containing too j caieand ill pari y work aces well tmoered and about 30 acres j i in the country for a mechanic one of the beft farms in the t tie fuhfetiher informs all thofe who arc indebted to him ether jbvtte bondorothcrwife that nntefs the fame isdilchanjcd on or btfute the he k exuefts to leave kinghon pticularly deftres all thofe indebted to lanijo make payment without further notice and is now ready to pay demands heldagainti him 4 a metcalf the i notice the fublcrilxr rcfeafully informs the public that he intends to con- tjflue the baiiig bulhels this fcafbo therefore if any yetfom wilhes to tranf- pptt plank boards brick lime sand u c he offers them his cervices applvat mr lohndawfav kmhon william yerex april 13 18 18 46- to let 4 to be let or sold a kd plilition give on the id a may next that new aij u wodious two story b de wtfi stable coach houfe rnd well o x celltnt water at prefect wcupid by boftor short near the block houic gate which leads imdei to the racecorfeapply t a nd immediate poteffion gtvrn two convenient howfes with shoos in lore iwt near mr blakes tavern on the corner of the ftreei lead- hg from the artillery barracks to the french chuich for particulars apply to john w fehguson store strecc kingston ecb i frl 8l 8 3 just received and fir sale by the subscribers a consignment of excellent ale in cnflc- mae by hop- d wn prcfcotwc flw c and bottle fhir yellow soap also fen gridt nes of the beft q iaity llioipsoo derlor kingston t april 20 l8ia 476 attornies blank bills oi costs tor sale at tius oiuce i burmess of public meetings with 0 peedi but 1 m ueithr a poblu spaker nor an admirer of fspeechtfy- mg ft too often tertds only to sttr up he passions and mislead th- judgment ikven man i trut has his mind made p to the necessity g a move us province to re3c it from the damning iiilluenc which prevail and bar its prosperity the move now proposed to be m is equally safe and constitutional 0 countries ufcere society ha formed itself into two classes- the r and the poor great popular movements are to be dreaded wher nhietenlks of the people labour only to gratify the lusts of onetenth it uiy naturally be suu- posed that the ihajorfty only require concert to rid ther of oppression and always have uteuv7to be rid of it in this country circumstances are quite otherwise mor0 t 0iu person intends vvithout landed pro perty and there fi llo buch fhlttg a m oppressed tmltitulo the 3ita tion of the public mill hirc therefore k an never be attended with danger every n has i t be satished with bis own reh co and no internal roote c disturb ut legitimate posses of p the eeneral scheme of proceuditig irueh i have skethedoii in my pr blllj is i believe t fi and mom effectual if rs into w spirit nothing can resm i trust there- lore genthmen 01 wiu roc0 not only uithunaniu butzeal vith out zeal no publ ease caa nhave niagara april 13a 1818 this dav a numerous meeting of the inhabitants of the township of niaa- ia having been held at ihe cfoue oft james rogers and da vi i secoh 0 ksq m p beiu called to the chair the address of mr gourlay to thej itesident land owners of upper ca nada dated april 2d 118 was read overhand its whole tenor and senti ments uiianimopdiy approved of- in eonformiiy to the recominttidation therein contained the meeting pro cecded to electa representative andj clerk when bobert ijaauttm of quecnstob esqairo was appointed iill the former situation and john ross of niagara esquire the latter a committer also as appointed 101 forward the views of the meeting viz tm thfi stretu oil f ff f- l lt robert mimre ksqt mondaj 20th of this present month was named a a proper day for the mcptiifgii of other townships within tlo uistriet nf niagara ami monday rih lor the meeting of the represen tatives from the various townships to be held at shipmaus tnvern t cah- arinos he committee duly to adver tise the same aud take such steps as to them shall appear requisite for fur- thering the good cause the thanks of the meeting were then unanimously voted to david be on esq for his public spirit in com ing forward f this occasion and libe rally fulfilling the duties of the chair david skcord chairman a true copy j so ross clerk totsmkip meetings to beheld on mon- day loth insf 12 oclock npen at the following places stamford andrew rorebacksf ivilfangkbfo john palmers ilrlie mftthia llauns waiitteet j ojnes thomsons i lumber stoney ond the lake side of ivahijlct christian zeviu- slinirlaitdt itied secord ahrahao secord david street timothy sturijis daniel priel jwu dk htih smith john fuller dauiel shermitn joseph fuller k st cord seu jatnej poster ansel st c id stepheq grus abraham shiw georuo fj nor lay khert secord jr- jame goodvou rdwavd secord iauuah itirhiy thomas thompsoti john lorton kdtnnud thornpfion li inrt matties joseph tesseymau robert hamilton robert vatt vleet john ilauan john vroomao jaci n itephurne wg wolv rtttj johu ii el me r thomas warn jumes hamilton p tl waters humphrey rfuinpliie lanjes wysjier wm iiiurahani n whnhan i immas jarvi vvm willinm x vvilian krby jme woodruff richard uhit requested thai others i10 th to subscribe xcilt cull and fa o at the stum oj mr ross secnftir to ihe editor ofiht niagara spectqfqvi siu nittgaru ibih april 11s i grantham paul shipmaus lantii robert runchies clinton rkhanlhihs i ri 01 shy charles andersons laiisborougki snyders mills cnistur john lvubunirs iclham jhn streets mills 7 vun vm jlfleluas crozcland cooks mills with their adjoining townships the following subscribers i have already come torwaru in support of the measures resolv ed upon by the niagara towu- hip meeting armstrong john andrew joseph jjiggar john a d am bainbrook canbiuy s kamp john lj ons tames jmwrence george jihwieuce jolm iiclliiisar michael mkec alexader micklejoho vv in moore robert ljrov u j uoydc john boutlug james tlurcliard israel bennett james lirooks joiu ivowu josiah jiarey ivnattuel cnduey jeris k aspady samuel udue jatnes mbride edward miller wm mpheron john jowis thomas tickard wu patterson jamrs 1eturd penjamin 1 inter richard cornwall thomas iointer is vai- joho qirlu swlriiiwu uosolimtt vvm robbing wiii ehanceof success q business to- iwitvv day 1 coaceive i dlkii t caroi uri kpw jmmi v u although i had delerndued be- fore seeing lite last production of the travelkr to have dmje with every thing which was not of serious irqnort to the public cause in whirl i am -n- gaged you will 1 i i i trut spare me room to answer the traveller who from the beginning i made excepuoq of in my general rule his iat let ter resembles his firsl it has uiiiiq things very pood in it and some tjiui9 uoisethan useless kr m wle u i would feci ifin fdlia ri uci thwe people uhise wealvie- s of miitd frthpti them from rjuz fl n iii of petitioning it can iii t sfc du no lino it must d to illcfc letter is om xceptionabsc and the uli4eof that paragraph from thsd words to ir nd i- ilttit 1 vfhk indeed it cottld be got b earl iti repented daily by everj maa of tha province tiil tli businefi i- o nay 1 would have ir copied nut aii 1 fiamed to he hung up it everj i nest mat parlour to remind him pf hi duty and the importance ot the -ub- ject the prior part of the letter is full of pet had argument and elfd ceptlon the traveller always writ s well bet he has not the faculty of reasoning lie assume prids au togetlu r unwarrantable and weills to have no idea of the right structure of a proposition lie is like runy young men that i have known at college pos sessed of quick parts and livtly ima ginations but who ucir could set over the pans assinorttm ke iet out with saying of my ls letter concern- ing hirn that it is illiberal and de nominates it an c attr k it was neither titibrul nor an attack itwis a defence and in answer to an illlbtral attack the traveller points ai much naughtiness in me but forgets or at teat avoids co suy any thing of t lie words quibble perverts un- fmrf and v conceals it was his oso i these word towardsme which made him a fair mark for severity tey were improper words and cwiveypi it liberal ideas the use of these wouls broke the bounds of u unsophisticated tfoud humour and nave me liberty tu he ui de and severe if i chose ihe traveller seems to feel severity as jf ne was known o the public but in his character of trareller he is not j known to the public he is unseen lie rest- incog he is nothing bt en unfeeling man of stra i e public on the contrary 1 tand wpeo to view a reai pionae format elf but fr the pomw wta ayd if severity even to mr nobody ua ielit this caue u snj dut to be at my use of the word u pcrvcrseness touches tjie trayelter deepest in thj nick danining mtclj a charge maybe 1 could stiljnjaintaiiiroj poiuu bot 1 shall do more ood by rj rring to the conduce oj others tn re geittjeraei in tnr vr townsimj who ituijd wrli with the u dress gen tecltv and talk ei inly wfa too duct to inea well a- their refusal to corjje fojx4 l i hov iv k a

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