v unataii ii at j j i thu tttcjfal capital he ca- a h y l t tl m- for iu the a ei i ei-iu- f it situation ni public ufiv m jgttj fiilaud ruinous the aj that sum ti ii- o i- lmrariitoly to be d they str a- certy as fcuetrati 1 or thai pr i i minjj w can at feast do no harm thf it mibl do gond but iirhstaudiogah this they hesitate an object from mtfi irilivs their otgecp tioos are not hairo ratiital a- fliose tjie traveller formerly recorded 6 wea not ai this found out befora end it i astonishing that this was not found out before no they are still wore foolish and perverse they say why is this man appointed lo act in the committee why iffthla other in the committe styled esifuifp and we would sirbscribeif rome oth er peson would subscribe j say that all this proceed from the pervert- fles of human xv tbcir con sciences th them what is right thy lenow that it is their duf v to come or- 1 ward yet still they lag hemnd they have nothing to say against the cause of truth and therefore their spleen has i vent against personal character or rank in life as was the cae of old when thone who would not follow je sus christ said u is not this the son of the carpenter if such persons did dot attend the meeting it is nist wan- ten pervereus to be gossiping alvul ond finding fault with any man appoin ted by the meeting or with any hon orary title coufei red- there i only one man in the committee that i ever knw before the meeting and j have only once been in his company ah the men for any thing 1 know are good euongh men but in fart the commit tee has nothing to do in the business but mere trifles such as reporting the names of those willing to subscribe and s forth the representative and cbrk i am better acquainted with and more fit men for their situations could not have been selected both a regards honor and activity the fine which f shall now impose on the tra- thut n not heavy but if he agrees tt- it and discharges the debt it will be a real proof of his sfftcery in thecaue i ay th h- ntnsfl not only attend his own township meeting and do hi best ther but he must afterward- come to niagara and jo from tftoatfa t hjuse hi mib invito evtry one to se rfm trifling and tth unchaiiiablenesq tfnl iie aust end- ivor fo get every ne vrfcfl hax net alrcalv subscribed in give iirrr name and dollar to th good rae pipfriall magfctrfftta and all irhc lay claim to toe character of gen- tl llll th traveller mu4 no longer heri tefrom wuit rf liojv as to th good he may do as w a single individ ual if every rie forlvarslo petition braid ttid causo from misgivings of thi kind pothtng will be done j every individual had come forward at mv call two mouths ego to hold mem ber of parliament to their duty by pa- tttioning i am quite assuid they iron id have d mhs their dtttv the un flgrid force of the popular voice would hav u compelled them he speaks of the men in parliament t forgetting their duty to the drop 1 y hi- people have neglected their own duty and if they neglect it still they will suffer and be insulted still the men 5ti parhamenl are like other men ing evil ootltinoall i all men aiel apt to pursue u a line of conduct which j their god their country and their consciences m jst equally eondmii a11 men are sprung from adam and have a relish for apples member of i parliament when they get into vrk arein the garden of eduand cannot forbear munching thfl forbidden fnu we niut shut the gate of eden or lock upthe apples we must no longer expose our men of assembly to temp tation we must hold ov- r then for ever the flaming sw rd of justice and the law i have hitherto excused the travel er for withholding hif ral name on the score of u timidity h inn t now lay aidc timidity and tw false pride example is better than pre- gept and the gauadiaos will soon gtt over the sin which most easily best thum when they iee the travemei vakingborc them a real man and rid of all maid n bashfnlness to prov to th traveller that faja- pridn u rot a failing c4 mine an more than insincerit 1 begleave toa that shall be ready af james roger ohhhoui next wednesday tin 2sd int by l oclock noon to ac- rmpan my f 1 ow traveller in hi rounds ovtri the village of niagara af ter stibsciif rs and if it i areeab- 9 ffth- ptmrimie- will no lonjjor b- en in fii- fpry lis whuli va ncc rlihha a aiii- mi lias at las p d wide to fricmisliij and forgrw- iiwlid it is nov doubtful if eivis more than one villiau in tn- hl district of niagara ri u-iri- i wrote th tetter vhich the iv f t alls an attack 1 neau my last letter refaidiug the travellor for now that i r collect all my iett rs fo mrjor leonard andnthera were de signated mla- kit he to re 1 last wrote of the irav-iii- it was matter of con sideration with me what style it would be most proper to assume in answering him beit to serve the public cause rhcther the severe the ludieroas 01 hie confessional as the coufssional afjfk may not be comprehended imust irst confess that j am privately well acquainted with the traveller have ffce highest regard not only for hi- literarv talents but for his goodness p heart and bating safe eonrluct over the asses bridge in mathematics there is no man in whose hand i would ra ther trust my life before wri- tmtt my last letter i had a wish to see himand consult whether it woold not stilt best to tell the public that his feeond letter wm intended as a mere brlsn and that wmd onib- oies perverts unfdr and con ceals were ed oiv to fry for a week what woo id lv though nf them wheiher the fabe pride er bettor jort of pride of the canadians would beoflfended with them as it so hap- uened i missed seeing mv friend to hake hands a usual between heats and behold the lightning of my wrath set re to my good man of straw it sail tor the best perhaps mv good hfigy when burning she per- feciton f he traveller improtosunder the lash he is now actually to neti- ion hsdouhts his delays his heats hav all gven p to r tiotih and right feelings we have met hook hands and before several witnesses he has acknowledged that the word above quoted were ver mpruperhe uill ot ere have j tlloogh i should omgehmu read half a dozen col umns i s kn9w neither pn i f t fsf r proceed further ban srms necessary to s h e a hiegenralivb nofuial for there are canadians not a fpw tfiwe reasoning powers are not above it an more than th of mj frllo imvchr from britain 5 and i should be so aiiy j befit hj cause jnrough mistakes in argnvcnt jnrsonal dislikes to me founded tmreoii the travller says i h him that he was induced to interfwi in mi 6 cause by a feiing of ul p ts hs word three times but 1 nnuot p st ftni thj wopd v whore in my ut he then tntnkj ilt vtconthient in nie to accuse i 1 m afvamtjf after giving him credit lr mncritv and good intention nov there might be ho inconsistency in thi- j ven though cerreru it of tenhappenj that p are mov d hy vanity t mem re do good a d in he mam m sincere aft r al that l naveskid of ir st rachani may non treknowledge it possible that p rhap was sinvere and meant to do ood pipame lgi unive lemtillor who cjjlfd bim arrogant told me ah thai he was a good- hearted little j fellow being goodhearted sincere or having no bad mtentionj i not e1 nough to excuse a man from o fmg offences many iwve ben riot on- lj accessary temufders but actually have committed murder from errors of judgment to plead err r 01 jiulj mant would not save such in in- gallows and honld l kirk prorftcute dr snacban lor libel m i have hoard it wiii pered he may yet do the- utmost prool oi siueerity i disiithin or good intention ought ot fojjtand in the way of jnstire ihus eve with correct statement there is no meoumhteuej in giving a person crdit lor sincerity while moved by vanity or worse passions but the traveller lorgets that tin credit he ad from me for sincerity was 2 in my rirm letter tar1 is ffenerhy miefwtood to wean jeaai christ hi oi anv qmnfririfloa ifi him vvviildi ijc profane but these words are improperly introduced bj f to fratellfir xie scripture luforms mool tial c pertain man inada frst a mere mao anj in eonipariag nith fliis meffl aiau fed ea y in saying that niy invitai t pptilion is equal 1 sincere and puffe as ro its end a wa the invitation to he f ait in the para ble j jiall to sorry indeed if any fault of mine a n a f faults i hate should militate against my sini ere etforts for tood in this cause the traveller ii j in fntnrdo eve ry tiling for t cause and rather j throw a vail ovn my f as an indi vidual than cate jetousies which may obstruct iti progress neither nor the traveller arc any thing to the public as individuals the moment re think only o ourselves wc are frt- tling with the public cause and fol lowing this rub neither his second letter nor the eatei part of his third is mi offend ing even the question as to my being n fabld to none of the errors of hurnanify and those that fol low are all afmtin as m ifher j nor any one would answer otherwise than iu the negative jt nay not be cri minal to be fad the tascinafionw of i peikoual feeling- but mhy speak f f it at all unless there hprofnfthe exis tence of such feeling why put a question merely to start a surmise sumiwes eonceniio my dumctef imm come from little to gmt and the mot desperate measures have been taken to bla tthe hx cause through the fase- sa ider of my character only twu ctays no 1 was affarked ou the street oi niftgaik by member of parua- iieut i uas cued a traitor and the meetines all over the trovlneo n- i iiave pointed cut the csuse will even yet have a glorious ti inrnpb tn this case i repeat my own words 4 tint or fvenjitsf claim ntav he paid hij uci christmas but a fowuluiion wou he laid for this provitve hcvminjf thiee- dity the most jtotrishiiz and secure spot on the hahituhl- oiihe roser1 goalat ampe4 upon inr i 0 eninrnt council in england kef not fnfscient proof of a fdoiious and th gicn i only obj w j coiilt disc viuw8 0f petitioner hnr u i the fireof ficauiil ihila 1 with the rt 1 k vhdb r file maurm rt p s since th meeting of the ia- fburn township f have been invited to attend the meetings of several other townships but i can only be at one and there i should hewrvto dictate the meetings were directed to be held all on the same day that individuals might not be going from one fo anofh- or and interrupting or voting out of fheir own township all may be sure i wish them well the main consideration is to have honest and independent men chosen as represen tatives to a tend at st catharines ou monday the 27th of this month to deliberate quietly as to the best teps tomaids getting the claims of sufferers by war paid and public abuses correc ted i frat that beside him ho tri ed to disturb he peace of the niagara meeting there is not another man so baseaa to scandalize constitutional meeting r breed in them confusion it would be well however for the peo ple to be on heir urrd against all who are m tho habit of goiig to york for land andollire juvourn for none of hee will like to sec honest men peti- fionmsr foryfcr claims or the correc tion of abusrtsbywhichvillainslive move aud have their being it g i welter for jf stall tates care tiametrt 1 sha will ihh proiji perseriri and j rtthi- member of par- i make him vcr to tfrp law and try f mihnbertot parha- merit are to b nuo to dtsgrarp thunwelfek 5 p men as modi as tlny did at or as pii c i amneirhersui 0 lv no to pa- ion and i tru q pr cect me from m rrderaudall harm i shall calmly puro 0 mydnij and 1 khali try huthr personal secu rity is to be bel aii iilh j ij iv itv d lorn llaud s tland and long in kn- oou onnirie i ravo fmdv r rvsc and miauros men ht till i came her- up 11 dt t shoot 1 ir i nor vi as i bier canada d- fudfrl l e i riiutf a to brih i muni uriu to lii5 ssrft r if ia1 been h o din i t address or si we anchor on the nors of hump i hlb sl iua tlp st lawrence ak tuir departure for he itoutes r america by thl v eo frj rl account rorn bui- jpfdu l a mi 1 t f bw ne nct polwhed n acount of that c laktarech hatl know hi rk wdl t rir th y ago b published a n whoh in less than fciiii 1 hall rail aloud at ever duor here are i so pour travellers come vj- hr gjtr mwe and a iltlnr ji r i ne gr it public mus rv- erj a iii then be ibrai v vomau will oniit eu u- toi love of tn in answer to li hrt and anterior ti the appearance of hih second letier to wiiien my second iva a rejlv lli ncond letl r may have at once cliang- d m pinion as to hi sine rity and xhbited sijfiii- of vanity but in fact to vanity i rurud t im ii n second letter nothing but joke foi i juk and oulji g oi uue funbi- tiou timnfc tiled at h oi bfeg ii i i ithy friend ettinj s ia- confusi in nim notions un c ufu tiding and cnufu in aid ak i fn atment ree tour iive oufi ru tbnngh a many editic wnva be amerian govern nankfhcoumit vork the- lejps- a tl t lu u dastardly and uteotiral lemdmt by tieb they havf reudervd ih nnsi fill 41 c- may suppum iinuai vvhut w- iiplnr j nl i hi i j i hi i i 14 to anc bcnpiur xtraordiuaryetfort thai er was oade for the public good f thi j rovfuctt far montent as to ioeitscllvif an hole s perhaps fr evra f r the stream when mioe divrtd u i nliaua n uy be broushtaito it nat uhiwnei my sonal pff now prmtlfd w far i oppohtbn to tiie infamous iiwftra aainm the 11 a i j ot ii- i 0 r ho id sola rinstliutinal tneet- i frftn the canadian cottrant mr mows ft some of the proceeding at the ht criminal term of the court of kfnqi bench itave excited a jod deal of far- prfee in the public u u will icmtuvn that at the term in i september lali two of ilie judges decjiii- cd to fit on an trial in which the north weit company wfre interested on ac count of their near connexion with the heads wf that concern and as this had led to the appointment of a commfffion of oyer and terminer for the trial of of- fenceft committed in the indian tcrriio nci it was naturally and uniwrfally he lievcd that no bufinrfs of that ddci iption the aftonigrmcnt of the whole city the north weft company gndfng ftveral of their partners nd other pfrfoflfl connec terl witfi tlum in pecuniary interest on the lid of the gram jury tok the op portuntty of prcfeinuir n number of bi of in himent aj3it the fervant- of the hudfoua bay company and perlon connrdlrd with the fcitlement on red rivet th brtj that wa prcfented wa aaiud mr p c pambrnn for robbe ry n which a motion was mide to qmih 1 rhe indictment on the ground that it had been found bv a grand jury compofed in art of ortnrrs of the north wjt conpany who were diely interrcfttfd in the qudtfefb from the prcflture of othci bnlineis thii motion was not tally argued or jecided upon bnr it wa fup- pofed that after fo public a flatcment of the ohjefon no other marrera in which the fn parties were concerned would i have been brought forwasd or aced up- oil ncverthcicf fix bills of indict ment were bund under the fame aufpr- jcts ainft the opjoncnts of the north welt ctmoanv for fimple or compound larceny and three oherfor aflfault and bnrrerv sx amnt thefc were fevirral which hid been thrown out by the grand jury in th court of oyer and terminer a grand jury among whom there were no partner of the north welt company but which wa comuof ed of gentlemen who had no intereft in the quefl ions brought before them sev en of the hi is weie aifo concerning ebc very fame niatters upon which the jud ges of the court of kings bench had already refuted to fit in september lad when mr ruber fon mr tipencer and other defired to be put upon their tri als notwithstanding the influence of the grand jurors interelied in the north weft company federal bills of indict ment preferred again t captain dorfo- nneot and other gentlemen cunnefted with the fettlement on red river were thrown out and particularly one for murder which had alio been thi own out in the court of oyer and tcrminei a- gdnft john pritchard and the ether fur- ton another procredinw wliich hai rife to a good deal of animadvetfion iatc to the sail which had been rjjj cd by mr coltraan from the earl f selkirk captains matthey and dq fonnoi8 and ivlr allan to appear montreal to atffwer charge brought forward by the north welt col relative to proceedings at fort wi it was hewn tnat this bail had beta impiuperly taken the allcdged ofej being cognizable in the weitcra dite of upper canada it wai hwevror dered by the court thai the partiq flionld enter into new recognizances fcf their appearance in that province gaiud this it was fir ll argued that the court rnd no authority to akc fucb i recognizance tor thy appearance lf par ties at a place not within their ownjuri diaion it wa next fhcwti to bcuooc- eeoary and oppreffive aa thefc gentb men had rccentiy taken a journey to up per canada for the ex prof pnrpoftjf meeting any charge which might be preferred againlt them and had thm appeared before the magi ft rate of tbe weftern diltriift who on a full ennfid- eration of each charge fcpaiately 1 the examination of feverl wit iefieoa behalf of the profecut were fatiffal with recognizances to the total arnwn of 350 from the earl of se propoiiional foifjfl from tc othei gen tlemen yet the court of kimgknck thought it rcafonable upon the lame charges fr afts alledged to havcbrtq committed in a country over whicht could exercne no jurifdiitioo to hold the earl 10 bail in the fum vequircdbf air coltman jz 6000 himmi audjtwo fureies in 3000 each agrfj ter fnm for an alleged misdemfittmi than the total amoant of recognizancrt taken by the jultiees of the fame court from all the partners and fervaoftii north well company who were fat down eighteen moths ago again wh charges eitift for the murder of half bundled of their fellow fuhjefls and gajnti whom fl1a ot indidmeot fe now been found for various mnrdeni fonii and burglaries of the two jodjp who fat 01 this octafion mr j retd brother inlaw to mr mccw ray ifl one of the two who in septcmw ult declared if fidelicnfe tn fit on i ri- i iii kudtfiuou or mr cw cer by the order gmn in thefc cafei bail it will appear that the court f kings bench for montreal atro itfclf the power even in cafes nf ter criminality than alledcd mifdfn jr of binding parties in rseoginw to apyear before the courts of up canada tii afturrption of authority i matrer which calls for immedhtr i riation and which molt ferionfly aff the liberality of every fiibjrtii of his ty jeily in thi provinceif the comt bind parties from this did rift aco of a mifdemeanor to appear at a com in the weftern dirtift f upptr ca da the lame principle mult aripvto other briiifh colony and the i 0 conlj equally we bind them for a mis demeanor to appear in jamaica the verdift of a jury need no lnnp be required to mffi baoifhment i be an effftualiy done by a recogzizj in like manner might the court n king bench for this duiift bind orer parties accufed ofaoindt and jwitenw take their trial in new holland a subscriber fnm the national intelligencer of april w by the prefidentof the united stattaj america a proclamation 1 vivors f the party mat were butchered i with governor seaiple on the lyth of june 1816 amonp the bin found are two for grand iarceny ajainh jihn spencer for the feizure of primean made in 1814 in liis capacity of sheriff and by virtue of a warrant from miles mcunnell jlq this is very insular as the north we it company the ntelvcs have hated both i w hereaa an arrangement was entered j utto at the city f wafhinaton h month ft april in the year of our i om one thousand eight hundred and fev ttuh between richard ruft l at that time acting as secretary fo k department of state of the uniud states for and in behalf cf the wrw meut of the united swtes and th right honorable charles btft iu britannic majeftyj envoy extranrdinj ty and minirter plenipotentiary frand in behalf of hi britannic majeft which arrangement is in the wod followiifl to wit u the naval f rce t be maintained upon the ameica- lakes by kit majefly and the government of the umted states mall henceforth be conhned to hr fdlowiig veffeli on each lide that is u11 1 ak ontario to one vetdnrt exceeding one hundred tons burtbn and armed with one eighteen pouai cannon on the upper la to two veflcia nt exceeding like burden each audarmed whs 1 ke force e r nave itatcd both la 1 it i if- ll hje ferrctary f state and to the pu t ic t j v t vc- in mriluj orderly hild fmsmm g j en nal proceeding 0 i f eet m the cauttj 0 canni had h a j 1 a ddd bcc 1 1 a wmed with like few bamplaiflj like burden