0 for salt i nreatorabe 1 1 1 riis 1 1 a well known ftard foi a taveri i iiuttrd in rh vflagc of prefcoii lots n 9 aid 1 1 frrnting ihe kings hihw y and forge two ftory frame houle well iin ifhed with a largr kitchen in th reftr itahlin for twenty fpan ot hoiks a lie seventy feet bno and a good boolean tin rar i at fir fr the ace mmodation ci 3 rcilahc family the wroeof the buildings therenn being finihvd in a w- rknanlikc mariner and at piefent occupied by mr alexander b mcdon- tl as a hotel for further particulars apply to thr fubfc iberv or to mr alexander mac- ione junior merchant ptefcott by whom thr terms may be made known and an indisputable title and immediate pofleffiort will be given alex m ri donell co kingfton jd jan 1818 11 jatt rags i flags ash paid for clean got- ton and un en ii a g s oi any color at this office to let kottcfe jwttreas by the lart wil t 5 and v of ihe late kllh vrd patt1n30n eiq in his life time of sandwich in the province i upper canada robert gillcfjiie viin gilkifon and george moifatt ae joimly and ieverally appointed fiduciary legatees of his eitate and executors of laid will i do hereby rtqueft al perfons having claims upon fai eitate to prrfent the fame to me duly authenticated for payment and all perions t indebted thereto ate required to pay to me the amount or then refpeebve accounts debts due to fa id eltaie in the province of upper canada or in ie united states uordering tliceon may be paid to george jacob efq of sand wich john ajkm and james gordon elcjra of amhetttburg or to cither of 1 hem they being duly anthoiized to receive the fame and grant acquittances g uoffatt montreal 20th march i 8 1 8 44v i b la nk summonses subpoenas and execurions for the court of rkouests for sale at this office valuable lands b sale n the third ctmccflioll of the tw nl f jtogb being lots nffl 6 the half of no and no 8 an indifputable title w be g and t terms of ay mem ma tafv h c thomson kingfton july 28 p 32 t blank bail bo d3 for at t 0l officers half p and artil lery penfion blanks for fale at this cfj j list received an for fale at this of fji ficc price i8 poems on his do mestic circtmstans by lord byron with the slarof ihe legion of honour x and other poems to which is prefixed the lift of the noble author i c a nd immediate poitcflion aiven the jlw house and ptemifcs fti smart ilarely occupied by mr drdton fituated within half a mile of this town afavable fituation for a gentleman an family and no lefs fo for a diftiller or inn ketoer for further particulars cquiie of the fubferiber e barnett kingston feb- 24 r8ifi 43 tf j v iluaale lands for hale ptwhe following iineularly jj defirable and trul val- tah lands may be had and immediate pbflwfii n iriven with undeniable titles at rate far below their real value and it is ut feldom even n a country fo ex tenfive as canada where uncultivated land may in general he readily ob i wined thut fituations fo eligible and bdvantageousf in good neighbourhoods can he feci 1 red i t 1 cemprifiug 70 acre of ftn very richeli beeeh maple elm and oak i and in the 4th conceflion of w ope lying upon smiths creek with if acres cleared and fenced new iugj boufe well built and dove taicd fruit trees c with a miltfeat between 4 1 and 5 miles from the flourilhing little town of toronto on lske oniarioj v here there is an exccheni market ffther forbuynij or felling the land tjof ihe very rirlt quaiitj and in a good populous neighbourhood farming altogether a mod defirable rehdenee vitlin a fhort miie of the great road be tween yrrk and ktngftno 2d 200 acres being- lot no 1 m ihe 5th csncrffi rnrf hpe dingfitlel i w m ihe reat road between ipe and ha jj to let a nd poteflxon pfven itimmediately 33l che large houfe lately occupied by john size eligibly fit ua ted in stoie ftreet either for a tavern or ltore ap- j ply it this office march 17 1818 4 nov 28 z cdnanqqua store mills ha rles mcdon i d having taken his brother john mcdon uu into part nt qiip the bufinefs in fu ture will be conducted under the firm or c j mcdonnd who keep hr fale y jciieia affort- dky goods gkdckmes n ah mv are ar moi aitirle enquired fbr at a coun try stue whioh they offer h w for cao haw logsj sqliare timber stave putaflies and tiiuu kindtt of country ptidrce th- y have a good grift and few mill in full operation can mtnufact- juie flour uqual to any mill in the province j they will ripply orders for sawed titrher of almoft auj defcription at ihort notice c s j- mcdonald gaminoqua jan 1 o i s 1 3 33f rtllhi iuiehted tocharlss mcdon ald v hole account- hve become due are requeftcd lo to make immcdi- j circulating library miss head takes this opportunity of ac quainting feer friend and the pub lic that ihe has gven up her t unmiffion rtore in store street but in tends com mencing bufinefs immediately on her mvn account he intends going to montreal in the courfe of a month to our iwfe the nvil fafhunahle soring aniees she alio returns her nost lin- cere thanks to hc friends and customers for pant favoun hpes for a conttn nance of them as toon as he can procure a store shcwifhesfo tfcrm the fubferiberfl to the i ibrary that ihe will m kc every allowance from thw date until the li- brary ia again opened and any perions who have books helrutgtn to it will be fa goid as to leave them ot mr thorn- trs store mils read alfo requests all perfons who are indebted to htr io be fo grpud a to cau at mr tnquvs wiiere he now lefides and fertle aecnunla with lur kingston mahh 1 6 1 8 8 42 1 i to let to r any urio years not exreed- mfirn on the nol rcafona- 111 bfetcrm thai well known valuable d l rind rn rbepnblip hne btoate on the plint at qananqixa recnttv mccu- pw hv eih downs mgciher with ihe hetw t srohles c fo fur ther partj ro the fobfci ibei joff stunk ganan j y 33 i bianff axavusfiieni lists for dcul th office also irith- i luiuon leading to the new and flourifh iiiff fcttlements of cavan uid moncijrnan j the subscriber on ti rice lakir in whieh more ih n j7 ituve tn inform hi friends sc gog families and perions havr aaually ji- thepomic generally that he ha loraud and lean rly five mnc frojn the m owk ftoa his former fraud to the 1 ut i town of tormio where there is a g- od market h is in an old fefticnttl j 6 i the neighborhood i populous d excellert thre are about o afes cleaned and fenced with a fine iream of living w3e uidthe greater prt of tlu j an ofiuperior quality the reft good meadov 1 30 no acres occnppyirg nearly one entire fie of the gafmaooque lake in the towrfhip of south cnfby ihs- tr6r of johnllown confifting whully f broken tints the hack parts extending to iheroid from the rilet settlemet to k x uigflon frm which intte place it isfcarcejy 3c miles dihant the lvn is good and well timhered and the iitnation fimnlany beautiful and roman tic with wooded iflandfl in front the above lands are particularly dferviug of notice the huatiuna icrc chofen by a competent judge and they vil be fotd remaikably cheap tli proprietor wifhlng to conceittiate his forces iu another quarter foi further particulars apply to r c t eiq yotk c foth- icrgill eiq toronto wm h a- hil ton efq ivingfton or prcfcott o tii shaw ardour eiq mon- ail u sis 47c to l fi a nd poffeffion given on the firft of jp may next the ioulv and pemi f at prffentocco ued by dofloi geo eh i leig a doubh hoofe it wis hop lately occupied y jonah abbot co near ihe larket p ace where he has now on hand a genual aftbrtment of hardware cntiery c i which he will fell on the moft moderate teirn to let the onp lately occupied by the fubferiber and pofteflioii given im medutciy samuel shaw ft fagstotti tf jan 1 8 i 8 32 for sa at this office a ready reckoner shewing the value of grains of various gold coins current in the province of upper cana da also fergusons improved tab of the value of grains of gold coin a t or under weight mrtical tuss the use 0 schools new ironmongery store john wat kins espectfttlly acquaint- lis friends and the puhlre i general that he has opened a wholesale and retail hz iftzit store at the land for- meriy ctcuoied by mcifrs h w wikinfos co maid street and ftom the arrangements 1l has made will have conlta tlv on hind a genera ait rtment of h rdw re cuierv sc whih be will be enabled to difpofe of fir cfh or approved creit at neatly thr montreal prices am ng which are tfu ftillowing viz english and sweeds iron ci wley and bliiier steel wrought and out nails trace chains sheet fraii ht tie shoes frying pjii shwels nd spades plaugh mould- hollow ware grindftornv chift-l- and gougft locks and hinges files knives al forkfij pocket and pen knives vifh hock brafs cocks bruhcshimmeis augurg kavto planes tea traysi stamp and cft bval cabinet vare wire tin ware pins needles fowling guns brafs kettles c sic he alfo offers for fale a fmall affort- nent of cckcy and glafs ware kingft n 30th march 1s1s 44 f agan notice a ll perfonmndclted to tie eftatt xx of the late james cummwgt l of hallowell dtceafed are requeued to call without delay and fettle the farm with mr james mcgrkgor now in charge of the eftablifhmentj at hallow- bridge and thofc who have claim dt the faid eltate arc defned v prefent them for adjuftment the hock in trade of the deceafed confining of a very complete aflortment of goods well laid in and very fuitable to the country is now felling off at pri ces fo low as will defetvedly claim the attention of the public cafh or country produce will be tak en in payment and a credit of 6 months given to refponfible farmers or others john cum ming v wm mitchell j h kingston 08 2 7 1 8 1 7 32 for sale a two horse wlcgon 1 perfectly new likewicr a few thoufand 18 inch shing les inquire of s merrill kingston april 2 1 1 1 8 1 47 1 executon blank summonses for the district courts for sale at this office valuable lands for sale iots no 24 2 c and 26 fit it con- a ccifion of the townfhip of ma- ryfturgh eafl of the rock in the mid1 j land diflrid cotaprifing the rhoft valu- able part of point fieafant and con taintng about 300 acres no 54 nift concjon of sophias- burcdi midland dihrid 200 acres no 86 and sq second cohcoffi ti of j ameliafbuigh bay ide midland dih- smith butte meturn their fincere thank to their friende and the public in p neral for the liberal encouragement tnkt they have received fince they recotft menced the hatting buftnefs tfict have an extenfive affortment of ladies arid childrens bon- nets f various colors and fhapes gentlemens beaver foe call of hats llkewife knapt and wqjij hats which they will fell very uw cafh 01 approved credit produce taken in paymentt jan z 0l public notice the sublcrlbers executors toifc estate of charles stuart efquk deceafed late sheriff of the midland district hereby requests ah thofeindeb ed to the faid estate to make immcviiaie payment to the faid executors and all thofe who have demands igainst the estate are requested to produce the feme duly attested in order that a settlement of the estate maybe effvired a fpeedfly a6 pofllble after thefiratdayofjuly 1818 george o stuart fo allan mclean j mors kingston august 11 181731 tiict 400 acres nos 5 ard 6 fecond codctfl n amc- liasburgh lake fide 400 acres no j third couctffion of hallowell midland diiliia 2co acres no 12 eighth conceffion f thur- low midland didiia 200 acres no 9 lcc nd conceffion of camden midland diftiift i0oww no 70 fifth con camden 2uoncrr vio 9 third cobcelfion ni iiurayin thr dilltirt of new cattle 200 acres no 5 41b con of murray 2 od do no ic fourth con hamilton in the dili net of nw tattle 200 acres- no 33 fifth con of liamilton 2codo n 19 feventh con of haidimand diuncl of new caille 20oncre no t firll eon of the tovvnhhip of clarke in the diftritl of n c 2 do the loa iituation of the above ltins particularly oi the fiir nine lot is very advanti rgeonft and the foil is excellent j the terms of fae will be found very i fonahle and a oeat part of the pnr- ehalc moruy will he left at interefl in the hands of the 1 utchafer application to be made to the fubferiber d h german 4itf jst received an- for fate at this office price 7 id the montreal almanack for the year oi our lord 18 18 alfoessirs on if 1 l- id i parat j or t g tlier to the p inter km- 1 loa loth apt h 1818 apply 47 if 1 7kow fale at this office stanjard ruts for ike game of whist by bob oit 4 for sale g ot j 27 in thefirfl conceffion jlj of the towtihip of hamilton new cflac utftttft containig 2co acres bor dedun lake ontario iu from and the rk oid in ihe rear diflairr one and a half mile f the hamilton court htfufcl twenty acres of uhich arc cleared nd a fmall dwelling houfe pi rwc 1 linctt imn thereon tcmv of pay will be i r c i k l l ubliandry j madecafv apply to jrnes g lictbune ivfl- m te a a p i hamilton r o fty f giiiicfi of mmtrcvi john strange november 14 32 j kingstc dfril io i8ts 476 advlphustqwn j ph manb lis 1 3 j notice vll perfons having any demands a- gainlt the eluteof the lae bry an crawford efq of adolphuftown dc- ceafed are hecoy requellcr to produce then elifnis duly authenticated 4lfo all perforce indebted to ihe faid eitate are i hereby requcfted to make immediate payment to william alexander gran executor kingston i gth july 1817 32 to let a ndptelhon given the fiffl of may a next a number of rooms in the line barracks enquire of h earl march 13 advertiskment the fubferiber offer for sale t following lots of land 200 actes in 4th and 900 in the 6th conceffion of the gore bttweft erne ft town and frederickburgh no 18 and 19 iu the 8th concett of murray nte 3 t eafl half 2d en of sidrry no 9 toth conceffion of rawtkfl no 4 conceffn n huntnfw no 14 15 17 1 3 2 and 26inti 9th coneeffien of yhunow n 34 and 35 in the 4th conctlw of vaughan near york also t several valuable town lot in c t own uj hv wm cr ford frederiekburgh jan ic ti smiths i fork the fubferiber in ft rcfperf iifunns the genjeireikf kita t n that lie is juft anived litre ff dublin and has cooiincnccrl th buj nrls of black and while tniih in g its hrai chea more particular thai uf j horfe shewing in which hv will ithegreatefl fatisfadjn fo ihoir thaj i ivy him tbev may ie t hj their wnik well done iieap aii vru u applying at mr j meagher barrack ireet where he has commenced all orders in that line will be glajw efved anj lh attention iven ret kingston 13th ob 33 42 boot shoe and leather store i m ft1he febferfbera beg leavetninj jl their friends and ihe public in fe neial that they carry un the tatloring business in main street where they intend mat ing every article in their line on moi riafonablc terms than has been done fo j a number of years back- thofe 4 wih to favor them with their cultnnv may rely on hawihg their work well mask and on the ihoitcft nive ft ih non is stevens kingston sift y 1817- the panoplist for the year ii6 for sale at this office compuce 29 blank deeds ad memorials for fale at rhis olhce i willi ms co at the sign of tin grjen last tore ftreet refivafully inform the inhabitants of km hon and iis vicinity that they fliil coiuinue their boot and shoe mamififforf ere they key tonftantly on hand a arge afftirtmmt of ladys and gentle men boo s and shoes of every defcription likewise a funply o good sole and ipprr i cthr of all kiods kmstm march 7 ibi u to let j1hat well knows large whi store in from ofche dwelling where i hunfeofthe fubfcribci iii wm a culaiedfoi cgmmcrcial buli- els having a lar cbmmodrous cellar capable holding iouo bancb with tut advantage of the wharf vvhcie vcffcla uf 40 um may iuad and unloaded fmvwdm would do wrcll to improve thi opportu- ity for pirttculars apply to the fub iciiber on 1 iu premjfea j imeh robinson