tuesday iay l isis r ng on 1 t f p az volume vi- no 52 r kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum exclusive of postage zsvw3ikrivxirz agents for ihc kingston vtttzitte eroesdwn 1 a mis ran kin r fork william i i n vrq brnckviile a siifrwooi fq jmivik s mnftb ivq ipnirral n mw r primer vvtt wbb dommisarlatale batteaux dur ham boats will be fold at eww mr- tion on monday tjie ft of june next at the commtilrit batteau yard at tins pod a numbei of batteaux aiid durham boata with their appurtenances sae to commence at i oclock p m afst comy getfh office kingston zth mav i 8 i 8 50 removal scott mgee foreon chemists iff druggist have removed t the store lately occupied by taylor parker foliate nearly oppofite moores guffec m between just received vr patrick smyth- crncktry store and the cuftam raufe ofiic the ufual attention will be paid fctvey branch of the piofcffion thtyhave n hand a general afloft- tajtfli dye stuffs patent otcitfes ad oils acids devry chemical in ue kingston 9th may 1 8 1 8 50if foll sale a nd for salt at this office and i at various stores throughout the pr ivince principles proceedings of the inhabitants of the district of nmgara for addreffing his royal hiqhnefs ih prince regent reforming claims of sufferers in wai lands to militiamen and the general bsnefit f upper canada price one shilling halifax kvjlonmay 1 8 1818 5 gac yarieat5isaktwwiaio 5y excellency sir john cope sllerbrooke knight grand crofs of the most honorable military order of the bath commander of his majesty s forces in the provinces of north america a proclamation for sale fanning mills of a fnpenor quality which w be keot conantly on hand bj the fubfeviber price 25 dollars p j fitch kingston coffins cmkt 5 may tz 1818 i a second hand cable for sale by monjeau 8c st germain kingston april o jg valuable lands gv3r talc by the fubferiber lot no- jl 1 8 and 19 in the tenth ciiciflin and alf lot n- 18 in the 61b eou- crffatt of the tow hip of pvr y ftp- jyto john uurnett kingston may gh 1818 jptf bee a 1 that b- aulifd and very valuable i marjllimwh cmhafuing 200 jud 1 rwttst itrwd ai th 8tc inulrtsno lhand 19 cift of the baitlri tcofittwnili rick het ire nearly l oo ace lltiufi and re of s 94 ur i tfol improvement and 73 bcaii an e anlpe u- tree for particular enpre j walter mciivtte erehantkfm1on or mr vvm ben piker of mayfbuh having been 1 if rned that aaron conner has hce taipfiiisi by cttttiig tiiabcr throw e wo ny f nces and j tjuttinvi eartle feto sy ncoiurc now 1 hereby forbid iaid conner tking aiy th tinber be eni alfo forbid al a d rfiift to lid o affill rlfif ir of a luperior quality fori fiilc for palh l whereas heretofore for the purpose of maintaining the j means nf ciiculatiun and antwenng lc txyencicsof the public service hjh excellency sir george prevost baronet then commanding his majcltys foices in b 1 hi k north america did make ana j prepare a number of bills denominated ariy iiils and ldufsd tue lame from time to time o be iffued fium the army bill office efiablilbtd for that purpolt at the city of quebec agreeably to the proviliois f uic ieeral aft of the province of lowercnnada made for the purtofe of facilitating the circulation of army bills and whereas it is fit and proper that the accounts of the laid anny bill ofijce fliould be finally clofed i have therclore thought fit to iilac this proclamation hereby requiiiug all peifoife holding army bids to prefeni the lame for ia meiit at the arny bid office i the cuy ot quebec on or before the jft day of otuler next on wluch iay the arm bili office will be finally cloicd and in default of fuch prtieutation for payment i within hat jjeuod hc holdcrb oi iuch j army biils cannot receive or clajm bom j j he miitary chell the payment thereof given under my haid and bcai at aims at hc of saiitf lewi in tlic ci y quebec this lirll dry of vmaj n the year ot our loul one thufaird eight hun dred and etgteeiij and in the fitly ejhth ycai 0 hw ftfajdtya sinlj j cfther brooke by his exrellnvv command t f- s militatj sccictary mm 5 1 8 1 8- 49 farms for sale jpiue iuciiber ofera t f farm t containing 53 cres m ih own hip of etttrtt i own 2dcoelfiu ih- ving a good rxvt iodc a ldige bam ami jbcdj jfecemcnt llwnd sox a taywi and liorc and one of the befi fituatioiis j 11 ui- country for a mecliatc j stfoqne of the belt faims in the from dw nutgura spectator to tilk t ulillc it having r en state d to mc by ome of m itiends that tin public mind was in pressed wiih the idea of my ha- ring naiihipatid iu nud sanctiutied the receni improprr and unwannntable publication of mr robortxiourlay i cooceivr i a duty which i owe to th- gt viinmetit to the proviuce and public notice in consequence of a handbill having this day appeared signed by the lion- rabc thomas clark ot the legisla tive council in which an atu mpt i made to stiumariz the principles a- d opted by llu niagara meeting tfet committee appointed by that meeting recommend he people of other town ships where any doubt may exist in consequence of mr clarks banubillj to postpone the election of their rep resentatives until a future day of meer- iiiis adv rtised great ak the necessity is for an in stant appeal bejng made to the su- preine govrnmeutvp gadiug tte state of upper canada the committee would by no means press any measure uuti its legality is proved and tt- propiiet fairly established in tlie public iuint they pledge thems ives to shew in a fw days thai tlioy are not only righl in what ihej have done but that llu lion thorna clark is grossly uiibla- ken signed for the committee robert hamilton niagara aprds 1816 till there is time tor further proof he following will testify the btrauge inconsistency of mr clark to the clerk f toutnup meeting vdth jid ibis at niagam queeuiton loth april 1818 mr von will herewith receive two dol- ars one of which is the subscription ul he jjon tlomas clark for the pur pose ol defraying the expenses of car rying a petition to the prince regent relative to the situation of this io- vinec the other dollar for the same purpose from your mpstobdt humble svrvt signed w g ilkpblrne wrceitjfy that we saw mr clark give tin dollar above mentioned to mr liephume for the purpose also above pecilicd jtho dickson signed t lealify the parliament of britain never attempted tp siipjii evn tin pawfu id- meetings vyhieh excikdri l mids ol ome the greatest slam- ud imsclf wa- in the ijnuse o comtnons when lord pol ketone pn it i a petition from one of there meetings on tin- evening of the verv da on v bit h it wa l i whtit is all f his whieh mr claik hu3 iftt ieloretle- peoleol uppei cniada ns a hugbeur lo trishw n thim put pt the eieise of tlie ovtsacji d rihi vvliqt is this quotation from the statute lo 1 whal ae these scries to us whirh concern the lii h bet lion and the conviction of traitor- a it possible thai lr- clfk jroetd sb riouily believe tliai he rond fif wy 1 ntri ot titne even iiioe upon the uioranf or appal he tirrdd with re- ifals of is nature ctii am piftl read the act of paiiiamnl whuh ha uas quoted and net percciye that if ban no eye whatever to peaceable meet ings thp aet cieaily specifies the sort of meetings which it mas framed to repress meetings t ndin men y 4 to sedition auc 10 delude the pe- ci pie into an imaginary assertion of lights in the name of tied i ak where is the system of sedition to he discovered in this iv vincer in- less from the mouth of tlie jli tho mas clark i never hcatd a breath ui upper canada which could by the remotest eoiirt ruction hp applied to any thing ol the kind tne puie a4 ardent toalty o the people here hai been one strong bjfiuruce with me iu exerting myself toward hnprpriug the connection oi canada tilth the mothci country aid il escikd in me peculiar feeling- of disgust whn 1 read in rhe newspaper that sifrniises were on to the worthy inhabitants the dktnct of niagara of lb tinicr i n mm hi u- cu f i t ckity wlricll i owe to prfou or p rfw mnuj or afiift 0c oi he belt lams n the q provitlce aiu 6iacnertowok o- take laid ivnba roflp of kjiijjftoo containing lo it irmtl d tllt beyond pab- away- pnrewi fhiw i imeyd- j acre well timbered and about o m stamkal n uf t l act oaf ejtpwd 10 tw piofeciited as the 1 under impivemcnt vuce n iiail ohthftr my approbation laidireas sm ith baiu ujs e rutawre maty ft march 78 john mcbean nrgh k rii8 44f fflle copartrlio oi glufmi 1 wwutanh this day jiftolveci a keualf i huthorffed to ctefc the l cou ttrn apollas nftcalt a 2s 1818 i making this dclaration i trust tle fubfciiber informs all thofc that the tenor i m life justifies ni who are indebted to him cither ja that hclfmn discontent never bv mote brndorotlierwile that unlef j signed j vilstori lolledion the fame isdifcharged on or befoie the iinl day f june next enfuing the date hereof their refoefim acronnt will be j 1 plicd in the hand of an attorney for l jaglloii 1 8th march it tit the subfcriber intends eontinntlg the sadling business tiuabiur the firlt of june at which lirrc j ierspet to leave kingoa he patticnla y defires all ihoic indebted to him to make payenlt without further notice and i now ready to pay the mand held agaiufl htm m a mftcauf notice george douglass kingston march 231818 43 to let the fublciibcrrefoeafully informs the psbiic that he intends to con tinue the lioatii g bnfinels this feafon oitieforeif coy perfona wiflies to trani- jpuplaiik bcaids bnck lime sand jc c he offers them his feryices apply at mr john dawf- n- kingfton 7 ullllamyeiux april 13 1818 4 m at the stable of he fubferiber the ifohof aprd hy man by the name i jofiphcocknan a d br wn mar nitharouud white jpt feheaj tuppofed to beloig 0 foc p bay of qoint the owner 3 quelled to move r pay char-e- indtke her away or he will be exol- d ft jak tp v lh aalc am juj1n adambom left nd imdcdiaie poftellion given ata two convenient houfcs with shps in ftoe ilitet near mt biakes tavtftoi n the corner ol the iheet lead ing from the artiuery barracks to the french church for particulars apply to john w ferguson store street kingston eeb 171818 38 wt received and for sale by the subscribers jk consigns nt of excellent jv aley in c ifks mane hy slop- per vlmcan pr fcott c ider in f dks an bottle fuws yellow oyi also f w grind tones of the heft quality originated in ni breast having said this much ill vindication of my own sentiments i shall in order to prevent error m and rrscne from ditiess the heedless proselytes of mr gourlays c one thiiii needful viz a radical change of yblemifi the gvernment of uppl r canada transcribe for their iniornatioti an emract from the com mon law of the british empire which beats on the point of unlawful meet ings or conventions vik- the con- stitulion of gti at britain having tc placed the rrpresentatiou of the na- u lion and the expression of the na- tionnl will in the parliarneut no o- ther rottling or onvention even of every individual in the kingdom would be a competent organ to ex- c press thai will j and meetings of such a nature tending merely to sedition and to delude the people into an imagiuarj assertion of rights which th7 had before delegated to their rrpivseuta j parliament could only teud t introduce anar- chy and confusiu and to overturn fc every settled principle of govern- ment an act 0 parliament was pacd in ireland he year 1793 to prevent any sucft niagara 2st april 1818 gextltmkv the above placards have already spoken lor themselves it is now my duty not only to defend my character as a 11 individual b to maintain the grand constitutional righi of all british kubjfcts the right of holding meet ings for petitioning the irince r par liament this right a legislative councillor has dared to question and traduce but woe to every attempt which would lessen the liberties of the people and vitiate theoracleof truth gentlemen but tor the unnatural tlie jusiduous the infamous placard which is now planed before you yes terday would have been a day of con- cord and conlideuce yestorday the sun of regeneration would have risen to juppei canada without a cloud hut it will yit rie and shiuc more bright triumpnant over the murky clouds of the morning the history of mr clarks unhappy proceedings and the defence ol myl own conduct and principles shall fol low after i have tijt established the weightier matter of the law our un deniable and till now unquestioned right of petitioning and of holding public meetings for doing so the rjghf of petitioning is one of the grand feoffor bartering awa such people like slaves o tin- united states ij j am guilty of mhjmmi win rwj not fh lli 1liouias 1 lark tn hia duty and briny me t trial jvj r t hrk knew ol lite niaari rttectin and ufmy hing present mere yet in sailers me to i at larte to ailvise and attud other meetings ay not only au j gottig at urge ami doing al hi- but i tl i the highest magistrate in the 1 rovio to lay hands upon me there is thus uo altornatiyc for mr crk but rithj er to do his duty and at w m 1 li leave me alone and thereby aailfy tie world that he haj beeij wofully imp- sing on tiic pubfltt by assailing my conduct and piiuciplwofdly anl wantonly scandalizing the rights of the canadian people doubting that oiv ignorant aud timid miht not be buft iciently asteintjed with a quotation o law mr clark seems to expect tnajfc my c heedless proselyteb will be ccrl taiuly drivuu from their meetings and appalled for ever by a reference to afi irish act of pailiment and a hint as to what befell th ignorant in scomanj la the year 179j every body knows that pbelliou was nearly burstinr out both iu great britain and jrebnd and every body knows that soon af ter this it did break out in the utter 1 myseli viited ireland in the mids of its hercest rcielliou when i wai ul- s i lowed to land and pass along only from being known to the commaudef oi the kings troops 1 had thus bu ter oportunities than imr clark oit being acquainted with the state of that country and ths necesity for onj measures on the purt of goterutm nt i aud 1 was still better inlonned thai be jqtld possibly b of the situatio of tilings iu scotland i attended tf trial in edinburgh of one of the chief offenders aud remember well on what i n re thomson detlor kingston april zo 1 to let n n icaf jwbieiehs for one or re i i v and vm g uey th t fumble lbn1 for a lh and llfamilv oppofe to mrlawarcl vikers for paniauas apply to the kingston m 5 meetings or cut- tttions and a ie v igorart individ uuls whotu the sanfe y liad dared to acmbe under thu t in scotland ere quickly disp e au their lea ders convicted ol ditious practices 5 ior which they were 3e totiaus- portatioii 1 shall conclude w recommend- ng to all to weigh vvl how they at tend to visiouaiy huftiasts lhyas laukl niagara aril 1 tifc arti les ol the bill of right solemnly grounds he aud others were traupnrti passed into law when the british peoj led they were charged vith hjdin j secret meetings with admioir oin oaths of secrecy and having aril arms in pre pa rati w for cairvmi- t- tt design violently into exeruiiou vrba would not wih jo sijf men coovit d of such practices u toti ius- poftation hive i done tpy thing ot this sort have i held vet husef- 5 t 1 1 t- logs have i 5vowj any lie io cje cv or been an acivocale tr valhs jlave i or inv proselytes any tiling ti do with warlike arin m vci nit us ftx b and b the 11 oiorabe th nias clark will accuse us of jcditloo fr eating our food aud of jtreftron tr qieting together in phurcfl ro pu up jr pnyrs to i tie amiiiy tlw puok t wnoru pie had driven one sovereign twu the throue and were about to establish in it another more agreeable to their will no act of parliament i half so sacred as this the second reat charter of j british liberty it emanated purely from tlie people uninfluenced by sov ereign power or unswayed by domi neering aristocracy aud the ra which gae it birth stands imblazoued in his tory as our glorious revolution the ivkrliatiieiii of tiritaiu has never ques tioned this grat right of the people aud the people are in the constant ha bit of exercising their right the meet ings of last year in england at some of whicjr qfiqo people were collect ed together w re all held under ttu grand constitutional privilege nod not a question w after pul vi clark- glcardudtfdkai d inreb ea eionui pnvneo him ft- 1 ciai a jwy vi v s made jwctti ftwrjwfjf phed by hip i m p