vja fir rgetiag here tomy u to endeavour peicfibv mid qufetlv t petit ion the prince au i p liioiit 6 our m ther c umtrv and lei hiem ki w the luti of the pr mure you invc uffrcd nrivati dm and have lofl property during tbrt late war which we hive a jull claim to ifk fir the meeting then p ceeded to ele a reprt lent uivr anl ilerk when william hdntlijtt merritt eiq wis ipprhitt1 tf foi riic firmer ft itfon aid geore 4 ifj ue latter committee was alf appointed to forward the views of this meeting v villi im chifhcln charts jnjerfol robert campbell amos m kenny and james derrick the thanks of the meeting were then voted to mr robert gourlay for the dilintcreiled manner in which he has forward in endeavouring to promote the profperity of thi province the thanks of the meeting were alfo voted to george adams elq for ha fpirited adriref on this occalim and hi able and impartial conduft in the chair glio rd v ws chairman go a ball clerk when the meeting ban fimfhed bnfinefsand were ahoit difoirna if gourliy who had been vifuing fome townlhip to advife delay till the fperiium caft on his conduct and the tight of the lubjeft to petition were poved to be unfounded accidentally arrived whereupon a dinner was order ed and mr g hein invited to par take a large party lat down and fpent lift evening in the moll convivial man ner the following toads were given by the chairman m the king with cheers the prufrerii of the province of uprer canada by william memtt efq may every tuwuthip contribute st aid to the propemy of the province by r g a ball i way the navigable waters of the province be fpcedily improved by j clark ffi may the dhrrrms of mr gourlay be ever encouraged in their virtuous procee dings by geo adams efq the aditiiiiitl t ator by mr guray may toe rcpre- fcntntive of his majefty in upper cumda afceod from the chair to tht throne smc of the company defirmg an ex- plat ii of this loall if g nift an cull that as unworthy views hud hrn attributed to him and as fur nettings at- they had this day held-t- for the pure purpofe of had been t the thanks optfie meeting tffere then ntanjtnouuy voted to calvin coot for hi- uic fpirit in coming forward on thi ciiot and liberally fulfilling th duties of the chair signed calvin cook chmn a true copy samuel glover clerk at this meeting crowd wilfon efq f p was propofed as reprefentative bit declined owing to the prefent tate of hi he 1th he came forward however as a iubferiber and delivered a molt fpirited addrefs to the peope which unhappily cannot have fufficien- jnftice done to it in this repoit in fnbftance he laid 4 i know friends urd neighbours that all briiiih fubjeft inherit the right of petitioning the 1 hrone for redrefe of grievance- and i conceive that meeting together in thlb friendly and peaceable manner for that porpole may be attended with moll beneficial effefts to the inhabitants of thid province the law quoted by my much efteeme friend the hon thomas lark does not regard meetings afterncd for the peaceable exercife of petitioning even in britain but here at any rate it can have no more force than the laws of jioan or china thi law was made in 1795 but before that date the inha bitants of upper anada had received a power of leiflatmg for themfelves our firll ftep might have been to peti tion the provincial parliament a to f public grievances but the different branches of parliament have quarrelled and our members ol aflembly have neglcdied ih our only refourcc nowj is to petition the throne and for my j part i would rather be adopted into a tribe of indians than give uu this privilege i am notfoi bewtig the kicks and cuffs of fcrvants ofirovcrnment 1 am not to be alleviated under fuch grievance by returning thanks for the fame ills well known that notwith- handing the reputed parity and vigilance of the ancient government of rome the people of its diltatt colonies were moll harmfully mb poled upon by thofe thus bat you it itw3 that w lade yooallk t ccuncillors nd commander lomifcd you land for xtraordmafy fe w ea a good foldien iul you all espeqvd your private loltcs to he made up three years have now elapfed fince the d u of arms ceafed but where are your rewards what has become of vour cki should we at- tribute fueh neglc to our parliament ot can we fuppofe that the supreme government hath forbidden the fulfil ment of j nil ice in my opinion the fault lies with our own reprefentatives and it h now hiih lime for us to petition the prince regent for enquiry into the caufes of evil and wr our jull demands similar meetings have bren held in all the townships of niagara dikfricttl kingston tuesd a v si a 2fi 1818 v ft kingstm may 11 1818 thk anrval meejwijr of th members of he midland district cliool society was tin u bchial h ehil lfoe thf follwi2 is tk report of lh prei- ien ad tnster tin president ad rnstrejiif the midland i v s for the vnireuiing the 1 1 e of may il impmtt that ili tra nierw ivthlbited the fnllow- ingstaicmnt fti thf find of rhc society to rifle tnr hnvldug and n iinish vonl uo a yu fo paid for painfm k painting school hokc j d l0 l0 do for making des bencher r do for printing 0 0 9 h i broirglifffaiprotbroifn tanjornrrr in e- ry timvimmi nfevwry district t be ubantial yoinaur country mill praiah manifest their coucorrfne tel hm po heir own bulder o the hcols y u munlv subirripiirn hilihey ral upon ffrrrnle n thrfonnofa peiiiiou to help the province out fihe mire jrso pi casualty it i with rgrrf wc have to mention the fate of an honcsf and good matt by the name of william donnculj late of the u s army and formerly of the state of pennsylvania who at french creek was cut off in the bloom of lifo by the falling of a tree on wednesday last- it is requested that any person ac quainted with the name of the town and county to which mr donnelly belong ed would give their information to mr frederick bnsch or to wttu v giuispfe- in ordr that his relatives may be informed of his roelanchnii fate n b it is requested that editors in the united states would give the above au iuscrtion b cah received fo- sutmiptioih in hands of llic tieaurer s33 iarj 1341 3 i t9 8 41 34l s 1 1 tiat ft nombtof thi original btecrfpuoa arp imibahly in to th sorietv owin o ih dpasiir uf b snhsr4hr- fmsn iheeonnfrs hut hat there i renvoi n nf uneollreied and ds mlrrpiiors trhe amount of above fhiftv poiiiid tiat ri sthoidhoi -orertedi- slifficin acomnodae fnun ninety to one hupdrfh iiitiar tfat mr rokeit tcnvston ltavhs reimniihl hv tv faan cumthf at i wbf rcit hh svmrnor khicafio ua cnjrasertbv th prenidenr and tnin for on ar and il- school onedn the v novrmvr ixt thai nimetini p rheaveraf number n snolis wd- ii f o jo so who v- l there 1 fomctqing rotten m the ttate jtauzlli ilh peorar al iur rlift of denmark ad i rathe think that if jiwrimoafs m kcii writing and a- rhiimetic durxtd to rdc over them i have a hijfh ripintmn of the adoitiitftratr audi chif jdticc and do not think that any btaiv- reft s with them or other member j of the executive council but ceaiidy evils iirigtttate at home bef n the war nv man who caine from any pnrt of the finite received uon petittonin and taking the oath of allegiance zoo acres te l wmqwfa ihaivmi llfoniiul mipporr of thsov1fr tfaeschool row etahh4 ivfll b n pia i ii i- f h instok m oar tot ui ue or tiro frat trial tutors hvity occ rrcd in the foilotiin currmnnica- tion a pt blhicd in our lad w mfcrt t again wt the concctions printed q italic mr mtlefj i as n any of the pcdrr of your paper arc merribejs of tin m- trtodift e- pifcopal church in this province being under rhc jurikiiflion ami dinction of the bifhups and lonfrrence i f she hid epifcoal church in the united srte we with through this medium to fofyrcn them and otherv that we are and hac fomc months ago withdrawn fr under the authority and jurifdiion of that fa id t hurch for the following rcafn ir jf3y placing o irirlves under for eign fcclefiihic authority we har hith erto forfeited our privileges as diffentcri from the eltablmcd chinch od luve ever been fubjeclcd to many privations and difoivaniage in this province thtt other diftenting i- nominations hve not been fnbjfcd to and wc do believe ft incompatible with our allegiance o his britannic majcty to he uoder the au thority and contnm of any f reign pre late priftee or power id we difapproveof the eoifcopal mode of chun h vernmentt as admin- iftered by the faid methodills the wh le government of the church being veiled in a very foul pat nfthe legy the latety not befog al- wrd to ciofe ja minidet though aqnc and eypefled to pay him a fattary at the dtrediori f sacketshrbori 9tag ip the fieam boar ontario which was in a recent form j driven on a leove of fit rock nrar ofwego has been got off and arrived jiere this movnina we are happv to learn alfo that the dam age done her is faconfiderable to what ha been currently reodted if is ex- pftcd fhe will be ready ft further j operations in a week or foitnight at the ihe conference of bifiop3 and minilicrs fathered j wilh alo to fiy w know iliat j we have been excommunicated by our in confluence of the falling of an fmmenfe quantity of earth the ware- houfcat caithage on genefee river the truth v- nm ha been nearly deftroyed the upper j took place come time after we had pnb- port of the building being teparated and jliclv of our own free will withdrawn ourfelvea from rhen till holding and believinj the fundamental donoea of the weueyati methdifts f iftinft- jn fake call ourf lv provincial vfe h- 1 o jills roxrt perrv jar dssel picket daniel perrt i epifcopal mcthodih brethren but we drfne to inform all thr vvfli to knnw thar the rjccotntntinica ion forced into the river with nearly 400 bands flour part of which wan carried into the lake before it could be tjkeo wc id the riven and ii reams which emp ty into lake ontario and forked he lake jtfelf is fid to be much higher than has been known for many years at genefee folk the mtui have been flopped f r ten days part owing to the extraordinary height of the river id i ermjl tcwn may 15 jsi8- to cffrom horsf ovficf kingston 24 may 8 1 8 per sons exfeiliiift tlie tnde or calling of auctioneers arcreqikil- ed by provincial statute paffed the 1 ilk fitting of the f euflatur ts trke ot n iiit i meeting petit toning the fovereigui ftigmatifed as qlrgal and ledioun e gave- this toafl a the moll loyal which he could poffibly thi ik of for the oc- cafion the admuiiltratov having in his fptech of parliament expreffed him felf a addrefling that body m from the gtairrud virtually deprived the prov- iucc of the royal precenee and let down the dijuity which it was hid duty to maintain this was a matter of moie confequencr than might at jt be fuppofed 0 the part of rninilleri at home there was a glaring indifference to the concerns of thefe pr ivhee and when public prints ventured to hint at the bartering them gway to the united states for their value hi olh it wa hih time for the people hne to fupport their own dignity by marking every hep towards their degradation true loyalty did not t confiq in mere pafiive fubmiffion it j confdkd in watching over ecy part of i the conllitntio at oree with jealouly and uftvttin by g a- wm may our rrprefentitive underrro a reformation by the rev mr williams may morality and religion encreafe through out the province particularly in the townfhrp of grantharn by a wae in ddion m where there is prm t h 11 111 il t their tmwfw dollar and tht location could bejar thrniowav ran- rif- l nermnih ill nijim- hftnvm to rlirttr th niirimlinii useful ifimdfnr iii id catimutf h- cheilwit ftp ti oliitilr pom et wanansanil tw pr ptiu tnutc in mt3gctig this mar ifiieconidrhfinn4if nia be accwnplubed in mi uninuffb- icrrptinm ai 1 at tons r- pil tp follow nis miirni wm iit ejected as olfic-r- for tiic cjiiivh ar made on any hind nt before taken up now hia lv ftyvawn ctibjedai who bav home a 1 the hardihp- of war for 1 lv draw quebec may 14 we have been favoured with glafgow papers to the 10th april of which the following are the fuhltance andextrads i licence on the firft day of one next the qiarters rrvenue ending the which will be iflned a this office iw eth a exceedd that of the corves j ponding qancr in 1817 x l d ilerliifr- i port of the crown1 can orjy too acres and perhaps that is located in iome remote corner inch as the town- ihlp of brock where 11 is no better than a location in the moon it being impos- lible to get there but in the frozen feafon i of the year the honorable thomas clark 1 confidfr to be a loyal fubjeft and faithful friend to the biitifh government but a to the ritjht of petitioning be is grof ly miltaken wainfleets may 2 18 18 tim day a meeting of the inhabitants of this townfhip was lnld at the huufc of david thompfon for the purpofe of rev h o sttiit prcidenr rev john wii n 1 trustees i if on a wis j iv t mnrkantk hq gen fifffrktand c a toerjitan ivm mtrhv h tom tnttmrr rn joilun secretary by order of ih- jlvmft- roftr otfsston secy fan the ktsusthx gazette 1 1 1 1 takiie into confideration the propriety r x a r m one prominrni object for w h the tnhah- rfpetttw8 of ni invifc il011 for a rcdieis of grievances when mr u in tiieoitier district ottkr proviac gourlay s addrefs to the refidcnt land owners of upper canada dated the 2d ut was read over and its whole tenor and fentiments imanimoudy approved of the meeting then proceeded to rles a reprefentative and clerk when david thompfon efq was chofen to fill the former fituation and the duke of wellington was at paris april 2d and expected hortly to take his departure for the army can till rjh the per ton who fired at hi grace was iu pnfon and about to be tried the account from india arc to the 20h november the pind ireen had been nearly completely extirpated in fevtr battles the laq accounts from st helena 1 v mrm9mtfm r y a r n r ir tl 1 1 r j commence ichrnp off at first co oofuivelv amrm that the heath of iu- iu r k c 1 t l 3 the wlioe or his t ck in i rirl- with- lyx wends who have not ha their children inoculated wth he cow pock man- r to appy imm- di iteiy a he will nrtatterrpt kc in it i circulatioo after the month of june 2 ab may 1 8 i 6 c2wt n b the children of the poor in oculated gratis rflhe fubferiber havino determined l ofl removing from kiugfton ealy in july next will on the rid day of bonapane is rapidly dcclninrr the duke of york packet failed for america march 1 3 britifh cnmrnifllnners fo e much ro join them in a petition i ihe fnnce r j gent iff o obtain a reform n iu the lan i- graining department la thiclta system f iatroriar and favimfrifism much roni- j plained of thr ctraiihaini u in ihe momh of almost eer one inslanv art frqupjiily mentioned of alleged pardju or preindtee in maktn or refusing espthtithig or detj tng jranrsivii preferences of faiirahlc lo-a- i tion to iarti2ansattdprrsinalfrii mi- and rie- james tumpfah the latter a om- j t r cmhanasii pttiun up- j tl 1 on fair launs vluue too p titumiors are our arrived at forenoon in brewer from by ger adams efq may the untied enemies of the united kingdom of great britain and her dependencies be drowned draught cheers in this cropland may u 18 1 8 which day a numerous meeting of the lnhibitants of the towihip of crowland having been held at co vs mills and calvin cook being called to thechair the addrefs of m gonrlav to tht refident laud owner of uooer canada dated april 21 18 1 8 was read over and its whole lw and fenti- oents unanimoufly appovid of in conformity to the recommenda tions therein contained the meeting proceeded to cleft a reprefentative and clerk when jofeph current was ap pointed tn fill the former fituation and samuel glover the latter a committee alfo appointed to forward the views of the meeting viz jmoh brooifed mftuhi coot leonard mtfncr and qbritiopbtr biidazn u 7m 7 r u pl r treatment which twty th or ihcir rhompfon the chairman ot bflj experience tmctif of vu- ing after returning thanks for i their diatistacuon in circles of mittee alfo was appointed to forward the views of the meeting viz wears henry grojf nathan kelley stephen tv j farr and hiram humphrey the thank of the meeting were then unani- monfly voted to mr gourlay for his dtiintereftednefs and for coming forward j and ably affifting to promote the good caufe signed david thompson chmn a true cony j thompson clerk thi- meet the honor done to him fpoke with much animation on the right of the fubjed to petition the prince regent and deprecated the comparifon of the prefent meetings in upper canada with thofe rebellious affemblages which had in ireland proceeded to unwar rantable lengtes thofe who call the pp fen t meetings feditious would do well he faid to call to mind how the pc ie of canada rallied round the royal standard in the late war not nty woen it waved victorious bit even in the mod critic a time- wis it not a fa ft that thofe wb now aceufej u offeditio- f left m a of fionirwidi some aiiw member of the coiuieil ifnch coroplainiicli haveliivu roo ion circulaied in ntlupers ami eere murmors ari- well found d tliey should beas- cfrtaiuedan redressed fl ihy are notoun- ded on truth ihey should refilled and pi tosilenre foruhr of vii purposes a public official enquiry mi a propyl to be prase- for inihe petij ui the liinre regent som to be a prober and necearv rwne the honor of thtr qoveaiinen and rh tranqnility of thp 8injec j ri i all persons who have felt di- with tic boftnn laft thurfday the fchooner general lubec the hun ward chipman and his ion ward chipman jun clq rritjfli agents under the 5th an iole of the treatv f ghent and wm f odeh efr principal fnrvcyot on the part of the britifh government alfo the lady of nfr chipman jun with ferv iota c on their way to new- york to meet the american com mi timers and re fume their labors in siting the bound ary hue bet wet n us and the brirrfh on thv river st lawrence and the lakes which is to divide the united spates and the britifh poftcflions in canada a j e post may 13 halifax papers mention that the 68th regt had been ordered from england ta anada and the 74th and a corps of tappers to halifax and fl w t otlici conversation shodo cither iiitein acenerai eonstilotionaj effoil to obai here after be silent and even tj m think the council or rereaia individujj 0 i ijoard havheen slandered by trnrjj guvcstion offavoivrifisra ought to join i nftit1oiuu for an iuipariitu eirtpiiry ihat proceeding may he made known and th conduct vindi cated from popular aperdou j be ex- oced iha rhoeifich rh ni uno a consriou of having been favi the par tial t ofnny meniberoi liheraofthe coun cil illoppocund ru repr a dcer j thr objcci of mr co- ia ai 0 friends nf a reformi and impute their c i v arv iu even fan ions motive j5 opoo-i- lon i 10 be expected bull w m ilidiear- en men offense and indepe the mod f proceeding b a loyal ai rrw ad ess to he prince itetrmi a rc 11 the niagara coonr tree eg coati h mil peaeable and sy tniic s and it i out rtferve cotililting of a fmall but general aflbrtment of dry goods groceries hardware crockery thofe who have any claims f him or the late frm of a macpberfofl co are requeued ro prefent the fame previous to his leaving town and rhofc who arc indebted to him or to then will be plctfed to call and setle tbeif rcfpecttive accounts without delay elfe he will be under the neceffity of lodging all fuch as may remain ucfcttled on h leaving twn in the handd of an attor ney for collection a llan m cphertson klrgston 2 m ay t l h 1 8 5 for sale by the fubferiber 40 doas of double brawn v pvobt richardson kingston may 2d 1 8 8 5 in the houfe of common little elfc was done on thurfday rhaja prefeotiog petitions of various kinds among them were 286 from briftol in favour of t5 eward will be nfven by the arv refrm of courfe thefej iv firmcrict 10 th- five dollars parliamentary were figncd by twenties the republiau party is completely triumphant iu the llate of connecticut at the late election they have carried theif governor lt giverno tieafu- rer council and houfe of llcprcfcnta- lives 11 countries i r refuge ti i ftorm wjjiuml pearaide and s and h j 1 r7 1 over none of your octtstaaea dedanmulj to be honed tuat now uc au a af brockville on the 29th 11u by the kcv mr bethuue eenry john iioumos of yoik lw son of tne ilou ivlr justice liourron to kiu ounf daughtci of the lute bphruini perron wo wil cturu the elver tunriblcr tak n ut of ihia houfe yefterday and no qntlinm fk- ed john ferguson 1 or the fame reward will he given f r fuffilient information ro eohvi the thief it i marked j m f j f fib may 1818 a ll pefone indebted to dankl ll jones infield gnce the 2d f joiy 1817 are recpiefted t cme an i nakc payment by the l jihof june at 1 ihtic rhat have any demand agaii t them fice the ad of jul idr ac ic- qucfted to pietenr then for adjuftnrtut ajounc infii d