Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), May 26, 1818, p. 4

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o ft sale neafmnbicicm 11 itvfelvknwn hhii1 foi a la vein in ri n nt d m vfl air i r prefett l a nv 9 a fronting the kngs f wu lartfe two ftory framed houle well tin inhe mill a large kitchen in the ri ftiiinj fortwenty fpans of horiev a fhrd fcenrv feet loig and a rood hvife n thereat lot 6 foi t ace mucdmlion enable farrily the woc of u notice i tcfffhereati by the krnt will y v uid tefttment of the late iiwh hi r tin son eg in lit itc titiw f sandwich in tbr province t tppei canada robert gillefpie fvfsidrn gilkii naul george moflhtt re jointly and leveially appointed fiiid ivy i ateea uf his eftatc aod lecut r of laid will i dohrreb rrqueft al petfons having the btthdirtgi thereon being finifh in j claims up n a kitate to prefent the ewnumanlike manfjet aid at pivl fame to me- jiy authenticated for occupied by mr alexandei 3 4cdoo payment and all perfons indebted of a e dl a a hotel for further particulars applv to the fubfeubers or to vlr alxmer mac- d h1 junior merchant ptcfcntt by vh m t ht terns rrav v made knn 4 and v irtdtfjmtabie tit c anj immediate poftciti will be given alex wacdonellco kingfton 3d jan 18 io 3ztf j f l ags rags ash paid for clean cot ton and linen rai of any colnr at this office to let thereto ne rrqnir d to iay to mc the i amount of their refpeciive counts i debts dui to faid ellue in the province of upper canada or in the j u ited st tie ordering the eoi may he paid to george jacob efq uf sand wich johi k n and james gordon eiqrs nf rvmherltburg or to either of 1 hem i hey being duly authorized to receive the fame and grant acquittances g mofftt montreal 2oih march itf 18 44vi j blank summonses suupoenas and executions for fhe court of requests for sale at this office and immediate poffeflion given the house and premifesin stuart v lately occupied by mr dvon fitoatcd within half 1 nilt of this town to l el i and xl the immmedintrlv v occupied oftefllon ivti arge houfe i v a favorable lauarion for a gentleman i by john size eligibly ttwated in store a i family and no lefs fo fur a jftreet either for a tavern or here an- f f nluahle lands for sale xn tl third conccffion of the trwti hii of pirfijnrgh being lots no the half of no 7 and no 18 an indifpniable title wll be given and the terms of payment made eafv h c thomson kingfton july 28 1817 32 blank bail bo vds for ale at this office officers half pay and artil lery pen lion blanks for fale at this office j ust received and for fale at this of sf fie price 18 poems on his do mestic circumstances by lord byron with thcr shir yf the legion of honour andothei poemi to which is prefixed the lift of the noble siuthor aw 28 32 dtlhller or on keener foi further j parttcalars encjuite f the lubfcriher burnett khwtm ft- 24- i 43tf v v ll rilf l v 46 for sale pttvie blowing fingularlyny ply at thi- offire avr 1 7 1818 43 if gfnjnoqua store mills charles mrdonaid hvnr taken his brother aa mr don into partnership ihebulin l- in fu- tas l is iiy be had nnj immediate pf t in wth nndiable titict at r i low tin ir real value audi ill ae and truly vaijiturewil b conductctl under the firm of c j medcnr id who krp for fale a jrtneial aftort- meiit of dry goods oiuxfiuis hardware chock rv 4 n even in a country fo cx tc canada where uncultivated i ay in general he rdiiy b t- ebat fmmins f eligible and a t icous in ftod ni hb uirhoods i k fecund j it 1 comnrilin ffl ce of ihe v y lirheft beech mapc elm and i ad ml articc enquired for at a conn- oak laud i- the 4th concelfion fjjt stote which they oflfer low for id pe lying udoii smitbi creek with jcahsaw log square timber staves pe tying 15 aire rhi d aj fenced ikw lop- 1 ho r we buit and dvc taiiec fruit 1 trr vc with a mil i- eat between 4 nd y mile- from he fiourifhili little 1 tovnof tr ijto on lake ontario where there is an excclleni njarket eilter foi buying or felling the land iif the very firfl qualit and in a od j popul uh rciliboirhood forming jaltoff ether a nrol defirawe refidence witiii a ftiort mue of the great road be tween ifnrk and kingftod d 200 cre being lot no t fn the 5th co c fll n of hnpe alongfi ic the great r between bope and ha- nilon lea ling to the new and flaurifh iuj fettlcmentu ofcavan and moiiaan on the kice lnke in which more than j o families and perfons have actually jckatid and fcarcly five mile fiim the town of tor iro where there is a g od maiket it id in an old fettlcrrnt a afctl 1 potahes and moll kind of country produce they have a aood gn and aw mill in full operation can manufact ure f our iiqa1 to any mill in 1 he i prviocf they will fnopiy orders for sawed timber of almoft any defenption at hurt notice c si j mcdonald ganaroqua jan 10 hi 8 ttf allrhiik indchte i tocharlss mcdon ald whofe accounts have become due are requeued to to make immedi- ae tavment circulating library miss read t l es this opportunity of ac- qvainting ye friends and th pub lie thtf uhe h s given up her comi ifli n store in store street but inttndcom mencittg buftoefe immediately on her own account she inten js gi to monnral in the coo of a month- to purchafe the ntit fafhrrfiablfi spring arrico- she alfo returns her osr lln- cere fhsnlc co her f itid and custom rs for pa fvcr and hopes foi a contin nance f thex as foou as he can procure a stuir she ifhei to i fvrm the fubferibtrs to the i ibrary that he will mkc every ailowance from tfch date until the li- tlhis j jbrarv i- ayain opened and anv perfona n ld having w ndxe book belong to it will he fo pod 3s to leave them ot mr thorn- erft store mil read alfo requests all pcrfons who ae indebted to her to be fo good as 10 call at mt turpinfl where he now rcfide and fettle their account with her kingston march 1 6 1818 42 to let for any term of years not exceed in fifccm on the moft reafona hie tenns that well known vaoame land in rhc public hue fiiuute on the point at ganauoqna and rpc occu pied by seb downs lojrefher vnt 1 houlc 15am stable c fi f l her particulars apply to the fubferiner joel sronf gananoqua jan 9 18 lel iyf r notice vlt perfons indebted to tt e fftate of the late ijames gumming ate of hallowell diceafed are reqnelltd 10 call without de and fetle the filte with mr james mcgregor now in charge of the ellablifhment at hallou- ell bridge and thofe who have claims agaiift the faid eflate are defired to prefent them for adjuftment the lock in trade of the deceated confiding of a very complete aflortmeni of goods well laid in and very fuitable to the country is now felling off at pri ces io low as will defeivedly claim the attention of the public- cafh or country produce will he tak en in payment and a credit of 6 months j given to refponfible farmer or others john gumming wm mitchell i kingston 05 2 7 1 8 1 7 32 for salej a two horse waggon oerfectiy new likewifc a jl few thoufatd 18 inch shing les inquiieef s merrill kingston rfpril 2 1 1 8 j 8 47 blank summonses for the district courts for saie at this oflice 1 blank axtminent lists for what this office also arith metical tablet jor the use of schools new ironmongery tore john wat kins jtpespectfthty acquaint his i uax friends and ihe pbic in peval that he has opened a wh delate nd retail hardware store at he hand f 4ij ihe neighborhood is popo oui arj excellent there are about 30 acre cleacd and fenced wilh 6fle ftream of living warer and the greater part of the jqr- of fnperiur quality the reft good meadow 3d 100 acres occnppytng nearly ne entire file f rhe gannanoqne lake in the townflilp f south crfby dis trict ofjoluit wii en filling wholly f b ken f ont the back parte extending t- he rod fnwn the rideaw settlement t- k nrii i from wl ich latter place it r ev 3c mile diitant the land d and vel limbered and tht fcr rn gnutilgtiy beautiful androman ti wooded iflatuls in front he abovr lukb are particularly dlcivtng of doticei the huattns wtf ehoten hf a competent judge an- thv vil e wd remaikaby cheap thf pr prifor wifliing to concentrate hi fovc in anih r quarter fo forthei particulars apply to r e oorni efq v j c foth frt i ffqtoonoi wm h 4i ton efq kiugjtrior p fcott erio sh w riour efq mo trea 47h ajril i rgf8 to let and p- ffffin given on ihe fifl my next the itouv wnd pien t prtient occupied by dcto gc jde- it betrg a double h ife it w fee let fcpamtrly ur tgdhcr ap- to ifce p the subscriber egs lave u inform his friends cv u rhe rnhlic generally that he bftftii v removed from hi- formet land m theljoseriy occupied by meflvtf h vv fli p lately occupied by joitafl ll bhot 5i ji wiiki fon sc o main strct and fiom the arrangements he has made will have co ftaialyou hnd a genera affortment of rardwj re cutlery icwikh he will be enabled to difpofe of f r oh or approved credit at nealy ih montreal prices ammrg which ar the following viz fngliuh and swedj j iron crowley and bhlter steel wrought and cut nails tiace chains sheet iron borie shoes frying pus sh vela and spades plough ivjondn hopow ware grindflones chirvla and gougc locks and kingti fiu knives an j fork pockci and ptn- kuives fifti hook brafa c cks b urtits hammeis augur saw planes tea trays stamp t and call bafs cabinet ware wire tin ware pins needle fowling gunsbraf kettles c he alfo offers for fale a fmall affort ment of crockery and glafs ware kingfton 30th march 1818 44f tor fait- atthis office standard rules for the game of iv h 1st by bob skoit- 46 for sale 1 ot no 27 in the firft conceffinn 5i of the town hip of hamilton new caftle diitrici containi rr 200 acrc bounded on lake ontario in fiorr and the york roid in the rear diitant one and a tulf mile fron the hamilton court houfe tweoty acre of wfiieh are cleaicd and a fmall dwelling hnie thereon terms of payment will be madeeafy apply to james bethune hamiltou or to john strange co near tbe market pace where ht ia now on hand a general afioriment of ijardtcare cutlery c which he will fell on the moft moderate lems to let the hop lately occupied bv the fuhferiber and poffcilion givtn im mediately s a mitel shaw kingston th jan 8 1 8 32 for sa at this office a ready reckoner shcwij the value of grains of various gold coins current in the province of upper cana da also fkihlsoxs improved tab of the value of grains ji g dd coin er or under weight valu ble lands for sale tt ots no 24 25 and 26 firfl con- jlj celfiinufthe twnhip of ma- ryflurph ball of the ro k in tle mid land diftruit conipiifini the moft valu able part of 4i p0i1t pieafaot and con taining about 300 acres no 51 firfl conccffion of sophias- iburtjh midland diltrift 200 aere nor 86 and hy second conciffi n f ameliafburght bay fide midland di- trid 400 acre nos j aid 6 fecond contfii n ame- liabnrgh i ake fide 400 acres no j thnd conccffion of hallo well midland dilrift 20c acres no i2 eighth c netflion of thur- low midland dftift 200 acrei no 9 lecnd conceflion of camden midland d iff rid 200 acre no 70 fifth con camden juo acre- no 9 third conceflion of urray in cfll pklri if mtv calllc 200 acre no 5 th cmi of murray zoo do no 10 fourth con hamilton in the difl9 of vew caftle 200 acres no 32 fifth con of liamilton 20cdo no 19 feventh con of hamimand diliitft of new caftle 200 acres no tfirll on of the townfhip of claike in the diftrift of n c 20 do j the local li nation of the above land particularly of tht firfl niie lot is very advantageous and the foil h excellent the term of fale will be found very tea j f nahle and a preat part of tht pur- 1 chalc nuivy will he left at intereft in the hands of the urc fuller application to be made to the fnbfcuber d hagerman fihjphistoion 1 th march 181 8 j 41 tf no ice 4 ll perfon having any deman6va- z- nainft the eftateofthe iate bry an crawford efq of dolphuftown de- ceafed are hcely requefreh to produce ther clairm duly authenticated ufo perfons indebted to thr faid ellatearc hereby requeued to make immediate payment to hi ilium alexander grant executor kingston xgth 1817 3 to let vnd doftccbon given the fit ft of may nrxt a nurnser of moms in the line barracks enquire of h earl march 14 42 j n f f received an i lor fale at this oflice price id the montreal almanack for the yctr of our lord 1 s 1 8 alfoessfrs on ci ical husbandry dd ifted t te caian frmer8 by f gkecft ot montreal hsmakr j a f r a card the fuhferiber fhforma the merch ants aiul traden of uoper cana da and state of new york that he- has commenced bufinefn in th city as a geiieral agent and comiffiuit tereh- ant any buttoe encrufted ro his care will meet with fhlirjen attenion benjamin ii trt montreal i oth may 1818 5 1 m6 j building timber aquannty of excellent building i limber for sale either bv the frame or per the foot enquire of the fubferiber charles d 4wwn fuftioncer smith butter wor11i 113 eturn their fincere thanks to itl their friend and the public in ge neral for the liberal encouragement that they have rectived fitice thty re-rom- menced the hatting bufwefs r have an exteniive afionmentof ladies and childrens bon nlis of various colors and lhapes gentlemens beaver fine caftorhats likewife knapt and woo mats which they will fell j cafh or approved credit produce taken in payment jan 2 jjjfff very w qf public notice the subfcribers executors to the estate of charles stuart efqurre deceafed late sheriff of the mitand district hereby requeues ah thofe indeffc jed to the faid estate to make immediate payment to the faid executors and all thofe who have demands against tie e are requested 10 produce the fame duly attested iu order that a settlement of the estate may be effefted ar fprtdilf as poffiwe after the first day of july 1818 george o stuartj etftf allan mclean j uio kingston august it 1817 32tf advertisement the fubferiber offers for sale thp- following lots of land 2co ace in 4th and 500 in the 6th conccffion of the gore btfwcw erned town and frederickfturgll no 18 and 19 in the 8ih conccflifl of murray no 31 eafl half 2dcrn ofsidnv- no 9 oth concrffin of fawdeu no 4 gth conceflin huiirirpdnw no 14 15 17 18 25 and 26 in the qfri conceflion of hurlow no 34 and 35 in the 4th concflio of vaughan near ycrk ax so several valuable town lots in th town of kinpfton wm- crawford frejrrhlsltirgh jan 10 1817 jtf smiths hark t3he fubferiber mcfl itfptgfitty in for mo he genrleu en oj k ngiu t n that he fa jnft arrived here hern dublin and has commenced the hufi ncf of back and white smith in al itj- branches more particularly thai of horfe shewing in which he will give the grcateft fatifafiion to thofe that rm- ploy him tfuv niay rely co hating their woik frcll done cheap and neit l arplyingat mr j meagher barrack ftreet where he har- ccn ire need all orders in that line will be gladly received anh fic artention given kingston 13th os rihe fubfcrfberr beg leave to inform b their fronds and the public in ge nefal that they carry on the tatloring business in main street where they intend mafc wjg every article in iieir line c reafonable terms than has been done for a number of years back thofe wh wifli to favor them with their cuftom may rely on hiving their work well made and on the fhort t notice for cafh nor 1 is stevens kingston sept 9 1 s r 7- x2 the panoflist for the year 1s16 for sale at this oifice complete j a blank deeds and memorials for fale at this office 1 i i to let hphat well kiowa large wlntf 1 store in front of the dwelling houfe of the fubferiber it i we cal culated for commercial bufnefs hating a lare commodious cellar capable nf holding 1 000 brrels with th advantage of the wharf where vcffdsi nf 40 ton may load and unloaded frwnier would do well to improve thffl opporttt itity foi particulars a pplji to the fub fcribernnthc pemifes jame robinson

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