Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 2, 1818, p. 2

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bbsai retmvh the evil nod fent wkn flwl be above every uihjence here and who may i c inliructed to make enquiry into all the tourers ot evil r a b should afy prfin in dine to dttju out an addrks s a lviicm of parson g j fa- vorii im in ihe difp the i crow linjs itiil exits alid- gvtiier dehrudive of moral rco tiiu c and virtuda fating in fcif cvrudiion udcc f ma t fi reacted iucil a hein in this k nqueted that a copy p p vmce hat it is thought 00 mr j an rnl- orher d the brittfk em- j jagara r cf pir- wimeffes hc like and it j rid is vita to look for rmvej w mepttij a radi a change h fiuiwt feted it uauqrs nor tfhat i pk rt uacles fill fi uaionso pub- 1 v w cmmhtt men be ic tiuft at prcfent ill link forwarded tc the fame with ml cnveieiitjdccd immediately qfter jttiedirtrifl rep1fntatv fo tkc wes tern london gore aid nhtjitx dill c lie t luic ac 1 beneath the dignity of men become vitiated and weak as aatfwfc a om hi n as ihe ate placed wifhk te vortex of deftrucuon cvnfufii on coufuiion has st catharine 4i mny i3ib tiw day kcjrcieitativcs and clerk dlofcn by the inhabitants of which has created fuch inifciuf j and niquitv hive ulttmately cirneto little value from abule the poor fubjecls of his ma- jcily driven from home by iis- trefs to whom portions of land are granted can nw find in the gfant no benefit and loy- aliftsofthe united empire tlie defendants of thote who faciticcd their all in america in b half of b iti rule men vhofe names were ordered on rcc rd for their rfrtfhtt adhe- jenc to your royal father the defendants of thefe men find now no favour in their dc timed rewards nay thefe rewards when granted have in many cafes been rendered voi ic than nothing for the leg 1 rights in 1 h enjoyment of them have been held at nought their la- d has been rendered tiniuleibe and in fome cafes only a fourte vi diiractiun and care under this fftm of itcr- rial management and we ken- e- from other evil influences upp r canada now pines in comparative decay diftontent and poverty are expe lenced in a jaid fupremeiy hieifed uith the gif s of nature dread of arbitrary power wars here ag- ainrt khe free execife of reaf xj a d manly fentiment laws have been fef alide legiflator iiavc come into derifion and cnnrcfupt from the mother country feems feft gathering lireuti t- diltiflite tbe po- oi canada frm their friends ut lwme the immediate interference of your royal liigiuiefi might do much tochcckexiitmgevisj ard might wholly remove t hole which fpring from the yiiexn of patronage and favor tiihi in use land granting depart ment other eils how eve greatly retard the pruipei ity of upper canad evils vliich have their root in the original constrution of the province and thefe can only b removed by the interference u the britifh parlamenr now jnoft imperioully required deeply penetrated with thefe fei ti ents and moft lerioufl hi- ywcd tn htvc fuch needful charges fpeeoily effrted the loyal fihens of britain dwel ling in upper canada now t kefhe exi aordvnstry ftpp of fefl ghome coimiiifiioj ersto bdi rliis to the ihrone and i provi ccof upper canada nct here robert hanoltm efqiure npre- fentit thctownfp of niagata wm hjmiho mcrritt tq j p do cranthnm jn ci irk efq j p do louth dr cyrus sumnrr do clinton captain henry hixi jo giitfby naj r wm kobertlun do caiftor and cafbory mr jh lctnnrdydo gamorough mr jhn henderibn d pelham george kcctcr efq j p do tho old dr j hn j- ieffvrty do sramford james cumming9 eiq j p 00 wilwghfey john baxter efq do bertie ar jofeh current do- cropland mi benjamin horton do hnmucr ftone ad lake fide of wainflctt david 1 hompfon eiq do wajitflcet ji hn clnrk efq being dflaniaiouflj cillcd t the chair ihi hufmefs of tlir day comntenced iy mr clarks readn over mr giurlaya addujfe to the re- lidmt iaiii owners f upper canuia dued 2d april i 8 1 8 the rcc om- meiidatioo and pri tiples contained in ltc addrtiv were dedaied to he thofe now grneraliy arjrovcd f and as con rituiifig tkbafaijfilieprefrnt pioee- inga itwastlen nuivtd and carried that mr gourlay tlonld he called tj tle bwrng and invited coftii in the bu- iiijci of 1 he d iy george adams efq j p was elet- jd to heiveafurcr for thi dillrid and befng fei t for accepred the office wm j k rr efq was clewed secieta ry and chefc gentlemen were drlirej to retire with twfhio clerks to ar raope accfioots and commence a regular journal of trnlactf ns it was tjin rovj that a d aft tff a petition orevi xi do meet together ai tticafter on friday 3d july thew to jirryooeor tvo diy3 to confnlt aid 0 w re gard to any tiling in thefc ivjftiids that may th he difcovertd to b nelcaed- alio that the dittwd rei for ofxowayj the ellern johnitown and midland ditlrrftfti do wet f r ihe likepurpttc on wedncldaj the i ft of july at ernefl town the mectiig proceeded to chnofe reprefcntativea for niagau dilhia when robert haflliltoth efq dr cyrus sumner john clark efq j p j and major win rohertfon- were duly eleed it was then moved ind carried that thefe gentlemen cuftttitute the committee above mentioned one of the rcprefentatic requcfting to be allowed to read a paper to the xteettng the r qoeft w granted the paper regarded certain partial proceedings in courts of jaftice aiid attributed the fame to ae prcfeut corrupt itate t pvibhc aiirs gentleman wifhed the meeihg to take tire fame into confijeratial bet the propofal was loll tbm bei declared nor a mtetinir of dclilenuoo as to private or particular pnvances but for the pare purpofe of peddortng the vitti fhe intertfts of that tiftociation ftn4uluaw in tfcs ttmbg m ht nor that oftbeh beme iikewife on that tpilj breeze dnwon the shore of the jmy oerfons connpcied in pecuniary m- tereff with the eai of selkirk ad in particular his lordftips principal mer- i cok agtut here a gentle nan indeed whf honorable integrity u only to b- eqnaued by the foundnefi of his judg ment although fnch things an packed ju ries have been heard of it is by no means to he fnfimiated tht foe has been the cafe in either efthe late courts here but it may be pertinent to remark that afor 1fa fcope for the poflibihty of a packed jury muft exift wnere the grind jury arc formed f thofe lefpea- ahle perfons of the dillria who general ly in regular rotation perform their func tions on the frmeltral return of the court of kings bench bfoie which all crimea arc indiferirninately brought than when fcleed for a fpeclal unufual and unexpected court of oyer and 1 er- miner ordered to be held in confequence of the fpeeffic oetition of adherents of the the earl of selkirk who were under ac- cufatton- fearing to take uo too much fpace in your columns and anxioih to affrd fome room in them for further lucubra tions of this advocate of the party which j 00 doubt will appear cheak bv jowl with this communiation and ibao which of the prov tlii or otl prince regent generally a he ft tc ilnce it was adwivted ths ifcaroely any thing but his utter glence ler papery vic public ii could be moredelirablc the pbfet vat ions 1 rnifly prepared humid be read which rcituy to reply to thefe remarks j ffad hemg diuciis central princinles were h very confidently nticiyatd thatthe ipprwed of and it wz ansed farther j gauntlet mice thrown d wn the moll irricvaiicesj miht be given 0 d trict reorefentat i ves fealed up d dtrcfted tii be put int the hands d the com- riffi nrrs that they may make what ufe they peafe of the laej for tie genera good of the province moved and unununonjhj qgrctd thnt the th nky of the lifcefiiii he given to jhn clark efq for his impartial conduit in the ch it the mertin then adjourned till monday 8th june at st cafhatines when trie petition will be finilly adpted and rrtfalurcb taken for its finatuie in the fcveral townfhip of tb diftriq john clark gteirma wrtj- ktrr secretary from the montreal gimitc mr biown the fecond comrounican in your lal number relative 10 the proceedings of the late court of kingn bench ap- pear to have heen copied from the her ald of the 14th inilnit with tntrrmedi are remarks in italks by ail advocate oi ihe party who drucurcd the- lolt infidi us jnd hiirhly coloured ftaeinent of lue proceedings of the late court of oyci and terniinei to be infer ted in the her ald of the week before the writer of thofe remark is very cautfbui upon what topic he provokes difenfliori well kmw- in the inward rottenne of his cduic however guilt and vatnifhvd over it may be to delude the eyes of ihe mukitude iiut 7j in order ha he may be rendered liill more careful bv the conviction that any attempt to unpofe on the public by fulfehoodj by inuendo by fupprefbon of i truth or by gl fs will be cxpofed it nj i that occur upon the otrur paragraphs in italics will be deferred till your next number fan the kisnsrax gjzettb u iiitr riv er treat ynur royal j i iefv 10 give ear to lie rle- i vhih it wiil be in their sver to relate abve all t a y ur rovai hi hnrfi uh im ediately fend out t tliis preivtnre a mission ctffi u170 of riticr ci and ife slcii uiea of bufinefc and hat coi uiieration a to irs ftyle c- be j rrfrnd to a conmtttce of four a-v- ed and mumimoujly carried thit a f o as the committee are liitickntiy fati 5 d with the wording of the pettfuw they oijei it to be priuted with a view o its laying before the public e month and affording 311 opportunity for anitnad- vtrfioq or ameidme t that finally it may of fo drawn out a totffve tlie grea- csa poffihlc de le of fa sfctin to the pe ye of the difhfc moved am un ammoufy earrird that the fame commit- rrc d im cdiateiy publih thmiiirhout lit pnvnce the whole jroceediugs of tliepeo leot this litlrica of niagara up to thi- time and tak it neeflflry e s towards promoting the objciils in view fifoved end unanmvtfly carried that the gentlemen of the committee adver tise samday 6ih june at 2 oclock afternoon a a proper time fu the m- ple of othr pihicls to hold town- hip mcctirg th the province at al paces whtro tow hip meetings n eoenermy heid rat saturday the 13th of the fime month be advertized oi the meetings of townflip keore- fvniarivea at the head town of their re 0 eetive dilritf theie ro choofe j9u iict rcorcfentativefi to affemble in the provincial convention moved and u- imnitmvtfiy carried that monday 6h jji y 1 cr c advertized as the day of meeting at york of he provincial con- ventiqn there to appoint a t ommtfli in lopocccdio enfflaorj wih the peti tions 10 the prince regent and hold conference generally on all rnatteis thi 1 rrquiring atfention moved and unarilmoijiy carried rhat ft h pruprrfor ta h diiti ct to fend to the provincial cor vutiuirrrnefentarivewjn likeonm r nnd 1 fuorti n ihcy fend members c p em moved arid unanimous iy carried that ii le iccoxnuicndcd thit tltntfiphftnt victory will be obtained by any advocate of the north weft corn- pany however infciior bid talent for mara ejl veritas et j- avaubit iiis liill fliaft h aimed againfl the grand jury of the coart of kings bench and though he ought to be a- wae that companions are ciio s he in- tauuoufly placed this jury in oppolitiou to that of the court of oyer nud ter- miiier without meaning io difparge the latter any pe fon acquainted with the difliict of vtoifiiedl a d who may have an opportunity f comparing the 1 wo lilts will iee t once on which hde ihe colltcirvc preponderence of intelli gences ability and yioptrty lie it is fallely hated that teiewere on the g ju ry of the court of kinds fttuchfcjeral partners of the north wefl company thcr were only iws the word fevtral can never be a to the dual number but on the other hmd jives an impt-ef- iion of rive or fix ila much fr his arith metical accuracy- now according to the trite but ap- prop rate adage he mafures hi corn by his own bufliel and becaufe there jwcre on that jury both partners of and perfons connected lil pecuniary interca with the north tfwfl company it fo lows by inuendo th rhy mnft be pre judiced nay perjured and dcrcrmined rj find bill ptrfasa ita gva the ad hereutir of their corfrrntcrcial rivals who the perfons arc wh ll allcrted were conncfted in pectlril uiterell with the north wit compi l may be indec orous to enqu re but the wt iter of the lematks fupprcffifr the truth and lik an equivocating w omiting to teuj ihe whole truth iwfbei ftates the h that the partners ot lnc north well company who wer the jury in van ably abhrined fro rg any opiuon r vote on any of tf d f indidrnenl which it wai fogrftptel couacded j sketch of the by of qlints la a tetter from a passenger on hoard the and river stvar boat dear sir f have taken a trip in fh snm bnat from kingston to the carrylua j place and i nsoreyoiu it ha rniscd jmy opinion of tho vtiuo of til bay of qointe o the cotimftrcial and arieul- tur interests of the country f i he finest sheet of in hind water i rvr iw and if surrounded by towoship- of fertile land already settled and pro ductive but capable of being reiicw- rl much more so by additional cultiva tion tbl route of the stpamboat is ss mil confaintug tho following intor- mediale point- of distance as estimat ed but not actually measured wfttv dn jvwc town 1g 16 ad tplrktown 113 vaitin mill ferry 3 j3 ffalowell 38 ijnrkevs wesseps perryj 7 5 throngri the long reach 7 52 daveuporfs ferry 2 5 4 olmesn store 6 u roll vi he 12 72 llrvr trent 128 i carry in fl place 4 88 i had no means of ascertaining with nathematical precikjon the poiots of compass of the different psrrsof the bay but from such ohsenadous asi was ahl o make without the assist ance of any instrument 1 believe them to be nearly as follows froos kingston to the entrance into frmrv ofquinte s w by w thence to vnalsfioes w bv s rhenceto hallowetl s w by s fhence to conners mill n k- thn to the font of rhe long reach x ebj v the long rmch x by e- thence to bellville nearly thence to the river trent pne or two points s of wt- thence fo fha carrying place s s vv tiiis sketch although not very correct may n you a general idea of the courses of oar steam boat route at kinst n ernest town bepoken of as being up the hay of qiifate but his phrase is improper the at re- betwei4 ernest town and amherst i land is not a part of the bay of quiu- fe nor can it with propriety be styled a bittf it come- within thcgeoraplj ieal deliuition of a houmi cemmuui- eaiiiigwith the lake by an outlet at each end of the island called the lo- er ami upper crap amherst island hin about 12 milealon the sound is of the ame length aud ought to be named amherst island soond the island stretching thus in front pf jrnesf town breaks the wind- and wells of hie lake and shelter- the har- r the waiter of die sound is of course tolerably smooth but the lak winds come in through the gaps and sometimes make the water at those points quite rough pa riieularly against mie lower gap tho distance howev er is short and hi k tne only place 111 the whole rout of the bay and itiy- r steam boat where it is exposed to any roughness of watr through tiiegaps the wind blowrf down ihe lake as rn ich at last a tth of the season audthbreej ri stail iy with coil mi j b e reulii ilt or nine ovirk 111 the ocean with this difference thai tht lake bfeeze does not shift at niht alternately blow off and on like the sea and laud breezes nearly oopo ite to the upper jrapi the entrance into the buy of quint between fredericksburg and alaryl burg point the general width of the jay varies from one to to niiles- fetwecn 0 point in thurlou and mississna paiitl in atnekashurgjtl w between meybees point in sophias burg and an opposite point in the in dinn land thciiay is less tliau a mile wide in front nf hallowell there is a triangular opening called hallowell bay of the extent of three or four miles east of bellville the bay ex pnodstothe breadth of five mileas this expansion is vulgarly tenrftid the big bay ihe head of which rs perhaps four and its foot ten miles from bell- iville through he middle of the lig bay the water is shallow with achau- nil of uiiicient depth en each side ou its southern border there is a marshy inlet trained m uk k oof a buy sard to be the limit between aroeliavbuigaod sophiasburfir on the fast side ot tfye ton reach is the nifranci of hay bay which sets up in an easterly di re- ion through the township of ado- phrstown and iieary through fi cl- erirkhnrg 1 derirrd its name from ihe adjoining redowff which produce an abundance olhay it appears too shallow to be navigated iit by small boats at the head of the long beach is mohawk bay so mnned from its adjacency to the mohawk indian village it is the month of fh appa nee ilirer corning ill from the n e caftw rights rrtulv reputed to be ke besl in the province are five mils up tire river wlere there is a bridge and a small village around it the read from kingston to york passes uie the water in this river rises and fallffc from fl fo ii inches several times a day with mich a degree of reariy tal the boatmen calculate upon fte tides tr facilitate their passage to and from the mills 1 state this fact liol from my own observation but opnfl he authority of several rspcctawe pofkons who hve oberved u fhflf irons morn 104 appauee tides indeed hive been a subject of cotimtltrable speculation but their cnuseha- not yet been satis faetori iy explained near hc head of the bay of quint the river tienr falling in fru ih n wrfewfvi rfettc inllmg in from the 4 if reduces the waters of the jfuce lakn on this river tltirc are a number of valuable mills and large tuautif t of lumber arc brought down evc year to market at the nioufh nf f bver there is a ferry of ahouf l i utile on the route from kingstoi ro york by way of appanee and bell ville the road to york by way of lialiowell passes by the carrying place and unites with the other ivcramahe there onjcht to be a stage running frotn the carrying place or the river trent to yorlv myerss creek empties into the bay near the western limit of thurlofr there are valuable settlements eigh nine miles up the creek principally on the east side- at the mouth nf it is- the town of bellville a port of entry and a place of considerable busine its ire is unfortunately too law to ap pear to advantage and i shoufdappre heftd some danger of inundation jrom he creek in the spring floods joness creek is three miles wot jf bellville iu the township of sidney there area number of islands in the bay fn front of the carrying flare there is one railed mshsaga island fornerly oecupi d by the fndiaus of that tribe but now overgrown with bushes cftigers island two miles east of the river trent contains seve ral acres id level ground about twen ty fvt above the wafer it is a smooth handsome recu near the sou h a limit of iiig bay them ia amiaf j htaadj known hy tho name of np islarid with a singletree on it a tall em which serves as a guide to boatmen pas- sing up and don n the bay the larg estiiand in the whole bay is fohus slanrl by the northeastehrj aigle of sophiasburghat the hear of th long reach and nearly opposite to th house of cape john one of the proprietor of the indian village who claimed this island and left his name attached to it when the water is high boats pass between the island and sophias- burg shore and thereby sare two or throe miles i observed several other islands but did not note their names the townships along which the mram boat passes in j route were original designated by numbers h- hr inidappropiiatenamcs this numercil d- situation began with the fi viu 5 wh was cal led hast town and extended through the township otl j s um to ainelisbtr w hich w j v j mvn mien 1 nied and proceeded throuffh tllc i m um j zz ss

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