jjctoftta boy frntn s h7 na tfr river trent to sliwi nond rm the a- pnnec and cmmh r further np thai ri- vpi hnhihvellbjn afterward- form ed out of ainrvslxua and sopuwihur reaivid a namo at clutubi gi fnn- aticn aud was never dwtiiiguwid in a number the liwunn land hiu m thuriow and ivhmonil has twiihoi number nor nrfhic ml boing con id t- ed a township th kiil rftarfh with ihree of flic royal fiivn ami thiecofthe prrioos furnhdvd na- r- fnr n part ofth munrwrpil tmvtisbrpt with the additional syllables toisn and jr which wite tticjt more fashhwa ble than the fie uh f rrjination vfv the fwrce of hub t however- is rnfwj by the fact that thi iuinibumus nil continue to speak of those tov nshin- b their respective aumberag in preference to their proper nnmes mi iucouvo- nient custom which might to bodiscon- j tinned especially as thero is a series of the same nititihprs applied to town- ships in the district if jnhittow the tract of laud opposite uhias- ban fronting tvu miles on tin bay and extending hack tuelvo miles wn granted to a section of the mohawk indians who ifijanvted from in main body oftfteir tribe now settled on the grand river this grant a- w i as that on the grand river was made in consideration of the lands th y loit in the tftftte of nett york in the revolu tionary war a pait of the front of this tract is cleared and is railed tbc indian vilage it has an episcopal church and several hoons tho clea red land appear to b a common pas ture for hore and eaitle m wt of the ndian habitations are furfhurbnck the is thro us yx ecu the head offhu bay of quince and the takti is abvut a mile and a quarter in breadth ft io the limit between the townships of mnrro and ameuaburgy between the cwmhcs of hastings and prhip kd- ward and between the midland dis trict and the district f new castle it lias no other inme than the carry in place on the north flap of it there i- ri tract tfiuud which was reserved for the purpose of forming a canal from tin baj to the lake and wft called the ca- iftl reserve hut sine the late war n has bc n surveyed and granted to iinmt settlors it i in the tewn- mp ef murray and is denominated the ana reserve settlement the eijft wm amliabur so- ifbnrg ildlowell and mmshur kdward i new nitluwe owoslnp s well as those n the wndouhc north d oi the lv lobseivmrany r tam in jilhrrut sa of cultivation but if presented meal the bet farm and ttleomhits are not wen ffftio the hay brin situated in the back rnnceiiu f poll in general is adapted to iiortirveitcind will without chan carry a vessel all the way down ffouv hjt a soulh east wiod will enable lyr tn sill ihe way up and whid- li- n iiom- wo pointre not very fre- neit the ih is too narrow for the prartt of be tiii to advantage pan- saes rmit often be slow and diilicult e jeeiay thtough the lon iteaeh ti the sram boat which is not subject to snch dirttvwlttes and delays be pro- pefli nianaod it will be a peculiar ac- o inohxialinn and can hardly fail ol eventual success with a ready sup- ply of weed a system of punctuality if the starting aiul stopping points and flit aid ofa little experience the route between kington and the carrying place way be aeconilivhrd in a day and for ease and comfort and freedom from all sense ef danger as well asj or various and romantic vimvs of ru ral scenery it is a delightful exeurioii it certainly has bieii so to dear sir vonr friend and humble servant ftade only to hide oicfonal inflrmitic of which eticy had a lively coufcioufntfs sir peregrine mait1atd lutorcd uudei the high minded wll is not likeytobefo vtry juiduljjent to fuch worfhipfol gentlemen afc foine gover nors who have pfecr i4ed him frfontrcah may 9 on monday and luefday lail milfrs colin rohcnfon jofrn spencer j p bmirke and louis pfolin were arretted upon tlccharg swhe h had been prefer red againft ihem by lnc north well company they wertf f before the chief jufl iie who offed to admit them i to bail upon their entering into recog nizance to appear before the cenrt in september next bt thi they declin ed hating that it would he txtrrtiey loconventeot and even ruinous to their piivte affairs to give their attendance at that term that they hw ween ready for their trials in scteoder february and march and that the proceedings againfl them had been repeatedly poilooned altho no tohj ftion had ever been made by ihem againft the court that in september 1 he delay wofc from the aft to ihe editor of the kingston gazette of the court llfelf ajfainfl the ftrongell augusta 28th may 1818 rcmonttrance of one of the prifonra vsir and tliat the fame delay might again on my way paflug through kings- 1 oocur m the fame eaufe fo a- to keep ton t hferved in your paper of the them under recoe iterances froni one term l 2ih iidunt a letter addreltcd to me by i j lo another without cud they have j ho sirpfon and i found that fome i thai thev were entitled to an perfonexoe6ki chat i mould make a immediate trial as theconrt of oyer j reply to that utter it required none ad terminer now fettiny had been ap the unblufhing follv the filthy and on tl i they falfe ihfmuaii us which it cmtained wire therefore tefufed to tnfer into any new fbjbctefit antidotes for the bae one recognizancf in order to avoid acquie thing bad reibved to do as foon as op- port unity offered viz to give the peo- i pic of this tovihiip a meeting faai to j learn from tbefttive the troth whcth- erthy authorized 01 approved oft 9rhh t nirenvofs samtiel shaw 1q jihn wtiifrlaw f b a friend jerry whitehead i 5 ii thomson l names 9 doners to maraolay lienevotem friend 10 t lie poor 2 4j n pien y to idleness i b whitney 1 at a meeting of the committee of the k c s held at the hoefe of s shaw efq the vifitorft for the lafl month re ported thai the fum of 18 6 cy had been expended in affording relief to five perfons recommended to the charity of the society kingston june jl 1 8 1 s shebecy ftfav 2 1- london papers to the 16th of april have been received by the late arrival hut on a hefty peiufal of them they afford no intelligence of importance in confeonence of a vote of fettle- ment for the duke of clarence being reduced in the boole of com m ins from p 2000 propofed by the mimftera to x6ooo it was laid itis roval h nefss intended marriage would not take j place the bay and k t vi it stem boat charlotte will leave kinglion fo- the head of the bay of qui every sunday afternoon 5 oclock and wednesday morning 2 oclock ke- tnraing leave bcllville for kingami tnefdfcy morning 2 oclock and the carrying place thurfday morning 2 oclock t leave kingitou foi prtf cit every friday morning 7 oclock and piefcott for kiogfton saturday monh ing 7 oclock smith b1rtlet 1 solo mo jo hns i aunageru d4ni wjshburn kinstcn june i 1818 f notice tfte half yearly meng of trie kingfton compaffiooate socictyi wdlhehelrlat st gn cfinrcb on monday next the isfh inft chra hagerman ag sect clary afygsfm j june 1s18 1 just published a nd for saw ai this odice and fctntr in further opprcflive delay dtfclarfrg that they preferred remaining within the walls u a prifon tiil their trials hould be brought on a it appeared thai in no other way tluy could ae- publication of certain perfons ailing 1 1 twte or bring the proceedinga to a themfclve a ct committee chofen it the icrminjtion te the 3 per cent confols had lately- fallen from 82 to 80 in confequence of i w various stores throughout ce ome difcontent with the fhanciai plan j p ofchemimlter principles proceedings lrram continued to fall in price j annual town meeting of agufta which appeared in ymr paer of the zd m rcl withihi view i circulated a haid bill with iife words i mrgqurlir kgskave to in form tic hihahhanu of aaujla thai hi turl be at il houfe of kac rurd in the j faultoitfiif on wednrfhi n xt the fjth may ready to bate any horifi man hy the i hand or look in the fce th fe who havt dared toflander his fflaroffi a htrjt iwtetior touk place in confe- qence uftliii and it vvascleaily prov ed rhu no ommiuee was chofen ai the annua town eiucnnif of ati ndla il was nf evident th it the r vifhi vn- iuoeil many rport honel rota than jlrffl derera mytiil addrcfs to the kcli- deot land owners of itppei cava la which was faid t contain principles in imical to the peace and qit which the pe pie of tkis province fo happily en joy was read over but not a man dar ed to open his mouth in proof of the bafe afttrtitn altbougb a wctched pariy feeined to feel fame lace v iteu jluft- jmje i kingston tubsi j jcnr 1318 f 9 cornrspniknts we hac repmtlta vrv biihy mmimtnu radon voii vriugivlvjrfii- ahail of a nui- vc he ween erruin intlvvljniils andrcsorfin iynickttntihr io iff hih f fancl hnb- h fcw or ocot mm hifh irtlntiedmttot ftfti afi itf ijnh lh oii fuuhtnrtti pioyjh tn jfiiii tvtitllliif iie tun was die gmml tool oiihchmv vmm h hard to dtftermiti i batnfterveid nvi 0l lut ouehaa undfta man eviuiiit i k other j emlc our f tin- iirn- rt xprn j iv tntui f hr otlirr a ii iutd jntl in r iiii mir kliih t iie tio mimil amih niu of rbf pccaiors pi v ri wc lri thi ahuvt bniif ketch and oiti ioufion ihai ve lmk wlrti awiorrenec anil ilcroi mi ih i and iniurderttth pra oeei a ciiipiarreh b lighting dttels wll ri r ot and the inhabitants arp accus- 11 1 wncat hiio iiu mi uio to an attack on ihe proceediigft and 3 aaa tn the erowinc of thatvaiuadic 7 tamed to the g gram- it is their staple pjrodu tioii in inciple fruit appears to mvebi too genor- ily neleted the most floufishii orchards which iawarcm adolphus town and sidney- inmarhnrif at the dianco of 33 mile from kingston the lave of themtnioiain thesurtvco of which r ascertained to bo i7 fee above tlv level oi the bay although not morn than twenty md- distant from it this litural rcverfoir of wattr is described isneariv throe miles in circumference of great d plh abounding with fisib ijidhainu no inlot and hut ovoutt tliich b the rarn that turn aan at- ttmefi mil tho a emt thou stcp knot difficult it begin to be viitd troma dimnce as a curiosity but nisumial in such cases pople li- littg v its immodiatp awiuuv will icarrelr take fbe rpiblr- of viewing it the beft harbor lutwcon kingston tndth carrying fhui that of rt- dpsttrvwn urw a port ol etry in- tearing in eomtrrcial baiucss nith frpaalar tillage situated en a bcauti- fcl eminence irhfcfc ovrlooks ie ikir- boramlroomsin variatod ptxvs- f ret of land and mater fte inner feycfhauowell i secure fwn wind bat rather confined the bottom is noddy the villa irv st the bridge trivin rich tract of country hi fomt cellviile harbr i shallow tnu the rhaunel narrow with th excopiionofa few place the whole of quinte is a eonfin wd harbor there are but few wharvs and hioe t incomplete hut there issttfiieunrt fcpth of water sod auchono shop jenetally bold and no material ob- ttroclions the uavigatjon u safad f for a steam veiiseu the smooth- n the water is very favourable meed the hay seems to he dediued ty providence for navigation by steam waan its various and even opposite nses tender u almost inpracieable sailing a vestal with sails must j wwratly wait for drlorent winds tn i ftul dovu the uuy noue but a fthe people ot niagara dis- 1 trict which wherever i o feem to meet the approbation the reat bodyi f of the community- i fhh be jjlad if- jj ni vmj will give infertion to this in your next gazvite and an c robert gourlay xmr nr li 01112 nw i die article in fol li fjr for in vf hwwble rin oti nwe wf uf lux boysjw from he tuica im and liuass1 ri men will rrlecend ru uihh- wck lit- of n fl- iivv v a i u rpwng 10 1 liia shmncfu irteihojofd riding rjustr- vp adi4 a vrtim wio make riilile ljrii il ni pioluiion- bffo lie an wipta taeonnnithieuj iotiiekeninbjiec iinifan- arncei public r front the niagara spectator snce the meeting of towpfliio renrffentativrt at st catharines a ftriking change is obfcrvable in the public mind as to the p vpricty of addrcfrng his rryal highnefa the prints t regent on the ibte of the povinre u appearance of contempt and detili n of tie meafore has now died sway and envy and malice which found play againft an individual ferm now eomoleely 10 be ahafhed fmcc the htngth of the country is inlifttd in the j caufe even thofe who hold fituations under government w i ill it well though by a bange peweifim of fentiment jome of them fancy that ooeniy to fpeak out would be a declara tion of dioyalty borne are held i back by more rational concluwons thmkingi that ihould he old lyftem of patronage and favonritifm continue they might cfe their penfi ns places or wotfhtpful honors thus iviiltons picture ffia rnd death is recalled to mind by iuhftantial and real experience every fenfime man nrnjl know that tbi counry caonot be retained to brit tin with- lit a radii al chain c of management and with xhh knowledge it becomes the duty of everv one to imploie aid from the unce whence only it can come to do honor to the prince by manifelung towards him affeftiou ajjd confidence what may we fuppo wnnld be tue fceins of his rayal httfhneia were he informed that in a certain remote cor ner of his majeftyfc dominion ar-nra- rv power had rown to fuch a heuht that even maoiltrate coached beicaih trfiiuha- afd mlerth mfte ufcoulirmcd fycouhaucy cyveud thi i4scsrru scrroo lscfl abjcrri f ili sdiool- in the h system is ih- i duration of children ofbonraai in45srni pumu and a thereare n ih town many childkren of emigrant and other who cannot afford even the present mall monthly paymrni which thr troste have appointed uuhe sdhnol etatiwhe hee uhhi thattynem eommomt called the lan- carnam jbliuol it i therefore proposed 10 ihe benvoleo advocate for the pdwcation of fh uihir thai an annual sehscripion 11 rais- wl fir lhhtp4 and to he appropriated olely to liv- beaefli of indigent ciiuiircn oader ihe ftdlowinj reg lotions lt that annvil vi anil pona- ions lifmimn di el e wd inw fortbewle pprpoe of olfrdug ctra nuoas education to the ehildren ol aoi rdijrent parenui v tiiitt usurir jjioii of two rounds shall mamfihr mid vhr i mnminae annually on free scholar the riouylnaiton to be made at ih- uote of iitipim ir else to mere with the richs of mailer ubvwripiiiiib autl all lo- iain- in ii ivcmileni aid trustees of the scho i 3 thnt lite president and ttbstees iau farhfulu ttppu the inone that may be tftuo put into tiir lutuds tn ili ueatlon of aa ma il poor c olbeii a ihr an of hie stlbscrip- tta ill atw v with tuv pxceptlon of fine pounds 10 be appropriate to the purchase of priipdiuboulilr o 1 eritoliooa srliolarsl atllievquarter rxuninton rm if a buf- iicifn iiati rofiiien iouy cliimren sliall not ie found hiii hai- at tile eud of each year the surplus alposi 1 t hi thepureiaeof a krili linarv in the useuf the school pro vuled always dial wo paq c such sorplos 1- 10 an wa laid oat upoj t repair of ihe school or prrmies 4cb thai ctinriiam esq as treasur er w fooiwiiii aihoriseu to receive bubscrip- iims and doilumons few w trim saw i h 1818 s throughout england the london papeks contain an extrafl fromrhr london gazette of the 7th apiil dated downing rreet the 6h april 1h18 officially notifying the appointment of his grace the duke f richmond k g to be captain general and governor in chief in and ovr the province of lower canada upper canada novafcotia new urwifwick e c c and their ref- peflive dependencies sir prriijrine maitlaod foniolawto the duke of richmond goes out as governor oi upper canada ext raft of a letter from major gen jaekfon to gov rabun ditted 44 liowegltown suwanney piil zo sir i have reached and deftroyed this and the other town in its vicinity and having captured the principal exciters of the war i think i may fafely fay that indian war for the prrfrnt it iinnmut j thi happy eircum ft a nee enable me todifpenfe with the frthcr fcrvices f the brigade of georgia miliiia commanded by bi ien glaficoeiv and at their felicitation have ordered hem dieftw to hartford to he mu lieu d pad and difcharged c itj lall campaign has confined more of rapid movement and man renvering than of hard fighting but from every occurrence i have the utmoft confidence that in the event ol a hard fought aftim every officer and foldler under rny command would hav fuftained the true amtrican chrafter nd have realized the bell hopes of their country 1 have the hnor to be c andrew jckson major gen commanding of the inhabitants of the district of niagara with an annarss ta his royal hghnestkk prince rfgent refpefting claims of sufferers in war land- to vlilitiamen and the encal benefit of upper canada price one shilling halifax kiajlon may 1 8 1 8 1 8 51 to bakers government contract tenders will he received at tins office until wednefday 17th ill at 1 2 oclock from fuch pe fons aa may be drfirons of en eiinjr into contract irf the uppiy ol brfead required for the troops in this garrifon to he baked from floor received from ths corproif- lariat stores from 251b june to zth december 1s18 the ttw rttvfv rw m- f two furetiei for the pciformjneeot ihe agreement aft comy gmts ojjkt kingston ijl june 1 nib x for safe y the fubfctber 1 door north of j om rough efq cherry boards and tlmk 18 inch shingles and cord w od johntuttle kingston otb may 18 18 i the hofiera and framework knitters of nottingham leicefter and that neighborhood to the number of to 000 are now petitioning parliannnt 111 con fequence of the diftrcfb ihey experience london pap asfeam frry ijoat has beun to ply between qoebec and point levi willi a fair prospect of success bornadotte has been arknowlodod king of sweden hy all ihe crowned heads in europe the british eaat indh companys forces have been generally successful against the indian princes lately at war with them hm of sttiscri6era ifrto sliiiiri tha marulaud i oh ft vc u oh prinle c haermau llau mclean i wdliam miirhll t r injor cjibm to adi kinntnid 10 d 10 0 1 a 1 1 f the d irk crvvr house john bull belonging to an officer in thtfl ganifon will be fold at aiiftin in the market place on thmiday the l t th june at 11 oclock he iff about i6 hands in height has betn accuftomed to saddle and harnefa alio as a char ger ia remarkably well bnike and he ran againfl wellington at the kirgfton races on the 1 2th of june 1816 1 notice rljfodi 1 1 mr steunctt mafphertftn- ssieuliii llawlry meliol 1nhn w v off u jtftei m canile laioci rasekbeu a t i mm i i at b 10 5 5 r 6 the put he arc hereby cautioned a gain ft purcbafinga note of hand drawn by the fubferiber and payable ti one piece stanton for two hundred and fifty dollar j as no conlideratiou or va lue h- been received for the lame the note is piyable in june i20 garkt striker hallow isrf aty i8i9 public notice the partnerfnip heretofore exitl- ing under the firm of icd m- aldandjnncs w this day diftulvei by mutual confent all perfons holding accounts againft faid firm are requelle to prefcrnt th 1 for fertlement and all indebted to faid firm to make immediate payment peter mcdonald edward jones the bnfnel in future will he carrid on by edward jones who is atithorifcj to fettle all accounts a above mcnthmcj may 27 sheriffs safe btidiands saturday h dflritis 2 inlt wil bc fd at the court hnufe in the p f kingflo lot no 18 and the fouheity half of lot no 49 in the faid town t killon feicd by virtue ot an execu tion out of his maj- trys court of his bench at the fuit of nlexauder hart iff benjamin hart apainft the lands and tenements of peter t rant sale to commence at 12 ochek in p n john vwean sheriff m d sherifs ojjice jl june i s 1 8 f a dwelling houfc aid bakehoufe to let for any number of years toat msy be agieed upon foi par ticulars cnquiie of walter- mcuniffe kingfton june 2 1s18 iif gfrto let for the term uf eight or nine years on rcaionablc tern the prcuii at pcfent occupied by the lublciibcr coniittim of a lac lvotlory houfe likc houle itabhr c for pailjco ara apply 10 the iut iber louis rapin jbagftooj juc2 ibi8