a f hntm- ikwiil ff wn hmcifl doit an iht tooeelog mmr tfwfi wfll talce fuck fmtnthis ftrlct mijoi l rward mta eihr iki dilfcll bnusi lo a mid staintpfit and proof vi i in forte ri lit in m of heir bring sn long bet- h public ithntlt rpu or be mil ink a month to called pldiwaiui ath strength for ht desperate mrtwta killj whtchpvr course hi sixers l shall i i- lov him foshovi off ii fithi j the bwhji f 1 assure the public that it v afford m the gratet satisfaction tvh u i u able fcn r rvbuh in fah con u try 1 a pfrics of pamphlets and te fasinnal newnpftvw ftomtnuntratidtts w ittu at home nil bearing mv nwnr and dated regularly throne h period often years if havany preah for tax writittgsin this country bv which ion jtfdsmwhlmjve can b rnrmod re am that i shall gain ten timrs os much when nil is exhibited oof that any uponority of talent will thereby b manifested bur that rptjstoenoy of conduct that constancy to principle and thai purify of motive will be de- flonsratedj which ouqjtnot irely to wm the confidence of mankind robrrt gourlay from the canadian courant mr moweri a suhfcriber in ynurlaft number has tentured upon a bold taik for now tb t ft nth ir difpellingr by degrte the mils j that rancour and envy have railed to cover the difgiactful machinations fo pcrfvering pnrfued to procure the downfall of the ninth west company it wim not be fo cafy as heretofore lo delude the public in another place he montreal gazette and in anfwer to feme remarks emanating apparently from the feme pn in which a perianal and nominal attack is made upon one of the judges flbt court of kings bench i he detailed the fubtance of what was fttated from the bench on the oc- cafrn wlwh prod need that attack but if tin circtimmance of the judges decli ning to fit in lat september term itdasyour fubfcribei a flu men t th potntment of a commiflion of oyer and terminer for the trial of offtncei com- ibitteri in the indian territories how c me it that commiflion was alfo one f g eial gaol delivery i as has already be ft f liccd m vmir conrant the djifrerfd vd natural belief fo confidently sffcrted to have been held in montreal the no v bnfp f- re ill ve to offence commitcd the indian tetritorjfcs would hive come pn in the court of king rtcn and fhe attownwcnt of the whole city fo pom pnu fly defer fbed evicted no where bnt ir the brasns of hofe who it i to be t fumed relied upon the court f oyer ur a tttinei ae theii ghevajjc batailh thev id not think proper t put thr partiality which is fo liberally lail t tht rbarge of tbegrand juiy f thecnun of king bench to any trial having rt rtfrred one fintle bill before them thi not to be afcrtbed to tbeir budget f hirg beine rxbanted fcr thy have ho donbt still a fnfticiency in pti to to latfe the price of parchment and by that j xrt ins help to provide a vet for the tinmen n beep kins which the wolves ibsiv leave node nred out of lord j llcfrk flork in the delightful plabw of ofliniboia but it must be attributed to he just fear they entertained of tht enlightened ability of th jury which they attempt to vilify by af- ffttingj with fhr effrontery and an rqnivocation fo fnepararjle from the foobisttcal tnpport a bad can fe require f that the north west company finding frveral of their partners and othrr peifons connected with thrm n pecu niary interest on the list took the op- poitnnity of preferring a number tf biln rf indtfjjment aaint fervatv of the hihsfbn bay company in another column of yur paoer will appear an rxpofe in anfwer to that whvrtfon tot which it may not be irreievanr to add j that there were twenty three jurors 11 fworft in and a- twelve wee fuskiei t to find a bill it fnh ws thst rtediring the formidable two north weft partners there would remain ten who it mjh be proved are conncfted in pecuniary intenft with the notrh wrft company the miction alluded to was decided jo by bring refufed in the next parannph your fubferiber rcjudges a quell ion of liie and dcth in the lame fptrit which brcaie in ail lit publications of the arry he etiileav- pn to uoifon the public mind and not content vith he word murder talks of n party biiij butchered it i now well known and irrefragably evident that robert semple and thole who feil with bin en that lamentable occafion fell facrificea to their owu wanton and wirked agg we next ome to a ciicumflance regarding which we ate inclined to ex claim with oltick n a hit a palpable hit my lord it is true thit unjtidicittilly and i hafily the queftin of the crinihality of j miles iviacdonell and john spencer for j the ach commuted by them undercover ofrhnr ufnrped authority was corlider- cd in england as not tenable and that both in the narrative pubblhed in london on thepait of the north well company and in the c mnunication made to the ecreta y of state on the occ non it wan dated that by the legal opinions taken on the fnbjcrft there was not fuffhicnt proof of a felonious intention and that the ciimtit i p fecution wa intended to be dropped yi t a clearer and better view of the fub- jec wa taken in this country arifing from a more intimate knowledge of the tranfacllons in qucdion and were it only on the ground that whatever defence may be fet up of a miltaken as- fumpiono authority even that mis taken authority was grofsly and violently exceeded whatever right miles mac- idoneu as pretended governor of 0- jfinisoia might fuppofe he had to iffue a procamati ml pr hibtin the exportaticin of provifiofli he could havc none to order hi fervantr to break o en houfes and doors and leize provitinh ftored undei 1 ck and key becauie he fufpctid they might be exported which i- very near akin to the french rcvoluti onnry praftice of impriloning thofe foupcntlds detre j petit having gone to f me length in thu communication the remaining material topic in that to which this is intended as j in anfwer in part namely the holding of the fatl of sdkik and certain of his follower to bail for their outrages at fort william and the itciun mull wait another weeks ieafuie lite ch eourfe a events i the fotlovtlrtg gehtlemn were ap f j on and finneis vandebogert were an- im lot bhtrihg strait pointed a committee to receive fubferip- pointed as a committee will allow h which is alio the objr cf capt rofs i tions and further the vkws of the meet- rome experienced r of he ing viz john g wlfon henry lajh- greenland feas are on boardto ad u i tn couin menxk wm dough jdn pilots in the ice as a f n and jttw john fralkk fen jehiet other fcrcotific gtii tn to affitt the naval officers in t fvtnt of lhe rhipsieiuriunpthyoi brfcg home each a cargo o blubfe f or the owners in iron tanks by wj government on the hif f ti ve to nearly ilucco will be efftaed sir hawley fen jofeph smith and edward howard in confcquencr of anincorreft idea j being entertained by many as to the facing to appropriation of the money of the fub- icri ers the following kefolutions were adopted jofeph bank has daijy communications i refolded that the obove committee with the minilterson the lubird cf the receive all monies lubferibed pay them expedition on friday he was admiralty nearly two hours at th c jascan ttwh iy arctic epe lition ycflerd y about two oclock viv count m ivilie accompanied by sir george warrender ami adnurala mr g moore and sir j yorke baits rriwed at depfnd dock yard where thy were received by commiifionci cunningham the officers x the cjoek yard and captains kifs and buchai and immediately went on boad the court of king bench ijhfortiv thornton at appeal of murder onthurfday aprj 6 the judges gave iheir opinion thai t ufual mode of proceeding in the cafe of appeal was by battle mr gurney requeued time for hi client the appellor to ronfider whether he hould pray for futvher judgment of the court the matter was coufequent- ly poll poued until alo day on monday lait th c was finally decided boon after io odvick the judges having taken their feau on the bench the lord chief jnflioj ehenbofough called upon mr gunvy as counfel for the appellant t hate whatever motion lie might wilh to makers the court air gurney ta your lordfhipj having appointed this day fur the parties f in thi- p e to confidcr whether judg ment h old be pfayed or that defend ant be fuffcred to yo at large without a day i have now td ihte to the court thai i have no prayer u make mr reader on the part of the appellee 1 have to rrove your lord- flripfl that he be difclarjrcd from this plea without a day i will not trouble the court with detailing ail the circum- i lance attendant upon nhr original trial and acqnitta of the appellee for the murder of mary aihfad his acquit tal i believe is already known to the court mr jnflice bayley the eourfe i believe m that the appellee cannot be difcharg d until he bctiilt arraigned by the crown the attorneygeneral having apj peared ht wa aflced bx the court if he was aware of the trwl ufd if he ad mitted the acquittal f abraham of m ai thornton foi ihc inuiocr moid tin attorney grnc my lot 1 admit the acquital lord elknboroigtm j j merit of the court then is that ihej defendant be difeharg from this plea and i hat he be fuffcud lo g at i without a day upmi the judgment being pronounced theicwa a cnfiderble feiifation ex cited and upon twntotls removal into the hands of the clerk take his re cerpts that fuch monies fhall be paid over to the diftrirll treafurer when appoint ed and hi receipt taken that they be by him difpofed of agreeable to the re- commendations contained in the above noticed addefs of mr gout lay refolded that the committc do now open the iubfenption refolved that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the kings ton gazette with the names of lublcri- bers as they may be added weeekly the thanks of the meeting were then voted to the chairman for coming forward and fulfilling the duties of the chair daniel perry chairman a true copv geo baker clerk midland 1 fredericksburg june 6th dijiria j i b i 8 this day a meeting of a number of the inhabitants of tins townfhip was held at the houfe of daniel bowen for petitioning the priice regent with re gard to the state or the province the meeting was regularly conhstut- 1 ed by calling caot alexander clark to the chair ad the meeting proceeded according to the iecimmendation of mr gourlayi in hi addrefs to the re- fidcnt laud owners of upper canada mr paul peter fon was cholen rep- refentative to meet with ocher and con cert maiuiesfoi carrying the lame into execution cyrcoiua foifhee wa cholen clerk mao a commute to forward the bufi- nefi or the townfhip confihinff of mr john clapp and mr samuel drtlor the thanks of the meeting were then j unanimously voted to capt akx chirk for bia public fpirit in coming forward on thi oceiifion and liberally fulfilirg the duties of the i hair allx flrk chairman a true copy cyren1u8 forshee cll henry spencer chairman a true cooy lewis ketchum curl at a numerous meeting of the inhab itants of th township of hallow til in the midland distrjcjn on tlie 6th dny of june 1 818 at the house of thomas eyre for the purpose of taking into consideration the expediency of pre- cntiflg to ilis royal ilighne the prince llegciit a petition praying for the redress of certain grievances and that bis ryal highuess would adopt suitable measures tor ascertaining the true state of this province mr er job car ley being called to the chair an address by mr robert goui lay to the resident land owners of upper ca nada dited d april 1818 wa read an address to he public by the lion tftotmls clark dated april lbth i8 wdm likewis read and extracts from an answer thereto by mr gourlay da ted april 2lst 1818 the sentiments and principles contained in mr gour- lays address of april 2d 18 8 were uiianinious ajiproved of by vote and were made tin basis of the proceediugs of this meeting the meeting iheri proceeded to elect i representative and clerk and mr benjamin uubbs wa chosen to filrthe former and e w annstrong tlte lat ter station the thaiika of the meeting were then unanimously voted to mr gourlay for uis spirited and persevering efforts in favc r of this province signed elijah caftliblf chairman a true ropv signed e w armstrong fork vefteu bound to the ardic ttfaoitt k the courts an in crovv j hey were received with the ufual honors and proceeded to infptd the equipment of the vcffels in eve y part the efquimaux went through bis va rious exen ifes with bia canoe and dis- played hi dexterity in throwing hi dart 5cc viicourt milville and the other gent leucn retoraed to town in the evening the veifels aie expected to drop down the liver tomorrtiw t the nore double w gee to the officers i and men will be paid after which they proceed to scotland iu the equipment of fhte fhi no expence ha been i fpared in providing for the comfort and adot phustown uh june 1 8 1 8 ihis day a numerous meeting of the inhabitants of the town hip of a- do was held at the comt houfe vvillet casfy esq m p being called to tire chair the addrefs of mr robert gourlay to the refidcnt land owners of upper canada dated 2d april 1s18 and a draft of an ad- drels to the prince regent being read vfcj kings pon tuesday jce 161818 convenience of all on board the interior and exteri r each veflei have been rendered as ftvong the union jf iron and wod cafr effccl lie win- dow in the cabins have been doubled i and at the bottom of each hatchway tiding doors arc placed frwn the collected evidently fo the pupofc of exprcifin their difpletfure towards linl the fetation in faft became a ferment and it was found neefffary to conceal j j was unanimouily agreed that they him in a private room ult the adunbly n rievances which affd us and had difpeifd this province in general and that we have fuiucient caufe for forwarding an add efn to the prince regent in coil- j junctio i with the inhabitants of the dis- j licv of niagara this meeting do difapprove of the withdrawing the report of this town- ihip dated the 5th january 1 8 1 8 in anfwer to mr gourby firft addrefn to the refidcnt land owners of upper canada the meeting oroceedtd to cleft a rep rrfentafive and clerk when wiltet cafcy efq m r was appointed to fill the foi- mer frtuaiion and george h detlor the j latter moles carnahan archibald ampbell thomas cook and samuel before there could be a biafled majority jrowing even that fuch a circumllance iriirht produce a bias it i nol un lucky for thi patof the argumem chat the ground on which ir is rtafed that a tntfoo was mad- to qurfh the firft bill f incftment being one againrt p c pirbr and otheifl fr rohberyj isai froru a- a quick fand fr putting thr cfe hat it had been a valid objec tion r r fuch a bill had been f mid by a grand hiry enmpofed in pan ofpart- nr f h north wefl company yet it u r- trned that the north weft corn- par w re nor at all intectlcd in rhe q l he property pillaged bt ing laid u i rftemas that of perfon un i ot srndin hft being american pro perry which it h ni unlikly f ord se iui k will be foiccd lo py for tuc utter 1 between decks fu diffufig warmth through every part by means of th fleam arifing from culinary operation rhe ufiul practice of flee ing in ham- mock h dvpaited from and in lieu rack uerton has fitted up a fnall place with firming doors containing a bed fo that it maybe faid each individual has a feparate cabin thefe places re lo contrived that they can be taken otitj entire f r emovj n ttwue hond unfrfeen caif rendr ii necdlary the ballaft coifrft entirely of coaln and the ifah ma ind dorothea have nearly 100 chaldron- on board and the oth- ers as ntich as they can how away meat of every difcripthn that can be prmcrvedore on boad a alio large fopplies of portable fo-rp- together with extrnfivc affottmrnt of w0vden kerfeys and all fort of warm tohin thc vvffi is are pruvided wirh ice bo its dnd fifhtng geer fo etching whales c apt krf t0 up lavis straits a high a- 72 when he wflj endeavour to prnrced u tbi wrlwru y whichever jiretti n ciniinil 1 u point t a m t eu ab 1 nptain b ffoea uicct u the ioic aud if he teacbaa township meetings pitas of waterloo totunfhp of kmgsthm june 6 1 o 1 8 which day j numerous meeting of the inhabvanuof the tnwn and townfhip rf king ft 11 having been held at the hotlfe of samuel pntly anthony mc- gttini ksq being called the chair theadrel- of mr gourlay of april 2d r 8 1 8 to the rtfident land holders if l canada was read jflv approv d of according fo the foggeftiona the n com ancd the perform m 1 he thank tf the meeting were then voted co the chairman f r his impartial 4 ametiashttrr jmic 818 this day the fn habitants of tli-toun- hip of amehabtirg having mat at the house of henry butter to take meas ures for petitioning the prince iienf according to the principles approved of by the inhabitants of the niagara district mr john mcgrath was cal led to thechair neal marthur muf unaulmously elected representative and david walt clerk a committee for aiding the business within lie siicf township as also formed consisting of mr john belvou samuel y par sons lhaac iluycke aud wm biiks inaa john mccratfi chair man trne copy david walt clerk at a numerous meeting of the town hip of thnrlow convened at the houfe of mrs margaret simphm in bdhifli on saturday the rth inl robert smith efqu re being called to the chaii the addreft of mr robert gourlay to the refidcnt land owners of upper cana da dated april 2 i s 1 8 wa read over and its whole tenor and fentimentsunan imonfly approved of in conformity w the recommendations therein contained 83 lery cpper pipe can be cxended whotewtma unamwflv a fp commttce to prelent unam- 10 fly eeded daniel wujhburn blq re trcfctit tive and john vktmu ctik to con fuci in the chair and ike wife robert gourlay efq for his dtfmter- ellcd exertion on the behalf of tbe pco- pie of thi pitvince the meeting wj then dlnvved lntuony mccuinjp a true copy john vincent i ernefl town june 6 i 8 1 8 this day at a ireir of the inhabit 3nts of the townfhip of ernelf lwn heir at n p porwaici a hotel mr da- nik perry being called to the chair the add re is of ml g utfoy to the res ident and owner cf upper canada dated ni gaa pril 2 1818 was read and it fciitiu ents apprtveii of in c noimity 10 hue recommendation herein contain i jha meeting elected davi haw lev e quire a keuei-n- lative an obo bakl u cicrk ior tllc i wmiiiii- 1 further the views of the meeting the thanks of the meei ing were n- animou0y viitcd to the inhabitants of the diltrid of niagara for their fpirit- ed conduct and axample manifeqtd at their townfhip meting the thanks of t- meeting werealfo voted to willet cafcy eq for his im part al condud m the chair signed willet casey chairman a true copy g h detlor clerk richmond- 6th june 18 18 this day a meeting of the inhabit ants of the townfhip of richmond was held at the houic of jofeph prinze fen when the addreft of robert gourlay to rhe refidcnt land owners of lpper canada dated april 2d 1818 was read over when the whole tenor and feuii- ments of mr gotnlaya addrei was u- naifit 1 fly approved of in conformity to the ree 1 renditions therein coitamed the proceeded to elea a r fctarive and clerk when william 1 pirge of richmmj was appointed to t 1 fjiutcr gtuation and i win j 1 ivochum the latter wiilum l jjow the meeting proceeded to eleft a r fcntative and clerk when captain th mas coleman of pellville was appointed to fill the former fnuation and john reynolds the latter a committee was alfo appointed r forward the views of the meeting enfe poled of john frederick mar bias rofcj and rhomai clapp the thinks of the meeting were thea unanimoufly voted to rubert vsmith ef- qnire for his public fpirit in fulfilling thf duties of the chair robert smith chairman john reynolds clerk sidney june 6 i 1 8 which day a numerous meeting of the inhabitants of the townfhip of sid ney having been held at the houfe of mr john ketcherfou jhn row eq be ing called to the chair the addrefs of mr gourlay to the refidcnt landowners of upper canada dated april 2d li8 was read over and its whc tenor and fentiment approved of- in conformity to the recommendations therein contain od the meeting pr eecdcd to e eft s le preventative and clerk when ca -t- ja- cob w meyers of sidney was p-uni- ted to fill the former fituatio ad eu kauah b faifield of sidney iik utft ter a committee alfo was appointed to forward the views of the meeting viz ezekicl lawience thomas jocs mofcg mufsand alexander chifom ef- quirci the thanks of the meeting were then unanimoufly voted tn jchn row efq for his public fpii it on this occafion and iberally fulfilling theduties of the chair john row chairman true copy elkanah b fairfield clerk 11 longhporough june uh l83 which jay 1 m ili of rhe inhabt taut of the towufhip of loubbo-