tuesday jone so 18131 ton volume vfli no 5 kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price four dollars per annum exclusive of postagi jmh jfafpflfa forth kingston qavdc rrnvtivilvs rankin kq york wlujam ulw 1 k fwvib a sill r wood esq frtkbk s m vb3 teq mfuitrra n mosvln prinnr rmhiatmrsh mr suflstmfs b motive 1 partnership now exifting l between the suhceviherfi under the fjim of thorn fon and dtflor will by irtitral chfent be difolvrd ofi the- tlt day of jly next thenfoe all pcrfon- living demands aeaiitt aid firm will plcafc present then and thofe indebted art requeued to make immedhte pay ment to either of the subfcribew ww akauihorifed to receive the same jl i tromsom g h dklloii- ktngfton jnne 18 188 45 n q lluf forwarding and vorrv tfjffiun bufiuefs will irili be continued by h c thomson a d v frtise m e n t if the oerfon who went by the names iii dijd pratt and david dodor rht whole real name is david price dowrus and was rending in 1814 at the bay of quanty in uj per canada is now living he will or his return to ingund hear of i metlung much to hlj advantage if he is- dead any perfon poifc fling db knowledge is re je1ed to communicate it to mr wil- l14m freeman ui new york or to iodsfuck ackav riquire of irneft town a it igvould relieve his relations from an inhalant anxiety he was fix feci hfch liht brown hair pale com plexion and very thin 4 boot shoe and li ather th lubfcriber begs leave to inform j hnfrienda and the public that he has commenced the mcttos business in the market place oppofite to mr diui1 browns wheie every attention will be paid to thofe who may favour him with their commands michakl mohan auction every day at eleven oclock 7unc 22 4 books the lubfcriber rcqueiti thofe who have the following booki belong ing to him might be returned iminedi ately to mffs reed viz ifl and 2d vol shakfoear and 2d and 3d volume chpdtenofthe abbey ft b the ft and 2d volume of sir i charles gfandifon may be had at the lame rate the other five volumes fold at by applying as above j thorner june 8 z mtjfm8 co at the far sale ey the fubfenber 2 doors nprth of jhn cunjfribgs efq cherry boards and plank lb inch shingles and cord wood john tuttle kingston 0ta may 1810 1 a dwelling itoufc and bake- honk xjl to let for any number of years chat muj be agreed upon for par ticulars enquire of walter mcuniffe kingfton june 2 1818 itf i eft at the wharf of the fnbfcriber j about the firlt of ay lalt a b itveaut faid to belong to mr mdutigall of niagara the owner is dc fired to pay charges and take it away without delay o it will be fold to pay txoeec joseph dennis june 12 1s18 3w j liost a milch cow dark red with white face the horns have been lately bored and her tad bound in ahc middle with a rag a liberal reward will be given to any one that will ruu fou the kingston gazette tf in aid cow apply to the printer june i 3 jwjlm n of the goldkn hvsi bow iftveti hefpcclfnuy inform he iiihaituot t kinglhn and u vicinity that they dill continue their boot and shoe manufactory where they keep conftanrly mi nand a larre aifortmeni of ladys and geiitlemeub boots and shoes of aepy dcleription i ikewife a fupoly of good sole and upper leather of all kinds i heir nreient aifonment u much more complete than tley live imnetijj iut are illdcbtcd by notcoi oihcrwlk j to call iiiid difchaigc the ttmt without dtiay s hawley kingfton june 15th 18 id oats peafe and flour for cale 3 notice a s the subfcribcr is about to clofr a his bufiivefs here he rcqueila all hat kingfton june 23 8i8 4 t jpiwe store mie inblcriber informs his friends and th pullic in genera that he b o hawley has removed in goods from the shire belonging to ddur forvjard to the huulc ol mr john davy wheie lie will bave conltantly oi hand 2 cliuice aliort- mert of dry goods groceries liquors c ke fyc to hire a pair of staut canadian horfes jr and waggon enquire at thu oice kingfton june 15 1818 3 1 s and will continue to jifpofe of them on l tti70 v v ti qift iberal termsforcafh or apvro jfouk9 m uo vri rrpiltf h- auuilc hiinfclf if rhis tv v arlita r-fnintioos- can be uac credit ine avails himfclf of this fv various cfciintions can be had il thank fllji at thi- office w ved credit h op ort unity to tcndei hia pratefui thanks jljp at thi- office where accefs ma or the rcal fopport and enrourhire aifo be had t a final circulating li- bmrt that he has already met wiih and brajy on reafonuhle terms btturtft them that even exertion on his j june 10 l8l8 part will be made to merit a continuance or their favors john clark fhtjl tmwn 13 june l3i8- 3 n b sawfl h the 6h co taken h rxchance lor mcrchainie and p ad ccfuoi of the 1 owrini or rirrc valuable lands 1 it fae tht fuircrlber lot no j 18 and ic in the tenth concif tion i py to john burnett kingston may tb 1 8 i 8 5 ot beer the molt libcial puces will be riven fo the lame farms for sale flnlle fubfenber ofter for tale a farm jl containing 33 acres in the town- i tust icccived at the store of 1- flllp ol eincft town rd conccffin ha q banlt a coniinment of 94 oar vfnjr 3 good hd mi iioiife a brge baru ttf beer of a iuperior qjaluy for and shtdan txceilint ftud foi a tavern r f ca 49 and llpre and one oi the bdi htuuupn- in iw countt y for a mechanic mf one of tin- belt fannb in the mm 5 1818 tkvuuii of kinftn containing too cv well timbered and about 30 aclc vjidcr mipriv emenj srrii cartlet groom and a far- e will puafe to ap- vi vv mcrn p y who to ot bring with ihem ihc dift lifaftry crfdentiaibiiouirc ot f i the pnnur 1 j mr miirs you may recollect some rven or fttght yrars since an unsuccessful and perhaps i may add a premature at tempt whs made to establish a bank at this place cut since tlint period kingston has probably fereptcd if not tjuadrupled its population and wealth and the adjacent country has increas ed nearly ill the same proportion if wc look toour mother country for pre cedent and example and compare the i numb r of her banking establishments with her jopulatiou we shall hud thai upper madi from the number of hei inhabitants would be entitled to at least 4 jjunks and where is he coun try i will ask whose national and in dividual wealth has been accumulated to the mime extent i will venture to assert tliat there is no other portion of the glob of the same extent contain ini one tenth part of the wealth and will any one for a moment suppose that gnat britain would ever have at- tained to her present grcatnes and glory that shr would have supported her immense navy and army reigned mistress of the ocean and master of the continent of europe subsidized karl i the civilized nations of the world stockvd the whole world with her manufactures and extended her com merce u the uttermost parts of the lobe had her pecuniary source been eon tin ed to a specie capital no she would this day have been a colony to some of the european powers prob ably of unty consequence than some onu of the estlitrjia islands and chang ed masters as often 1 believe j may venture i assert that the specie in ewe land bear a proportion to the circulat ing medium not exceeding ono to twen ty it has been by thi- assistance of a uctitiou capital supporttd by a gene rous comid fif o r- f 1 lit iwip ment in banking companii in res pectable lloitsesand individuals whol hiteimnd their paper lha the gov fmmmm have been enabled to build ii id upp her innumerable fleets to support ln iiimuiim armies to have extend her fostering aid to mot of tfle litttii us of yirj and to maintain her many rhaiifable and useful insti tutions that the merchants have bjenenalyd to extend their commfice and tli at be agriculiuralist has been enabled o eonvrt the whole island ito one extended garden thus hav ing taken a cursory view of the many rtdvautages resulting t- our mother country from the establishment of banks and the circulation of paper eprcent ing the precious metals w e will best enquire w hat are the dif ficulties we labour under for the want ot some similar institutions and how far their adoption to a certain extent might prove useful atd conducive to the general improvement and prosper ity of thu country i believe 1 will not be st dovrn as visionary or e- travaaql in my assertions if i should say that an inventory taken of all the real and personal property in ibis prov ince houiu exceed all the circulating medium as 9 to 1 the consequence of which is that a man may posses n lan ded estate ofg 10000 and not be a- ble to cohimanri logo in raudy mo ney- i sill say for instance that my lauded 1 rate is worth that amount itjooof which 1 wish to convert to build ing me a louse and a few thousands more to cleariug cultivating and ren dering more productiee a part of my wild lands the former of which might contribute very much to my comfort and eoavtfrnetlce the latter very much to my profit ilow am 1 to effect these objects so desirable if 1 oiler for sale my lands for ready tlney they will not command one fourth their value if i propose t mortgage a part to ob tain a loa f purpose oi improv ing the refttaiuibi tnnyvoffer iu valu nor is tiic lender 10 be found per haps u health compels or niy inclina tion pioins me to spend the ejects of my iudiurry and the remnart of mv lays in england perhaps my ntiv iountry- jj an to etfect this de- liable object i can hud no pur chaser foi estates because neithei the specif uor jj representative is in the couuity fhus under all those circumsta j a h0t destruble that the rlrcul jjjjg qiedtum of the country ioad bv s means be augmented t nctcr wu thns i ouutry where cap- i his million mr colt man was f y 1 tificd in holding any pertns to bfeil j appear wherevei he might dtm it i fary tipon charges ide or even uptrti fobablc fufpicion anting in hi 1 v i mind for offences com mined within i- cope if his commifqon it docs not appear why the parties wre honnd vt to appear iu the court of kings bet h at uontical inllcad of iu uptfef canada but that being the cife k couman apparently ir deference to i t court left it for thsm judicially t ife- cidc as to the newa thofe recozij- anctiii which under the circumlliu of the greater part tf r coancftcd with theft difpurcri ordered iu beheld h upper cna la it was now conceived ought to be maje returnable in that province however the court decj td htm ihif could not interfere the csu b v doubt but the cummtffiouer could under his own fpecial anth have ifincd his warrant iirairill tht pard here hi montreal as wu as at rcj riv and have held them to bad t mife tl appearance wherever he dcemc i that the ends of julticr required it so much for the authority under w ich the o- rigitial bail was tkcu bur it wts a very mvpolits nut to fay ungrateful rctu i ioi- the leury with which the c im- rnijboncr bad treated hi lordfhm tc red river to have his anth rity rlifoutcd his judgement impttifned and hisdtnify ton and the adjacent country- by one ijvftcd with laying an unfual dcgice banking insltution under per re- j of refpect to lord selkirks rank ir ulaliiuih aril restrictions would brtjj coltman though rtpcarcdly apphcd tn muh improved it mny uz arudj at lltd river fr wana its to aoprehvnj that individuals are somttimes ruined the eaii ufuivo cmcui u ay in conseqnmuc of a credit obtained at ftep th it might ocqifiin ineokiveaicnce baiks this may be it he cne but to hi lordikips pcrf n i uencli to shall the fate of a few iudividuals filling 5 and contented himfeif th which may have been incurred too by taking tnis to an amdwrt as wvmlj their own imprudence be placed fat j uifure thr attendaucis r in p b eomptitioo with the prosperity ei a roanfwer foi rre co duct wiea whole rolatij 1 will venture to asljindcedit is coafidcrcj tat thtf co rut rbnf nn rnnntrj nvrrtv ranmi j m ffi ojr 4w rfiietthenatttrtudyhujphbd what inftrutttoin from i nttjeltymjai uta they would er evvr attained to murej f the jniicimct of lord st ki k on than a twideraiu decree of oiiulnirej t part of the cr wn fur hit rcfiftaoee w here the enterprise of individuals tfas t civil p wei and hi c utcnpt of confined alone to a peie capital ittjuwfnl authority in putting the undr- may be recollected with what facility hflxcriff under miliary diuctc at fort we got forward in oar pi vmiian trans willlirrs antl in cafe of hn fefjinfe to artions diiri the late war when c appear to this indictment for it being depended altethrr on a paper uaph followed up by afeotence of outlawry talaud wlhout which i am convinced e could not fail fedrn that ihefc the war in ver could have been proi indocemmtfi would be lumntiv ftring cutd this papei money was liqui j lo picv hi lurdfhip fiom ablcondiu latejby paper bills of exchange on without his being obliged to lend him ifal could be applied to greater advan tage look at our extended forests overshadowing one of the most fer tile soils iu flic world to clear and cultivate which for the purpose of fee ding cattle and sheep would yield nearly cent per ctfut for money so ap plied the establishment of a bank al kingston by collecting together t ho dormant capital from different parts of the province from the sister province and from the united states i have no doubt would increase the circulating medium at this place and iu its neigh bourhood at hast as 5 o one this would enable persons of real capital to apply it not only very much to their own private advantage but to the gpji- eral improvement of the country vn- cant millseats would mm be supplied manufactures such as would conduce to private interest and public good would be erected toll bhdges would be built and turnpike roads establish ed it would enable us togive employ ment to the numerous euiegranta that are daily arriving amongst us be fore whom the forest would give wav- arid in place of which cultivated andj productive fields would smile on all hands this may be considered by soi e as a partial view of the subject bi i am convinced from the mosl can did correct and impartial view of the su ot it will be found that kings london these bills of iaihnnc were paid by paper bunk of england notes and although no specie has been found in the whole transaction to have been necessary yet the billb about fr be redeemed were in greater demand and found to be worth o percent nbore their nominal value in gold and sil ver sir yours c a friend to the public down in cutiody h- waver ill requited he now is tor that indulgence thclc renewed lecu ites arr thcrrfiwc virtually taken under the jpfcal com- mitndf having mmithrrial cognzaie of crimes coumited whether within cr without the province of letucr or upper canada the court of kings bench cculddo no o her wife than recogni the authority and promo ie tfc ohject3 i of the royal proclamation from wliieji it emanated this therefatt cannot be wrefted into a precedent out fubfenber in bis great anxiety for the liberty of the fubject appear- tofcir for binding- over partes accufed in thu diflrici in common cafes to take thejr trial- in jamaica or u new holland- your lubfcriber eems found of a- funiing for facis what the fohmu bench in the cafe of the renewed judgement of the court contradicts for m hi lonjfhip and j nc a f it w fdbm3heb by rfovfst from the canadian counted mr mower the subfcribcr who advocated the caufc of the earl of selkirk in your paper of the 2 1 ft march in hi zeal on behalf of his patron arraigns in no very equivocal language both thejudi e and the competency of the cour 1 of kings fecuritics taken from his lonjibip and i again fays it was rcxt jhewn to be hisadhereni it wa- flevn fays hff junntceftuy and oppreffivc thus with- that the bail taken by mr coltmau at mnit circumlocution accuiin the court red kiver had bctn improperly takerv j futile and oppieltsvc meafuvo and to thus affirming that the confuted argu- ifoppbet this accuhtion a ftatcmtiit enrs of the conniel employed 00 tlie j flf as ltudioufly i orret and occallon were conclulive to delboy the jdeluflveaa any that ha vei appeared validity of the bail the perform a- f the pen of the parry when tack made upon mr col t man in the l selkirk and hi adherens pre- courfe of this argument by imputing to c from the united st ites to upper him that he had exceeded his authority canada for tiie cprvfs pnrpofe of was ably and triumphantly repelled by j abating a march upon his adverfaries the fpeckil commiffiouer himlelt and the aru fuiprifing ihe mndiracy tlieie he chief juftice in delivering die fentttijlcnts 1 g apjlicd to cfoef jitfftffe powell of the court did ample jutlicc to the whorefufed to have any thing to do iu panoply of authority with which mn i bufiucfs and indeed conceivcl coltman had been armed from the imj bimfelf incompetent toad in it thea mediate hand of the fovereign inyeded away hied his ionihsip to t saudw c with paramount majeftcrial dignity as ant w the race by appealing befoic a fpecial commiilioner a member of ks i bench of magillrates on e days cariier mijellys executive council ajuflicc of t the chier witvluos gainll hiu xhft the peace a well for lower and upper were utterly unpiepred for ti- cvttfi tu canada as foi the indian territories and ihatrt could b- ir atteodajice the a lieutenant coonel iu the indian j aw by hi iuperior rank his foreafie department a dhlitary rank howeyern elnqueoce and nis tuimos uthin the injudicioufly fneered at in court wlucl tabic the mag1i1tc5 cu i th n wi rvvd loib neceltary and uefid with 1 dcd and i fteatj of loimittmt h power and authori for the ol b w 4 fratcd aaull h 1 the wrd kc- t jfc eloivy fomci ing rrute iteiii 1 j hosplc luiluvuicajor i brjup proclamation 11