Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 30, 1818, p. 3

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an fns4crr thvricts tsoro id tew rlk of ih yej i wiii nninv l v shiliuii tff 1jhi vik- uf louiit io li- fttpoittl twill layirj uorwiue iii 4iyh i wm fc jiaay tar koj of ki onfiiinh ilic ruiii will i- oi vrd ul- viiiu a his jail houli l pil ofilc mill nid j iei nimu of toiiiisnji ftrp inn iv una n ejunrv br unrein ilo rff ihrir it4tt i- gftjierailh arltiauv riiihimti live to pr ri lu va j ilil utllt ill iat mt- i14v 811111 lav card iinv- it isicu hi rid if 0- atilruiiiv v pa of ho iomurv can slid bhi mi- vt i li up jon will pre tl ajii and iirnctlfin iii mju storeys tii irxk it wvnitiii iujwwrrtto halea- lilv iiiinii- iu tait it umw and von avl a 1 wo rlf z iiiiiuiin shall vorijy j bavi 0itr re uauv cla tihiijr viwy have really wromplwhod j they have preyuiwliny nu xtv inimoi- a ivii iw roiriim j i nnn lfyper iuao- di and way mlrfiic ilia inr rtitaeif llltti wea riud dp ii mav voi suve tuc rot ten iiom laliiii alioni inou oars bus trov an nriakftui and i ihc hiyoiimiui tvniou is lo ftwtttbtt i his tfay wook ai york fallow m ormnl vosiail convert cvocv mi- chinatioii apllntfl oiirdislgtit en 0 advantage fo kuiaim q vo uini tinvcd i lioti- ct i i as the bct polic uod fortune fa vor in brave township and district meet ings johnstown cronv rmo6 1818 which ifav a meeting the iniialmaius o cffhbv wsffe hm at th soiciilhouo n ad thiii0 mnlt on ihe propnet ofpeiioan t-i- iviiv itoci repcctili in- ivo of ibis province whon mi jirpb alnvnnn a- n- lanimoiil choon cjiainian cbnpman ivn- uocli atiiaintod llpr ian njttiiatilel kclirm ctork aid ttf lormna uvil- rv iiullaia anil aaron peonmk a -oimai- iffc utfoii aid isp liiiamiss nftbo inwn op sifted joseph mlmnmn ctairnan a true copy tyfrtf xatml kktciium clerk toi mmp ofkhui june 23 iis tmrttt a iiiviinjr oi intjrtmc iiiiabii- ulnof tii unii hutif aikeii lare a lhtiimim of uilai liitna nrnjannn l- an rjl i bi ailed io lltecbair a id ihtpriiioipio atid hiiccfthii of ihkbitan f naara oiiric binjr tojiiei of i- tnonsc ioiiiwmh nim- cjpam iirs limiiioi tube ii i simaio j s ro to h- cioiic h ad lu- uhiiyixg prxl o ftriti t iltuptt ii mil i- mo hjjlii wki tiit rcprosmoavw v iiitamn lnan ksn j- i rii- wiper vtlirir vv biown anti vobfl arnrt 1 tin iia iu- oiiiio nermng wor wen voted ir tii- chaiitnan fa u inarias ndcr t aij tir wliou- cmiiia dipejui narmonv and giiod lulmuur isignidj bksjamin vm n ciai mm iitrnp copy copied jlssr s root cffc bastdnl flmtt 3d june wja i tt uf the jooilo of ttii rortuhhlphaiafcriavipikciai tlr hon r if cbauii ii i ai rtlain pap rtmiiiim ll b h popb- d siaira ihin liftip epii r id i priiijilo- uorrin oonia- e4 ajiwrovm f mr turnahim chpmtn a- rtiued fo be nlaii whmi i gtore brcakr riofc l 0 n ipioo iimvo and mr si- bv nmiim clor a rtminruo was al o ap pointed io i ii v aid till vicf itw iik0uiii liiiown4iioipo elof lro vvin 9fc- wn ianoi lorrif slioldoii niclioiy and jud oa so idard iftwcdj aaivnadasun a inocopy 3igiied silas smith crrt tocnftipofinmfitvn fune3 iris thi- da a eosp-nabb- mviai of mbabi aaf ii ioa of ibis toninp and of dtm4ui iiavinakcn paom ilic liouo i mr io i priori pic i pfolt dinr l lb bftfpe of iiajruni li- irrt wtmo conuiorrd ftppntrftiaf wtnvupiliiicnwvtlnf wa mn- lnriycaimii b rbuoiic mr na ban li- cok hill ihcar hi coiiforintty alih uzv bilhlnho plan l pror liurr ilit0l ha derted ripresenaiiriid m- diivor ianu flrii a com niioo i appointed to for- mor vn- k l ivccivi- tis ptiii uw1 fokhrr ilo evs hi file mcruap vi truelovc butler viuceni limitrt kslward howard aixabam dayton lisq t p and job n keiclmm tbetbaiikof jir ine- in were ilio unaniinisly voted lu tnoma- ftrrtylb kq fur hia imparial oofltulgi in bo chair thom as sm th cltflmwi lrif copy sigiod john k1lhokn ci k thnbith to ten j ant hh which llav ilo ivtovvliljr po oils ltioacu lo rfwnwnt jnhabiianis of towilstilp in tb lobocovtn district with a virw to co oporao- ib friaii tanis of lite district of niagara and oibors in sendtnjr to ktiglaod a couiini- iiii beat in addnssio iij roya iijkiiic- ibe prince ii thj on the lato of upper a- nadi iiembhdai ibe umise of abraham ha- iia isnj lliabilliiowh vijfc thomas smyiu iqi i rposoinin iniutbiiaius of lna- iielhtohii duucan llviogsyu tq do kit- i 0 clfoie kreakenrldgr- do iiasaih mr naiian liicokdorcai oileua id land dowu h foul wutso ltjq do rear and from oqyoogoj ilr cbapmau leiuioek do crohhy thomas svrrir esq j p being called u tb taai it ns li unsolved and carried that only about bull the townhip of this- ditrici having ap- ooinsed kepreniaiv- ui rcprrniaivr p a aotoiioidfiod ufficienl to proceed tii york on bciiah of ibiiaine id ufotvvit uniatrridy tliai he nrces-a- ry euurec irf the district rpresentashv a- irodnj bis dny ai vtok baii imp d fiaytti dul of ho disirici kmd bo puable iu toe ordr rbftorimintioo tiie mioiii tbeu proeeeded to choose a ditrict ropoiiiuiv vhii mr nathan llirok wa- tliily alrcted jojm kilboru v ho- ii sivrotaiv and touiai sioycb q j p trritfum a oacninee was also ap- i poii conmmiip of abraham fiw ii 1 p t oomar smyib j p ldnarrj uuv aid vioyni booth join km born and the iiirt ueprojcniaiive aiy ebree io bo rinopny 3 ftiutlrm and carried that a- many j prttplefl lh towiiii from ffheuce urpre- eiiia iv- have not boon seol to tu inecii arft iikivn to be noli diped to the can- ihp diiirict comoutce shall corraspofldm h vch poji and have an aroni or aorrt- ft pohiicd in earn of said to w nfihipa to reccivo mbriptiin- ftom individual arid ropot con- cornioj hfiause n th keerway 4lll ii towi find cirri tt tiia the com- riilco mmii nave power to diroc paymoa to orarf j the ti-a- and if ocraiton re- qi f iv may at anj tfuw call a meeting of i tiioo hip reppsctitailvea ti coa as u any i a a fort oro rirrnmtaioo j 5tft ilstvat and narrkd that it shall bo j carl in ortonl tha all mi oot appuod io or ioo tor tho purpoos in vuv hjf i rjiivld lu ine proporctou to iihim- mihclibor fiji fftmhvd and carried that the dihrk loprsotifativ bhall consul with olhr rp- ro ho avmb1eii ft york a- ioh proper draft of an address to his koa kfjstt oss tile prlpw icont and tiia a ropy 0 heame le laid by him before ihe township ibjjri -eiiatie- oftbh ivtrici a their fo i iriiiir after ftif return from lfiirfc till nil enrrid ai ii i sl al mincilo adjourn liusa urday htih 1 tl next rhen to mem r the honie of uri i i ill i liasoiion at be iour of tvolvr o- clock and i ha the cli ik- of lo- sev ral lown- hipdo hn and there pr- n themselvm with nhoripiioii jis and ouoov collected 0 bo paid over by them to iho disirici troa csed tfloias smyth chairman bhh 9taciii ttotie tidrl sirerf ffirvii londottf lb7l atirtt ki8 r haclcay i s dear sir referring to my former ettct acknowledging the receipt of jytn remittance o iftyfive pounrla from te auxiliary bime society of the mid land diffcrijat erntu town upper canada i have rrw the pleafure t hnd you an invoice of the bibles and telta- incnta configned agreeable lo your re- queft to ajleflr jorfyth co of mon treal to which pce the freight and river charges are aid the fir i divi- fionof the invoic confilw of books pre- fented toyour seotety by the commit tee in addkion xc thofe returned for the fuj amount of yir remittance and i am inftmded to recommend the profe- cntion of yourorjeft in fuch meafures as may appear to yur committee to be moft beneficial tithe coloniftfl of what ever nation or language as they may feft alfured ofthecdoft liberal ail from the britifh and foreign liible society allow me to mention that in our depos itory we have a quantitv of the mohawk g fuel of st jofcq trhnflated by cap tain morton and printed at the charge of the society if the indians of thar nation who can reads or would learn to read be within ycttf reach perhaps your committee would aid in the diilribution of ihctn i remain dear sir yours fefpeft fully josh tarn mh secretary tfdufej fecros to hie tote the moft tnily writable a well an economical provj- uob both for thofe whoj through indo lence or intemperance ate unwilling to work and thole who cannot find employ ment or procure materials for labour i know leveralfuitableonjettfti f fuchchar- iy a word to the wife u luffi tant faid father abraham cramjbej 6th june 1 8 1 8 this day a numerous meeting of the inhabitants of the towufhip of crama- he being held at the houfe of jeremiah woodi and joel meriman efq was called to the chair the addrefs of mr robert gourlay to the refident land owners of upper canada was read and likewife the addiefs from the inhabitants of the uilhid of niagara was read and the whole tenor and fentiments were iinanimoufly approved of the meeting then proceeded to cleft a hep refentacivtf and cleik when thomas d sanfoid was appointed to ill the former and joel meiiman efq the latter- a cotnmi tee was alfo appointed to forward the views of the meeting the thanks of the meeting were then ttnanimonfiy voted to mr ftobert gunlay fr hid able afiittance in behalf of the province joel meriman clerk paper hanhnm hphlifubfcriberlui jilft rcctfv fl jl vetycltfgantajronmcnt of p hanging i he oftcra for me on reifonable terma at ue op recenjy oc cupied by n palmer three or four hundred gallons of pa inter oil boded and raw rf fupenor qualuyi theobore skocksr kinghon june z i8i3 tf notice hpiue fire cnmpaocs of the feaft x and welt wards of tuc tow f kingston enq idled t meet at the engine houfcoo saluijday the fourtli day of jly et at hve oclock f mfor tlepurpufe of ckcrcifing knr june30j tsii to let ii ll pnj kgtja john kftovmcwrk in wamtlimmtmtiish riusihriic w alesrrs pririhlohn miftri mui sweet haae o- per mil tue it iaul tprcitna ivi- nafun iikok ctittirmao- a true tojiv v oiivir eaton clerk yangr tattnthip jun2 i38 whteh iy i nnn- ineiiiijriii pioi nf thi rear iw ittin tuirnfup lah ieii iiriil ui ihohniieof inlir diokil and tfle prinei- iiieaih pnwlirg nfiiip lusiftb nt ufni uia tirk iyni- a3ruvi i ui cafii sepli wot r vt jtllru o ilie enuir ami oflr hwidiriti o mite nea ina -uiiuijvpe-ci- beouii ve k- a eiincn keprrfii lila- tiwe air anlew 1- clerk anja com nit- tcr o ui null the preiiuii eonitlis of mr julia icks mqnire iot an i daiel ihiu j meefii ihen diaol- tcd hi liarpuny ail pac tedl joseph wlltsk h true opv chtncmnti isigttwl amltrv tfii cicrk kingston tuesday jcikr 30 1818 f 9 i i 4 i f many communications received fince our laft gnzette and other articles prepaied for this days paper arc una voidably poftnoned till our next vwstsulhjuns 1818 tlii lnv a mr to at inliabuttam ol in fcibi of ua hip heiiiie held ai flie uohac oliii ndivws aid mr wn inumon bfi jj cnlliii iw tii- oimlr beaunj vv ilte rq was iuen fxfpre entaiive for taking mea- uro fi iwiisttfjlinti the prices kenoii lh- pm if uvfr canada ani hi taomi m mv lan tiiuia i ivuvoij brreajiumi hi farm a f umniiiiee io inai th- inihwescin he l i of rjj niwftfluip j tiiapininrirt if ir alldftfw tved a- i wiurmcd ai cierx for ihe tribip lollg- isijnej william thomson ctjinnuiy a p ciipv tgned mritikn cia till ja i uifvrhijt l i iniotut i it jwtoioi in- i i li- niu i ol w communications the hible society formed at emeft tnwn ii the mtdlad diltua n the bnad balls nf the btiiifh and foreign bible society remitted 3855 sterling tqual to 2 2 of the lawful mo ney of upper canada to the society at i home fur the ourchuit of bibles audi tvftaments the committee of that parent srciety have not only fent out bibles and tetlaments to that amount but have generoufly added a donation of 99 10 looteiiine equal to i to t2 ol the money of this province they encourage the auxiliary society hereto profecute their object with an affinance of liberal aid as may be fcen in the following letter from their secretary to the secretary of the society at erneil town to fee chriftians fail the various feqs vhofe differciicts have in formet times kindled the flames of pcrfecuiion and war uow exerting themfelvesin one grand objea f benevolence a brethren of the lame family has a tendency to make men of all denomination thii k mwrc of the eftemial principles of their common laith and leis of their feftaiian peuliaiitics 5 to foften their afpentie to fubdue thtir prejudices to wear a- vy their bigotry and amcerence ad isac evangelical candour and chanty lt5 the happili fcheme ever devifed 1 qfcc the iiictqduftfvo ofcbnftramty to i oivtnk i t r iki a iia i t r 4 1 it ft in mtr mf a i hi x n amre i 1 liberalise and hutthmum th thriiliai woui in tltls poittt of vict even lbor if p hiblfc ha ill tu inaniab wlrch i thus fur flied to tlfc i ifu of lli can- f ibkuir wc t lie value ol that hnllv we max to john macauhu postjiasur liingitun sir in the la g azette you appear- fd before the public in manner and form to vi ltd i ate your opinion and con- duct on a subjct of official doty bad you confiiiid yourself to that sub ject no person 1 ptcsuino would have iwvmi di posed to intcrfi re iu the dis pute between u and mr gonriav re peering the propriety of your deliv- evifig bark a lottt deposited in tlu pc t oilice drectod to him but when ou steppod beyoud the bound if jour own vindication and sizeii the opportunity to addrns yeur fei- inw suhjects in this ditric in th nmoii place style ol tiiose who v hilt backing in the sunhhiiife of favor wvcrsoe a y existing grievances be- mtl8 they ruffcf ntifie themselves you at once prea a rod for your own hack and placed yourself lu ai attitiid i invite iiiirfiw4u3 any spec- tator you admit tn riglil t f pctitioninn but can percnyr untjiiing to jtistif the novel and alanutu step of tran ntittin a fettfion to fiwe iliuce hi gent through omniiioucrs appointed by a provincial gonfentiou and isk with an air ot triunophaut censure can any man of comimou sense lor one instant imagine that tlu uuanim- nus petition of th peondo of uppii ciiiada when presented in proper frni to our provincia i patliament would not meet with tlhat decree of respectful attention to which it is nnti- sled sir the rih r of oetiionin a- you adfflit is uikiuesthnnable it is the birthriht ol estry knlishniaru when he thinks himself aggrieved t petition for relief iu tdlie exercise of this constitutional riht he will natu rally present his petition to that branch of the public authorities which posses ses the pvwerof rautincs the prayer of his petition if for instaince it be with in the jurisdiction of a jutdicial couit he will apply to that couvt if within the limits of provincial legislation his petition will prnprly b directed to the previncial leji mature but sir you must be stupidly ignorant it you do not know that wire provincial parliament have not a piarticlc of eon- tiol over the landrantin depart ment in which so much abuse is com plained of that d pautrnent is a branch of the royal prerogative its regulation is exclusively vested in the crown a petition for the removal of evils allowed io eiit in that depart ment therefore ought emphatically to be addressed to the piiuce regent the provincial legislature could do uo more in such a case than petition themselves to the prince regent or transmit the petitions 01 the inhabit ants in this view of the subject ni dear little potmaster would it not have been well if yon hd taken time lo studv the nature otv government a little before yon voutuvi d io deiivei such a lornia lecture upn the proper manner of pc titiounun denounce as m derignixg anl auug aunt spiruvt those of your iieiihours w happen to differ iu in you in filter opiuiu of the proprictv of direetiutg anil tiaut- raitting thirfetldeuto r frtuce lie- uent on mubjeits on wiv he is the olov conipsiout organ tl orcrutnent to rant the rciitf prayed fo switch pkussels april 22 many engliflj officers who have for fqme time refided in this kingdom h we been recalled to england ihey fpck of dilpofuions which caufe a belief i a fewoun mifundcrrtanding between dritatd and the united states the celebiated lavalette is fad to have rclitlcd in scotland for a coufider- ablff time pall atid it is added thai he is now in london london psper a nd poftefijon gjven immediarely jl the lower part of he large iicj store wiih a wh irf latrfy occupied ad fuch by mr w mtchcll and litute in fiout ofmfs cartwrights dwefiing houfe for particular a- d to allen maolean kmgbon jimi2o itih 5 mamuejh on wednesday the 24th inst by the hv otjieial stuart mr mat- tkkw sua up to mu avn sfalsblux both of kingston by licence not to let a house elegantly lltnatcd and well snifhed and ornamented with pamnngau an esculent gcltat aif a hun 50 fcel fqiare and a good gar den and yard f further particular enquire of henri baier j 3 5 rjtvh fubfciiberhashad f hiflcharsfe jl fr ncurly a year fma box nh 3 bi- both containing wearing apparel for john ravin a mafori and willnm i bbley a joiner who can obtain them b apptyincr rorhe fubferiber jammstvvddfll baiter kingston june tf 1818 w cvmr int the enclofure of the fub- fcriber about ten dav ao an old dark ied cow with a broekle face the ownrr is rcqnted to prove property pay charge and take her awnv c olll kurston 2 id 7u3 1 8 4v3 ment we do hereby req licit all per- c c c fons who are indebted ui laid eftatc to i a7hjilfa8 1 hve fold my wife immediately on he fubferibing ex- j v v khz be a mill fwrmcily known by th name of litt- stiy mackrimon co henry gill t ill prcfenceofwit-clfe- fr rhc lum o fme duilars thi- i therefore to fobid ail anl evciy peifon or perfons giviorr crdit on mv account an i will iot pay any debts of her eom rafting after this date augustus miller kingston jtj jbne 1818 4173 w the bft will and teltanen of the late rnhph oitrom dccealrdi iu his iie time of sid ney ccuuty rif rldilinjs piovince f upper canada elizabeth ostrom abel gilbert and rwwell levmtwt jointly and teverally appuioied ljcicuiiix and executors to his lalt will and telta- ccuiois and make immediate payment and all thole who have any demands ag- aintl laid eh ate arc requelled to produce them duly atttlld in rdcr that a iet- tlcmrut of the eitate may be effected as fpcedily as poflislc after the iril day of september next abel gilbert r lea pens s bellville zzd june 1818 5 executors jform of a quarterly report of a town or n towufliip common school to be tranfmitud to the board of education for tie midland diflrifthl kingttou from the trultcei of faid school once in three mouths vi the tirftday of september the flrft day of december the iua duy of march and the ii r it day of june iu each and every year scholars names branch of luucation bouk ncd houri of sciiuol t aciur a birn siih or bv aci of lar miltlll ill or l oa of atlrg ace ii nils and rfit1iiioiii hi sclitul we the trullees of the faid school do certify the b we to be true and correct report from us form of a certificate of good conduct and cjevicc for the teaches from the trullets of a town or towfhip com mon school t be figned by the- 1 ruttee and to be tranftnicted to the board of educatii n once iu fix mouts on thciirit day oi juuc aud oa the fit ft day of de cember in each and every year we the truftces of the common school in the town of or town- ihipof doheieby certify that a b teacher of faid school hith demean ed himfelf with propriety and to wur iatisfdctton iu the faid office of teacher lor the period of fix months from the fiilt day of to the rih diy of 181 i and we forthet certify that fehohusareeducaud in the fkid school a shtudi c r d f trustees t 1 x h auxilhty focietic- u otuei coutlncs iufil town juti he ii j 1818 i o of all tne projeed flitutions 0 iguarity that olu4aihiuncd uucj a woik- 1 to the trustees and teachers of the com- men schools in the midland district the chairman and member of the boud of education tot the midland d tntt recommend tu the adoption of the truliees of the schools in tii- taid diftricl the following ivnisof a certificate of bcrviuc and a rcpott of the hod schools and they rcfolvf thai the certificates andrteporw that mav be tranfmit- led hcteattcry ihnuldany diffcrfiom the above forms will be ttjecsed and not id- mittedas propei documents tor the payment of the allowance to the school mas ters aud they further rcfolve in all cafca mhrc a school matter has p rformed hi e 1- jacmeiu and anothci hs been appointed to th school hat the iene ahad lie inimcdiatcly commuuicaud by the tuihccs to the bard f cduca un george okill stuuit allan macltaa peter smith alexander fifher kiagstqili june z isks

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