r salf yrfroifoijbc tttm thai well known v w flam for a tavern fituaied in ilic vilanjv of prcieott ltt mo 9 n d u fronting the kiuga hi owiy and tarq two uiry 0 irtich houk wsh in hherf will a large kttrlcn in ih- war ihtf 1 1 ti fo twenty lvn ot hrtt a feed fevcrty feet or anj a glod li rilfenli notice h ipfftherefta by hc last wm v v and tettarnent of the late richard pattlnson efg in hi life lime of sandwich in the province i of tipper canada robert gillufpie william gilkiion and george moffat t aic jointly and icvuaily appointed tidiiciry legatees or m eflaie and h rrr lot fir fwf the accommodation 1 1 excel tr of iaid wiii x a pripcfthw frrily the vv ov of ihwihinc therein hem 2 uoiilud in 1 do h eby rcqudt ill perfons having claims up- n laid eltate to prefent the a v-ik- funlikr nuuocr and at pi cfct j feme to mc duly authenticated for oc woii by mr alexardci h cdou- j payment and all perlons indebted i h a hotel rtervt are required to nay to mc the lor further paitietilara amity to the amom t of theii refpective a counts f s ibe r to mr lowijef mite- debt doe to laid eilatc in the duncllf luiuir me chait pccoti by province of upoer canada or in the whom r he wr- s may h ma e kitomi united stitcs s odcring thereon may i a 1 inci itay titc and immediate j 1 be faid w george jacob lilq if sandj ftl a vtrc130nell co kingttot 3d jn 8 1 s itr f rags 1 as i paid for clean got- ton and llnkti rags of- any color at this office jwicbj john ajkin and james gordon i efqrs of anthcitbrg or to either of them 1 iny being duly anthoiizj to receive the lame and grant acquittances 6 mopfatt montreal 20th mrch 1818 44y t to let bla nk 5umtnones stvpcena anci s executions for the court of requests for sal- z thfe office i a nd immediate pofllfli n piven thi j house and prcmifes in stuvc gan4n0q store mills ville lately occupied by mr pahntf luha rles mcdgnald having fituated witiii hilta mile of d is town i j taken ii brother a mcdon- alavurbte iiiuatinn for bl nd fatril v and no piftiller or inn keener for funhcr particulars cuquuc of tle fuhft nber e barnett kin feb 24 ii8 43 j a genlknian i into partnerihip the bufinet 11 hi- icfs f f a 1 j t will he conducted under the firm uf j c j mcdontld who keep for faie a ffenerai afibit- ft l of flo r any tcr of no exceei jc in fifteen on the oft rcafona- ble tarns tlu we k valuable hand in the pnbli line fltuate on the point at ganhivq an recently occu pied by seth diws together with the bottle ham jjtawes c for fur- thcr f to t fblcribci joel stone gananoqua j 91818 33 re hi o veil scott feapgee surgeons chgmiiit druggists ave renjoved to the store iatcly occupied by taylor parker filuate nearly 0ipofite moored coffee houfe between m patiick smyths crockery toresnd the cuftom h iufe office the uia attention will be paid to eveiy branch f the profcfficjn they have r hand a general atrt- mentof dye stuffs patent medicines and oils acids and every ch mc in trie kingston ytl may i s 1 8 jotl 1 notice all perfons indebted to tjeeftate of the late james cufimiingt late i ofhalloweu deceafed arc reqetlcd to call without deay and fettle the fame with mr jamls mcgregor now in charge of the eftablifhment at hallow- ell bnjge and tliofe who have c-nim- agmnft the ftid eate are delned to prelcnt them for adjuitment the lock in trade of the deceafed j confifling of a very complete aflort merit of goods well laid in and very fuitable to the country is now felling off at pri ces lb low as will defervedly claim the attention of the public cafll or country produce will be tak- en in payment and a credit of 6 month given to refponlibe farrrers or others john c umming 1 f ww mitchell j king sioii ocl 271817 32 j a general us v luable lands for sale ftshf following fingularly s dfirabeafad trui val- ave land nw be had and immediate j ttin given with undeniable titles at re far below their real value and it is su feldm cen in a cuinuy fo ex- tnifive as canada where uncultivated land may m general be readily b- iftiel that fitn3tions fo eligible and ftrfvimcftcem in goad ncfhbjurhoods can he fecured lot comjmgng m acres of the vfry richefl beech viaplc elm and oak land id the 4 conceflion of hope tyinit ttpm smithy creek with 15 a re cvarrd aid fenred new log- houii well built and dove taisif fruit j ireea sec with a nflsfeit between- 4 i iuic dlc x b miles from ihe flourihir little j town of toronto on lake ontario whre there i an excellent market eithet fot buying or felling the land m rif ihe very rirft qialit and in a od popojl us neighbourhood forming altogether a moft defimwe recdence witliin a hort miieof ih- great road be tween york and kitujhvm 2d- aoo acre being lot no i tn the eth conccffi n of hope alongfide the grvftc road between hope and ha- miitot- leadtog to the wew and flourifh ing 1 ulctheattf ofcawanand mouahan n the rice lake in which nrre than cr farrilies and pcrfonn have aually licatcd and fcarcely live mile- from the town of toronto whec there is a good market it ij in an old iettemtnt dky good groceries 9 hardware crockery and molt article enquired for at a coun try stoic which they offer low ior cah saw logs square timber rfitaveai rotafhes aod tnoii kindi of country produce 1 hey have a od gift and saw mill in full operation can manufact- i uie flour uqua toany mil in the province they will ftipy orricts ftr sawed timber ol almoft iy defcripiion at hort notice c si j mcdonald gananoqua jan 101818 3 yf allthdt indebted locbarlsi mcdon ald wliuic accounts have become due arc lequereii to to make inimcdi- for sale f s h t b2iful and t very valuable frmfiluacd upon point plcafant in marylburh containing 2g a- res heii j lota no 18 and 19 caft of the iock here ant nearly 100 aces under ood improvcricnt and 73 bearirg apple and pear trees for particulars enquire of mr walter cunit merchant kington or mr wm litii nilter of maryuorh having beea informed that aaron conner has bees tmujitinjr by cwting timber throwiog down uy fences and putting cat te 1 to my enelofure now 1 hereb forbid laid conicr takingaway th timber he cut 1 alfo forbid all and vry perion or r rfous to nidor afllfl faid conner to work or take laid timber 3 way nor purchafeit of him if they do they maycxpedi to be ptofceuted as the law directs jomnmcbean maryftnrfir maid 28 18 1 s 44 tf blank bail bonds vot snle at this office for sale a two horse w4gg0n ijerfectijy new likewife a few ihoufand 1 8 inch suing- les inquire of s merrill kingston april 2 1 i 3 i 8 47 and fine and wofil blank summonses bor the district courts for sale at this office l to let ndpoflcffion ftiven the firft of may -a- next a number nf rooms in the i line barracks enquire of hearl march 1 43 smith k bu itkrworlh return their firtfcete hanks to their friends and the public in ce ncral for the iibery encourogerhnit that they have received iiiie they recom menced the hatting euftmjs they have an exteiavc allurunent of ladies and childrens bon nets ot various colors hape gentlemens beaver h cailorhats likewifb knapt hats which they will fell very low 3r cafti 01 aprived credit- produce taken in payment jan 2 33tfe public notice ftthe subfcribera executors to the jl estate of darks stuart efquvcj d- celled late sheriff of the mnituid j district hereby rcquet al thufe bdebt- ed to the laid eiatrtc nalce immente paymetil to the laid executors and att ihofc who hve demands agafrrst the ette ar requested to produce the fame duly attesred in order that a settlement of the estate mny be effected a fprrdily as poitrie after ihefirstdayofjuly i8i8 george o stuart exi allan mclean j uton kingbt6n august 1 1s17 3 2tf f l the subscriber sjegs i ave tc inform hia friends jej civ public generally that he ha removed from bin former ilawd to the jiup lately occupied by jonas abbot sc c near ihe market piace where he has now on hand a general alfortrnent of officer har p r an arti lefy pennon blanks lor fale at this oli 7 and the neighborhood is popolous and excellent thre arc about o acres cleared ard fenced with fine tlram of hvipg water and the greater part of the 1 nrnf fuperiur quality the reft good meadow 3d- 100 acres occuppying nearly j one entire fide of the gannanoqnc lake in the townfhip f south crvfby dis- trift of johnftown confiding whtihy of broken fronts achack parts extending v the road from the rideau settlement to kinghou from which latte p tee it i fcurcely 30 mile ditxant the land i good and well timliered and rlu liti ation finculalv beautiful and roman tic with wooded iflands in fronj the above lands are particularly defer ving of notice the dtuationu wer- rholeo by a competent judge and they will be foh remarkably cheap the proprietor w idling to couceiitratc hii force in ant tlu r quarter foi further particulars apply to r a iorne efq yok c foth erglil tomato wm h hilton ei kiiiirhoii or prefcott 01 to shaw rmour efq mon treat april t 1 81 8 471 to let a ndpofiflion given on the fir ft of xi may liextf he itoule and pieini- fci at prclent ok 1 pie by ddtor ged d- t leit p lo hoic it wi be r f ii v or t rather apply ty tl p 11 rci kmgatab tibjtojfy 1s18 47 hardware cutlery c t which he will fell on the raoft moderate i term tfi let tb hop latelv occupied by the uibicribcr and pofison given im j mediate samuel shaw hrngston fh jan i 8 1 8- 32 for sa at this office a ready reckoner shewing the value cf grains of various gold coins current in the province cf upptr cana da also fkrclsons improved tab of che value of grain of gold cohlj fl er or under weight 31 1st received ij for fale at this of fict price iy p m zfr mestic circumstance by lord byron with the star of the lrgiun of honour and other pocma lo w u prefixed the lift of the nbt nov 28 2 2 ifpor fale at this office standard i a utttetfor tl game of whist i by bo smoslt a6 ten guineas m e w a u d e oston the fourth iff jane iflant sj in the garden of c iquhonns troein below cornwall a plain gold witchy capped and jewelled maker name jeffries with aom chain of long ral links and two gokj seals in one a cornelian sronc with a creit and in the j i other a common blue done on which is engraved a female head whoever will deliver the above arti cles to colonel n relay now at sain i reg rolm colyuboun at hivta- vern below cornwail r to t i a card the fuhferiber informs the mcrch ant and ivder of upper carta- da aud state oi new york that he has commenced bufincfa in thia city as a general agent aud conmoflion merch ant any bufinefsentrufted to his care will meet with diligent attention benjamin firt montreal r cth may 1 8 1 8 5 1 m6 notice the fnbfcrrbcr reiefifully informs the public thai he intends to con tinue the bnauvg bufinefa this fealbn therefore if any perfnnv wllheft 10 uanf- roit ilank boaids brick lime sand 4c t he offeth them his fervlcra apply at mr john dawf nt kinyfton william ylrlx apiil 13 1 s 1 8 4g for sale by the fnbfcriber tqdostf of hti brmw stout robt rkliardsor kingston may zd 18 i 8 52 advertlsemein v the fublcriber ofierafor safe tiro following lois of land too acies in 4th and 500 in the 6th conccfuon uftht gort betweeti erneft lywn and frederickibnrgh no 18 and 19 in the sih ccnceltfrfa of murray no 1 eaft half 2d com ofsidny no 9 loth concilliun of kwden no 4 8th corccfiion himrindun- no 14 15 17 1 8 z aud 26 in the 9th conccfiion ofthuriow no 34 and 35 in the 4th conctflion of viugha0 near yik also several valuable town lots in tht town of kinjftnn wm crawford frederkkshurgb jan 10 1817 341 smiths work the cahfcrlber irforms tli to let i k nd immediaie poheffion given tm two convenient houfes with shop in llore ttieet near mr jjhike tuvvtlv oh the corner of the ftreec lead orrancc c- mcleody ivingfton lhall receive the a- bove reward cornwall 5th june 1 8 i 8- 3r h i i i j just received and for fale at thi office price 7d the montreal almanack for tht year of our ltfrd i8ih alfobssats on pr acl 1c al husbandry addrrlted to the canadian farmers by c- f gftcfiof montreal november 14 32 foil sale f inning- mills v l f a fuperior quality j which will jr be ki t conftantty on hand by the liblciibi rice 25 dollars p j fitch ctrca 7 5oif may iz ibi3 kingston collins i kings tot hotel obrkt walker returns hs fincere and grat ful acknowl- edorcnt to 111 fiends aid the public in leicral for theii liberal fupport- dur ing the laft eighteen years and takes this opportunity of acquainting them he ftill continues to keep the above ele gant eftabiusmcnt where travellers and families can be accommodated wth fep- aratc rooms and every attention paid some malicious and unprincipled pei on having nprefenrcd and circulated a report that his charges aie extravagant he begs leave to acquaint the public that they are a- moderate as ay honfe in ihe town of kinjjfton with very fu- peiior accommodations kingston june it 18 ic 3tf for sale tpthe weft bjfof ot number 5 jd on the ffiuth lide of fouth cr prince edwards iay in the townlhip of marjfluih costuming one luindrcd acres sjlid lot tt veil timbered f and fettlements on eacw lide which lenders it well worth the artention of thole who willi to puichfc euijuirc of the printer june 16 1818 tf3 ing fum tiie itiliery barracks to the french church- for oarti ulars apply to john w fhkg store street kingston ecb 171818 3s moft refpeftfully- le gentlemen of krnr ton that he is jufi arrivd here fiai j dublin and ba v the bufi- itietkcrf black and white miih in a up bianchcs more paitictilarlv that nf horfc shtwnrr f whub he will pl ihe grenteft iatisfaaior to thole that em ploy him thcv n uy rely nn having then work well doi c rhearand veatby applying at mr j mtaghers barrack ilitct where life has commenced all orders in that line wili be gladly received and fbift attention given kingston j 3th oth 32 w anted to hire a rctpedahlc woman as a wet nunc luv qnire of the printer kingfton june yth iir 9 t oats and peas for faf by monjeau k st germain june 8 2 public notice lm whe partnerjhfp heretofore exifl jl ing under the finn f -xcdtni- ald and jones ib this day diffolved b muiiml conivut all perfons holding accounts againll faid finn aie requeited to preiciit them for fetlicment and all indebted to laid firm to make immediate payment peter mcdonald edward jones the bull reft in future will be carried on by edward jones who is autporfed lo fettle all accounts as above mentioned may 27 1 gsrtolet for the term of tight or nine year on rcafnahle terms the prenufes at prefer oc upiej by the lubfcribet coniiiling of a iaie two liory houfc bafod honfe ftabhs src for paiticu lara apply 10 the fubicribec i ouis tapin kingiton june ij iid uf he fubferiber beg leave 10 inform their friendti and rhc public ir ge neral that they carry on the tatlorim business in main street where they intend mafe fng every article in their line on mute nafonablc tevfflv than has been dmie for a number of years back thole who wiih ro favor ticm with tlnir cullom may rely or btvtn theii work wt ii mad and on the fioiui no ice for caft nonis srcvctis kingston sept i t o i y iiil panoplist for 1 he year 1 s 1 6 for sale at this office complete 2 blank deeds and rlcmorials for ale at tins ofike to jlict that well known laie whie store in brunt of the dwelling honfe of the fubicribc it i well eat- eulatedfor commercial bnliid having a lare cocunodiotw cellar c ilr t holdrng 1 ceo bar els with thcpdwmtaj of the wharf wheic veflvl of jjj fwi may load and unloaded fotvocj wtiuhl do well to in prove this up orn lity for aicuiui aiplv to the iuh- james roeinoqw icjiber on hinstcrt hsiljii